Pub. 42004-216B
Model 476-002
Centra-Page Flush-Mount Station
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive
bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics
retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch
informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system.
This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
GAI-Tronics Centra- Page s ystems provide dependable p aging and party line communica tions for ru gged
and ha z ardous indus trial fac ilities. Centr a-Page systems feature centrally loc ated electronics that provide
environmental p rotection and unitized amplific ation for eas y ma intenance. Sta ndard Centra-P age cab inets
can support up to 30 handset stations and, in most cases, up to 60 paging speakers. Alarms and telephone
interf acing can als o be added to Centra-P age systems.
The Model 476-002 Flush-Mount Station is used for paging and party line communications. When
installed in accordance with a control drawing 72979, the statio n pro v ide s intrinsically-safe o p er at io n
in Class I, Div. 1, Groups C and D hazardous areas. The station is equipped with a push-to-page
handset and part y line s elector.
General Information
The Model 476-002 Flush-Mount Station is enclosed in a metallic hous i ng with a front panel measuring 6
H × 3.5 W inches. S ee F igure 1 f or the dimensions of the wall cu tout needed for f l ush mounting the
Although t here is no absolute limit on the number of sta tions in simu ltaneous use on a given int ercom path
(pa rty line 1 or 2) f or a conference-type call, the effectiveness of the sidetone r eject ion c i rcuit diminishes
and overall per f ormance b egins to diminish after four or more stations are connected together . Therefore, it
is recommended that conference-call pa rty line conver sat ions be limited to four simultaneous users.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-216B
Model 476-002 Centr a- P age Flush-Mount St ation Page:
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The Model 476-002 Station, like other Centra-Page stations, operates in conjunction with a plug-in Line
Card PCBA housed in the central cabinet card rack assembly. The line cards are sold separately. The card
contains the handset dc power source, dual - switching relays, and a 16-wat t speaker a mplifier with 8-ohm
and 70-volt line outputs.
If installing t his station a s an add-on, p l ease consu l t the following chart to ensure prop er power is sup plied.
Power Supply Current Requirements in Amps
Mode 10 Cards 20 Cards 30 Cards
Standby 0.8 1.5 2.3
Page (Full load) 5.7 11.4 17.1
Alarm (Typical) 3.8 7.5 11.3
Alarm (Max. Level) 12.5 25.0 37.5
1. Ra tings at 27.0 V dc at c entral cabinet. Add 8% for page and alarm at 28.8 V dc .
2. Full load is defined as 15-watt load on all cards with levels as adjusted at f actory; 2 - watt alarm outp u t.
3. Typ ic al load is defined as 7.5 - watt load (such as 16- ohm loudspeaker connected t o 8 -ohm output).
4. Maximum level is defined as 15 - watt loads a nd level cont rol adju sted for 15-wa tt a larm level on all
5. Ra tings for alarm based on cont inuous tones. Pulse tone reduces c urrent to about 60% .
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Pub. 42004-216B
Model 476-002 Centr a- P age Flush-Mount St ation Page:
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Please refer to Figu re 1 a nd Figure 2 for mounting details. The station has four mounting holes on the
front panel, and is supp lied wit h an opening for cab l e. Figure 1 shows the requ ired dimensions for the wall
cutout, and Figure 2 shows how to fit the f lush-mount station into the cutout. When mounting the station,
use caution to avoid damaging the component s inside.
Figure 1. Cutout Dimensions
\\s_eng\gtc proddoc s \ s t andard iom s - current release\42004 inst r. m anuals \ 42004-216b. doc
Figure 2. Mounting of Model 476-002 Station