Headphone Remote Station
www.furmansound.com • E-mail: info@furmansound.com
them more con ve nient ly. With the use of a simple adaptor, HR-2’s
the overdubbing process, where new musical tracks are re cord ed
Th e cu e mix hear d in the headph one s is a combi nat ion of
the prev iou sly recor ded track s along with the new soun ds be-
the Left and Right I nputs on the H A- 6A’s rear pan el. If this mix
volume control, it is more practical to use several HR-2 Remote Sta tions
The HR-2 Remote Stations connect in “daisy chain” fashion to the
This output is a male 3-pin XLR connector, so that ordinary microphone
Th e HR -2 Remote Sta tio ns are comp act boxes which eas-
fi fteen days from the date of purchase to complete warranty registration by mail or
Warranty claims should be accompanied by a copy of the original purchase invoice
facturer does not warrant against damages or defects arising out of improper or
from Furman Sound. This warranty also does not apply to Products upon which
THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE. The sole and exclusive obligation of Manu-
facturer shall be to repair or replace the defective Product in the manner and for the
to the Products or any part thereof, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability
Authorization (R/A) Number. To get an R/A Number, please call the Furman
Instruction Sheet