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General Information
The Model 12599-002 Hot Standby Amplifier Module is designed for use in system cabinets equipped
with central power amplif iers requiring hot ( aut o matic) switchin g of a standby ( backu p) a mplifier wh e n
any one of the pr imary power amplifiers fail.
This module provides prioritized switching for either six single-channel power amplifiers, or three dualchannel amplifiers with up to 700 watts of output power per channel. Also, multiple modules can be
cas c aded using an “in/out” boa rd contro l feat ure.
Figure 1. Model 12599-002 Hot Standby Amplifier Module
(Switches shown in factory default position)
GAI-Tronics Corporation 400 E. Wyomissing Av e. Mohnton, PA 19540 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-412A
Model 12599-002 Hot Standby Amplifier Module Page: 2 of 17
Hardware Configuration
The Model 12599-002 Hot Standby Amplifier Module is a printed circuit board assembly (PCBA)
equipped with plug-in t ype t ermina l blocks, six high-current r elays f or swit chi n g amplifi er outputs , and
12 lo w- pow er relays for switchi ng a mplifi er inputs and providing dry cont act sta tus outputs.
The module is also equipped with five slide switches for mode select functions, and six LEDs to indicate
act ively sw itch ed circ u i ts. Each fault detect input is c omprised of a Phot o -MOS relay with ju mper clips
(J1–J12) to select “wet” or “dry” activation. Each activation type is briefly described below:
Wet Activation – requires an active source voltage of 10–15 V dc from the amplifier when healthy and
remo val of t he volt age when the ampl ifier is fau l ted.
Dry Activation – re quir es a normally closed (N .C.), dr y cont act f rom the amplifier wh e n healthy a nd
removal of the contact when the amplifier is faulted. This setting is also used when the amplifier has an
open collector fault output, which is actively low (sinking to dc common) when healthy, and floating high
when the amplifier is faulted.
OTE: Jumper clips J1–J12 are set-up in pairs, and each pair must be set to the same position for its
respective input. The following table depicts the corresponding input and jumper pair, and the mode of
oper ation bas e d o n the jumper c lip position.
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Disconnect power for safety when installing or replacing the module.
The Model 12599-002 Hot Standby Amplifier Module measures 12 L× 4 W × 1.5 H inches (305 × 102 ×
31.75 mm) and is designed for mounting on 4-inch Snap Trak.
Carefully press the module edges into the SnapTrak to avoid damage to the module’s PCBA and/or
components. Once installed, ensure the module edges are secured in the channels so that the module does
not dislodge during transport or operation if subjected to vibration.
Also, if this module is used with other (cascaded) modules, a 1-inch (25.4-mm) spacing between modules
will facilitate wiring at the edge-mounted terminal blocks.
The Model 12599-002 Hot Standby Amplifier Module is equipped with modular (plug-in type) terminal
blocks. T hese modular termina l bloc ks simplify external wire connections duri ng inst allati on, an d
provide quick disco n nect if replaceme nt is ever r e quire d.
The following is a breakdown of each terminal block and its function(s):
TB1 – is the 12 V dc power input to the module.
TB2 – is a 12 V dc power output to another (cascaded) module or another 12 V dc-powered device.
TB3 – is the Amp-1 through Amp-6 fault inputs. The + and - terminals connect to the amplifier’s fault
outp ut, which can b e a wet (acti ve) output or a dry, normally cl osed contact. Sinc e each fault input
operates independently, amplifiers with different fault output types can be simultaneously connected to
this module’s inputs. The following details the different types of amplifier fault outputs, and the required
jumper settings. See Note 1.
WET (ACTIVE)OUTPUT – requires the amplifier to output 10–15 V dc when operating in a healthy state
and the respective jumper clips set to the wet position. Be sure to match polarity markings, e.g., + to +
(plus to plus) and – to –
(minus to minus) between the amplifier’s fault output and input terminals at this
module for proper operation. Refer to Figure 2 for a connection detail.
RY (N.C.)CONTACT OUTPUT – requires the a mplifier to pr ovide a dry, n ormally closed cont act when
oper atin g in a healthy sta te and the res pective jumper clip s set t o the dry pos ition. Con nection of t he
amplifier’s normally closed fault contact connects across the + (plus) a nd – (minus) terminals at the
module. Refer to Figure 3 for a connection detail.
PEN COLLECTOR (ACTIVE LOW) – requires the amplifier to provide an active low output (sinking to dc
common) when operating in a healthy state, and the respective jumper clips to be set to the dry position.
Connection of the amplifier’s fault output has the input (common or emitter) side connected to the +
(plus) terminal, and the output (collector) connected to the – (minus) terminal for proper operation. Refer
to Figure 4 for a connection detail.
