Pub. 42004-311A
Model 701-202
Handset/Speaker Amplifier
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive
bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident ial and prop rieta ry to GAI - Tr onic s. GAI- Tr onic s retains
all intellectual prop erty a nd other r ights in or to the information contained herein, and s uch infor ma tion may
only be used in connection with t he op erat ion of your GAI-T ronics produ c t or s ystem. This manu al may not
be disclos ed in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or indirectly, t o any third party.
General Information
The Model 701-202 Handset/Speaker Amplifier includes a new printed circuit board assembly (PCBAs)
with alternat e el ectronic components. This ampl i fier uses a new PC B A for repl acement purposes. See th e
Repla c ement P arts section for det ails.
The Model 701-202 Handset/Speaker Amplifier is an important component of the 700 Series Page/Party
syst em, an industrial communications system designed to be b oth dur able a nd f l exible. GAI- Tr onic s offers
a wide variety of c onf iguration options to solve challenging application problems.
Do not install this equipment in hazardous areas or areas other than those on the equipment approval
list in the Specifications section. Such installation may cause a safety hazard and consequent injury
or property damage.
The Model 701-202 Handset/Speaker Amplifier is a plug-in amplifier that mates directly with the 702, 703,
732, 733, 7325, and 7335 Series Amplifier Enclosures. Install the handset/speaker amplifier by plugging it
directly into the amplifier enclosure.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954

Pub. 42004-311A
Model 701-202 Handset/S peak er A mplifier Page: 2 of 5
GAI-Tronics offer s two types of P age/P arty® syst ems: Page/ Single-Part y ( with one party line), and
Pa ge/ Mult i- Party (with five pa rty lines allowing up to five simult aneous two-way c onversa tions).
• Page/Single-Party: To initiate a c all, the lift the stat ion handset and press the p age but ton or t he
handset pr es sba r. Speak directly into the handset, ma ke your page annou nc ement. The p aged
individual lif ts t he ha ndset of a Pa ge/ Party
• Page/Multi-Party: Firs t select a n available pa rty line with the five-posit ion selector switch. Then make
your page a nnouncement as in single-pa rty op erat ion, remembering t o indic ate the p arty line being
used. The pa ged individu al then selects the indicated part y line and lifts the handset for two-way
The following adjustments are accessible through the rear chassis of the amplifier using a small standard
scr ewdriver. However, these levels have b een factory-set f or opt i ma l performance. D o not adju st these
levels unless you have followed all the steps in the Troubleshooting section and are still not satisfied wit h
the station p erforma nc e. Eac h adjustment is clearly labeled:
• Microphone Gain: adjusts the ga in level from the microphone s i gnal to the p age or p arty lines
station for two-way communica tion over t he p arty line.
• Receiver Sid et o n e: the amount of signal transmitted f rom the microp hone to the receiver of a handset
• Receiver Volume: a djusts the gain level fr om a party line to the receiver
• Speaker Amplifier Gain: adjusts the speaker volume; a lso acces sible fr om t he front p anel
Please refer to the figure below when installing and adjusting the Model 701-202 Handset/Speaker
Figure 1. I nsta llation and Adjustment Deta ils
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