Pub. 42004-411A
Model 12593-001
Redundant PPI Switching Module
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This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins
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General Information
The Model 12593-001 Redundant PPI Switching Module is designed to provide connection for a primary
and a secondary PPI card when redundant circuits are required i n GAI-Tronics ADVANCE cabinets. The
module controls audio line switching from the PPI cards to SmartSeries Page/Party
modu le is capable of sw itchi ng one z one. The switchi n g action is contr olled by an exter nal cont act
stations. Each
Figure 1. Model 12593-001 Redundant PPI Switching Module
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-411A
Model 12593-001 Redundant P P I Switching Module Page: 2 of 6
Hardware Configuration
The Model 12593-001 Redundant PPI Switching Module is comprised of two printed circuit board
assembli e s (PCBAs). The lower b ase board conta ins the lower switc hing rela ys and measures 7.5 L × 4
W inches (190.5 × 102 mm). The r e lay swit chi n g PCBA is equipped w ith seven sma ll DPD T relays, two
LEDs, three 25-pin “D” connectors and four modula r (plug -in type) terminal blocks .
The upper CPU PCBA emp loys a micro-contr oller and ha s two a ddr es s switches (S1 and S2) . The s mall
terminal block located on the opposite side is for external power when used in other applications when
power is not available via the 34-pin DIP connector (J1).
When instal ling o r replacing this mod ul e, be sure power is not app l ied to
avoid damage to the module circuits.
The Model 12593-001 Redundant PPI Switching Module is designed for mounting in 4-inch Snap Trak
When inserting the module in SnapTrak
Once installed in the SnapTrak
to avoid damage to th e module’s print e d circuit boar d and components .
, be sure the module edges are secured in the channels so that the module
, exer cise ca re when p ressing the m odule edg es in to the
does not dislodge during transport or operation if subjected to vibration. Also, if this module is used with
other modules in the SnapTrak
, be sure to leave spacing between modules to facilitate wiring at any
edge-mounted terminal blocks.
The Model 12593-001 Redundant PPI Switching Module is equipped with three 25-pin “D” connectors,
and four modular (plug-in type) terminal blocks, which simplify external connections during installation,
and provide quick disconnect if replacement is ever required.
The following is a breakdown of each connector and terminal block and its function(s):
J1 – is the primary PPI card connection; a cable with a 25-pin “D-Sub” connector is required.
J2 – is the secondary PPI card connection; a cable with a 25-pin “D-Sub” connector is required.
J3 – is the output connection to the Page/Party
connector is required.
TVP connection module; a cable with a 25-pin “D-Sub”
JTB1 – is the f orm “C” dry contact output, whic h c an be used t o activat e additiona l swit chin g modu les,
or for remote status indication. The maximum switching capacity for the contact is 30 V dc @ 1 amp.
JTB2 – is a feed-through 12 V dc power output to additional switching modules.
JTB3 – is the 12 V dc power input to the module.
JTB4 – are the control inputs to the module to activate the relays to switch between primary and
seco ndary PP I cards, whe n a fa ult occurs. Activation at either input r equires dc ground control.
The f ollow ing is a summa ry of each co nnector and ter m inal bloc k f unct ion(s ):
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Pub. 42004-411A
Model 12593-001 Redundant P P I Switching Module Page: 3 of 6
J1 – Primary PPI Card (25-pin D-Sub) J2 – Secondary PPI Card (25-pin D-Sub)
Pin No. Function Pin No. Function
1 & 2 Page Line 1 & 2 Page Line
3 & 4 Party Line 1 3 & 4 Party Line 1
5 & 6 Party Line 2 5 & 6 Party Line 2
7 & 8 Party Line 3 7 & 8 Party Line 3
9 & 10 Party Line 4 9 & 10 Party Line 4
11 & 12 Party Line 5 11 & 12 Party Line 5
13 Ear th ground 13 Ear th ground
15 & 17 Output control (RLY) 15 & 17 Output control (RLY)
20 & 21 Control input (CLS) 20 & 21 Control input (CLS)
14, 16, 18, 19, 22-25 Spare – No connection 14, 16, 18, 19, 22-25 Spare – No connection
J3 – Page/Party® Output (25-pin D-Sub) JTB1 – Relay Contact Output
Pin No. Function Terminal No. Function
1 & 2 Page Line 1 Normally open
3 & 4 Party Line 1 2 Common
5 & 6 Party Line 2 3 Normally closed
7 & 8 Party Line 3
9 & 10 Party Line 4
11 & 12 Party Line 5
13 Earth ground
15 & 17 Output control (RLY)
Terminal No. Function
JTB2 - 12 V dc Power Output
20 & 21 Control input (CLS) 1 12 V (+)
14, 16, 18, 19, 22-25 Spare – No connection 2 12 V (-)
JTB3 – 12 V dc Power Input JTB4 – Switching Control Inputs
Terminal No. Function Terminal No. Function
1 12 V (+) 1 Primary control line
2 12 V (-) 2 Secondar y contr o l li n e
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