Fujitsu ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 User Manual

April 2012
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0
User's Guide for Tenant Users
This document explains how to operate the ROR Console provided by ServerView Resource Orchestrator (hereafter referred to as "this product").
Target Readers
This document is intended for users who use the resources of a tenant that they own.
This manual is composed as follows:
Chapter 1 Overview
Explains an overview of the ROR Console ROR
Chapter 2 Home
Explains the ROR Console Home window
Chapter 3 System Condition
Explains how to monitor system condition
Chapter 4 L-Platform
Explains how to use the L-Platform
Chapter 5 Request
Explains how to operate the application list
Chapter 6 Account
Explains how to perform account operations
Explains terms used in this document. Refer to the glossary as required.
Notational Conventions
The notation in this manual conforms to the following conventions.
- When using Resource Orchestrator and the functions necessary differ due to the necessary basic software (OS), it is indicated as
Sections related to Windows
[Linux] Sections related to Linux
- Reference destinations are shown enclosed by quotation marks (" ").
- Window, dialog, menu, tab, and button names are indicated using bold text.
Documentation Road Map
The following manuals are provided with Resource Orchestrator. Please refer to them when necessary:
- i -
Manual Name Abbreviated Form Purpose
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Setup Guide
Setup Guide CE
Please read this first.
Read this when you want information about the purposes and uses of basic functions, and how to install Resource Orchestrator.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide
Installation Guide CE
Read this when you want information about how to install Resource Orchestrator.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Operation Guide
Operation Guide CE
Read this when you want information about how to operate systems that you have configured.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management)
User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE
Read this when you want information about how to operate the GUI (resource management) used by infrastructure administrators and dual-role administrators.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators
User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators CE
Read this when you want information about how to operate the GUI (for operations other than resource management) used by infrastructure administrators and dual-role administrators.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 User's Guide for Tenant Administrators
User's Guide for Tenant Administrators CE
Read this when you want information about how to operate the GUI used by tenant administrators.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 User's Guide for Tenant Users
User's Guide for Tenant Users CE
Read this when you want information about how to operate the GUI used by tenant users.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Reference Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management)
Reference Guide (Resource Management) CE
Read this when you want information about commands used by infrastructure administrators and dual-role administrators to manage resources, messages output by the system, and how to perform troubleshooting.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Reference Guide for Infrastructure Administrators
Reference Guide CE
Read this when you want information about commands used by infrastructure administrators and dual-role administrators for purposes other than resource management.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.0.0 Messages
Messages CE
Read this when you want detailed information about the corrective actions for displayed messages.
In some cases, this document may refer to the Virtual Edition manuals shown below. Please refer to them when necessary:
Manual Name Abbreviated Form Purpose
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.0.0 Setup Guide
Setup Guide VE
Read this when you want information about the purposes and uses of basic functions, and how to install Resource Orchestrator.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.0.0 Installation Guide
Installation Guide VE
Read this when you want information about how to install Resource Orchestrator.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.0.0 Operation Guide
Operation Guide VE
Read this when you want information about how to operate systems that you have configured.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.0.0 User's Guide
User's Guide VE
Read this when you want information about how to operate the GUI.
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.0.0 Command Reference
Command Reference
Read this when you want information about how to use commands.
- ii -
Manual Name Abbreviated Form Purpose
ServerView Resource Orchestrator Virtual Edition V3.0.0 Messages
Messages VE
Read this when you want detailed information about the corrective actions for displayed messages.
The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
Abbreviation Products
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 Enterprise Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Standard Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Enterprise Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2008 R2 Datacenter Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard x64 Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition Windows(R) 7 Professional Windows(R) 7 Ultimate Windows Vista(R) Business Windows Vista(R) Enterprise Windows Vista(R) Ultimate Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional operating system
Windows Server 2003
Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Standard x64 Edition Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition
Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.1 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.1 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.2 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.2 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.3 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.3 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.4 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.4 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.5 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.5 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.6 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.6 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.7 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.7 (for Intel64) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 6.2 (for x86) Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 6.2 (for Intel64)
VMware vSphere(R) 4 VMware vSphere(R) 4.1 VMware vSphere(R) 5
Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.4 (for x86) Linux Virtual Machine Function Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 5.4 (for Intel64) Linux Virtual Machine Function
- iii -
Abbreviation Products
Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 6.2 (for x86) Virtual Machine Function Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 6.2 (for Intel64) Virtual Machine Function
Export Administration Regulation Declaration
Documents produced by FUJITSU may contain technology controlled under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan. Documents which contain such technology should not be exported from Japan or transferred to non-residents of Japan without first obtaining authorization from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan in accordance with the above law.
