Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 64GB, Stylistic Q550 Operating Manual

Operating manual
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Order No. Fujitsu Technology Solutions Gm bH: A26391-K330-Z320-1-7619, edition 2
Operating manual
Innovative technology 7
Ports and controls 9
Important notes 11
First-time setup of your device 17
WorkingwiththeTabletPC 20
Security functions 54
Connecting external devices 61
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility 65
Troubleshooting and tips 68
Technical data 76
Manufacturer’s notes 78
Index 85
Microsoft, MS and Window s are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
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MultiMediaCard is a registered trademark of Inneon Technologies AG
Sony and Memory Stick are registered trademarks of Sony Electronics, Inc.
All other trademarks referenced are trademarks or registe red trademarks of their respective owners, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright © Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 2011 All rights reserved, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying or similar methods, in part or in whole.
In the event of violations, perpetrators will be liable to prosecution for damages.
All rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.
Subject to availability and tech nical modications.
Innovativetechnology ................................................................. 7
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 7
Notational co nventions .................................................................. 8
Portsandcontrols ..................................................................... 9
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 11
Safetynotes ............................................................................ 11
Additional safety notes for devices with radio components . . . . . ............................. 11
Protecting the display screen ............................................................ 12
Energy saving .......................................................................... 15
Energy saving under W indows ....................................................... 15
Travelling withyour TabletPC ............................................................ 15
Before you travel ................................................................... 15
Transporting theTablet PC ........................................................... 16
Cleaning the TabletPC .................................................................. 16
First-time setup
ofyourdevice .........................................................
Unpacking and che
cking thedevice ......................................................
ion .....................................................................
Mains adapter co
nnecting . . . . ...........................................................
device for the rst time ..................................................
Working withthe Tablet PC ............................................................ 20
Statusindicators ........................................................................ 20
Switching on the Tablet PC .............................................................. 21
Programming the ON/OFFswitch ..................................................... 21
Switching offtheTablet PC .............................................................. 21
Handwriting recognition under Windows 7 . . . . . ............................................ 22
Touchscreen ............................................................................ 22
Select display orientation (portrait orlandscapeorientation) ................................. 23
Using ngers . .......................................................................... 23
Calibrate the Dual Digitizer for nger-based operation of the device ..................... 23
Actions with one nger . . . . ........................................................... 24
Actions with two ngers . . . ........................................................... 25
Actions with three ngers ............................................................ 27
Actions with four ngers ............................................................. 30
Using thestyluspen .................................................................... 33
Setting thepen ...................................................................... 34
Calibratingthe pen .................................................................. 34
Changing the pen tip . . .............................................................. 35
Removing the pen battery ............................................................ 35
Installinga penbattery ............................................................... 36
Installinga pencord ................................................................. 36
Tablet buttons .......................................................................... 37
Programming a tabletbutton ......................................................... 38
Webcam ............................................................................... 39
Rechargeable battery ................................................................... 39
Charging, caringforand maintaining the battery ....................................... 40
Removing and installingthe battery ................................................... 40
Battery capacity display . . . ........................................................... 43
Using thepower-management features ................................................... 44
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 3
Memory cards .......................................................................... 45
Supported format .................................................................... 45
Inserting thememory card ........................................................... 45
Removing the memory card .......................................................... 46
SIM card ............................................................................... 46
Inserting theSIM card ............................................................... 47
Removing aSIM card ............................................................... 47
Wireless LAN / Bluetooth/ UMTS ........................................................ 47
Switching the wireless com ponents on and off ......................................... 48
Setting up WLANaccess ............................................................ 49
Access viaUMTS ................................................................... 49
GPS ................................................................................... 49
Your Cradle (optional) . . . ................................................................ 50
Cradle components . . ................................................................ 50
Setting up theCradle ................................................................ 51
Connecting the Tablet PC to the Cradle . . ............................................. 51
Disconnecting the Tablet PC from the Cradle . ......................................... 53
Security functions ..................................................................... 54
Conguring the ngerprint sensor ........................................................ 54
Conguring password protection inBIOS Setup Utility ...................................... 55
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor and user password) . .......................... 55
Password protection for booting of the operating system . .............................. 57
Password protection forthe harddisk ................................................. 58
SmartCard reader ....................................................................... 59
Inserting theSmartCard ............................................................. 59
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (device-dependent) . . . . . .................................. 60
Enabling TPM ....................................................................... 60
