The Elite 15 Features
• L ine a r Fil t erin g Techn o log y for uneq uale d au d io / vid eo c l ari t y
• S eri es M u lti - Stag e Prot e ct i on P l us f o r v i rt u all y mai nten a nce -fre e AC s urge
s uppr e ssio n
• R etra cta b le L ED l amps ill u min a te a cab i net or r a ck f ull of e q uip m ent
• Z e ro gr o und cont a mina tion circ u itr y p rotec ts c riti cal digi t al c o mpo n ents
• C o mpa c t c hass i s d e sign - s i ngl e rac k sp a ce w ith r emova ble r ack moun t s
AC power is nothing new, the Elite-15’s
well as the depth and clarity in video. With
Another critical feature is our exclusive Series
without sacrifi cing itself when the offending

when monitoring systems that are connected
well as noticeably improved depth and clarity.
within the warranty period should your original
No user-serviceable parts inside
Keep away from moisture and avoid
Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to
The power supply cord or plug has been
Objects have fallen or liquid has spilled into
The Elite-15 has been exposed to rain or
The Elite-15 does not appear to operate
normally, or exhibits a marked change
The Elite-15 has been dropped, or the