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TB4, TB7, TB 10, TB13, TB16 and TB19 – are dry output contacts for Amp-1 through Amp-6 faults
respectively. Each contact set is a Form “C” type. The maximum switching capacity for each contact set
is 24 V dc @ 1 amp and can be used for triggering a remote status indicator or for an input at a supervised
system device for a visual text display. See Note 5.
TB5, TB8, TB 11, TB14, TB17 and TB20 – are the audio source and input connections for Amp-1
through Amp-6. The amplifier’s audio source is connected at the
SRC (source) terminals. The
amplifier’s input is connected at the IN (input) terminals. Be sure to observe polarity markings at these
termina ls for proper operation and au dio performance. Ref er to F igur e 5 .
TB6, TB9, TB 12, TB15, TB18 and TB21 – are the audi o outpu t and s peaker line connections for
Amp-1 through Amp-6. The active amplifier output (e.g., 4-ohm, 8-ohm, 16-ohm, 25 V, 70 V or 100 V)
is connect ed a t th e
module at the
OUT (output) terminal. The designated speaker(s) or speaker line connects to the
SPKR (speaker) terminals. Be sure to observe polarity markings at these terminals for
proper opera tion a nd audio performance. R efer t o Figure 6.
– is where the standby amplifier input connects if using a single-channel amplifier. If using a dual-
channel amplifier, connect the channel 1 input to these terminals. See Note 2 and refer to Figure 7 and
Figure 8.
– is for busing the standby amplifier input to another (cascaded) module when using a single-
channel amplifier. However, if a dual-channel amplifier is used with the module, the channel 2 input of
the standby amplifier should connect to these terminals. See Note 2 and refer to Figure 7 and Figure 8.
TB24 – is where the standby amplifier output connects if using a single-channel amplifier. If using a
dual-channel amplifier connect the channel 1 output to these terminals. See Note 2 and refer to Figure 7
and F igur e 8 .
TB25 – is for busing the s tandby a mplifier output to a nother (ca scaded) module w hen us ing a single channel amplifier. However, if a dual-channel amplifier is used with the module, then the channel 2
outp ut of the st andb y ampl ifier shou ld co nnect to these t erminals. See Note 3 and refer to Figure 7 and
Figure 8.
TB26 – is the
BRD CNTL(boa rd control) IN (input ) and OUT (output), which is used in a cascade
arrangement of multiple modules. In a cascade arrangement, no connection is made at the IN terminal at
the first module. For the second module in the cascade, connect the
OUT terminal of the first module to
IN terminal of the second module, and continue this wiring scheme across subsequent modules in the
cas cade. See Note 4 a nd ref er to F i gur e 7 and Figur e 8 .
1. When the module is operated in 2-channel (dual-channel) mode, the Amp-4, Amp-5 and Amp-6 fault
inputs are not used, and a jumper must be wired across each unused input terminal set at TB3. Also,
the respective input jumper clips must be set to the dry position to prevent false activation of unused
fault input circuits.
2. To use both inputs of a dual-channel standby amplifier across multiple cascaded modules, wire TB22
and TB23 in p arallel (respe c tive ly) across all modules.
3. To use both outputs of a dual-cha n nel st andby ampl ifier acr oss multiple cascaded modul es , wir e
TB24 and TB25 in parallel (respectively) across all modules.
4. Most central amplifier system applications usually employ or specify a ratio of one standby amplifier
for every five or six primary amplifiers to minimize the risk of lost coverage. Be sure to check the
specified system requirements for the ratio of standby (backup) amplifiers to primary amplifiers.
5. When the module is operated in 2-channel (dual-channel) mode, the Amp-4, Amp-5 and Amp-6 fault
output contact are not used at TB13, TB16 and TB19 respectively.
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Figure 2. Source Voltage (Active) Fault Connection
Figure 3. Dry Conta c t Fault Con nect ion
Figure 4. Open Collect or Fault Connecti on
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The f ollow ing is a summa ry of a ll terminal block fu nc tion( s). N umber referenc es sho wn in the followi ng
tables are from right to left when viewed from the edge of the module.
TB1 – 12 V dc Power Input
Terminal Ref. Function Terminal Ref. Function
TB4 – Amp-1 Fault Contact Output
1 12 V dc positive (+) 1 Normally Open Contact
2 12 V dc negative (-)
3 Ground (optional)
2 Normally Closed Contact
3 Common Contact
TB2 – 12 V dc Output
Terminal Ref. Function
1 12 V dc positive (+)
2 12 V dc negative (-)
TB3 – Amplifier Fault Control Inputs
Terminal Ref. Function