Disabling TPM ...................................................................... 60
Connecting externaldevices ........................................................... 61
HDMIport .............................................................................. 62
Connecting USB devices ................................................................ 63
Howto remove USB devices correctly ................................................ 63
Headphone port . ....................................................................... 64
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility . . ........................................................ 65
Starting theBIOS SetupUtility ........................................................... 65
Operating BIOSSetup Utility ............................................................. 66
Exiting BIOS Setup Utility ................................................................ 67
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setu p Utility . . . . ................... 67
Exit Discarding Changes – Discard changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . ............... 67
Load Setup Defaults – Copy Standard Entries ......................................... 67
Discard Changes – Discard changes without exiting the BIOS Setup U tility ............... 67
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . ................... 67
Save Changes and Power Off ........................................................ 67
Troubleshooting andtips .............................................................. 68
Help ifproblemsoccur ................................................................... 68
TheTablet PC’sdateor timeis incorrect .................................................. 69
Battery indicator doesnot illuminate ...................................................... 69
TheTablet PC’stouchscreen remains dark ................................................ 69
The display on the Tablet PC’s touchscreen is difcultto read ............................... 69
Theexternalmonitor remainsblank ...................................................... 70
4 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Theexternalmonitorisblank orthe imageis unstable ..................................... 70
The cursor does not correctly follow the pen movements . . . . . . ............................. 71
Peninputnot working ................................................................... 71
TheTablet PC does notstartafter switch on ............................................... 71
TheTablet PC stops working ............................................................. 72
The printer does not print . . . . . ........................................................... 72
The radio connection to a network does not work . . ........................................ 72
Thebatterydischarges tooquickly ........................................................ 73
SmartCard reader is not recognised . . . ................................................... 73
SmartCard PIN forgotten ................................................................ 73
SmartCard lost ......................................................................... 73
User and/or supervisor SmartCard lost ................................................... 74
Acoustic warnings ....................................................................... 74
Error messageson the screen ........................................................... 74
Technical data ......................................................................... 76
Tablet PC .............................................................................. 76
Rechargeable battery ................................................................... 77
Mains adapter (40 W) . .................................................................. 77
Cradle (optional) ........................................................................ 77
Manufacturer’snotes .................................................................. 78
Disposal and recycling .................................................................. 78
Declarationsof Conformity ............................................................... 78
Electrical safety including ergonomic requirements (GS, depending on the device) . .......... 78
CEmarking ............................................................................ 79
Regulatory notices ...................................................................... 79
Regulatory information for Tablet PCs without radio device . ............................. 79
DOC(Industry CANADA)notices ..................................................... 81
FCC Regulatory information for Tablet PCs with radio device . . . ......................... 83
Index .................................................................................. 85
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 5
6 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Innovative technology
Innovative technology
... and ergonomic design make your device a reliable and convenient companion.
The device boots very quickly, is ready for immediate use and offers a particularly long operating time because of its high capacity battery.
The user-friendly "BIOS Setup Utility" offers powerful password protection functions which can be used to control your Tablet PC ’s hardware and protect your system better against unauthorised use.
Information on the connections and controls for your Tablet PC can be found in chapter "
Ports and controls", Page 9.
Further information
The Windows drivers for your device can be found on our Internet site. The factory installation of your device does not support any other operating system. F ujitsu Technology Solutions accepts no liability whatsoever if any other operating system is used.
Software oriented components of these instructions refer to Microsoft products, if they come within the scope of the delivery.
If you install other software products, pay attention to the operating instructions of the manufacturer.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 7
Innovative technology
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe these warnings could p ose a risk to health, damage the device or lead to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates importan t informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the c ommand line, e.g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (star
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a p rogram, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms an d texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For more information, go to ""
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials, e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Sa fety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do not switch off the device
8 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Ports and controls
Ports and controls
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. I t gives you an overview of the device’s indicators and connections. Please familiarise yourse lf with these components before you start to work with the device.
1 = WebCam 2 = Eyelet for pen cord 3 = ON/OFF switch for wireless components 4 = Tablet bu tton "Alt"
5 = Tablet button "Change the screen
6 = Tablet button "Alt" 7 = ON/OFF switch 8 = Status indicators 9 = DC input connector (DC IN) 10 = Port for Cradle
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 9
Ports and controls
1 = Battery compartment 2 = WebCam 3 = Memory card slot 4 = Fingerprint sensor
5 = USB port 6 = Headphone port 7 = HDMI port 8 = Microphones
10 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essential safety information which must be followed when working with your Tablet PC. The other no tes provide useful information on your Tablet PC.
Safety notes
Please follow the safety notes provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual as well as the safety notes given below.
Please pay special attention to the sections in the manual marked with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant notes in this operating manual.
