Telemetry GPS sensor
Instruction Manual
Thank you for purchasing Futaba's
SBS-01G GPS sensor. This sensor, used
in conjunction with a telemetry enabled
transmitter/receiver, is used to indicate
the distance/speed/altitude of the item
to which it is attached. To maximize
your enjoyment, and to ensure proper
sensing, please read through this manual
thoroughly. We also encourage you to
retain the manual for future reference
should the need arise.
The SBS-01G is designed for
use with Futaba telemetry systems.
It sticks on
the upward
smooth side
of the
model using
To telemetry receiver
S.BUS2 port
Green Normal operation
Green blink GPS un-receiving
Red No signal reception
Green/Red When setting up the slot
Alternate blink
SBS-01G computes distance
and speed from GPS. It is not
recommended to be used in an
indoor ying environment. Moreover,
it may not be able to the flight
posture of a model (inverted etc.). This
sensor calculates the altitude from
atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric
pressure will get lower as you go up
in altitude, using this the sensor will
estimate the altitude. An exact display
cannot be performed if atmospheric
pressure changes in a weather. A short
time is required until the positioning
of the GPS is established. In the
meantime, don't move the model
during this process.
Up side
LED Indication
Unrecoverable error
Use : GPS/Altitude sensor (from atmospheric
pressure) with Vario meter
Range:[Speed] About 0km/h~500km/h (~311mph)
[Altitude] About -700m~5,500m
(-766yard~6015yard) ---sensor spec
[Vario meter] About -150m/s~+150m/s
Voltage : DC 3.7V ~ 7.4V
The SBS-01G may only be used with
telemetry enabled receivers that offer
S.BUS 2 port. Please refer to the manual(s)
that accompanied your transmitter and/or
receiver for proper connection methodology.
to S.BUS2
Relative distance/altitude
Data when a power supply is turned on shall
be 0m, and it displays the distance/altitude
which changed from there.
Even if the altitude of your aireld is high, it
will start at 0m and the altitude difference
from the aireld is displayed.
Mounting Precautions
Do not install in a location where the wind/
air ow can hit the sensor. Also, do not put
in a sealed location where atmospheric
pressure will not change in a sealed location.
Moreover, the thing which interrupts an
electric wave must not be above a sensor
(metal, carbon).
Nothing that interrupts
Do not install in a
location where the
wind/air flow can hit
the sensor.
an electric wave must
be above the upper part
of a sensor.
It is not recommended
to be used in an indoor
flying environment.
Failure to follow these safety precautions
may result in severe injury to yourself and
To utilize the SBS-01G GPS sen-
sor, connect it to the S.BUS2 port of
the Futaba telemetry enabled receivers.
The SBS-01G will not function properly if
connected to an S.BUS port or other channel
Ensure that the unit is connected
properly to the receiver. Failure to do
so could result in damage to the sensor.
Do not use the SBS-01G with any-
thing other than an R/C model.
Ensure that the unit is mounted in
an area that will eliminate exposure
to fuel, water and vibration.
As with any electronic components, proper
precautions are urged to prolong the life and
increase the performance of the SBS-01G.
To ensure that the SBS-01G is
functioning as desired, please test
Do not y until inspection is complete.
Allow a slight amount of slack in
the SBS-01G cables and fasten them
at a suitable location to prevent any
damage from vibration during flight.
Slot number setup
Please note that the proper default
slot for this accessory is number 8 (8-
15). This sensor uses eight slots. Being
made to a start slot are 8, 16, and 24.
Information on how to change the
slot assignment is included in the
transmitter's manual.
ID number
There is an ID number in SBS-01G. ID
will be unnecessary if one GPS sensor
is carried in a model. ID is needed if
there is a schedule which carries two
or more GPS sensors in one set of on
model. However, the ID number is
indicated at the bottom of SBS-01G.
Do not put in a
sealed location.
1080 Yabutsuka, Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba-ken, 299-4395, Japan
Phone: +81 475 32 6982, Facsimile: +81 475 32 6983