Pub. 42004-643L2D
Model 716-102 and 7165-102
Flush-Mount Subsets
Confidential ity Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sensitive
business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics
retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such
information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system.
This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any third party.
General Information
Product Overview
The Model 716-102 Single Party and 7165-102
Multi-Party Flush-Mount Subsets are intended for
use in GAI-Tronics Page/Party
systems. The subset enables you to perform page
and party line communication when installed with
a remote amplifier and enclosure.
The remote subsets include a pressbar handset, a
handset cradle, and a five-party rotary selector
switch (Model 7165-102 only).
The subset’s compact design allows it to be
mounted where space is limited. The compact size
is made possible by housing most of the support
electronics in a separate remote amplifier.
The subset is designed for flush-mount
applications. The integral connectorized cable
permits mounting up to eight feet from the
Substitution of components may impair
suitability for Class 1, Div. 2 usage.
Explosion Hazard
and SmartSeries
Figure 1. Model 7165-102 Outline Diagram
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

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Model 716-102 and 7165-102 Flush-Mount Subsets Page: 2 of 10
System Requi rements and Limitations
The Model 716-102 Single Party and 7165-102 Multi-Party Flush-Mount Subsets must be installed with a
certified remote subset amplifier and a certified Model 7245 Enclosure for proper operation. Mount the
subset in an indoor location within eight feet of the enclosure.
Fea tures and Functions
The subsets provide the following features/functions, when installed with a certified Model Series Remote
Amplifier and Model 7245 Remote Amplifier Enclosure, in a Page/Party
• Paging
• Party line communication over one party line (Model 716-102 only)
• Selective party line communication over one of up to five party lines (Model 7165-102 only)
• Magnetic hookswitch
The subsets provide the following features/functions, when installed with a certified Model 723 Series
Remote SmartSeries Subset Amplifier and Model 7245 Remote Amplifier Enclosure, in a SmartSeries
ADVANCE system:
• Paging
• Party line communication over one party line
• Selective party line communication over one of up to five party lines (Model 7165-102 only)
• Magnetic hookswitch
• Page duration limit
• Off-hook duration limit
• Normal and alarm mode page destinations
• Normal and alarm mode page priorities
• Normal and alarm mode pre-announcement tones
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Description of Major Components
The Model 716-102 and 7165-102 Subsets contain external and internal components. Each major
component is described below.
External Components
The Model 716-102 and 7165-102 Subsets contain the following subassemblies:
Pressbar handset is used to perform full-duplex party line communication. Also, one-way paging is
enabled by depressing the handset pressbar.
Party line selector switch (Model 7165-102 only) is used to select the desired party line.
Magnetic hookswitch/cradle assembly provides the subset with on/off-hook control.
Subset cable is an 8-foot connectorized cable that provides connection of the subset to the Model 7245
Amplifier Enclosure.
Figure 2. Model 716-102 Outline Diagram
Figure 3. Model 7165-102 Side View
Internal Components
The Model 716-102 and 7165-102 Subsets contain one internal component, the Subset Termination
PCBA. This assembly routes the signals of the handset, party-line selector switch, and hookswitch to the
subset cable.
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Block Diagram
As shown in Figure 4, the handset, hookswitch, party line switch (Model 7165-102 only), and auxiliary
input (optional) signals connect to the Subset Termination PCBA. The Subset Termination PCBA then
connects these signals to the appropriate terminals of the subset cable for connection to the
amplifier/amplifier enclosure.
Figure 4. Block Diagram
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