Fujitsu MB95630H Series Hardware Manual

New 8FX
MB95630H Series
New 8FX
MB95630H Series
For the information for microcontroller supports, see the following website.
The Purpose and Intended Readership of This Manual
Thank you very much for your continued special support for Fujitsu Semiconductor products.
The MB95630H Series is a line of products developed as general-purpose products in the New
8FX family of proprietary 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers applicable as application-specific
integrated circuits (ASICs). The MB95630H Series can be used for a wide range of
applications from consumer products including portable devices to industrial equipment.
Intended for engineers who actually develop products using the MB95630H Series of
microcontrollers, this manual describes its functions, features, and operations. You should read
through the manual.
This manual is written to explain the respective configurations and operations of peripheral
functions, but not to provide specifications of a device.
For detailed specifications of a device, refer to its data sheet.
MC-8FX Programming Manual".
For details on individual instructions, refer to "F
Note: F
The company names and brand names in this document are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.
MC is the abbreviation of FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller.
Sample Programs
Fujitsu Semiconductor provides sample programs free of charge to operate the peripheral
resources of the New 8FX family of microcontrollers. Feel free to use such sample programs to
check the operational specifications and usages of Fujitsu microcontrollers.
Note that sample programs are subject to change without notice. As these pieces of software
are offered to show standard operations and usages, evaluate them sufficiently before use with
your system. Fujitsu Semiconductor assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever arising
out of the use of sample programs.
How to Use This Manual
Finding a Function
The following methods can be used to search for details of a function in this manual:
Searching from CONTENTS
CONTENTS lists the contents in this manual in the order of description.
Searching from registers
The address at which a register is located is not mentioned in this manual. To check the address of a register, refer to " I/O MAP" in the device data sheet.
This manual explains one peripheral function in one chapter.
This manual uses the following terminology.
Te r m Explanation
Wor d Indicates an access in unit of 16 bits.
Byte Indicates an access in unit of 8 bits.
The notations in " Register Configuration" in this manual are explained below:
bit: bit number
Field: bit field name
Attribute: Attributes for read access and write access of each bit
- R: Read-only
- W: Write-only
- R/W: Readable/Writable
- —: Undefined
Initial value: Initial value of a bit after a reset
- 0: The initial value is "0".
- 1: The initial value is "1".
- X: The initial value is undefined.
Multiple bits are indicated in this manual in the following way.
- Example 1: bit7:0 represents bit7 to bit0.
- Example 2: SCM[2:0] represents SCM2 to SCM0.
The values such as those indicating addresses are written in this manual in the following ways:
- Hexadecimal number: The prefix "0x" is attached to the beginning of a value (e.g.: 0xFFFF).
- Binary number: The prefix "0b" is attached to the beginning of a value (e.g.: 0b1111).
- Decimal number: Only the number is used (e.g.: 1234).
In this manual, "n" in a pin name and a register abbreviation represents the channel number.
• The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Customers are advised to consult with sales representatives before ordering.
• The information, such as descriptions of function and application circuit examples, in this document are presented solely for the purpose of reference to show examples of operations and uses of FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR device; FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR does not warrant proper operation of the device with respect to use based on such information. When you develop equipment incorporating the device based on such information, you must assume any responsibility arising out of such use of the information. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of the information.
• Any information in this document, including descriptions of function and schematic diagrams, shall not be construed as license of the use or exercise of any intellectual property right, such as patent right or copyright, or any other right of FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR or any third party or does FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR warrant non-infringement of any third-party's intellectual property right or other right by using such information. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR assumes no liability for any infringement of the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties which would result from the use of information contained herein.
• The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could have a serious effect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for use requiring extremely high reliability (i.e., submersible repeater and artificial satellite). Please note that FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR will not be liable against you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with above-mentioned uses of the products.
• Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions.
• Exportation/release of any products described in this document may require necessary procedures in accordance with the regulations of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan and/or US export control laws.