Trademark Information
- Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
- Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation
in the United States and/or other countries.
- Red Hat, RPM, and all Red Hat-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the United
States and other countries.
- VMware, the VMware logo, Virtual SMP, and VMotion are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States
and/or other jurisdictions.
- ServerView and Systemwalker are registered trademarks of FUJITSU LIMITED.
- All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
- The contents of this manual shall not be reproduced without express written permission from FUJITSU LIMITED.
- The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
Month/Year Issued, Edition Manual Code
November 2011, First Edition J2X1-7615-01ENZ0(00) January 2012, 1.1 Edition J2X1-7615-01ENZ0(01) January 2012, 1.2 Edition J2X1-7615-01ENZ0(02) February 2012, 1.3 Edition J2X1-7615-01ENZ0(03) March 2012, 1.4 Edition J2X1-7615-01ENZ0(04) April 2012, 1.5 Edition J2X1-7615-01ENZ0(05)
Copyright 2011-2012 FUJITSU LIMITED
Editing Record
Additions and changes Section Edition
An article relating to the display name of configuration information was modified.
3.4 1.1 Edition
The term "logical node" was changed to "L-Server". 3.4 An article relating to RHEL-KVM was added. Chapter 3, Chapter 4 An article relating to the priority of the task was added. 5.2
- iv -
Additions and changes Section Edition
The configuration for sections and sub-sections was modified.
Chapter 3 1.2 Edition
A table for description of CI list item was added. 3.2 An article relating to usage fee (the estimated price) was
4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.9, 4.3.11
An article relating to batch power supply operations was added.
4.3.2, 4.3.9, 4.3.11
An article relating to overcommit (Hyper-V) was added or modified.
A 'note' relating to CPU performance, CPU reserve performance, memory size, or memory reserve size was added.
An article relating to status confirmation of subscriptions was added.
The window and article for the Form panel was added. 5.1, 5.2 Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) 6.2 was added as product for
the abbreviations Linux and RHEL-KVM.
Preface 1.3 Edition
A 'note' relating to L-Platform cancellation was added. 4.3.10 A 'note' relating to pop-up blocker was added. 4.5 An article relating to user ID information was modified. 1.6 1.4 Edition A 'note' relating to L-Platform reconfiguration was modified. 4.3.9 An article relating to user ID information was modified. 1.6 1.5 Edition A note was added to the explanation of "sdattim" which was
added on the CSV output table.
The term "LDAP operation settings" was changed to "directory services operation settings".
An explanation on "Migration" was added. Glossary
- v -
Chapter 1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Users....................................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Function List........................................................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Flow of Operations..............................................................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Display.................................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.5 Notes on Use of the ROR Console......................................................................................................................................................5
1.5.1 Surrogate Pair Characters.............................................................................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Web Browser Settings..................................................................................................................................................................5
1.5.3 ROR Console Operations..............................................................................................................................................................5
1.5.4 Notification of User Password Setting..........................................................................................................................................6
1.6 New User Registration Tasks..............................................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 2 Home.....................................................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Home Window Display.....................................................................................................................................................................11
Chapter 3 System Condition...................................................................................................................................................12
3.1 System Condition Display Range......................................................................................................................................................12
3.2 L-Platform System Condition Display..............................................................................................................................................12
3.2.1 System Condition Display..........................................................................................................................................................14
3.2.2 Configuration Information Display............................................................................................................................................21
Chapter 4 L-Platform..............................................................................................................................................................23
4.1 Display L-Platform............................................................................................................................................................................23
4.2 Subscribe to an L-Platform................................................................................................................................................................24
4.2.1 Subscribe to a New L-Platform..................................................................................................................................................24
4.2.2 L-Platform Subscription after Saving Configuration..................................................................................................................36
4.3 L-Platform Management....................................................................................................................................................................40
4.3.1 L-Platform Management Display Page.......................................................................................................................................40
4.3.2 L-Platform Detailed Information Display...................................................................................................................................44
