GAI-Tronics 69253-001 User Manual

Pub. 42004-601L2
Audio Generator Inter face PCBA
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This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system. This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
The GT1000/5000 Emergency Notification and Communication System is designed for use in harsh industrial environments. The 69253-001 Audio Generator Interface (AGI) is an integral assembly in this system. The AGI is responsible for generating the tone messages that are broadcast over the syst em spea kers du ring emergency condit ions. The 69254 Series Master Control Unit (MCU) and the AGI maintain const ant communication links. Thes e links ar e continua lly supervised by both the MC U and the AGI to verify proper working condition.
How to Use the Assembly
The AGI conta ins four tone s ources:
Primary Alarm Generator • Backup T one G enerat or
Fa il- safe Tone Generator Supervisory Tone Generat or
The AGI c ontrols the Fa il- safe Tone Genera tor. The Mast er Cont rol Unit regulates the output of the Back- up and the Supervisory T one Generat ors. The MCU also controls the Primary Alarm Genera tor. The following informat ion defi nes the purpose of each tone generator.
Primary Alarm Generator
The P rimar y Alarm Generat or produces alarms from a library of tones u pon command from the MCU. If multiple alarms are activated, the Primary Alarm Generator plays the alarm tones in the order they are received according to their priority. The MCU communicates with the Primary Alarm Generator via the control rack backplane. The MCU uses this communication path to supervise the Primary Alarm Genera tor. The MCU per f orms this function by periodically c ommanding the Pr ima ry Alarm Genera tor to play a pre-determined tone.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-601L2
69253-001 Audio Gener ator Interface PCBA Page 2 of 7
The MCU monitors the output of the Primary Alarm Generator to detect the presence of this tone. Note that dur ing this t es t, t his tone is not c onnected to any backp l ane page resources. The Primary Alarm Genera tor ma y be connected to one of the two backplane page resources on M CU command. The Primar y Alar m Generat or ca n generat e t ones or p layback digitally recorded and stored speech/audio messa ges with the opt ional fla sh card memory.
Backup Tone Generator
In the event t hat t he Primary Alarm Genera tor f ails t o respond to an M CU command, the MCU s witches the ba ckplane page r es ource from the Primar y Alarm Generat or to t he Backup Tone Generator. The Backup Tone Generator then assumes operation. This event is reported by a printer attached to the control unit or by an access panel containing a vacuum fluor escent disp lay atta c hed t o the contr ol u nit. During normal c onditions, the MCU regularly a c tivat es the Bac kup T one G ener ator to t es t the communica tion link and ensu re proper working order. However, during this test, the Backup Tone Gener ator au dio is not switched to any backplane page resources.
Fail-safe Tone Generator
The Fail-s afe Tone G ener ator can be act i vated by the AGI if communication wit h the MCU is disr upted. This oc c urs if the MCU is malfunct ioning. The F ail-safe Tone Gener ator remains active unt il communicat ion with the MCU is r es tored. This alerts personnel that a t roub le condition exists between the MCU and the AGI. The Fail-safe Tone Generator is linked directly to the 10457 Series backplane, allowing the Fail-safe Tone Generator to operate wit hout interference from the MC U.
Supervisory Tone Generator
The Supervisory Tone Genera tor produces a tone that is used by t he M CU to survey central amplifiers and associated spea ker ru ns. This health check is p erformed periodically at t he command of the MCU. If t his health check f ails at any point, a message is repor ted by a p rinter att ached to t he control unit or b y an acces s panel containing a vacuum fluorescent display attached to t he control unit. The message identifi es the speaker loop at which the failure wa s detected.
Additional Features
In addition to providing the tones above, the audio genera tor also provides the following f eatures:
Feature Benefit
One 600-ohm, 0-dBm (line-level) balanced input (transf ormer isolated)
Allows an additional input to the s ystem from s uch devices a s telephone inter f aces, ( e.g. TI984), radio interfaces and other 600 , 0- dB m devices.
One 33-ohm/600-ohm (jumper selectable), 0- dBm (line-level) balanced input (transformer isolated)
One 600-ohm 0-dBm output (tr ansformer isola ted, adju sta ble volume)
Allows an additional input to the s ystem from s uch devices a s telephone inter f aces (e. g. TI 984), r a dio interfaces and other 600
, 0- dBm devices or from a 33 - ohm P age/P arty
Allows an output to other 600-ohm devices such as a logging recorder.
Three dry-cont act c l osur e inp u ts Pr ovides f or control signals from such devices as radio
interf aces or telephone interf aces (e.g. T I 984).
Four rela y c ontact outputs To control a uxiliary devices such as radio interfaces or
telephone inter f aces (e. g. TI 984).
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69253-001 Audio Gener ator Interface PCBA Page 3 of 7
The fro nt bez el o f the AGI inc l udes the fol l o wi n g LEDs:
LED Indication
On Line Indica tes that t he audio generator is powered and a c knowledged by the MCU Pr ima ry Light s when the Pr imary Alarm Generator is ac tive Backup Lights when the Bac kup T one G ener ator is a c tive Failsafe Lights if the MCU fails to communicate with the AGI Fa ult Lights on any t roub le condition detect ed b y the MCU that is r elated to the AGI such as a
Primary Alarm Generator Failure or a Backup Tone Generator Failure.
Figure 1. Hardware Configuration for 69253-001 PCBA
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