Pub. 42004-360B
Volume Level Control Receiver Assembly
Instruction Sheet
Confidential ity Notice
This manual is provided solely as an operational, installation, and maintenance guide and contains
sensitive business and technical information that is confidential and proprietary to GAI-Tronics.
GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein,
and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or
system. This manual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any
third party.
General Information
This instruction sheet is for use with handset/speaker amplifiers and speaker amplifiers that have a
factory-installed Volume Level Control (VC option) printed circuit board assembly installed. The 120 V
ac models use 10464-002 VLC assembly. The 24 V dc models use 10464-001 VLC assembly:
120 V AC
Model No.
701-302VC 69701-008 701-307VC 69701-015
701-304VC 69701-014 713-102VC 69713-202
713-101VC 69713-201 723-003VC 69723-202
723-001VC 69723-201 751-002VC 69701-012
751-001VC 69701-010
PURPOSE: With the addition of the VLC assembly, remote control of the amplifier’s volume setting can
be achieved by means of an associated 50 kHz signal transmitted across the system page line.
24 V DC
Model No.
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

Pub. 42004-360B
Volume Level Control Receiver Assembly Instruction Sheet Page 2 of 4
1. W3 has been removed from the amplifier PCB during the installation of the VLC PCBA.
2. Speaker adjustment for normal operation remains under the nameplate on the front panel and does not
change with the addition of the VLC. The speaker adjustment for the VLC is factory set and can be
varied by adjusting the level potentiometer on the VLC assembly.
3. When an alarm is broadcast and is accompanied by a VLC (50 kHz) signal, it triggers the volume on
the Page/Party
VLC amplifier to change level depending on its volume level setting. GAI-Tronics
Model 800 and 1200 Series cone speaker assemblies are normally used for indoor applications with
low ambient noise, such as offices, corridors, and control rooms. These speakers have a manual,
wall-mounted remote volume level control.
4. When these speakers are powered by a Page/Party
VLC amplifier, and the volume level is manually
turned down using the wall-mounted remote volume level control, the signal that increases the
volume on the VLC amplifier will not bypass the manual setting. These speakers remain “turned
down,” regardless of the output signal of the amplifier, and the alarm broadcast level does NOT
increase on the cone speaker assemblies.
5. The Model 800 and 1200 Series speakers can be used in emergency notification systems; however,
we suggest that the customer NOT install the wall-mounted remote volume level control for this type
of application.
6. DO NOT READJUST the frequency potentiometer on the VLC assembly.
Figure 1. VLC assembly used in 24 V dc amplifiers
f:\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. man uals\42004-360b.doc