• The company names and brand names herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011-2012 FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED All rights reserved.
CHAPTER 1 MEMORY ACCESS MODE .............................................................. 1
1.1 Memory Access Mode ......................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 CPU .................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Dedicated Registers ............................................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Register Bank Pointer (RP) ............................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Direct Bank Pointer (DP) ................................................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Condition Code Register (CCR) ..................................................................................... 9
2.2 General-purpose Register ................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Placement of 16-bit Data in Memory ................................................................................. 13
CHAPTER 3 CLOCK CONTROLLER ................................................................. 15
3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 16
3.2 Oscillation Stabilization Wait Time .................................................................................... 24
3.3 Registers ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.3.1 System Clock Control Register (SYCC) ....................................................................... 28
3.3.2 PLL Control Register (PLLC) ........................................................................................ 29
3.3.3 Oscillation Stabilization Wait Time Setting Register (WATR) ....................................... 30
3.3.4 Standby Control Register (STBC) ................................................................................ 32
3.3.5 System Clock Control Register 2 (SYCC2) .................................................................. 34
3.3.6 Standby Control Register 2 (STBC2) ........................................................................... 36
3.4 Clock Modes ...................................................................................................................... 37
3.5 Operations in Low Power Consumption Mode (Standby Mode) ........................................ 41
3.5.1 Notes on Using Standby Mode ..................................................................................... 42
3.5.2 Sleep Mode .................................................................................................................. 48
3.5.3 Stop Mode .................................................................................................................... 49
3.5.4 Time-base Timer Mode ................................................................................................ 51
3.5.5 Watch Mode ................................................................................................................. 53
3.6 Clock Oscillator Circuit ...................................................................................................... 54
3.7 Overview of Prescaler ....................................................................................................... 55
3.8 Configuration of Prescaler ................................................................................................. 56
3.9 Operation of Prescaler ....................................................................................................... 57
3.10 Notes on Using Prescaler .................................................................................................. 59
CHAPTER 4 RESET ............................................................................................ 61
4.1 Reset Operation ................................................................................................................ 62
4.2 Register ............................................................................................................................. 66
4.2.1 Reset Source Register (RSRR) .................................................................................... 67
4.3 Notes on Using Reset ........................................................................................................ 70
CHAPTER 5 INTERRUPTS ................................................................................. 71
5.1 Interrupts ........................................................................................................................... 72
5.1.1 Interrupt Level Setting Registers (ILR0 to ILR5) ........................................................... 73
5.1.2 Interrupt Processing ..................................................................................................... 75
5.1.3 Nested Interrupts .......................................................................................................... 77
5.1.4 Interrupt Processing Time ............................................................................................ 78
5.1.5 Stack Operation During Interrupt Processing ............................................................... 79
5.1.6 Interrupt Processing Stack Area ................................................................................... 80
CHAPTER 6 I/O PORT ....................................................................................... 81
6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 82
6.2 Configuration and Operations ............................................................................................ 83
CHAPTER 7 TIME-BASE TIMER ........................................................................ 87
7.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 88
7.2 Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 89
7.3 Interrupt ............................................................................................................................. 91
7.4 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ..................................................................... 92
7.5 Register ............................................................................................................................. 95
7.5.1 Time-base Timer Control Register (TBTC) ................................................................... 96
