Pub. 42003-180A
EZ Page Speak er Voice Coil
Replacement Kit
Model 12703-001
Confidentiality Notice
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive
bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics
retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch
informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system.
This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
General Information
The Model 12703-001 EZ Page Speaker Voice Coil Replacement Kit is used with the following EZ Page
Interc om models: GC-AC1, GC-DC1 , and G C-AC2. Ea c h kit consis ts of t he s peaker voic e coil element
(4-ohm) only– no other parts a re required.
Recommended Tools
• #1 P hillip s scr ewdr iver
• #2 P hillip s scr ewdr iver
• Flat blade screwdriver (1/4 × 4 min.)
• Long needle nose pliers
• Flat blade screw starter
Removal of Old Voice Coil Element
OTE: For ea se of voice coil disassembly a nd re-assembly, remove the unit from its mounting and place it
on a flat surface.
1. Disconnec t power f rom the unit.
2. Using the # 2 screwdriver , remove the s ix fr ont pa nel s c rews t hat secur e the front cover t o the housing.
3. Slowly pull the fr ont cover assembly from the rear hou sing and s et aside to the left. B e careful not to
disconnect the attached wires.
4. Loca te and disc onnec t the P2 connector (2-conduct or speaker connection) from the pr inted circ uit
board assembly (PCBA).
Disconnect power from the unit before opening or servicing the unit.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
Pub. 42003-180A
5. Using the #1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the center screw secur i ng the nameplate on the speaker cone
tip and set the screw and na meplate a side.
6. Using the #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the three sc rews holding the s ou nd def lector t o the spea ker
driver housing a ssembly.
7. Using the fl at b lade screwdriver, remove the three s c rews located a long the rea r of t he s peaker driver
housing assembly. Slowly p ull the driver as sembly and the att ached wires out of t he enclosure f ar
enough to allow suf f ic i ent room to wor k. Slide t he 3 - conduct or ca ble through the enclosure casting
hole as neces sary.
8. Note the location of wire color c onnec tion to the t wo voic e coil terminals: bla c k to termina l 1 and
yellow to terminal 2. The terminal numbers a re identifi ed i n the s peak er driver housing assembly
adja c ent to the connect ion.
9. Pla c e t he driver a ssembly on its nose.
Complete the remaining steps, being careful not to damage the driver gasket assembly.
10. Using the long needle nose pliers, gently remove each wir e connection by pulling straight upwa rd and
set the wire aside.
11. Using the #2 Phillips sc rewdriver , remove the two sc rews securing t he s upporting strap across the
permanent magnet. Set the supporting strap and screws aside.
12. Gent ly grasp the permanent magnet ass embly and pull str aight upward.
13. Using the long needle nose pliers, gently grasp each ter minal and lift upward s lightly to sep arate the
defective coil a ssembly fr om t he s p eaker driver hous i ng assembly.
14. Gent ly separat e t he gasket from the voice coil for reuse.
Installment of Replacement Voice Coil
Extreme car e must be used while performing the following steps to avoid damaging the
replacement voice coil.
1. Reinser t the previously removed voice coil gasket int o the spea ker driver housing a ssembly.
2. Inser t the new repl acement voice coil into the speaker driver housing ass embly.
NOTE: Place t h e l ar g er (k ey ed ) tab of the v oice coi l as sembly to pi n 1 a s identifi ed o n the s peak er
driver housing a ssembly.
3. Ensure tha t the voice coil is f i rmly seat ed int o the cavit y by pressing around t he ou ter edges of the
voice coil assembly.
4. Position the permanent magnet ’ s larger side indent ations in line wit h the two screw holes in the s peaker
driver hou sing assembly and the smaller side indentations with the termina l c onnections.
Using extreme care, center the magnet over the voice coil and gently place it into the cavity.
\\s_eng\gtc proddoc s \ s tandard ioms - current release\ 42003 k it m anuals \42003-180a.doc