4.3.3 Display Details on a Disk...........................................................................................................................................................46
4.3.4 Start and Stop the Server............................................................................................................................................................47
4.3.5 Manage Patch Information..........................................................................................................................................................47
4.3.6 Take and Restore Snapshot.........................................................................................................................................................49
4.3.7 Physical Server Backup and Restore..........................................................................................................................................51
4.3.8 Setup Firewall.............................................................................................................................................................................53
4.3.9 L-Platform Reconfiguration........................................................................................................................................................54
4.3.10 Cancel an L-Platform................................................................................................................................................................57
4.3.11 Reconfiguration Page................................................................................................................................................................60
4.4 Display Event Logs............................................................................................................................................................................78
4.5 Select Forward Destination of Application Process..........................................................................................................................79
4.6 How to Use the L-Platform................................................................................................................................................................81
Chapter 5 Request.................................................................................................................................................................82
5.1 Checking an Application Status.........................................................................................................................................................82
5.2 Cancelling an Application ................................................................................................................................................................85
Chapter 6 Account..................................................................................................................................................................88
6.1 Referencing User Information...........................................................................................................................................................88
6.2 Changing User Information...............................................................................................................................................................89
6.3 Changing Passwords..........................................................................................................................................................................90
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Chapter 1 Overview
This chapter explains the ROR Console.
1.1 Users
The ROR Console has the following users:
- Infrastructure Administrator
- Tenant Administrator
- Tenant user
Refer to "Glossary" for details on these roles.
1.2 Function List
This section explains the functions provided by ROR Console. ROR Console has two parts: "operation windows for tenant administrators and tenant users" and "operation windows for infrastructure
administrators". Windows intended for Tenant Administrators and tenant users are provided for L-Platform and user information operations. These windows
are configured by Tenant Administrators themselves, and have been provided to reduce the Infrastructure Administrator workload. Operation windows and dashboard windows intended for Infrastructure Administrators are also provided for L-Platform and user
information operations. These windows are provided to enable Infrastructure Administrators to display and operate all L-Platform and tenant information and to access important information quickly.
The ROR Console displays are customized for the user's role, to provide appropriate functions to each user. For example, tabs that the current user cannot operate are not displayed.
Figure 1.1 ROR Console
The table below shows the functions provided by the ROR Console. These functions correspond to the tabs displayed at the top of the ROR Console.
Function Overview Infrastructure
Tenant user
Home The window displayed immediately
after login to the ROR Console. A function list and notifications are displayed.
Yes Yes Yes
Dashboard Displays the resource pool usage status Yes Yes No
- 1 -
Function Overview Infrastructure
Tenant user
System Condition Displays L-Server performance
information and configuration information
Yes Yes Yes
Resource A window for managing the resource
pool and the relationship of resources to L-Server
Yes No No
Template A window for managing L-Platform
Yes Yes No
L-Platform A window for managing L-Platform Yes Yes Yes Request A window for assessing and approving
L-Platform usage applications and other applications from tenant users
Yes Yes Yes
Tenant A window for managing tenants and
users belonging to tenants
Yes Yes No
Account A window for changing a logged in
user's information and password
Yes Yes Yes
Help Displays this product's manual Yes Yes Yes
Yes: Displayed (However, some functions may not be displayed according to the user's access rights.)
No: Not displayed Refer to Chapter 2, "Home", and subsequent chapters for details on these functions. However, refer to the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE" for information on the "Resource"
1.3 Flow of Operations
This section explains the flow of operations using the ROR Console, from construction to operation, maintenance, and monitoring.
Flow from Construction to Operation (Tenant User)
- 2 -
1. Subscribing to L-Platform
Subscribe to L-Platform usage. Refer to "4.2 Subscribe to an L-Platform" for details.
2. Confirming L-Platform subscription status
Check the L-Platform subscription status. Refer to "4.3 L-Platform Management" for details.
[Operating L-Platform and L-Server]
1. Power operation L-Platform and L-Server
Perform L-Platform and L-Server power and other operations. Refer to "4.3.4 Start and Stop the Server" and "Power Operations" in the "User's Guide for Infrastructure Administrators (Resource Management) CE" for details.
