Pub. 42004-214C
Model 473-002
Centr a- Page Outdoor Wall Station
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This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins
sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics.
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The GAI-Tronics Centra-Page System provides dependable paging and party line communications for
rugged and hazardou s industrial f acilities. It feat ures c e ntrally l oc at e d electronics providing
environmental protection of components. A standard Centra-Page Central Cabinet can support up to 30
handset stations. Alarms and telephone interfacing can also be added to a Centra-Page system.
The Model 473-002 Outdoor Wall Station is used for paging and line communications. When installed
in accordance with control drawing No. 72979, the station provides intrinsically-safe operation in
Class I, Div. 1, Group C and D hazardous areas. Additionally, the station is listed for use in Class I,
Div. 2, Groups C and D; Class II, Div. 2, Gr oups F and G; and Class III, Div. 2 hazardous areas. The
station, which includes a push-to-pag e handset and a party li ne sele c tor , is hou sed i n a weatherproof
enclosure for outdoor installation.
General Information
The Model 473-002 Outdoor Wall Station is housed in a non-metallic, weatherproof, Type 4X housing
measuring 6.88 W × 10.5 D × 14.58 H inches. See Figure 1 for the dimensions of the station mounting
holes located in the rear section.
Alth ough t h ere is no absolute limit o n the number of sta tions in simu ltan e ou s use on a give n intercom
path (party line 1 or 2) for a conference-type call, the effectiveness of the sidetone rejection circuit
diminishes and overall performance begins to diminish after four or more stations are connected together.
Therefore, it is recommended that conference-call party line conversations be limited to four simultaneous
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954

Pub. 42004-214C
Model 473-002 Centr a- P age Outdoor Wall Station Page: 2 of 7
The Model 473-002 Station, like other Centra-Page stations, operates in conjunction with a plug-in Line
Card PCBA housed in the central cabinet card rack assembly. The line cards are sold separately. The
card contains the handset dc power source, dual-switching relays, and a 16-watt speaker amplifier with
8-ohm and 70-volt line outputs.
If installing this station as an add-on, please consult the following chart to ensure proper power is
Power Supply Current Requirements in Amps
Mode 10 Cards 20 Cards 30 Cards
Standby 0.8 1.5 2.3
Page (Full load) 5.7 11.4 17.1
Alarm (Typical) 3.8 7.5 11.3
Alarm (Max. Level) 12.5 25.0 37.5
1. Ratings at 27.0 V dc at central cabinet. Add 8% for page and alarm at 28.8 V dc.
2. Full load is defined as 15-watt load on all cards with levels as adjusted at factory; 2-watt alarm
3. Typical load is defined as 7.5-watt load (such as 16-ohm loudspeaker connected to 8-ohm output).
4. Max. level is defined as 15-watt loads and level control adjusted for 15-watt alarm level on all cards.
5. Ratings for alarm based on continuous tones. Pulse tone reduces current to about 60%.
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Please refer to Figure 1 for mounting details. This station is not supplied with openings for conduit or
ca ble. Dr i ll or punch these o pening s b efore m o unting the encl o sure. The best place to put the cond uit
holes is along the bottom of the enclosure and near the rear surface.
There are four 0.437-inch (11.1 mm) diameter mounting holes in the four corners of the amplifier
enclosure. When mounting the enclosure, use caution to avoid damaging the terminal blocks inside. The
suggested mounting height for all station enclosures is 54 inches (1.37 m) to the center of the enclosure.
Figure 1. Station Outline and Mounting Details
Ensure that the gasket on the front panel is in place before mounting the station in the enclosure. The
gasket acts as spacer as well as a dust seal.
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