GAI-Tronics 61504-025, 61504-042, 12552-002 User Manual

Pub. 42003-070B
Speaker Volume Control Harness
MODELS 61504-025 AND 61504-042
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion which is conf idential and propriet ary to GAI-Tronics. GAI - Tronic s retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system. This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
General Information
The Model 61504-025 Kit is used on the following: Models 478-002, 9301A, 9305A, and Models 726­101 and 7265-101 equipped with Model 69139-001 Termination PCBAs.
The Model 61504-042 Kit is used on the following: Models 726-101 and 7265-101 equipped with Model 69200-001 Termination PCBAs and CSA approval.
This kit includes the following components:
1 Speaker/Potentiometer Harness Assembly 1 Tie Wrap 4 Neoprene Washer 4 Speaker Clip
Removal of old harness assembly
1. Loca te the sp eaker volume cont rol knob on t he front p anel of the s ubset . Using a flathead s c rewdriver,
pop ou t the ca p in the center of the knob .
2. Using long-nos ed p liers or a wrench, loosen, but do not remove, t he hex nut insi de t he volu me cont rol
3. Remove the volume knob.
4. Remove and save the collar nut secur ing the potent iometer to the front p anel.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42003-070B
5. Remove and save the 4 screws securing the housing to t he subs et ba se.
6. Hinge the housing forward to acc es s the interior of the telephone. Unplug the s peaker harness
connector from t he p rinted circuit boa rd.
7. Pull the potentiometer out throu gh the rear of the f ront p anel. Be sure to save the int ernal- toothed
lockwasher on top of the potentiometer.
8. Loca te the speaker. Using long-nose pliers, pinch toget her and remove the 4 clips secur ing the spea ker
to the hou sing. Be very careful n o t to break the plas tic posts i n the cen ter of these cli ps, because the posts are part of the housing.
9. Ca refully remove the spea ker, and remove the 4 neoprene was hers from the desktop housing.
10. C l ip t h e tie wrap sec uri n g the wires of all the har n ess assembli es tog ether to f ree t h e speaker v o l ume
control harness assembly wires.
11. Discard the old ha rness ass embly, including t he 4 c lips a nd 4 neoprene wa shers.
Installing the new assembly
1. Pla c e 4 new neoprene washer s over the 4 plas tic pos ts of the housing at the grill area. Install the new
sp eaker where the old speaker was us i n g the 4 speaker wires t o the side towards the front panel. Us ing long-nose plier s, s ecure the s peaker with 4 new clips . The clips should be pr es sed firmly a gainst the sp eaker. B e careful not to break the plas tic posts i n the center o f the clip s.
2. Plug the connector onto t he p rinted circuit boa rd at the same plac e it was b efore.
3. Pla c e the internal-toothed lockwasher on the p otentiometer.
4. Feed the pot entiometer through t he front p anel from t he b ack.
5. Secure the pot ent iometer by tightening the collar nut on the front panel.
6. Pla c e t he volu me cont rol knob over the top of the volume contr ol assembly.
7. Secure the knob b y tightening t he hex nut.
8. Sna p the ca p bac k into the knob.
9. Use the new tie wrap to secure the wires of all the harness assemblies together.
10. S ecure t he hou sing to t he s ubset ba se by tightening the 4 s c rews.
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