Read the information on the ambient conditions in the "
Technical data", Page 76
chapter and the "Firs t-time setup of your devic e", Page 17 chapter before preparing your Tablet PC for use and switching it on for the rst time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the section "
Cleaning the Tablet PC", Page 16.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices with radio components provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
This Tablet PC c
omplies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing equipment.
If you have que
stions as to whether you can set up the Tablet PC in the intended
please contact your sales po int or our hotline/help desk.
Additional safety notes for devices with radio components
If a radio component (Wireless LAN/ Bluetooth) is integrated in your Tablet PC, y ou must be sure to observe the following safety precautions when using your Tablet PC:
Switch off the radio components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off the radio components when you are in a hospital, an operating room or near a medical electronics system. The transmitted radio waves can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the radio components when you let the device get near ammable gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. petrol station, paintshops), as the transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a re.
For information on how to switch radio components on and off, see chap ter
Switching the wireless components on and off", Page 48.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 11
Important notes
Protecting the display screen
The device is not waterproof. Do not pour liquids on the system or wash it with a heavily soaked cloth. Do not place items on the top o f the display, or damage may occur.
During normal use of the device, small particles from the environment can become embedded in the pen tip and scratch the screen. To prevent this, make sure tha t a screen protector is applied. The warranty does not cover a scratched screen.
A screen protector can be obtained as an accessory for your device. Please contact your F ujitsu Technology Solutions dealer for this.
You device is designed for a long period of use. Using a screen protector will help ensure that the screen remains as clear as possible. When installed, the screen protector becomes a durable, replaceable writing surface that protects the display screen from abrasion.
The screen protector is held onto the display screen surface by a thin strip of adhesive around the edges. There is a angled corner in o ne corner of the screen protector. It allows youtoslideyourngernail under the screen protector for ea sy removal.
Proceed as follows to attach a screen protector:
If a screen protector is already installed on the display screen, remove it
before installing the new screen protector.
Remove the protective coating from the adhesive side of the screen protector.
12 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Important notes
Align the screen protector on the edges of the screen as illustrated and lay it
on the screen with the adhesive side downward.
Make stroking m
ovements towards th e outside edges in order to remove any air bubbles.
Press the edges firmly.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 13
Important notes
To ensure a good seal between the screen protector and the display, do not lift the screen protector from the display once it has been applied.
Carefully lift the plastic protective coating at the angled corner and pull it from the screen.
You can now touch the screen with the pen.
To remove all adhesive residue and prevent the tip of the pen from squeaking,
wipe the screen protector with a soft, dry cloth.
The adhesive sets completely within 48 hours.
14 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Important notes
Energy saving
If you will not be using your Tablet PC, switch it off. Switch off any connected external devices when they are not in use. If you use the energy saving functions, the Tablet PC uses less power. You will then be able to work for longer be fore having to recharge the ba ttery.
Energy efciency is increased and the environmental impact is reduced. You save money while protecting the environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make use of the power management features (see "Using the power-management fea tures",
Page 44).
Travelling with y ou
Please observe the points listed below when travelling with your Tablet PC.
Before you travel
Back up important data stored on your hard disk.
Table tPCTravel,Tablet PC
Switch off the radio component for data security r easons. With data traffic via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorised third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation for your radio component.
If you want to use your Tablet PC during a flight, rst check with the ight
attendants whether this is permissible.
When travelling in other countries
If you are travelling abroad, check that the mains adapter can be operated with the
local mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate mains adapter for your Tablet PC. Do not use any other voltage converter!
Check whether the local mains voltage and the power cable are compatible. If this is
not the case, buy a pow er cable that m atches the local conditions.
Enquire with the corresponding government office of the country you will be
travelling in as to whether you may operate the radio component integrated in your Tablet PC there (also see "
CE marking", Page 79).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 15
Important notes
Transporting the Tablet PC
Protect the Tablet PC from severe shocks and extreme temperatures (e.g., direct sunlight in a car).
If your device has a n optical drive, remove all data media (e.g. CD, DVD) from the drives.
TransportationTable tPC
Switch off the Tablet PC.Unplug the mains adap ter and all external devices from the powe r socket.Disconnect the mains adapter cable and the data cables for all external d evices.To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a Tablet PC carrying
case to transport your Tablet PC.
Cleaning the Tablet PC
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a se rvice technician.
Only use cleaning products designed for comp uters. Normal household cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard and the Tablet, the paintwork or the Tablet PC itself.
Please ensure that no liquid enters the Tablet PC.
