10 DICE and one scorepad.
OBJECT: Win the game by being the first to get through the 10
Phases with the highest overall score.
DICE: Six of the dice contain all the high numbers.
Each of the dice are numbered 5,6,7,8,9,10 in the various four colors.
The other four dice contain all the low numbers and the Wild (W)
faces. Each of these die are numbered with 1,2,3,4 and W. The W is in
the four various colors.
P LAY : To see who plays first, each player rolls one of the dice
numbered 5 to 10. The player with the highest roll plays first, and so
on, down to the player with the lowest roll, who plays last. Each
player takes a separate column on the scorepad. The player with the
first turn uses the left-most column, the next player uses the next
column, and so on, so that turns pass in order from one player’s
column to the next. Each player’s name is written at the top of the
player’s column. When each player has had a turn, the first player
begins the next turn, and so on.
In a turn, the player starts by rolling all ten dice. The player may then
set aside any dice the player wishes to keep. The player makes a
second roll with the remaining dice. The player may set aside some
of these dice, adding them to those already set aside. The player

may also take back some of the dice previously set aside. Then the
player may make a third and final roll with any dice the player wishes
to roll. The player then takes the score, if any, and ends the turn.
SCOREPAD TERMS: Sets, Runs, and All One Color are explained as
SETS: A set is made by several dice with all the same number. For
example, three 10’s make a set of three. One or more Wild ( W) dice
may be used in place of natural numbers. For example, 10, W, W
makes a set of three 10’s.
RUNS: A run is made by several dice with all consecutive numbers.
For example, 7,8,9,10 makes a run of four. One or more Wild (W) dice
may be used in place of natural numbers. For example, 6, W, W, 9
makes a run of four.
ALL ONE COLOR: The dice needed must all be the same color. A
Wild (W) of a different color may not be used in completing this
score. For example, 2, 4, W, 5, 8, 9, 10 all orange make 7 all one color.
THE PHASES: In a player’s scoring column are ten scoring spaces.
Each one of these is a Phase. For example, the first one (Phase 1) is
labeled “2 sets of 3,” meaning that the player must, in the turn, end
up with three of one number and three of another number, or two
sets of three of the same number.
Throughout play the player must always do the ten Phases in order,
starting with Phase 1 and working up through Phase 10. If a player
fails to make a Phase in a turn (which will almost always happen to
all players at some point), then the player ends the turn without
taking a score. The player will have to try and complete that Phase
again next turn.