2. Creating L-Server backup and snapshots
If required, create an L-Server backup snapshot. Refer to "4.3.6 Take and Restore Snapshot" and "4.3.7 Physical Server Backup and Restore" for details.
[Confirming L-Platform and L-Server]
1. Confirming L-Platform usage status
Check the status of L-Platform disk usage and other usage. Refer to "Chapter 3 System Condition" for details.
2. Running L-Platform
If required, add servers and disks for the L-Platform. Refer to "4.3.9 L-Platform Reconfiguration" for details.
1.4 Display
This section explains how to display the ROR Console.
The ROR Console runs on any of the following browsers:
- Windows(R) Internet Explorer(R) 8
- Windows(R) Internet Explorer(R) 9
How to Display the ROR Console
Follow the steps below to display the ROR Console:
1. Start the Web browser.
2. Specify the URL of the ROR Console. Check the URL of the ROR Console with your system administrator.
The following shows the format of the URL.
https://<host name of admin server>:<port number>/
- 3 -
3. The login window is displayed. Enter your user ID and password to log in.
Figure 1.2 Login Window
4. The ROR Console is displayed.
Follow the steps below to logout.
1. Click the Logout link at the upper-right of the ROR Console to log out. A window is displayed, confirming log out from ROR
Console. Click the OK button to log out.
Figure 1.3 Logout Confirm Window
- 4 -
2. The logout window is displayed, close the browser.
Figure 1.4 Logout Window
1.5 Notes on Use of the ROR Console
This section explains the notes on the use of the ROR Console.
1.5.1 Surrogate Pair Characters
Surrogate pair characters cannot be used on the ROR Console.
1.5.2 Web Browser Settings
The following settings must be specified for the Web browser before using the ROR Console:
- Enable cookies.
- Enable JavaScript
- Use SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0
- Specify either one of the following for the Web browser pop-up blocker:
- Disable the pop-up blocker
- Add the URL of the ROR Console to the Address of web site to allow setting.
Check with the system administrator for the URL of the ROR Console.
1.5.3 ROR Console Operations
When logging in to the ROR console, a window displaying the message "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" may be displayed.
This problem can occur as a result of the following combinations of OS and web browsers being used. Windows XP SP3 + Internet Explorer 8
- 5 -
Windows Server 2003 + Internet Explorer 8 Windows Server 2008 + Internet Explorer 8
Corrective Action
Take one of the following corrective actions.
- Connect using a combination of OS and web browser not listed above
- When this problem occurs, reload the page on your web browser
- Specify the IP address, not an FQDN, in the URL used for connection
1.5.4 Notification of User Password Setting
If the password is changed by tenant administrator, changed password will be sent to the user by E-mail with the title below. In this case, it is recommended to set a different password immediately.
Title of mail : [Important information]Setting of user password
1.6 New User Registration Tasks
The following two methods are available for registering a tenant user:
- The tenant users perform user registration themselves using a virtual account that the Tenant Administrator has registered from the
Register User window
- The Tenant Administrator registers a tenant user from the Register User window
The tenant user registration method is set by the system administrator.
This section explains the registration tasks that should be performed by a user who has applied via the Tenant Administrator for new registration. A registration instruction email is sent to such a user.
Follow the registration procedures given in the instruction email. Note that the registration application becomes invalid if the registration procedure is not performed within 24 hours of receiving the
instruction email. Follow the procedure below to register a new user:
- 6 -
1. Click the URL in the user registration mail.
The Register User page will be displayed.
Temporary password Specify the temporary password given in the tenant user registration mail.
2. Enter in the Temporary password field the temporary password given in the user registration mail. Review and agree with the
license agreement, and click the Advance to registration procedure button.
- 7 -
The input window for the user information will be displayed. The window below is the sample of using OpenDS for the directory service.
Item Description
E-Mail address User's E-mail address registered at a temporary account is displayed. It is not
possible to change.
User ID [When using OpenDS for the directory service]
Specify a registration user ID. Specify a character string of 4 to 31 characters consisting of single-byte lower-case alphabetics and numerics, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.), and starting with a single-byte alphanumeric. This specification is mandatory.
[When using Active Directory for the directory service] Specify a registration user ID. Specify a character string of 4 to 20 characters consisting of single-byte lower-case alphabetics and numerics, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.), and starting with a single-byte alphanumeric.