The touchscreen is very sensitive to scratches! Only clean the display surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth.
Switch the Tablet PC off.
CleaningNotesTa blet PCKeyboardTouchpadTouchscreenCrystalView
In order to prevent accidentially switch ing the device o n, remove the power cable from the mains
adaptor and remove the battery (see "
Removing and installing the battery", Page 40).
The casing surfaces may be cleaned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a damp cloth that has been dipped in water mixed with mild domestic detergent a nd then carefully wrung out.
16 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
First-time setup of your device
First-time setup of your devic
First-timese tupGettingstarted
Please read the chapter "Important not es", Page 11.
If your device is equipped with a Windows operating system, the necessary hardware drivers and supplied software are already pre-installed.
Beforeyouswitchonthedevicefortherst time, connect it to the mains voltage using the mains adapter, see "
Mains adapter con necting", Page 18.Themains
adapter m ust be connected during the entire installation process.
A system test is performed when your device is rst switche d on. Various messages can appear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may icker.
Please follow the instructions on the screen.
NEVER switch off your device during the rst-time setup process.
On delivery, the battery can be found in the battery compartment or in the accessories kit. The battery must be charged if you want to operate your device using the battery.
When used on the move, the built-in battery provides the device w ith the necessary power. You can increase the operating time by using the available energy-saving functions.
For instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. m ouse, printer) to your device, please refer to the operating manual for your device.
Unpacking and
checking the device
Should you discover any damage that occurred during transportation, notify your local sales outlet immediately!
Unpack all the individual parts.
Check your
device for any visible damage which may have occurred during transportation.
You ma y n e
ed the packaging in the future, if you need to transport your device.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 17
First-time setup of your device
Selecting a location
Select a s uitable location for the device before setting it up. Follow the instructions below when doing so:
Never place the device or the mains adapter on a heat-sensitive surface. The surface could be damaged as a result.
Never place the device on a soft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholstered furniture, bed). This can block the air vents and cause overheating and damage.
The underside of the device heats up during normal operation. Prolonged contact with the skin may become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, at, non-slippery surface. Please note that the rubber feet of the device may mark certain types of delicate surfaces.
Keep other objects at least 100 mm away from the device and its mains adapter to ensure a dequate ventilation.
Never cover the ventilation slots of the device.
Do not expose the device to extreme environmental conditions. Protect the device from dust, humidity, and heat.
Mains adapter connecting
Observe the safety notes in the enclosed "Safety/Regulations" manual.
The supplied power cable conforms to the requirements of the country in which you purchased your device. Make sure that the power cable is approved for use in the country in which you intend to use it.
Connect the power cable (1) to the
mains adapter.
Plug the mains cable (2) into a mains outlet.Connect the mains ad apter cable (3) to
the DC jack (DC IN) of the device.
18 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
First-time setup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
On devices with ON/OF F switch for wireless components: Slide the ON/OFF switch for wireless components to the ON position before switching on the device.
When you switch on the device for the rst time, the s upplied software is installed and congured. Because this procedure must not be interrupted, you should set aside enough time for it to be fully completed and connect the device to the mains using the mains adapter.
During the installation process, DO NOT restart the device unless you are requested to do so!
To make it easier to use y
our device for the rst time, the operating system
is pre-installed on th
e hard disk.
Slide the ON/OFF switch (1) to the right to switch on the Tablet PC.
The ON/OFF switch returns automatically to its original position. The power-on indicator (2) lights up whenever the system is switched on.
During installation, follow the instructions on screen.
If a Windows operating system is installed on your device, you will nd more information on the system and drivers, help programmes, updates, manuals etc. on the device or on the Internet at "".
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 19
Working with the Tablet PC
Working with the Tablet PC
This chapter describes the basics for operating your Tablet PC. You can nd instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse, printer) to the Tablet PC in the chapter "
Connecting external devices", Page 61.
Please refer to the notes in "Important notes", Page 11.
Status indicators
The status indicators provide information about the status of the power supply, the drives and the keyboard functions etc.
Status d
on indicator
icator is illuminated: T he Tablet PC is switched on.
The indicator is ashing: The Tablet PC is in sleep m ode (Save-to-RAM).
dicator is not illuminated: The Tablet PC is switched off or in
to-Disk mode.
ery charging indicator
The b
attery charging indicator shows w hether a battery is installed and being
20 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the Tablet PC
Switching on the Tablet PC
TabletPC:switchingonPower-onindicatorSuspend/Res umebutton
Slide the ON/OFF switch (1) to the right to switch on the Tablet PC.
