GAI-Tronics 13350 User Manual

Pub. 42004-164B
Integral Loudspeakers
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident ial and prop rieta ry to GAI - Tr onic s. GAI- Tr onic s retains all intellectual prop erty a nd other r ights in or to the information contained herein, and s uch infor ma tion may only be used in connection with t he op erat ion of your GAI-T ronics produ c t or s ystem. This manu al may not be disclos ed in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or indirectly, t o any third party.
1. Remove the rear enclos ure from the ca rton.
2. There are four 0.280-inch mounting holes located in the four corners of the enclosure. Refer to Figure
2 or 3 for mounting details.
Figure 1. Conduit Entries
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-164B
Model 13350 and 13351 Integral Loudspeakers Page:
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Model 13350
The r ear enclosure c ontains a two-position terminal block. Field connections are made direct ly on this block. The rear enc l o sure of the loudspeaker allows versa tile placement beca use i t is full y “reversib l e” with the front horn enclosure. The unit is shipped a ssembled for bottom cable entr y. If top ca ble entry is desired, rotate the rear enclosure 180 degrees to move the terminal block to the opposite mounting position. The screws should be installed and tightened to 10 to 14 in-lbs. torque.
The two 3 /4-inch c onduit entries (female) allow speakers to be eas ily “daisy-chained” without junction boxes. The ins taller c an ter mina te to the s p eaker wit h rigid conduit, flexible conduit, or c able bu shing. A 3/4 - inc h ma le hex socket-type conduit plug is provided when only one conduit ent ry is u sed. When conduit entries ar e clos ed , th e speaker is c o mpletel y weat h erproof .
After c onnec ting the conduit to t he enclosure, connect the spea ker wire t o the approp riate terminal blocks . Refer to Figu re 2. Then plu g the “quic k c onnect” terminals f rom the fr ont sect ion of the spea ker into t he approp riate terminal blocks . Close the speaker and tighten f ront p anel screws to 1 6 to 20 in-lbs. torque.
Figure 2. Model 13350 Loudspeaker Wiring
OTE: If the conduit entries are positioned a t the top of the enclosure, a nd hollow 3/4- inc h c onduit is used,
entries to the enclosu re should be internally plugged using a s uita b le s ealant to avoid c ondens ation collecting within the enclosur e.
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