Pub. 42004-277B
Model 411A and 411A-EP
Speaker Mounting Bracket Assemblies
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This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins
sensitive business and t e chnical informatio n tha t is confidentia l and pr opri et ary to GAI- Tronics.
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General Information
The Model 411A and 411A-EP Speaker Mounting Bracket Assemblies include the following
Qty Description Figure ID #
1 Aluminum oval cover 3
1 Galvanized conduit pipe 4
1 Aluminum elbow 5
1 Bushing 6
1 Gasket for oval cover 7
1 Aluminum wall mounting bracket 9
1 Aluminum mounting bracket adapter 10
2 Hex nuts 11
2 Washers 12
2 Stainless steel screws 13
2 3/8-16 carriage bolt 14
1 Locknut 15
When using any explosion-proof (Div. 1) speaker or driver unit, explosion-proof fittings must be
used for electrical connection.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
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Pub. 42004-277B
Model 411A and 411A-E P Speaker M ounting Bracket Assembly Page: 2 of 2
Figure 1. Speaker Mounting Details
Refer to Figure 1 for the location of the items with ID numbers.
1. Secure the wall mounting bracket (ID# 9) to the wall. Mounting hardware is not included.
2. Thread the cable bushing (ID# 6) to the mounting bracket adapter (ID# 10). Do not tighten the cable
bushing nut.
3. Thread the locknut (ID# 15) onto the ¾-inch male portion of the elbow (ID# 5).
4. Secure the speaker to the mounting bracket adapter (ID# 10) via the U-bracket supplied with the
speaker and the carriage bolts (ID# 14), nuts (ID# 11), and washers (ID# 12) supplied with the kit.
5. Thread the ¾-inch male end of the elbow (ID# 5) into the mounting bracket adapter (ID #10).
6. Thread the one end of the conduit pipe (ID# 4) into the elbow and the other end into the wall
mounting speaker bracket (ID# 9).
7. Feed the SO c ord t hrough the cabl e b ushing and dow n the pipe as sembly to t he ova l open ing of t he
wall mounting bracket for connection to the speaker/amplifier.
(Note: For speaker driver installation, refer to the publication supplied with the equipment.)
8. Tighten the cable bushing nut. See Note 1 in Figure 1.
When using any explosion-proof (Div. 1) speaker or driver unit, the speaker
mounti ng as s embly may be used only to s upport an d o rient the s peaker. E xplosion-p roof
fitting s must be used fo r electrical connec t ions.
9. Secure the gasket (ID# 7) and the cover (ID# 3) using the screws provided (ID# 13).
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