Period cannot be used as the last character. This specification is mandatory. Description Specify a description for the user ID of the user, using up to 256 characters. Password Specify the user password. Specify between 8 and 64 characters, using single-
byte alphanumerics and symbols.
The specification is case sensitive. This field cannot be omitted.
- 8 -
Password (confirm) Re-enter a user password for confirmation. This field cannot be omitted. Personal information
Name Specify the first name and last name separately for the user. Use up to 15
characters for each name. Be sure to specify this item.
Company name or organization name
Specify the company name or organization name, using up to 30 characters.
Emergency contact details
E-mail address Specify an email address for receiving emergency contact notifications, using
up to 64 characters.
E-mail address (confirm) Re-enter an email address for receiving emergency contact notifications. Telephone number Specify an emergency contact phone number.
3. Enter the user information and click the Next button.
The confirmation window of the registration information will be displayed.
- 9 -
4. Confirm the registration information, and click the Register button.
The registration completion window will be displayed.
5. Click the Close button, processing is ended.
When user registration is completed, the registration content is sent to the registered user, the Tenant Administrator, and the tenant Email address.
- 10 -
Chapter 2 Home
This chapter explains the ROR Console Home window.
2.1 Home Window Display
This section explains the ROR Console Home window display. When the ROR Console is started, the Home window is displayed. Refer to section "1.4 Display" for information on how to start the ROR
Console. The elements of the Home window are explained below.
- Functions list
The functions list displays the items that can be operated using ROR Console tabs. Click the icon or the icon to toggle Display/Hide.
- Information
Information from the System Administrator and Infrastructure Administrator is displayed.
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Chapter 3 System Condition
This chapter explains how to monitor system condition.
The following message may be displayed during monitoring of system condition:
The authority error occurred. Closing the browser.
This error occurs if, for example, the same user ID is used to log in from a different client. In this case, log in again correctly.
3.1 System Condition Display Range
The system condition can display the following information for L-Platforms used by a tenant user:
- CPU utilization
- Disk R/W Usage
- Disk R/W count
- Memory usage
- Network usage
For tenants
- The above information is not displayed for L-Servers incorporated in the system using the L-Server import function of this product.
- Disk R/W usage, disk R/W count, memory usage, and network usage are not displayed if the virtualization software is Hyper-V.
However, if the dynamic memory setting is enabled, memory usage is displayed.
- Disk R/W usage is not displayed if the virtualization software is RHEL5-Xen.
- Disk R/W usage is not displayed if the virtualization software is RHEL-KVM.
- Network usage is not displayed if the physical L-Server is Linux.
For VM hosts
- Network usage is not displayed if the VM host virtualization software used is either RHEL5-Xen or RHEL-KVM.
3.2 L-Platform System Condition Display
Perform the following steps to display the L-Platform system condition:
1. From the ROR Console, select the System Condition tab.
The System Condition window is displayed.
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2. In the System Condition window, select the Tree Display tab.
The configuration of L-Platforms used by tenant users is displayed in the tree at the left. At View, the "L-Platform" showing a tree configuration is displayed as fixed. At Record, "Observed" - indicating the record type
- is displayed as fixed.
3. From the tree at the left, select the L-Platform for which to display the system condition.
The selected L-Platform is displayed in the CI list on the right. If the "L-Platform" folder is selected in the tree, all L-Platforms under the folder are displayed in the CI list.
If an L-Server is selected in the tree, information about the selected server is displayed in the CI list. The L-Platforms and L-Servers under each folder in the tree are displayed in descending order based on their update date and
4. Select an L-Platform in the CI list, and then click the Show Graph button.
The system condition is displayed in the lower part of the CI list. Refer to "3.2.1 System Condition Display" for details on the displayed system condition.
The table below explains the displayed items.
GID Displays the identifier set by the system to identify the configuration item.
If the CI list GID link is clicked, the configuration information of the target tenant, L-Platform or L-Server is displayed in a separate window. Refer to 3.2.2
Configuration Information Display" for the displayed configuration information.
CI Type The CI types are as follows:
- Tenant: If a tenant is selected
- L-Platform: If an L-Platform is selected
- L-Server: If an L-Server is selected
Nickname Displays the display name of the configuration item.