7.6 Notes on Using Time-base Timer ...................................................................................... 98
CHAPTER 8 HARDWARE/SOFTWARE WATCHDOG TIMER .......................... 99
8.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 100
8.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 101
8.3 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 103
8.4 Register ........................................................................................................................... 106
8.4.1 Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDTC) ................................................................ 107
8.5 Notes on Using Watchdog Timer ..................................................................................... 109
CHAPTER 9 WATCH PRESCALER ................................................................. 111
9.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 112
9.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 113
9.3 Interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 115
9.4 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 116
9.5 Register ........................................................................................................................... 119
9.5.1 Watch Prescaler Control Register (WPCR) ................................................................ 120
9.6 Notes on Using Watch Prescaler ..................................................................................... 122
CHAPTER 10 WILD REGISTER FUNCTION ...................................................... 123
10.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 124
10.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 125
10.3 Operations ....................................................................................................................... 127
10.4 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 128
10.4.1 Wild Register Data Setting Registers (WRDR0 to WRDR2) ...................................... 129
10.4.2 Wild Register Address Setting Registers (WRAR0 to WRAR2) ................................. 130
10.4.3 Wild Register Address Compare Enable Register (WREN) ....................................... 131
10.4.4 Wild Register Data Test Setting Register (WROR) .................................................... 132
10.5 Typical Hardware Connection Example .......................................................................... 133
CHAPTER 11 8/16-BIT COMPOSITE TIMER ..................................................... 135
11.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 136
11.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 138
11.3 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 141
11.4 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 142
11.5 Interrupts ......................................................................................................................... 143
11.6 Operation of Interval Timer Function (One-shot Mode) ................................................... 144
11.7 Operation of Interval Timer Function (Continuous Mode) ............................................... 146
11.8 Operation of Interval Timer Function (Free-run Mode) .................................................... 148
11.9 Operation of PWM Timer Function (Fixed-cycle mode) .................................................. 150
11.10 Operation of PWM Timer Function (Variable-cycle Mode) .............................................. 152
11.11 Operation of PWC Timer Function .................................................................................. 154
11.12 Operation of Input Capture Function ............................................................................... 156
11.13 Operation of Noise Filter .................................................................................................. 158
11.14 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 159
11.14.1 8/16-bit Composite Timer Status Control Register 0 (Tn0CR0/Tn1CR0) ................... 160
11.14.2 8/16-bit Composite Timer Status Control Register 1 (Tn0CR1/Tn1CR1) ................... 163
11.14.3 8/16-bit Composite Timer Timer Mode Control Register (TMCRn) ............................ 167
11.14.4 8/16-bit Composite Timer Data Register (Tn0DR/Tn1DR) ......................................... 170
11.15 Notes on Using 8/16-bit Composite Timer ....................................................................... 173
CHAPTER 12 EXTERNAL INTERRUPT CIRCUIT ............................................. 175
12.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 176
12.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 177
12.3 Channels ......................................................................................................................... 178
12.4 Pin ................................................................................................................................... 179
12.5 Interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 180
12.6 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 181
12.7 Register ........................................................................................................................... 183
12.7.1 External Interrupt Control Register (EIC) .................................................................... 184
12.8 Notes on Using External Interrupt Circuit ........................................................................ 186
CHAPTER 13 INTERRUPT PIN SELECTION CIRCUIT ..................................... 187
13.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 188
13.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 189
13.3 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 190
13.4 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 191
13.5 Register ........................................................................................................................... 192
13.5.1 Interrupt Pin Selection Circuit Control Register (WICR) ............................................. 193
13.6 Notes on Using Interrupt Pin Selection Circuit ................................................................ 196
CHAPTER 14 LIN-UART .................................................................................... 197
14.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 198
