Pub. 42004-245B
Model 1931888-3011
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive
bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion which is conf idential and propriet ary to GAI-Tronics. GAI - Tronic s
retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch
informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system.
This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
General Information
The Model 1931888-3011 Coupler, when connected to a GAI - Tr onic s 4512 or 4514 Series 6-Channel
Ra dio, allows a GAI-Tr onic s Page/Party
hand-held or mobile u nits. Radio u sers tra veling ou tside the facility at a remote location or ins ide a pla nt,
can communicate with Page/Party
or C all/Talk users. Plea se see Figure 1 for installation layouts.
to Radio C oupler
or C all/Talk s ystem to communicate with other 6-C hannel Radio
Figure 1. Installat i on L ayout D i agram
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Model 1931888-3011 Page/ P ar ty
to Radio Coupler Page: 2 of 10
Installation and Wiring
Pub. 42004-245B
Punch or drill a hole in the left s i de or left bottom of the coupler a nd insta ll a conduit fitting. This entry is
for system c abl e fro m the Page/Par ty
or Call/Talk system to the coupler. Sealed threaded hubs, such as
Myers Scru-Tite (1.25-inch) are recommended.
Since the Model 1931888-3011 coupler must be connected t o a GAI-Tronic s 6-C hannel Ra dio, mount t he
coupler and radio in a place where the antenna f or the radio may be appropria tely positioned. R efer to t he
GAI-Tronics 4512 and 4514 Series 6-Channel Radio manual, Pub. 42004-387, for antenna placement
The coupler should be wall-mounted using the four 5/16-inch (7.938 mm) mounting holes. See Figure 2
for dimensions .
Figure 2. Mounting D et ails
Use GAI-Tronics 60038-101 system cable to connect t he cl osest Page/Party
or C all/Talk stat ion to the
1. Connect the 120 V ac power conductors, blac k, white, and green with yellow, fr om t he Page/Party
Call/Talk station to TB-1, TB-2, and TB-5 respectively in the coupler.
2. Use the r ed wit h blue and blue with red twist ed p air to connect the page line L1 and L2 in the station to
TB- 3 and T B-4 respectively.
3. Use the r ed and ta n with red t wis ted pair to c onnect pa rty line 5 ( or designated part y line) L1 a nd L 2
from the s tation to T B - 7 and TB-8 respectively.
OTE: Party line 5 is used here for explanation purposes.
4. TB- 6 and TB-9 throu gh TB-1 4 are factory connec tions.
Figure 3 a nd Figure 4 show t he terminal blocks in the Page/Pa rty
and Call/Talk s tat ions, respect ively, as
well as t he 14-lug t erminal block in the coupler. C ables wit h three-prong and f our-prong military s tyle MS
connectors a re included wit h the coupl er. These cables connect from t he b ottom of the coupler to the top of
the radio.
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Model 1931888-3011 Page/ P ar ty
to Radio Coupler Page: 3 of 10
Pub. 42004-245B
Figure 3. W i ring/Termination Deta ils for Page/ Party
NOTE: Jumper P6 on the GAI-Tronic s 6-C hannel Ra dio must be ins talled in positions 2-3 for pr oper
operation when used with the Model 1931888-3011 Page/Party
\\s_eng\gtc proddoc s \ s t andard iom s - current release\42004 inst r. m anuals \ 42004-245b. doc
to Radio Cou p l er.
Model 1931888-3011 Page/ P ar ty
to Radio Coupler Page: 4 of 10
Pub. 42004-245B
Figure 4. W iring/Terminations for Ca ll/Talk
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