The following display names are displayed in accordance with the CI type:
- For the tenant CI type: The tenant name determined during tenant registration
("tenant name (tenant ID)")
- For the L-Platform CI type: The L-Platform subscription name set during L-
Platform subscription
- 13 -
Item Explanation
- For the L-Server CI type: The L-Server name set during L-Platform subscription
or L-Platform reconfiguration ("server name (host name)")
Record Displays the type of records held by the configuration item.
[0], indicating the actual information, is displayed.
Clicking the CI list column headers to sort the columns is effective only for the range displayed in that page. The sorting specification is reset when the next or previous page is displayed. Sorting spanning multiple pages is not available.
3.2.1 System Condition Display
The system condition of the L-Platforms selected in the system condition window CI list is displayed as a graph at System Condition in the lower part of the window. Up to five L-Servers can be displayed at once in the graphs. If more than five L-Servers are selected, the first five are displayed.
The system condition contents can be switched by clicking the System Condition tabs. The table below shows the contents under the System Condition tabs.
Tab name Display content (*1) Graph type Display interval Display
switching (*2)
Total Totals for each status Vertical bar graph 30 minutes, starting from the current time Not possible CPU CPU utilization Horizontal
polyline graph
One hour/day/month/year from the current time
Disk Disk R/W Usage (*3) Horizontal
polyline graph
One hour/day/month/year from the current time
Disk R/W count (*4) Horizontal
polyline graph
One hour/day/month/year from the current time
Memory Memory usage (*5) Horizontal
polyline graph
One hour/day/month/year from the current time
Network Network usage (*6) Horizontal
polyline graph
One hour/day/month/year from the current time
All Overview of all the above
Horizontal polyline graph
One hour/day/month/year from the current time
*1: Information is displayed using a different color for each L-Server. *2: The display interval can be switched to a shorter interval by clicking the data plotting area of a horizontal polyline graph, or switched
to a longer interval by clicking outside the data plotting area. *3: Disk usage and network usage are not displayed if the virtualization software is Hyper-V and RHEL5-Xen. *4: The disk R/W count is not displayed if the virtualization software is Hyper-V and RHEL-KVM. *5: The memory usage is not displayed if the virtualization software is Hyper-V. However, it is displayed if the dynamic memory
setting is enabled. *6: The network usage is not displayed if the virtualization software is Hyper-V and the physical L-Server is Linux.
- Information obtained from virtualization software is displayed in the system condition. Virtual Memory usage is not included.
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- The system condition data is not reflected in the display until collection at the fixed intervals shown below is completed.
Check the display after the fixed intervals shown below. Note that, if the contents are empty after a fixed interval, the connection destination L-Platform may be stopped. Contact the Tenant
Tab name Display period (*) Collection time required before displaying
Total 30 days one whole day (from 0:00 to 23:59) CPU
Disk Memory Network
one hour ten whole minutes (from 0 minutes to 9 minutes) one day one whole hour (from 0 minutes to 59 minutes) one month/one year one whole day (from 0:00 to 23:59)
*: The display period in each tab except for Total tab can be selected from one hour, one day, one month, or one year.
- System condition data is not displayed if the power is off at the monitored L-Server.
- If the CPU utilization status continues at 100% at the monitored L-Server, data collection timing may be delayed and an error of about
one second may occur. This may cause CPU utilization (average value for a specified unit of time) to exceed 100%. Take into account the possibility of data errors when using this display.
Example: If a monitored L-Server has one CPU and is displayed in units of one hour, the value in the system condition graphs and CSV file data may be displayed as 100.03% (60.02 minutes (near equal 3601 seconds)/60 minutes) even though the upper limit for CPU utilization is 100%.
Display examples for the Total tab and the All tab are shown below.
- Total tab
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- All tab
At each tab, the following icons displayed in the title bar can be used:
Icon Tool tip Explanation
Update Updates the displayed contents
Download CSV file Downloads the graph data in CSV format
Minimize Minimizes the specified window
Maximize Maximizes the specified window
Restore Restores the maximized window
The table below shows the CSV file items if data is downloaded from each graph. Note that the CSV file encoding is Shift-JIS.
