Players: 2
Equipment: “SEA BATTLE” Game Unit, 10 Plastic Ships, 125 White Pegs,
100 Red Pegs
Object: To be the rst to locate and sink all ve of your opponents ships.
Set-up: Each player is given 5 plastic ships, and half of the white and half
of the red pegs, which are to be stored in the divided bin on the right of the
game unit base. Before play begins, each player strategically places his/her
ve ships in any arrangement they choose on the ocean grid located on the
base of the game unit. The ships are placed horizontally or vertically but not
diagonally. The ships must be placed within the grid and may not be placed
on top of each other. When each player has placed all ve of their ships, play
may begin.
Play: Players take turns “ring” at their opponents ships. Using the radar/
target grid located on the ip-up divider, players call out ring locations using
a combination of letters A through K and numbers 1-9, i.e. A-1, B-2, C-3 etc.
A white peg is placed to mark a miss, a red peg is placed to mark a hit. After a
miss or hit is made, the players turn is over. If your opponent hits one of your
ships, you will then place a red peg in the hole of your ship that corresponds
to the coordinate they gave. One hit does not mean that you have sunk the
ship. The number of hits required to sink a ship ranges from 2 to 5 hits. Once
a ship is lled with red pegs, that ship is sunk. You must acknowledge that
your ship is sunk to your opponent.
Winning: The rst player to sink all ve of their opponents ships is declared
the winner.
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