Pub. 42004-425A
732-101 Singl e-Party Weatherproof
Aluminum 115 V AC Amplifi er Enclosure
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is provided s olely as an operational, installation, and maint enance guide and contains sensitive
bus ines s and technic al information that is c onf ident ial and p roprietary to GAI- Tronic s. GAI- Tronic s retains
all intellectual property and other r ights in or to the information contained herein, and suc h inf ormation ma y
only be used in connection with the op erat ion of your GAI - Tronic s pr odu ct or system. This manual may not
be disclos ed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirect ly, to a ny third part y.
General Information
This manual applies to the GAI-Tronics 732-101 Single-Party Weatherproof Aluminum 115 V AC
Amplifier Enclosure, which is an important component of the 700 series Page/Party
enclosure is configu red for s ingle- par ty syst ems.
system. This
The 732-101 Enclosure is made of cast aluminum alloy, which is extremely weatherproof and corrosionresistant. It is equipped with terminal strips f or connecting system ca ble. The 701 and 751 series
Amplifiers mate directly with this enclosure.
the approval list ing in the S pe c ification section of this manual. Such installation may cause a safety
hazard and consequent injury or property damage.
When installing an a dd- on sta tion, cons ult the s ys tem layout diagram at t he end of this manual. This
figure, when used in conju nc tion with the s tat ion installation information and cable layout guide, shou ld
provide all the informa tion necessa ry to install additional Page/Party< stations .
Enclos ure Placement
All GAI-Tronics Page/Party® units are wir ed in p arallel. Good system layout design minimizes the cable
required for eac h installation. GAI-Tronics mult i- c onductor cabl e, des i gned esp eci ally for this ap plicat ion,
is recommended. The number, size, and color-c oding of c onductors are listed in t he accompa nying system
connection diagra m.
System layout and power c able length are very importa nt when installing Pa ge/ Party< equipment.
Although it varies f or differ ent syst ems, the genera l guideline is that the tot al power cable length should not
exceed one mile (5280 feet) for 115 V ac systems. The total cable length is the most important
consideration while cable length bet ween the stat ions is genera lly not a factor.
Do not install this equipment in hazardous areas other than those indicated on
GAI-T r onics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, P A 19540 US A
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954

Pub. 42004-425A
732-101 Single-Party Weatherproof Alum inum 115 V AC Amplifier Enclosure Page:
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The 732-101 Single-Party Weatherproof Aluminum Enclosure is supplied with pre-drilled cable openings
and condu it hubs with top and bottom cap p l ugs in place to prevent contamination.
For specific details inclu ding mounting hole dimensions, refer to Figure 1 . When mounting t he enclos ure,
use caution to avoid da ma ging the termina l blocks insi de. The su gges ted mounting height for all s tat ion
enclosures is 54 inches (137 cm) up to the centerline of the enclosure.
Figure 1. 732-101 Single-Party Weatherproof Aluminum Enclosure Mounting
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732-101 Single-Party Weatherproof Alum inum 115 V AC Amplifier Enclosure Page:
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Attach the condu it to the enclos ure. Feed the wiring t hrough the conduit and bring it into the enclosu re.
See Figu re 2. Follow the wire colors carefu lly because the colors correspond t o G AI - Tronic s 60038 Series
cab le. The wir es mu st be spade-lugged and connected carefully and completely to the termina l block. An
improper termina tion may res ult in diminished station p erformanc e.
Local Muting
Figure 2 illus tra tes local speaker muting when sta tions a re completely as sembled and pa ging operation
occurs. Normally, when the station button is pressed, the paging speaker connect ed t o that station is
silenced (muted) to pr event acous tic feedba c k to the hands et microphone. However, while the handset is in
use for party line conver sations, the p aging speaker is “live” to enab le p aging calls from other stations.
To d i sable th e mute feature, fol l o w these i n struc tions:
1. Locate the lugged violet wire attached to terminal point 7 (mute) on the terminal block within the
2. Transf er the lugged violet wir e to terminal p oint 8 (P age L1).
After any muting changes are made, unpack t he s tat ion amplifier and install.
Mutual Muting
In the event that feedback occu rs wit hin an area a nd repositioning of the system spea kers does not help ,
mutual muting may be used to correct this problem.
The following steps mutually mutes adjacent amplifiers /handset s within a z one.
1. Ensure tha t the purple lugged wire is connected t o terminal 7 of TB1.
2. Connect terminal TB1-7 of the handset st ation t o TB1-7 of the stat ion within the zone that is causing
feedback. This is done by using the spare system wire (orange conduc tor) f rom within the system
ca ble th at run s between th e statio n s.
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