Funai DVP-5000 Service manual

SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1-1
LASER BEAM SAFETY PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2-1
IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3-1
STANDARD NOTES FOR SERVICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4-1
BLOCK DIAGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6-1
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS / CBA’S AND TEST POINTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7-1
WAVEFORMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8-1
WIRING DIAGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9-1
FIRMWARE RENEWAL MODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10-1
SYSTEM CONTROL TIMING CHARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11-1
IC PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12-1
LEAD IDENTIFICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13-1
EXPLODED VIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14-1
MECHANICAL PARTS LIST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15-1
ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16-1
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. "Dolby" and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.


1. Video Output 75 ohm load Vpp 1.0 ± 0.1
2. Optical Digital Out dBm -18
3. Audio (PCM) 3-1. Output Level 1kHz 0dB Vrms 2.0 3-2. S/N dB 110 3-3. Freq. Response DVD fs=48kHz ± 0.5dB Hz 20~22 k CD fs=44.1kHz ± 0.5dB Hz 20~20 k 3-4. THD+N DVD 1 kHz 0dB % 0.004 CD 1 kHz 0dB % 0.0045
1. All Items are measured without pre-emphasis unless otherwise specified.
2. Power supply : AC230 V 60 Hz
3. Load imp. : 100 k ohm
4. Ambient Temperatur e : +25
1-1-1 E59A1SP


This DVD player uses a pickup that emits a laser beam.
Do not look directly at the l aser beam coming from the pickup or allo w it t o str ike agai nst your skin.
The laser beam i s emitted from t he location shown in th e figure. When checking th e laser diode, be s ure to keep your eyes at least 30cm away from the pickup lens when the diode is t urned on. D o not look direct ly at the laser beam.
Caution: Use of controls a nd adjustments, or doing proc edures other than thos e specified herein, m ay result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Drive Mecha Assembly
Laser Beam Radiation
Laser Pickup
1-2-1 E5P_LASER


Product Safe ty Notice
Some electrical and mechanical parts have special safety-related characteristi cs which are often not evi­dent from visual inspection, nor can the protection they give necessarily be obtained by replacing them with components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Parts that have special safety characteri stic s are ide n­tified by a ! on schematics and in parts lists. Use of a substitute replacement that does not have the same safety characteristics as the recommended replace­ment part might create shock, fire, and/or other haz ­ards. The Product’s Safety is under review continuously and new instructions are issued when­ever appropriate. Prior to shipment from the factory, our products are carefully inspected to confirm with the recognized produ ct safety and electrical co des of the countries in whi ch they are to be sold. H owever, in order to maintain su ch com plian ce, it is eq ual ly im por­tant to implement the following precautions when a set is being serviced.
Precautions during Servicing
A. Parts identified by the ! symbol are critical for
safety. Replace only with part number specified.
B. In addition to safety, other parts and assemblies
are specified for conformance with regulations applying to sp uriou s radiation . These must al so be replaced only with specified replacements. Examples: RF converters, RF cables, noise block­ing capacitors, and noise blocking filters, etc.
C. Use specified internal wiring. Note especially:
1)Wires covered with PVC tubing
2)Double insulated wires
3)High voltage leads
D. Use specified insulating materials for hazardous
live parts. Note especially:
1)Insulation tape
2)PVC tubing
4)Insulators for transistors
E. When replacing AC primary side components
(transformers, power cord, etc.), wrap ends of wires securely about the terminals before solder­ing.
F. Observe that the wi res do no t c ont act he at p ro duc-
ing par ts (heat sink s, oxide metal film resi stors, fus­ible resistors, etc.).
G. Check that replaced wires do not contact sharp
edges or pointed parts.
H. When a power cord has b een replac ed, che ck that
5 - 6 kg of force in any direction will not loosen it.
I. Also check areas surroundin g repa ired loc at ion s.
J. Be careful that foreign objects (screws, solder
droplets, etc.) do not remain inside the set.
K. Crimp type wire connector
The power transformer uses crimp type connectors which connect the power cord and the primary side of the transformer. When replacing the transformer, follow these steps carefully and precisely to prevent shock hazards. Replacement procedure
1)Remove the old connector by cutting the wires at a point close to the connector.
