Airmar’s WeatherCaster™ software (shown
here on a Furuno TZtouch Multifunction
Display) is included with the 200WX
Delivering an Accurate,
Aordable, All-in-One Unit
The all-in-one weather sensor measures apparent wind
speed and direction, barometric pressure, air temperature,
relative humidity, dew point and wind chill temperature.
In addition, with the internal compass and GPS, true wind
speed and direction can also be calculated. The UV stabilized,
compact housing is fully waterproof and resistant to
chemicals and sunlight.
The 200WX oers a truly best-in-class solution at a better
price point than any other weather monitoring system on
the market today.
• Apparent wind speed and direction
• Ultrasonic wind readings up to 90 MPH/78 KTS (40 m/s)
• Barometric pressure
• Air temperature
• Calculated wind chill temperature
• Optional eld-serviceable relative humidity
- Calculated dew point
- Calculated heat index
• Optional heater and upper ring
• True wind speed and direction
• 10 Hz GPS (COG/SOG/Position)
• Three-axis accelerometer for pitch and roll
• Three-axis solid-state compass with dynamic stabilization*
- Better than 1° static compass accuracy
- Best-in-class 2° dynamic compass accuracy
• Three-axis rate gyros provide rate-of-turn data
• Best-in-class pitch and roll accuracy
• Output options include:
*Patent Pending

Technical Information
Wind Speed Range: — 0 knots to 78 knots (0 MPH to 90 MPH, 0 m/s to 40 m/s)
Wind Speed Resolution: — 0.1 knot (0.1 MPH, 0.1 m/s)
Wind Speed Accuracy @ 0°C to 55°C (32°F to 131°F), no precipitation*:
— Low Wind Speeds:
• 0 -10 knots; 1 knot RMS +10% of reading (0 MPH to 11.5 MPH; 1.1M PH + 10 % of reading)
(0 m/s to 5 m/s; 0.5 m /s + 10 % of reading)
— High Wind Speeds:
• 10-78 knots; 2 knots RM S or 5%, whichever is greater (11.5 MPH to 90 MPH; 2.3 M PH or 5%,
whichever is greater) (5 m/s to 40 m/s; 1 m/s or 5 %, whichever is greater)
Wind Speed Accuracy in wet conditions**: — 5 knots RMS (5.7 MPH RMS, 2.5 m/s RMS)
Wind Direction Range: 0° to 360°
Wind Direction Resolution: 0.1°
Wind Direction Accuracy @ 0°C to 55°C (32°F to 131°F), no precipitation*:
— Low Wind Speeds (5° RMS typical): • 4 -1 0 knots (4.6 MPH to 11.5 MPH, 2 m/s to 5 m/s)
— High Wind Speeds (2° RMS typical): •> 10 knots (>11 .5 MPH, >5 m/s)
Wind Direction Accuracy in wet conditions** (8° RMS Typical): >8 knots (>9.2 MPH, >4 m/s)
Compass Accuracy:
— 1° static heading accuracy; 2° dynamic heading accuracy
Pitch and Roll Range / Accuracy: ±50° / <1°
Air Temperature Range: -40°C to 55°C (-40°F to 131°F)
Air Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)
Air Temperature Accuracy: ±1.1°C (±2°F)* @ >4 knots wind (>4.6 MPH wind) (>2 m/s wind)
Barometric Pressure Range: 300 mbar to 1100 mbar (24 inHg to 33 inHg, 800 hPa to 1100 hPa)
Barometric Pressure Resolution: 0.1 mbar (0.029 inHg, 0.1 hPa)
Barometric Pressure Accuracy: ±1 mbar (±0.029 inHg, ±1 hPa) when altitude correction
is available
Relative Humidity Range: 10% to 95% RH
Relative Humidity Accuracy*: ±5% units RH
GPS Position Accuracy: 3 m (10’) with WAAS/EGNOS (95% of the time, SA o )
Operating Temperature Range: -25°C to 55°C (-13°F to 131°F)
Supply Voltage: 9 VDC to 40 VDC
Supply Current (@ 12 VDC): — <1.7W (<140 mA)
Weight: 300 grams (0.8 lb)
Communication Interface: RS232 or RS422 & CAN
Mounting Thread Size on Base: 1”-14 UNS or 3/4” NPT
Certications and Standards (Pending): CE, IPX6 (Relative Humidity/IPX4), RoHS, IEC61000-4-2,
RMS—Root Mean Square, LEN—Load Equivalency Number
Humidity and temperature readings compared to Vaisala® Instruments
* When the wind speed is less than 2 m/s (4.6 MPH) and/or air temperature is below 0°C (32°F), wind,
temperature, and relative humidity readings will be less accurate.
** Wet conditions include moisture, rain, frost, dew, snow, ice and/or sea spray in the wind channel.
CAN (NMEA 2000®) Output Message
59392.........ISO Acknowledgement
060928.......ISO Address Claim
126208.......Acknowledge Group Function
126464.......PGN List
126992.......System Time
126996.......Product Information
126998.......Conguration Information
127250.......Vessel Heading
127251.......Rate of Turn
127258.......Magnetic Variation
129025.......Position and Rapid Update
129026.......COG and SOG, Rapid Update
129029.......GNSS Position Data
129033.......Time and Date
129538.......GNSS Control Status
129539.......GNSS DOPs
129540.......GNSS Sats in View
130306.......Wind Data
130310.......Environmental Parameters
130311.......Environmental Parameters
130314.......Actual Pressure
130323.......Meteorological Station Data
200WX 200WX with Heated Cap
ø 72 mm (2.83”)
90 mm (3.54”)
131 mm (5.16”)
ø 45 mm
RS422 (NMEA 0183) Sentence Structure
$GPDTM ....... RS422 Datum Reference
$GPGGA ....... GPS Fix Data
$GPGLL.........Geographic Position—Latitude and Longitude
$GPGSA........ GNSS DOP and Active Satellite
$GPGSV........ Satellites in View
$GPRMC .......Recommended Minimum GNSS
$GPVTG........ COG and SOG
$GPZDA........ Time and Date
$HCHDG....... Heading, Deviation, and Variation
$HCHDT ....... True Heading
$TIROT.......... Rate of Turn
$HCTHS.........True Heading and Status
$WIMDA....... Meteorological Composite
$WIMWD ..... Wind Direction and Speed
$WIMWV...... Wind Speed and Angle
$WIMWR...... Relative Wind Direction and Speed
$WIMWT...... True Wind Direction and Speed
$YXXDR ........Transducer Measurements
ø 75 mm (2.96”)
90 mm (3.54”)
131 mm (5.16”)
ø 45 mm
©Airmar Technology Corporation 200WX_Furuno_rA 08/14/14
As Airmar constantly improves its products, all specications are subject to change without notice.
All Airmar products are designed to provide high levels of accuracy and reliability, however they
should only be used as aids to navigation and not as a replacement for traditional navigation aids and
techniques. WeatherStation® and WeatherCaster™ are registered trademarks and trademarks of Airmar
Technology Corporation. Other company or product names mentioned in this document may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, which are not aliated
with Airmar.