MB9B100A/MB9B300A/MB9B400A/MB9B500A Series
FM3 family inverter solution
GUI User Manual
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Revision History
Rev Date Remark
1.0 Jul. 14, 2011 First Edition

Table of Contents
Revision History.................................................................................................................... 2
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................. 3
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 4
2 System requirements.....................................................................................................5
2.1 Supported Operating Systems: ..............................................................................5
2.2 Supported software environment............................................................................5
3 Install GUI...................................................................................................................... 6
4 Simply install steps about the communication Driver..................................................... 7
4.1 To install FTDI driver in Windows XP......................................................................7
4.2 To install FTDI driver in Windows 7 ........................................................................ 7
5 How to use the GUI .......................................................................................................8
5.1 Overview ................................................................................................................8
5.2 PC Connection with the hardware .......................................................................... 8
5.3 GUI Startup.............................................................................................................9
5.4 GUI software windows’ name and function........................................................... 10
5.4.1 Inverter Platform software introduce.............................................................. 10
5.4.2 Main window ................................................................................................. 11
5.4.3 Function/parameter settings window ............................................................. 13
5.4.4 Signal selection window ................................................................................ 17
5.4.5 Graphic window............................................................................................. 19
5.4.6 Variable window ............................................................................................23
5.4.7 Constant window ........................................................................................... 24
5.5 Example of total operating Procedure ..................................................................25
5.5.1 Hardware preparation.................................................................................... 25
5.5.2 GUI software operating step.......................................................................... 25
6 Appendix...................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Particular Install steps about the communication Driver .......................................34
6.1.1 To install FTDI device in Windows XP........................................................... 34
6.1.2 FTDI Drivers Installation guide for Windows 7............................................... 42
6.2 Motor parameter item ........................................................................................... 55

1 Introduction
This user manual describes how to use FUJITSU’S FM3 Inverter Platform GUI.
In Chapter 2, it explains system requirements for the GUI software.
In Chapter 3, it explains how to install the GUI software.
In Chapter 4, it explains how to install the communication driver (FTDI).
In Chapter 5, it explains how to use the GUI.

2 System requirements
The GUI software supported environment on PC
2.1 Supported Operating Systems:
Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7
1. Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3
Minimum of 192 MB of RAM (384 MB preferred)
At least a 1 GHz processor (1.6 GHz preferred)
2. Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows Vista SP1
Minimum of 768 MB of RAM (1 GB preferred)
At least a 1.6 GHz processor (2.2 GHz preferred)
3. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2008
Minimum of 768 MB of RAM (1 GB preferred)
At least a 1.6 GHz processor (2.2 GHz preferred)
2.2 Supported software environment.
Note: This software is necessary.
t.NET Framework 2.0(over this version preferred)

3 Install GUI
Install the GUI software in your PC
This FUJITSU’S FM3 Inverter Platform GUI is given by compressed file, please copy and
unzip the “FUJITSU’S FM3 Inverter platform GUI.zip” file to your PC. Then, you will find 10
files in the “FUJITSU’S FM3 Inverter platform GUI” folder.
Table 3-1: GUI files
File name Remarks
1 ARMInverterPlatform.exe the Software Executable file
2 Electromotor_Ch.xsd
3 Electromotor_En.xsd
4 System_Ch.xsd
5 System_En.xsd
6 employeeCompressor.xml
7 employeeFan.xml
8 employeeSystem.xml
9 WaveGUI.DLL wave widget dynamic link libraries
10 [UM]ARM_INV-GUI.doc User manual
Parameter type file
the palm parameter database
(Configuration file)

4 Simply install steps about the communication Driver
A simply install steps for the FTDI.
4.1 To install FTDI driver in Windows XP
Simply install steps:
1. Connect the FTDI device (board) to a USB port on the PC.
2. New Hardware Wizard will launch.
3. Select "Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)".
4. Select "Search for the best driver in these locations" and enter the file path in the
5. Install the “ftd2xxx.dll”file in the PC.
6. The same way to install the “ftserui2.dll” file in the PC.
The particular install steps, please refer Chapter 6.1.1
To install FTDI driver in Windows 7
1. Connect the FTDI device (board) to a USB port on the PC.
2. Open Control Panel, select Hardware and Setting, Device Manager, and Other
Devices, then click right button on the mouse, select Update Driver Software, select
the second option to browse manually, select address of drivers have been saved
and finally install the “ftd2xxx.dll ”in the PC.
3. The same way to install the “ftserui2.dll” file in the PC.
The particular install steps, please refer Chapter 6.1.2