Important: Do not re-use a connector. (Discard it.)
2)Strip about 15 mm of the insulat ion from the ends of the wires. If the wires are stranded, twist the strands to avoid frayed conductors.
3)Align the lengths of the wires to be connected. Insert the wires fully into the connector.
4)Use a crimping tool to crimp the metal sleeve at its center. Be sure to crimp fully to the complete clo­sure of the tool.
L. When connecting or disconnecting the internal
connectors, first, di sconnect the AC plug from the AC outlet.
1-3-1 DVD_SFNP
Safety Check after Servicing
Examine the area surrounding the repaired location for damage or deter ioration. Observe that scr ews, parts, and wires have been returned to their original posi­tions. Afterwards, do the following tests and confirm the specified values to verify compliance with safety standards.
1. Clearance Distance
When replacing primary circuit components, confirm specified clearanc e distance (d) and (d’) between sol­dered terminals, and between terminals and surround­ing metallic parts. (See Fig. 1)
Table 1 : Ratings for selected area
AC Line Voltage Clearance Distance (d), (d’)
230 V
Note: This table is unofficial and for reference only.
Be sure to confirm the precise values.
3 mm(d)
6 mm(d’)
2. Leakage Current Test
Confirm the specified (or lower) leakage current between B (earth ground, power cord plug prongs) and externally exposed accessible parts (RF termi­nals, antenna terminals, video and audio input and output terminals, microphone jacks, earphone jacks, etc.) is lower than or equal to the specified value in the table below.
Measuring Method (Power ON) :
Insert load Z between B (earth ground, power cord plug prongs) and exposed accessible parts. Use an AC voltmeter to measure across the ter minals of load Z. See Fig. 2 and the following table.
Chassis or Secondary Conductor
Primary Circuit Terminals
Exposed Accessible Part
One side of
Power Cord Plug Prongs
AC Voltmeter (High Impedance)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Table 2: Leakage current ratings for selected areas
AC Line Voltage Load Z Leakage Current (i)
Connected in
230 V
Note: This table is unofficial and for reference only. Be sure to confirm the precise values.
50k RES.
Connected in
i0.7mA AC P eak
i2mA DC
i0.7mA AC P eak
i2mA DC
1-3-2 DVD_SFNP
One side of power cord plug
prongs (B) to:
RF or
Antenna terminals
A/V Input, Output


Circuit Board Indications
1. The output pin of th e 3 pin Regulator ICs is indi­cated as sho wn.
Top View
2. For other ICs, pin 1 and every fifth pin are indicated as shown.
Pin 1
3. The 1st pin of every male connector is i nd icate d as shown.
Bottom View
Pb (Lead) Free Solder
When soldering, be sure to use the Pb free solder.
How to Remove / Install Flat Pac k-IC
1. Removal
With Hot-Air Flat Pack-IC Desoldering Machine:.
(1)Prepare the hot-air flat pack-IC desoldering
machine, then apply hot air to the Flat Pack-IC (about 5 to 6 seconds). (Fig. S-1-1)
Fig. S-1-1
Pin 1
Instructions for Connectors
1. When you con nect or discon nect the FF C (Flexible Foil Connector) cable, be sure to first disconnect the AC cord.
2. FFC (Flexible Foil Connector) cable should be inserted parallel into the connector, not at an angle.
FFC Cable
(2) Remove the flat pack-IC with tweezers while apply-
ing the hot air.
(3) Bottom of the fl at pack-IC is fixed with glue to the
CBA; when removing entire flat pack-IC, first apply soldering iro n to c ent er of the fla t pa ck-IC and he at up. Then remove (glue will be melted). (Fig. S-1-6)
(4) Release the fla t pack-IC from the CBA u sing twee-
zers. (Fig. S-1-6)
1. The Flat Pack-IC shape may differ by models. Use an appropriate hot-air flat pack-IC desoldering machine, whose shape matches that of the Flat Pack-IC.
