Pub. 42004-684L2B
Model 7245-005 Indoor
Remote Subset Amplifier Enclosure
Confidential ity Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains
sensitive business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAITronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and
such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any
third party.
General Information
Product Overview
The Model 7245-005 Indoor Remote Subset Amplifier Enclosure is intended for use in GAI-Tronics
field cabling of subset stations to be remotely mounted. This indoor amplifier enclosure is constructed of
fabricated steel and is equipped with a 24-position remote subset connector.
and SmartSeries ADVANCE systems. The enclosure enables the amplifier, speaker, and
System Requi rements and Limitations
For proper operation, the Model 7245-005 Amplifier Enclosure must be installed with a Model 723-005
or 723-905 Remote Amplifier and with a subset from the following list:
Single Party Subsets: Multi-Party Subsets:
Model 726-101 Desktop Subset Model 7265-101 Desktop Subset (5-party)
Model 711-102 Desk-Edge Subset Model 7115-102 Desk-Edge Subset (5-party)
Model 716-102 Flush-Mount Subset Model 7165-102 Flush-Mount Subset (5-party)
The amplifier enclosure must be mounted within 8 feet of the subset due to the subset cable limitations.
In addition, the amplifier enclosure must be mounted at an indoor location - the amplifier enclosure is not
designed for outdoor use.
In order to provide SmartSeries features, the amplifier enclosure must be connected to a Model 723-905
Remote SmartSeries Subset Amplifier. The SmartVolume™ feature is not supported for the
Model 7265-101 Subset. Also, the SmartVolume™ feature is not supported for speakers equipped with
L-pads or for multiple speaker applications.
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

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Model 7245-005 Indoor Remote Subset Amplifier Enclosure Page: 2 of 9
The Model 723-005 or -905 Remote Amplifier is designed only for use with the magnetic hookswitch
subsets listed in the System Requirements section of this manual. Subsets containing an RF hookswitch
are not supported.
In order to provide Page/Party
Remote Subset Amplifier.
features, the amplifier enclosure must be connected to a Model 723-005
Figure 1. Model 7245-005 Outline Detail
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Model 7245-005 Indoor Remote Subset Amplifier Enclosure Page: 3 of 9
Fea tures and Functions
The Model 7245-005 Indoor Remote Subset Amplifier Enclosure provides terminations for the following:
• Connectorized subset cabling • System cabling
• Plug-in remote amplifier • Auxiliary input signals (SmartSeries stations only)
• External speaker(s)
Description of Major Components
For the following discussion, refer to Figure 2, which provides a block diagram of the enclosure. The
Model 7245-005 Amplifier Enclosure can be divided into 3 primary sections. Each of these sections is
described in greater detail below.
Subset Connector
The 24-position subset connector J2 links the remote subset with the amplifier and enclosure. This
interface enables the microphone, receiver, hookswitch, page switch, party line, speaker, and auxiliary
input signals of the subset to be connected to the amplifier and system cabling.
Amplifier Connector
The 16-position amplifier connector J1 and 6-position amplifier connector J3 links the amplifier with the
subset and system cabling. This interface enables the ac power, microphone, receiver, hookswitch, page
switch, party line, page line, speaker, mute, and auxiliary input signals of the amplifier to be connected to
the subset and system cabling.
Terminal Blocks
Terminal blocks TB1 and TB2 provide connection points for the system cable, an 8-ohm or 16-ohm
speaker, and the auxiliary inputs signals. In addition, the terminal blocks provide connectivity to the
subset receptacle and remote subset amplifier connector.
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