Pub. DS723-905
Model 723-905
SmartSeries Remote Subset Amplifier
General Information
The Model 723-905 SmartSeries Remote Subset Amplifier is an intelligent handset amplifier, speaker
amplifier, and FSK modem intended for use in GAI-Tronics Page/Party
amplifier is an integral part of GAI-Tronics desktop, desk-edge, and flush-mount stations. It has been
designed to be remotely mounted with the enclosure, allowing the associated subsets to be mounted on a
desktop, on the edge of a desk, or flush mounted. The amplifier is not designed for outdoor use and must
be mounted at an indoor location.
For proper operation, the Model 723-905 SmartSeries Remote Subset Amplifier must be installed in the
Model 7245-005 Amplifier Enclosure with auxiliary inputs and used with one of the following subsets:
Single Party Subsets: Multi-Party Subsets:
and SmartSeries systems. The
Model 726-101 Desktop Subset Model 7265-101 Desktop Subset (5-party)
Model 711-102 Desk-Edge Subset Model 7115-102 Desk-Edge Subset (5-party)
Model 716-102 Flush-Mount Subset Model 7165-102 Flush-Mount Subset (5-party)
The SmartVolume™ feature is not supported for Model 7265-101. Also, the SmartVolume™ feature is
not available for speakers equipped with L-Pads or for multiple speaker applications. The Model 723905 Remote Amplifier is designed solely for use with the magnetic hookswitch subsets listed above.
Subsets containing an RF hookswitch are not supported.
The Model 723-905 Remote Subset Amplifier provides the following features when installed in a
SmartSeries ADVANCE system:
• Enables one-way paging from the remote
subset handset. Priority Page feature
enables important messages to override
operational communication
• Enables two-way party line communication
from the remote subset handset
• Monitors and controls off-hook and page
status of the remote subset handset. Limits
off-hook and page durations to prevent open
microphone and nuisance page problems
• SmartVolume™ feature measures the ambient
noise and automatically adjusts the speaker output
level (desk-edge and flush-mount stations only)
when used with externally connected speaker
• Contains page amplification to broadcast
announcements over the station’s speaker
• Monitors and reports problems with handset
amplifier, the speaker amplifier, and speaker voice
coil to the MCU
• Supervises the externally connected speaker
(desk-edge and flush-mount stations only)
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
• Monitors and reports the status of the auxiliary

Pub. DS723-905
Model 723-905 SmartSeries Remote Subset Amplifier Page: 2 of 2
The following features are available as options to the standard configuration of a station used in a
SmartSeries ADVANCE system and installed in a special enclosure.
• The Selected Page Destination feature allows the manual selection of up to four page destinations.
• The Supervised Input feature allows the monitoring and supervision of one or two initiating device
circuits (IDCs), initiating an alarm when the supervised device is activated.
• The Power Relay Module provides a relay contact output, typically to switch power to a visual
signaling device, for directed or relay group operation. Supervision of the controlled device’s cable
can also be enabled.
• The Station Emergency Party Line feature supports annunciation for two party lines.
Supply voltage ....................................................................... 90 to 140 V ac (120 V ac nominal), 50/60 Hz
Power consumed @ nominal ac........... Zero/maximum signal (12 watts): 15 VA, 9 watts/59 VA, 32 watts
Speaker Amplifier
Output ............................................................................... 12 watts minimum, with nominal supply voltage
Frequency response....................................................................... 350 to 6,500 Hz, +0/−3 dB, ref. to 1 kHz
Distortion ......................................................................................... 1% maximum THD @ 1 kHz, 12 watts
Monitor range (low gain) ................................................................................................... 62 to 100 dB SPL
Offset (above ambient) User Level Adjustment ........................................................................... 0 to 48 dB
Minimum User Level Adjustment ................................................................................ Off; 85–125 dB SPL
Handset Amplifier
Output ................................................................................................... 1.5 V
Frequency response with 5 mV
input (AGC on) ...................... 350 to 6,500 Hz, +0/−3 dB ref. to 1 kHz
nominal into 33-ohm load
Distortion ..................................................................................................... 1.5% maximum THD @ 1 kHz
Dimensions ................................................. 8.12 H × 8.12 W × 3.5 D inches (206 × 206 × 89 mm), overall
Temperature range ........................................ −22° F to +158° F (−30° C to +70° C), operating and storage
Humidity ..................................................................................................................... 95%, non-condensing
CE Mark
f:\standard ioms - current release\data sheets\ds723-905.doc