Fundex Games 3290, Big Deck Playing Cards User Manual

Players MUST lie when playing this game, it is a requirement! But watch out if you do, paying the penalty can be high! In a game with 6 or more players you may want to have two decks.
Ages: 5+ Players: A minimum of three people are needed to play, and
the more the better.
Object: Each player tries to be the rst player to play all of their cards.
Set-up: One player deals out all the cards. Some players may have one extra card.
Play: Players look at their cards. The player to the left of the dealer places one to four cards of the “same” value (i.e. all 7’s) face down in a pile in the center. The player says the value of the cards as they are placed. The player could actually be placing three 7’s and an Ace, the cards do not necessarily have to be the cards that the player claims (see Cheating).
The next player must play cards that are one value higher than those rst played (i.e. three 8’s). The following players must each play cards one value higher than those played by the preceding player.
Cheating: A player can put down any other cards, instead of those of the correct rank, and pretend that they are all the same correct value. A player must always lay down at least one card during their turn, so if a player does not have the required value card, he must cheat. A player may also put down more cards than he says he is placing down.
Calling A Players Bluff: A Player may call another player’s bluff, before the next player lays down his hand. If a player suspects another player of cheating he challenges the player by calling “Cheat!”
The player who was challenged must then turn over his cards for inspection. If the player who called “CHEAT” was correct, the person who cheated must collect all of the cards from the central pile and add them to his hand. If the player did not cheat, the challenger must pick up the central pile of cards.
Play begins again with the player who picked up the cards from the center pile and resumes on the value that was cheated on.
Winning: The winner is the rst person to succeed in playing his last card!
Variation: In Up & Down Cheat, players can play higher or lower rank cards than the preceding card.
This is a great game for young children, and the big cards are easy to pick up. This is denitely a oor game.
Ages: 4+ Players: 2+
Object: Collect the most pairs.
Set-up: One player deals out all the cards face down onto
the oor. The cards can be placed in any direction, but should not touch. A square format may be used.
Play: The player to the left of the dealer starts the game by turning over two different cards and allowing the other players to see the cards. If the two cards are the same value, two 7’s or 2 king’s than the player who turned the cards over collects them, and turns over two more cards. The player’s turn continues until she turns over two cards that don’t match. If two cards do not match they are turned face down to their original position, and the next player starts her turn. Play continues until all the cards have been collected.
Winning: The player with the most pairs wins!
Crazy Eights is a fun family game, enjoyed by players of all ages.
Ages: 5+ Players: 2+
Object: The rst player to play all of their cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals out seven cards to each player,
then places the rest of the cards face down in the center to form the draw pile. One card is turned over from the draw pile to form the discard pile.
Play: Players lay down cards and try to match either the value or suit of the card played before them. If a player is
unable to lay down a card, then he must draw a card until he picks up a card he can play. If the draw pile is used up, then the discard pile is shufed and turned face down to form a new draw pile.
Crazy 8’s: A player may play an 8 card after any card. This player then decides on the next suit.
Winning: The player to get rid of all his cards rst wins the game.
Scoring: Players can also play each game as a round and keep score. The rst player to play all of his cards scores points for the cards left in the other players’ hands. The player with the most points after a predetermined number of rounds, wins the game.
The cards are scored in the following manner: 50 points for each 8 card; 10 points for face cards; 1 point for each ace; and all other cards are scored by their numeric value.
This game has a little bit of everything, but nothing to do with its name.
Slapping: Players may slap the pile at various points in the game to collect the cards in the pile.
•Doubles: Players may slap the pile when there are double cards played (i.e.two 6’s).
•Triples: Players may slap the pile when there are triple cards played (three Aces). This happens only when players miss the doubles.
•Four in a Row: Players may slap the pile when there are four cards in a consecutive order i.e. Ace, two, three, four.
Slapping Penalties: If a player slaps something that is not a double, triple, or four in a row, then the player who played the last card collects the pile.
Slapping In: Players who did not begin playing the game at the same time as the rest of the players, may also slap into the game at any point, by slapping the pile at one of the appropriate times. If a player slaps the pile incorrectly before they are in the game, play continues and his mistake is ignored.
Winning: The player who collects all of the cards, wins the game!