Graph type Column name Explanation Unit Description
CPU utilization
sdattim Collection start time (*1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
resrcid Resource ID
- in case of physical servers and
Windows: "#" + CPU number or _Total
- in case of physical servers and
Linux: CPU number or _Total
- in case of Hyper-V:
VM name + ":Hv VP" + virtual Processer number
recid Record ID
Output any of the following
- 16 -
Graph type Column name Explanation Unit Description
consintl Interval time second
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1)
cpupcent CPU utilization %
Output only in case of physical servers and Windows/Linux Processer utilization
vmgcused CPU utilization %
Output only for VMware Physical CPU utilization consumed per resource pool or a virtual machine
Physical CPU information or virtual CPU information
Output only for VMware
ptrtim CPU utilization %
Output only for Hyper-V Utilization of virtual processors allocated to a virtual machine and consumed by hypervisor code
xenpcused CPU utilization %
Output only for RHEL5-Xen CPU utilization (total utilization of virtual CPUs set in the domain)
Number of virtual CPUs in the domain
number Output only for RHEL5-Xen
Nickname VM name
Output only for VMware/Hyper-V/ RHEL5-Xen
kvmcpupcent CPU utilization %
Output only for RHEL-KVM CPU utilization (total utilization of virtual CPUs set in the domain)
Number of virtual CPUs in the domain
Output only for RHEL-KVM
Disk R/W Usage
sdattim Collection start time (*1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
resrcid Resource ID
- in case of physical servers and
Windows: drive name or _Total
- in case of physical servers and
Linux: device name
recid Record ID
Output any of the following
- 17 -
Graph type Column name Explanation Unit Description
consintl Interval time second
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1) preadbyt Disk read usage bytes Output only for Windows pwritbyt Disk write usage bytes Output only for Windows iokreads Disk read usage Kbytes Output only for Linux iokwrite Disk write usage Kbytes Output only for Linux
vmdmbread Disk read usage Mbytes
Output only for VMware Disk read usage for virtual machine and storage device units
vmdmbwrt Disk write usage Mbytes
Output only for VMware Disk write usage for virtual machine and storage device units
VM name
Output only for VMware/Hyper-V/ RHEL5-Xen
kvmdiskblockrdby Disk read usage bytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM Disk read usage in the domain
kvmdiskblockwrby Disk write usage bytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM Disk write usage in the domain
Disk R/W count
sdattim Collection start time (*1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
resrcid Resource ID
- in case of physical servers and
Windows: drive name or _Total
- in case of physical servers and
Linux: device name
recid Record ID
Output any of the following
consintl Interval time second
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1)
preadsec Disk read count
Output only for Windows Physical disk read operation count
pwritsec Disk write count
Output only for Windows Physical disk write operation count
ioreads Disk read count
Output only for Linux read count
iowrite Disk write count
Output only for Linux write count
- 18 -
Graph type Column name Explanation Unit Description
vmdreads Disk read count
Output only for VMware Disk read count for virtual machine and storage device units
vmdwrites Disk write count
Output only for VMware Disk write count for virtual machine and storage device units
Disk read count
Output only for RHEL5-Xen Virtual block device read count
vbdwr Disk write count
Output only for RHEL5-Xen Virtual block device write count
Nickname VM name
Output only for VMware/Hyper-V/ RHEL5-Xen
Memory usage
sdattim Collection start time (*1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
resrcid Resource ID
- in case of physical servers and
Windows: MEMORY
- in case of physical servers and
recid Record ID
Output any of the following
consintl Interval time
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1)
comtot Memory usage bytes
Output only for Windows Commit size
freememp Memory usage bytes
Output only for Linux Memory size utilization for user processes
Memory usage percent Output only for Linux
Vmgmtm Memory usage Mbytes
Output only for VMware Estimated working set size of resource pool and virtual machine units
ppmemdmvm Memory usage Mbytes
Output only for Hyper-V Current memory capacity of virtual machine
xenavm Memory usage Mbytes
Output only for RHEL5-Xen Memory capacity allocated to domain
- 19 -
Graph type Column name Explanation Unit Description
Nickname VM name
Output for VMware/Hyper-V/ RHEL5-Xen
kvmmemused Memory usage Mbytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM Memory capacity allocated to domain
Network utilization
sdattim Collection start time (*1) yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
resrcid Resource ID
Output only for Windows Network device name
recid Record ID
Output any of the following
consintl Interval time
- in case of interval time is 10