5 How to use the GUI
Introduce the GUI software
5.1 Overview
This GUI use to cooperate with the FUJITSU’S FM3 inverter platform, customer can use this
GUI to:
1. Real-time control the motor and PFC module function;
2. Real-time setting the motor functions and parameters;
3. Real-time observation of motor running state, used variables and current waveform
4. Real-time observation of system information, and so on.
It’s means that the GUI is ordered to help customer debug the inverter platform and motor
5.2 PC Connection with the hardware
The ha
USB port. Please refer Figure 5-1: Connect
rdware need to use Serial Port connected FTDI, and FTDI connects with PC use
Figure 5-1: Connection

5.3 GUI Startup
Open the folder; double click the “ARMInverterPlatform.exe” to run the software, as Figure
Figure 5-2: GUI files

5.4 GUI software windows’ name and function
Inverter Platform software introduce.
- Name: Platform
- Function: language setting, contain all function windows, and so on.
Figure 5-3: Inverter Platform

5.4.2 Main window
- Name : Main window
- Function: connect control, start/stop control, function/parameter setting,
Constant/variable observation, language setting, and current state.
Figure 5-4: main window
Table 5-1: main window function
Name of button Specification
1 Connect
Init the FTDI and Connect with MCU
2 PFC start-stop control
3 Compressor start-stop control
4 Fan start-stop control
5 Function/Parameter setting
Operate PFC module function start / stop
Operate compressor start/stop
Operate fan start / stop
Set motor function and parameter.
If the button is pushed, the configuration window opens.
(See Chapter 4.4.2)

6 Constant observation
7 Variable observation
8 Graphic
9 Language setting
Observe system state, motor state, motor parameter, and so on.
If the button is pushed, the constant window opens.
(See Chapter 4.4.6)
Observe measure value with variable.
If the button is pushed, the variable window opens.
(See Chapter4.4.5)
Observe measure value with wave.
If the button is pushed, Figure4-3 of the graphic window opens.
(See Chapter 4.4.4)
Set system language Chinese or English
10 System current state
Show the current state: connect, PFC, compressor, Fan
- Notice:
- The hardware cannot be mounted Fan motor. So the function is ignored.
- The hardware is mounted PFC function. And the firmware control PFC function
automatically. So, GUI cannot control the PFC function.
(If you push green PFC function button in running compressor, the function is ignored.
After that, if you push red PFC function button again, the compressor stops.)

- Name : function/parameter settings window
- Function: motor selection, motor function setting and comeback default,
Function/parameter settings window
motor parameter setting and comeback default, save config file, load config file.
Figure 5-5: setting window

Table 5-2: setting window function
Name of area Specification
1 Motor selection Select which motor need to set, compressor / fan
2 Motor function set Function set
3 Motor parameter set Parameter set
4 Parameter type selection Selection motor parameter type
5 Config file save and load Save and load config file
6 Set and default button Set/default the parameter and function to hardware
- Notice:
- The hardware cannot be mounted Fan motor. So the function is ignored.
- Some parameters cannot change the value. (In that case, the parameter is exist as a
constant value in the firmware.)

- How to ope
Open this window and you can see the default parameters values.
If you want to change the value, after connecting to the board,
(1) Select the parameter
(2) Change the value directly (and the changed value becomes red)
(3) Push “set” button on the right.
(4) Be sent the value to MCU and set it.
ration of “Function/parameter settings window”
Selected and changed value
Set button for parameter setting
If you want to change the default value, after connecting to the board,
(1) Select the parameter
(2) Check “default” button (and fill the checking symbol in the box)
(3) Push “default” button on the right.
(4) Be sent the default value to MCU and set it.
The default values are saved on the configuration files.
You can change the default value to load the configuration file.
Checked default box
Default button for parameter setting

If you want to save the setting value, after
(1) Push “saveconfig” button under the window.
(2) Select the saving folder and name the .aip file
(3) Push save button and the configuration file is saved.
If you want to load the configuration file, after connecting to the board,
(1) Push “loadconfig” button under the window.
(2) Select the loaded .aip file
(3) Push open button and the configuration file is loaded.
Saveconfig and Loadconfig button
connecting to the board and setting some
Some p
maximum or minimum value automatically.
arameters can be set as an over-range value, but the firmware can modify as a