Ages: 7+ Players: 2+
Object: Win all of the cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals out all cards one at a time, face
down in front of each player. Some players may have more cards than others. Players are not allowed to look at their hands.
Play: The rst player begins the game by placing his top card face up in the center of the playing area. Players lay cards down one at a time in a central playing surface. When a player lays down a face card, then the next player has a certain number of tries to play another face card. The number of tries that a player has is dependent on the value of the rst face card played. An Ace has 4 turns, Kings 3 turns, Queens 2 turns and Jacks 1 turn. If a player does not lay down another face card within the specied number of turns then the player who laid down the rst face card collects the pile. If a player is able to lay down a face card then play is resumed. Players play on number cards with no special instructions.
Don’t be fooled by the name! This is a great game with a trashy name. Players only have to recognize numbers to play this game well. This game takes up some space so it is best played on the oor.
Ages: 5+ Players: 2-4
Object: Be the rst player to complete all eight rounds of
play by placing your cards in the correct sequence each round.
Set-up: The dealer deals eight cards to each player. Players do not look at their cards, but place them face down in front of them in two rows of four. These cards are mentally numbered 1-8 starting with the top left card and ending with the lower right card (see diagram). The remainder of the deck is placed faced down in the center of all players, forming the draw pile.
Play: The rst player picks a card up from the draw pile, if it is any card numbered 1-8 (Ace is 1) the player is able to place
this card in its proper sequence placement. The card that it replaces is then placed into its correct position as well (if possible). For example if the rst card drawn is an 8, it would be placed face up in the bottom right, replacing the card that was there in the ‘8’ spot position. The card that was replaced would be ipped over and if were a 2 it would then be placed second from the left on the top row in the ‘2’ position. (Suits do not matter) Play continues in this manner until a player cannot make any more moves, and she discards one card to the discard pile.
The next player can either pick up the card that was discarded by another player or draws a new card from the draw pile. Play continues in this manner until one player has all eight cards in the correct order. Then a new round is dealt. All players are once again dealt eight cards except for the player who won the last round. This player is dealt only seven cards. New rounds are played with the winner always dealt one less card than her last hand until one player is dealt only 1 card.
Winning: The player who completes the last hand by getting an ace wins!
This is a simple fun card game that teaches the basics of winning tricks. In games with 5 or more players, you may want to use two decks.
If all of the cards have been taken from the draw pile, then a player says pass, and play goes to the next player.
Tie: If there is a tie for the highest value card, then the player who played her card rst is the rst one to start the next round.
Winning: The winner is the rst player who plays all of her cards and shouts “Boom!” when she plays her last card. Variation: Go Boom can be played with keeping score. It is played the same way except that more rounds are played, and points are scored for going boom. The game ends when a player reaches an agreed number of points (usually 250).
Scoring: The winner scores points for the cards left in the other players’ hands when she goes boom.
The cards are scored in the following manner: 10 points for each face card; 1 point for each ace; the face value of each of the number cards.
Grab a friend and develop a secret code in this card game! Players pair up and play in teams in this sly game. Try and keep a straight face!
Ages: 6+ Players: 4
Players: 2+ Ages: 5+
Object: Be the rst player to play all of his cards.
Set-up: The dealer deals each player seven cards, and
places the rest face down in a pile in the center.
Play: The rst player lays down a card face up. The next player must lay down a card that is either of the same suit, or of the same value. Play continues in this manner with each player matching either the suit or value of the rst card played. If a player is unable to match either the suit or value, than she must draw from the draw pile until she picks up a card that she can play.
After each player has laid down one card, the cards are compared for the highest value. The player who laid down the highest value card plays the rst card for the next hand. (Ace is highest value card)
Object: Be the team to collect four of a kind rst and call “Kemps”
Set-up: The dealer deals each player four cards and places four cards face down in the center. The rest of the cards become a draw pile and are placed to the side of the dealer.
Play: Players pair off with the player across from them and move away from the playing area to strategize. The players compare hands with their partner and may exchange cards at this time if they choose. At this point players also come up with a secret signal to use to communicate with their partner that they have “four of a kind” and that their partner should call ‘Kemps!” This signal can be as simple as reaching an arm into the air, but should be subtle so that the other team doesn’t notice.
After the two teams have nalized their play, players resume their positions at the table or oor. At this point the dealer
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