Pub. 42004-420A
7325-101 Multi-Party Weatherproof
Aluminum 115 V AC Amplifier Enclosur e
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins se nsitive
business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains
all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may
only be us ed in connection with t he op erat ion of your GAI-T ronics pr oduct or system. This ma nual ma y
not b e discl osed i n any f orm, in whol e or in part, directly or indirectly, to any third party.
General Information
This manual applies to the GAI-Tronics 7325-101 Multi-Party Weatherproof Aluminum 115 V AC
Amplifier Enclosure, which is an important component of the 700 series Page/Party< system. This
enclosure is configured for multi-party systems and can accommodate conversations on up to five party
lines simult aneously.
The 7325-101 Enclosure is made of cast aluminum alloy, which is extremely weatherproof and corrosionresistant. This enclosure is equipped with terminal strips for connecting system cable. The 701 and 751
Series Amplifiers mate directly with this enclosure.
on the approval listing in the Specification section of this manual. Such installation may cause a
safety hazard and consequent injury or property damage.
When installing an add-on station, consult the system layout diagram at the end of this manual. This
figure, when used in conjunction with the station installation information and cable layout guide, should
provide all the information necessary to install additional Page/Party< stations.
Enclos ure Placement
All GAI-Tronics Page/Par t y® units are wired in parallel. Good system layout design minimizes the cable
required for each installation. GAI-Tronics multi-conductor cable, designed especially for this
application, is recommended. The number, size, and color-coding of conductors are listed in the
accompanying system connection diagram.
System layout and power cable length are very important when installing Page/Party< equipment.
Although it varies for different systems, the general guideline is that the total power cable length should
not exceed 1 mile (5280 feet) for 115 V ac systems. The total cable length is the most important
consideration while cable length between the stations is generally not a factor.
Do not install this equipment in hazardous areas other than those ind ic at e d
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Av e. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-420A
7325-101 Multi- P ar ty Weatherproof Aluminum 115 V AC Amplifier Enclosure Page:
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The 7325-101 Enclosure is supplied with pre-drilled cable openings and conduit hubs with top and
bottom cap plugs in place to prevent contamination.
For specific details including mounting hole dimensions, refer to Figure 1. When mounting the
enclosure, use caution to avoid damaging the terminal blocks inside. The suggested mounting height for
all station enclosures is 54 inches (137 cm) up to the centerline of the enclosure.
Figure 1. 7325-101 Enclosure Mounting Details
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Attach the conduit to the enclosure. Feed the wiring through the conduit and bring it into the enclosure.
See Figure 2. Wire colors shown on the terminal block correspond to GAI-Tronics’ 60029 series multiparty system cable and 60028/60021 series speaker cable. The wires must be spade-lugged and connected
carefully and completely to the terminal block. An improper termination may result in diminished station
Local Muting
Figure 2 il lustrates local spea ker muting w hen statio ns are comp letely as semble d and p aging oper atio n
occu rs. Normally, when the s tat ion but ton is pressed, t he pag ing speaker connect e d to tha t sta tion is
silenced (muted) to prevent acoustic feedback to the handset microphone. However, while the handset is
in use for party line conversations, the paging speaker is “live” to enable paging calls from other stations.
To d i sa ble the m ut e featu re, follow these instr uct i ons:
1. Locate the lugged violet wire attached to terminal point 7 (mute) on the terminal block within the
2. Transfer the lugged violet wire to terminal point 8 (Page L1).
After any muting changes are made, unpack the station amplifier and install.
Mutual Muting
In the event that feedback occurs within an area and repositioning of the system speakers does not help,
mutual muting may be used to correct this problem.
Perform the following steps to mutually mute adjacent amplifiers/handsets within a zone.
1. Ensure that the purple lugged wire is connected to terminal 7 of TB1.
2. Connect terminal TB1-7 of the handset station to TB1-7 of the station within the zone that is causing
feedback. This is done by using the spare system wire (orange conductor) from within the system
cable that runs between the stations.
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