2. Do not supply hot air to the chip parts a round the flat pack-IC for over 6 seconds because damage to the chip parts may occur. Put masking tape around the flat pack-IC to protect other parts from damage. (Fig. S-1-2)
* Be careful to avoid a short circuit.
1-4-1 DVD_NOTE
3. The flat pack-IC on the CBA is affixed with glue, so be careful not to brea k or damage the foil of each pin or the solder lands under the IC when removing it.
Hot-air Flat Pack-IC Desoldering Machine
With Soldering Iron:
(1) Using desoldering braid, remove the solder from all
pins of the flat pack-IC. When you use solder flux which is applied to all pins of the flat pack-IC, you can remove it easily. (Fig. S-1-3)
Flat Pack-IC
Desoldering Braid
Masking Tape
Flat Pack-IC
Fig. S-1-2
Soldering Iron
Fig. S-1-3
(2) Lift each lead of the flat pack-IC upward one by
one, using a shar p pin or wire to which solde r will not adhere (iron wire). When heatin g the pins, use a fine tip soldering iron or a hot air desoldering machine. (Fig. S-1-4)
Sharp Pin
Fine Tip Soldering Iron
Fig. S-1-4
(3) Bottom of the fl at pack-IC is fixed with glue to the
CBA; when removing entire flat pack-IC, first apply soldering iro n to c ent er of the fla t pa ck-IC and he at up. Then remove (glue will be melted). (Fig. S-1-6)
(4) Release the fla t pack-IC from the CBA u sing twee-
zers. (Fig. S-1-6)
With Iron Wire:
(1) Using desoldering braid, remove the solder from all
pins of the flat pack-IC. When you use solder flux which is applied to all pins of the flat pack-IC, you can remove it easily. (Fig. S-1-3)
(2) Affix the wire to a workbench or solid mounting
point, as shown in Fig. S-1-5.
(3) While heating the pins using a fine tip soldering
iron or hot air blower, pull up the wire as the sol der melts so as to lift the IC leads from the CBA contact pads as shown in Fig. S-1-5
1-4-2 DVD_NOTE
(4)Bottom of the fla t pack-IC is fixed with glue to the
CBA; when removing entire flat pack-IC, first apply soldering iron to ce nter of the flat pack-IC and hea t up. Then remove (glue will be melted). (Fig. S-1-6)
(5)Release the flat pack-IC from the CBA us ing twee-
zers. (Fig. S-1-6)
When using a solder ing iron, care must be taken to ensure that the flat pack-IC is not bei ng held by glue. When the flat pack-IC is removed from the CBA, handle it gently beca use it may be damaged if force is applied.
2. Installation
(1) Using desoldering braid, remove the solder from
the foil of each pin of the flat pack-IC on the CBA so you can install a replacement flat pack-IC more easily.
(2) The “I” mark on the flat pack-IC indicates pin 1.
(See Fig. S-1-7.) Be sure this ma rk matche s the 1 on the PCB when positio ning for installation. Then presolder the four cor ners of t he flat pack-IC. (See Fig. S-1-8.)
(3) Solder all pins of the flat pack-IC. Be sure that none
of the pins have solder bridges.
To Solid Mounting Point
Hot Air Blower
Iron Wire
Soldering Iron
Fig. S-1-5
Fine Tip Soldering Iron
Example :
Pin 1 of the Flat Pack-IC is indicated by a " " mark.
Fig. S-1-7
Flat Pack-IC
Fig. S-1-8
Flat Pack-IC
Fig. S-1-6
1-4-3 DVD_NOTE
Instructions for Handling Semi-conductors
Electrostatic breakdown of the semi-conductors may occur due to a potential di fference caused by electro­static charge during unpacking or repair work.
1. Ground for Human Body
Be sure to wear a groun ding band (1M ) that is prop­erly grounded to re move any static electr ici ty that may be charged on the body.
2. Ground for Workbench
(1)Be sure to place a conductive sheet or copper plate
with proper grounding (1M) on the workbench or other surface, where the semi-conductors are to be placed. Because the static electricity charge on clothing will not escape thr ough the body ground­ing band, be careful t o avoid contacting semi-con­ductors with your clothing.