14.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 200
14.3 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 205
14.4 Interrupts ......................................................................................................................... 206
14.4.1 Timing of Receive Interrupt Generation and Flag Set ................................................ 209
14.4.2 Timing of Transmit Interrupt Generation and Flag Set ............................................... 211
14.5 LIN-UART Baud Rate ...................................................................................................... 213
14.5.1 Baud Rate Setting ...................................................................................................... 215
14.5.2 Reload Counter .......................................................................................................... 219
14.6 Operations of LIN-UART and LIN-UART Setting Procedure Example ............................ 221
14.6.1 Operations in Asynchronous Mode (Operating Mode 0, 1) ........................................ 223
14.6.2 Operations in Synchronous Mode (Operating Mode 2) .............................................. 227
14.6.3 Operations of LIN function (Operating Mode 3) .......................................................... 231
14.6.4 Serial Pin Direct Access ............................................................................................. 234
14.6.5 Bidirectional Communication Function (Normal Mode) .............................................. 235
14.6.6 Master/Slave Mode Communication Function (Multiprocessor Mode) ....................... 237
14.6.7 LIN Communication Function ..................................................................................... 240
14.6.8 Examples of LIN-UART LIN Communication Flow Chart (Operating Mode 3) ........... 241
14.7 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 243
14.7.1 LIN-UART Serial Control Register (SCR) ................................................................... 244
14.7.2 LIN-UART Serial Mode Register (SMR) ..................................................................... 246
14.7.3 LIN-UART Serial Status Register (SSR) .................................................................... 248
14.7.4 LIN-UART Receive Data Register/LIN-UART Transmit Data Register (RDR/TDR) ... 250
14.7.5 LIN-UART Extended Status Control Register (ESCR) ............................................... 252
14.7.6 LIN-UART Extended Communication Control Register (ECCR) ................................ 255
14.7.7 LIN-UART Baud Rate Generator Registers 1, 0 (BGR1, BGR0) ................................ 257
14.8 Notes on Using LIN-UART .............................................................................................. 258
CHAPTER 15 8/10-BIT A/D CONVERTER ......................................................... 263
15.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 264
15.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 265
15.3 Pin ................................................................................................................................... 267
15.4 Interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 268
15.5 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 269
15.6 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 272
15.6.1 8/10-bit A/D Converter Control Register 1 (ADC1) ..................................................... 273
15.6.2 8/10-bit A/D Converter Control Register 2 (ADC2) ..................................................... 275
15.6.3 8/10-bit A/D Converter Data Register (Upper/Lower) (ADDH/ADDL) ......................... 277
15.7 Notes on Using 8/10-bit A/D Converter ........................................................................... 278
16.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 282
16.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 283
16.3 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 284
16.4 Operation ......................................................................................................................... 285
16.5 Register ........................................................................................................................... 286
16.5.1 LVD Reset Voltage Selection ID Register (LVDR) ..................................................... 287
CHAPTER 17 CLOCK SUPERVISOR COUNTER .............................................. 289
17.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 290
17.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 291
17.3 Operations ....................................................................................................................... 293
17.4 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 298
17.4.1 Clock Monitoring Data Register (CMDR) .................................................................... 299
17.4.2 Clock Monitoring Control Register (CMCR) ................................................................ 300
17.5 Notes on Using Clock Supervisor Counter ...................................................................... 302
CHAPTER 18 8/16-BIT PPG ............................................................................... 305
18.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 306
18.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 307
18.3 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 309
18.4 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 310
18.5 Interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 311
18.6 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 312
18.6.1 8-bit PPG Independent Mode ..................................................................................... 313
18.6.2 8-bit Prescaler + 8-bit PPG Mode ............................................................................... 315
18.6.3 16-bit PPG Mode ........................................................................................................ 317
18.7 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 320
18.7.1 8/16-bit PPG timer n1 Control Register (PCn1) .......................................................... 321
18.7.2 8/16-bit PPG timer n0 Control Register (PCn0) .......................................................... 323
18.7.3 8/16-bit PPG timer n1/n0 Cycle Setup Buffer Register (PPSn1/PPSn0) .................... 325