minutes: 600
- in case of 1 hour: 3600
- in case of 24 hour: 86400
Data coverage (0 to 1)
ifbytin Network usage (received) bytes
Output only for Windows Amount of received data(byte)
ifbytot Network usage (sent) bytes
Output only for Windows Amount of sent data(byte)
vmnpmvtr Network usage (sent) Mbits
Output only for VMware Amount of data transferred by virtual network device port unit
vmnpmbrecv Network usage (received) Mbits
Output only for VMware Amount of data received by virtual network device port unit
xenkbtx Network usage (sent) Kbytes
Output only for RHEL5-Xen Amount of data sent by virtual network interface
xenkbrx Network usage (received) Kbytes
Output only for RHEL5-Xen Amount of data received by virtual network interface
VM name
Output only for VMware/Hyper-V/ RHEL5-Xen
kvmnetrxby Network usage (received) bytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM Amount of data sent by virtual network interface
kvmnettxby Network usage (sent) bytes
Output only for RHEL-KVM Amount of data received by virtual network interface
*1: When the information from the virtual L-server where the live migration was performed is output to CSV, the following phenomena may occur:
- Information for a certain point of time is output twice
- 20 -
- Information for a certain point of time is not output
If there is a large difference in the time and date in the VM host where the live migration was performed, the above phenomena will be more likely to occur.
3.2.2 Configuration Information Display
The tenant, L-Platforms and L-Servers displayed in the CI list of the system condition window are managed as configuration items (CIs). When the GID link in the CI list of the system condition window is clicked, the configuration information of the target tenant, L-Platform
or L-Server is displayed in a separate window. A display example is shown below.
The table below explains the displayed items.
Selected Information
GID Displays the identifier set by the system to identify the configuration item. CI Type Displays the configuration item type.
The CI types are as follows:
- Tenant: If a tenant is selected
- L-Platform: If an L-Platform is selected
- L-Server: If an L-Server is selected
Nickname Displays the display name of the configuration item.
The following display names are displayed in accordance with the CI type:
- For the tenant CI type: The tenant name determined during tenant
registration ("tenant name (tenant ID)")
- For the L-Platform CI type: The L-Platform subscription name set during
L-Platform subscription
- For the L-Server CI type: The L-Server name set during L-Platform
subscription or L-Platform reconfiguration ("server name (host name)")
Record Displays the type of records held by the configuration item.
[0], indicating the actual information, is displayed.
- 21 -
Item Explanation
Record Detailed Tree This is a tree of the elements comprising the configuration item.
The following elements are displayed in accordance with the CI type:
- For the tenant CI type: Tenants
- For the L-Platform CI type: Instances
- For the L-Server CI type: L-Server node information
When an element is selected, the element attribute values are displayed in the basic information. Values are displayed as attribute values, and differ depending on the element:
If the element is a tenant: The value determined during tenant registration
- If the element is an instance: The value set during L-Platform
- If the element is L-Server node information: The value set during L-
Platform subscription or L-Platform reconfiguration
Basic Information
Attribute Displays the attribute name. When the label in the upper part is clicked, items
can be sorted by attribute name.
Value Displays the attribute value. When the label in the upper part is clicked, items
can be sorted by attribute value.
Close button When this button is clicked, the window closes.
- 22 -
Chapter 4 L-Platform
This chapter explains how to use the L-Platform.
4.1 Display L-Platform
This section explains how to display the L-Platform and describes the top page.
How to display the L-Platform
To display the L-Platform:
- On the ROR Console after login, select the L-Platform tab.
L-Platform Top Page
An example of the L-Platform home page is shown below.
The following section explains the contents of the L-Platform operation menu:
- L-Platform Subscription
When Subscription is selected, the page used to subscribe to a service will be displayed. Refer to "4.2 Subscribe to an L-Platform" for the L-Platform management method.
- L-Platform Management
When Management is selected, a list of created L-Platforms is displayed. Refer to "4.3 L-Platform Management" for the L-Platform management method.
- Event logs
When Event Log is selected, logs of information about errors that have occurred while using the L-Platform functions will be displayed. Refer to "4.4 Display Event Logs" for the event log display method.
- Startup
When Startup is selected, major functions of L-Platform and their overview will be displayed.
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+ 72 hidden pages