< Incorrect >
< Correct >
Grounding Band
Conductive Sheet or Copper Plate
1-4-4 DVD_NOTE


1. Disassembly Flowchart
This flowchar t i ndica tes th e dis assembly steps to g ain access to item(s) to be serviced. When reassembling, follow the steps in reverse order. Bend, route, and dress the cables as they were originally.
[1] T op Case
[2] Front Assembly
[4] Reinforce Plate
[5] DVD Main CBA Unit
[6] DVD Mecha [7] AV CBA
[8] Function CBA
[3] T r ay Panel
2. Disassembly Method
[1] Top Case D1 3(S-1) -
[3] Tray Panel D2 *2(L-4) 1 [4]
[6] [7] AV CBA D6 (S-5), 7(S-6), *2(L-5) ­[8]
Front Assembly
Reinforce Plate
DVD Main CBA Unit
DVD Mecha
Function CBA
*4(L-1), *3(L-2),
D3 3(S-2) -
(S-3A), (S-3B)
*CN201, *CN301, *CN401, *CN601
D6 *CN2001 -
1 1-1 1-2
2 2-1 2-2
(1): Identification (location) No. of parts in the figures (2): Name of the part (3): Figure Number for reference (4): Identification of parts to be removed, unhooked,
unlocked, released, unplugged, unclamped, or desoldered. P=Spring, L=Locking Tab, S=Screw, CN=Connector *=Unhook, Unlock, Release, Unplug, or Desolder e.g. 2(S-2) = two Screws (S-2), 2(L-2) = two Locking Tabs (L-2)
(5): Refer to “Reference Notes.”
About tightening screws
When tightening screws, tighten them with the follow­ing torque.
Screws Torque
(S-1), (S-2), (S-3A), (S-4), (S-5), (S-6)
(S-3B) 0.38 ± 0.04 N·m
0.45 ± 0.05 N·m
Reference Notes
CAUTION 1: Locking Tabs (L-1), (L-2), (L-3) and (L-4) are fragile. Be careful not to break them.
1-1. Release four Locking Tabs (L-1). Then, release
three Locking Tabs (L-2).
1-2. Release three Locking Tabs (L-3). The n remove
the Front Assembly.
CAUTION 2: Electrostatic breakdown of the laser diode in the optical system block may occur as a potential difference caused by electrostatic charge accumulated on cloth, human body etc, during unpacking or repair work.
To avoid damage of pickup follow next procedures. 2-1. Sh ort the th r e e s hort lan ds of F P C cable with sol-
der before removing the FFC cable (CN201) from it. If you disconnect the FFC cable (CN201 ), the laser diode of pickup will be destroyed. (Fig. D4)
2-2. Disconnect Connectors (CN301), (CN401) and
(CN601). Remove two Screws (S-3A) and (S-3B) and lift the DVD Main CBA Unit. (Fig. D4)
CAUTION 3: When reassembling, confirm the FFC cable (CN201) is connec ted complet ely. Then remove the solder from the three short lands of FPC cable. (Fig. D4)
1-5-1 E59A1DC
[1] T op Case
Fig. D1
[3] T ray Panel
[4] Reinforce Plate
[5] DVD Main CBA Unit
Fig. D3
[2] Front Assembly
Fig. D2
Short the three short lands by soldering. (Either of two places.)
View for A
Fig. D4
1-5-2 E59A1DC
[6] DVD Mecha
[8] Function CBA
[7] AV CBA
Fig. D5
1. Remove the Top Case.
2. Remove the Reinforce Plate.
3. Rotate the rou lette in the direction of the arrow as shown below.
Rotate this roulette in the direction of the arrow
Fig. D6
View for A
1-5-3 E59A1DC
1. Turn the unit over.
2. Inser t the shaft less than a diameter of 3 mm (e.g. screw­driver) straightly into the opening as shown.
3. Turn the shaft along with the opening clockwise.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the tray will open.
5. Pull the tray slowly with a hand.
View for B
Turn the shaft along with the opening clockwise.
Shaft (e.g. screwdriver)
1-5-4 E59A1DC
+ 30 hidden pages