7. To play an au dio fil e from a ex terna l Bluet ooth de vi ce( mo bile ph one) on t he wall
moun t Stere o
8.To set up your S tereo u sing
(1) Turn on the NFC function of your mobile phone and m
(2) Wi th the NF C detec tion ar ea of
NFC(only support mobile phone with NFC function)
ake su re the sc reen is a ctive
and un locke d.
your p hone to uch wit h the NFC d etect ion are a
of the Stereo, you can connect or disconnect your mobile phone with the Stereo
conv eniently.
Note : For the first time pair and connect, it will ask you to input a password.
The pass word is “ 0000”.
5.1 In comin g call ri nging , short p res s TEL but ton o n th e rem ot e con trol or 1 b utton o n
the fr ont pan el to acc ept the c all.
(1) Sh ort pre ss TEL butto n on the re mote co ntrol o r 1 but to n on
the fr ont pan el,
it wil l show la st phon e numbe r on the LC D, th en i t wil l ex ecu te the di aling .
(2) Sh ort pre ss REDIAL butt on on the r emote c ontro l, it wil l dial th e last ph one num ber.
5.2 To reject Incoming call ringing, short press HANG UP b utton o n the rem ote c on tro l
the fr ont pan el to REJ ECT the cal l.or 2 butto n on
5.3 Du ring a ph one cal l, shor t press H ANG U P bu tto n on t he re mote co ntrol
the fr ont pan el to end t he call .or 2 butto n on
Note: During ot he r mo des(e xe cpt Bluet oo th conver sa tion) , pr es s BT MODE b ut to n on the
fron t pa ne l to swit ch t he m ode wit h ot hers.
Note: When an incoming call is present the caller’s phone number will be displayed
on the screen.
(wit h mobil e phone ) or rece iving a c all, th e car aud io will t emporarily wake up.
After the device has been paired successfully and Wall mount Stereo screen displays
If your mobile device supports A2DP you will then be able to stream music from
your B lueto oth d evice s o it can be p lay ed by ste reo spe aker.
You must select on your mobile Bluetooth device to play the audio through Bluetooth.
If your mobile device supports AVRCP then you will be able to control the basic phone
audi o outpu t fu nctio ns by the Wa ll moun t Stere o co ntr ol s. Eg
.Play Pause.
Bluetooth with NFC function
Auxiliary inputs on front and rear
USB input with charging function
2 zone multi roo m aud io ou tpu t
2 x RCA audio/video outputs for connecting 2 addition al TVs
1 x subwoofer output
terminated with an insulated end to avoid wires shorting or earthing which
Do not attempt to disassemble or adjust this product, contact a service cente r
for assistance.