The ON/OFF switch returns automatically to its original position. The power-on indicator (2) lights up whenever the system is switched on.
Programming the ON/OFF switch
You can pro
gram the ON/OFF switch:
Operating system Menu
Windows 7
Start - (Settings) - Control Panel - System and Security - Pow er Options
If you ha
ve assigned a password, you must enter this when requested to
do so, in
order to start the operating system. Detailed information can b e
found i
n the chapter "
Security functions", Page 54.
Switching off the Tablet PC
Close all applications and then shut down the operating system (please
see the "Operating System Manual").
Slide the ON/OFF switch towards the right.
The ON/OFF switch returns automatically to its original position.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 21
Working with the Tablet PC
Handwriting recognition under
Windows 7
Handwriting recognition under Windows 7 currently supports the fo llowing languages:
English, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (traditional and simplied), Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Brazilian, Norwegian (Bokmål and Nynorsk), Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Polish, Rumanian, Serbian (Cyrillic a nd Latin script), Ca talan, Russian, Czech and Croatian.
Touch scre enNotes
High-quality TFT displays are installed in Tablet PCs from Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH. For technical reasons, TFT monitors are manufactured for a specic resolution. An optimal, clear picture can only be ensured with the correct resolution intended for the relevant TF T monitor. A monitor resolution which differs from the specication can result in an un clear picture.
The screen resolution of your Tablet PC’s touchscreen is optimally set at the factory.
The standard of production techniques tod ay cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen display. A few isolated constant lit or unlit pixels (picture elements) may be pre sent. The maximum permitted number of pixels faults is stipulated in the international stan dard ISO 9241-3 (Class II).
A m onitor with a resolution of 1280 x 800 has 1280 x 800 = 1024000 pixels. Each pixe l consists of three subpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 3 million subpixels in total. According to ISO 9241-3 (class II), a maximum of 2 light and 2 dark pixels and an additional 5 light or 10 dark subpixels or a corresponding mix may be defective (1 light subpixel coun ts as 2 dark subpixels).
A pixel consists of 3 subpixels, normally red, green a nd blue. A pixel is the smallest element that can be generated by complete functionality of the display.
A subpixel is a separately addressable internal structure within a pixel that enhances the pixel function.
Cluster A cluster contains two or more defective pixels or
subpixels in a 5 x 5 pixel block.
Background lighting
TFT monitors are operated with background lighting. The luminosity of the background lighting can decrease while the Tablet PC is in use. However, you can set the brightness of your monitor individually.
Synchronising the display on the touchscreen and an externa l monitor
In Windows 7, you can switch between touchscreen and external monitor, if you open Control Panel - Windows Mobility Center,sectionExternal Display.
22 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the Tablet PC
Select display orientation (portrait or landscape orientation)
You can choose to use either portrait or landscape orientation for the display. Press the
Tablet button
to switch between portrait and landscape orientation.
Windows 7
You can change these settings in the Fujitsu menu or under Start -(Settin gs -) Control Panel - Hardware and Sound - Display - Settings.
Proles for operating with various different screen modes can be selected via the Fujitsu Tablet Control option in the Fujitsu menu. These proles have preset standard congurations that can be modied as desired.
These settings do not just affect the monitor settings on the Tablet PC, but also any external monitors that may be connected.
Using ngers
You can execute c
ertain commands by using your nger tip on the touchscreen of y our device.
Everything whic
h you can s elect or activate using your nger tip can also
be selected or
activated using the stylus pen.
Calibrate th
e Dual Digitizer for nger-based
operation of the device
Before operating the device for the rst time using the ngers, you must calibrate it so that your nger tips are recognized as accurately as possible.
You must calibrate the device again as soon as you notice that the variations are becoming greater.
Operating system Menu
Windows 7
To calibrate, call up the Hardware and Sound / Tablet PC Settings fu nction in the Control Panel. You need to calibrate both portrait and landscape formats.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 23
Working with the Tablet PC
Actions with one nger
Action Description
Selecting objects (click with the left mouse button)
With your finger, tap once brieyonthe
Starting programs (double-click with the left mouse button)
With your finger, tap twice briey in quick
succssion on the program icon.
Moving objects/windows (drag with left mouse button pressed, Drag & Drop)
Place a finger directly on t he object/window,
hold the nger pressed against the touchscreen and move the desired object/window.
Opening a context menu (click with the right mouse button)
Touch the desired item once with your nger
tip. Keep the nger tip pressed against the touchscreen.
The context menu appears.
Moving the c ursor
Position one finger on the touchscreen and
move the nger in the desired direction.
24 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
+ 63 hidden pages