and below the capture ranges shown in Specifi cations (pg. 4)
● One twist lock inlet and one regulated, con di tioned
twistlock outlet on rear panel
shutdown, protecting equip ment
overload or shorts. Also acts as ON/OFF switch.
duty, continuous op er a tion
AC Line Voltage Reg u la tor
fi l tered, and regulated AC power for optimum op er a tion.
volt age range (see table above) converts them to, and stabilizes
The AR-2330D is for use with AC voltage only.
AR-2330D rear view, shown with optional RRM-2 rear rack ears
Owner’s Manual

with yel low in di cat ing a warning zone. Please keep in mind that
i tors the incoming line voltage with each cycle, comparing it to
voltage fl uc tu a tion requires that a different tap be selected, the
ferro-res o nant trans form ers, the Fur man AR-Series is not
fe male con nec tor is in clud ed with the unit. Please refer to the
Wire the two hot leads (black) to X and Y (black, and white or
bors.” As with any rackmount equip ment, be sure to use 10-32
volt ag es, less than 158V.
voltage condition, voltages over approximately 300V may cause
will trip. Be sure to reduce your load before re-powering the unit,
wind ing on the large transformer.
voltage (though it may still be restored to a usable level) but is not
A green LED labelled OUTPUT IN REGULATION indicates
volt age is within ±10V of the 240V output. Your equipment should
work nor mal ly when this light is on, and often will work sat is fac to ri ly