18.7.4 8/16-bit PPG timer n1/n0 Duty Setup Buffer Register (PDSn1/PDSn0) ..................... 326
18.7.5 8/16-bit PPG Start Register (PPGS) ........................................................................... 327
18.7.6 8/16-bit PPG Output Reverse Register (REVC) ......................................................... 329
18.8 Notes on Using 8/16-bit PPG .......................................................................................... 331
CHAPTER 19 16-BIT PPG TIMER ...................................................................... 333
19.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 334
19.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 335
19.3 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 337
19.4 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 338
19.5 Interrupts ......................................................................................................................... 339
19.6 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 340
19.7 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 344
19.7.1 16-bit PPG Downcounter Register (Upper/Lower) (PDCRHn/PDCRLn) .................... 345
19.7.2 16-bit PPG Cycle Setting Buffer Register (Upper/ Lower) (PCSRHn/PCSRLn) ......... 346
19.7.3 16-bit PPG Duty Setting Buffer Register (Upper/Lower) (PDUTHn/PDUTLn) ............ 347
19.7.4 16-bit PPG Status Control Register (Upper) (PCNTHn) ............................................. 348
19.7.5 16-bit PPG Status Control Register (Lower) (PCNTLn) ............................................. 350
19.8 Notes on Using 16-bit PPG Timer ................................................................................... 352
CHAPTER 20 16-BIT RELOAD TIMER .............................................................. 353
20.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 354
20.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 356
20.3 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 358
20.4 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 359
20.5 Interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 360
20.6 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 361
20.6.1 Internal Clock Mode .................................................................................................... 363
20.6.2 Event Count Mode ...................................................................................................... 367
20.7 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 369
20.7.1 16-bit Reload Timer Control Status Register (Upper) (TMCSRHn) ............................ 370
20.7.2 16-bit Reload Timer Control Status Register (Lower) (TMCSRLn) ............................ 372
20.7.3 16-bit Reload Timer Timer Register (Upper/Lower) (TMRHn/TMRLn) ....................... 374
20.7.4 16-bit Reload Timer Reload Register (Upper/Lower) (TMRLRHn/TMRLRLn) ........... 375
20.8 Notes on Using 16-bit Reload Timer ............................................................................... 376
CHAPTER 21 MULTI-PULSE GENERATOR ...................................................... 377
21.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 378
21.2 Block Diagram ................................................................................................................. 381
21.3 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 389
21.4 Interrupts ......................................................................................................................... 390
21.5 Operations ....................................................................................................................... 392
21.5.1 Operation of Position Detection .................................................................................. 394
21.5.2 Operation of Data Write Control Unit .......................................................................... 396
21.5.3 Operation of 16-bit MPG Output Data Buffer Register (Upper/Lower)
(OPDBRHx/OPDBRLx) .............................................................................................. 400
21.5.4 Operation of Data Transfer of 16-bit MPG Output Data Register (Upper/Lower) ....... 402 At OPDBRH0 and OPDBRL0 Write ......................................................................... 404 At 16-bit Reload Timer Underflow ........................................................................... 405 At Position Detection ............................................................................................... 407 At Position Detection and Timer Underflow ............................................................. 409 At Position Detection or Timer Underflow ................................................................ 412 At One-shot Position Detection ............................................................................... 414 When One-shot Position Detection and Reload Timer Underflow ........................... 415 When One-shot Position Detection or Reload Timer Underflow ............................. 416
21.5.5 Operation of DTTI Input Control ................................................................................. 417
21.5.6 Operation of Noise Cancellation Function .................................................................. 420
21.5.7 Operation of 16-bit Timer ............................................................................................ 421
21.6 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 426
21.6.1 16-bit MPG Output Control Register (Upper) (OPCUR) ............................................. 427
21.6.2 16-bit MPG Output Control Register (Lower) (OPCLR) .............................................. 429
21.6.3 16-bit MPG Output Data Register (Upper/Lower) (OPDUR/OPDLR) ......................... 431 16-bit MPG Output Data Register (Upper) (OPDUR) .............................................. 432 16-bit MPG Output Data Register (Lower) (OPDLR) ............................................... 434
21.6.4 16-bit MPG Output Data Buffer Register (Upper/Lower) (OPDBRHx/OPDBRLx) ...... 435 16-bit MPG Output Data Buffer Register (Upper) (OPDBRHx) ............................... 436 16-bit MPG Output Data Buffer Register (Lower) (OPDBRLx) ................................ 438
21.6.5 16-bit MPG Input Control Register (Upper/Lower) (IPCUR/IPCLR) ........................... 440 16-bit MPG Input Control Register (Upper) (IPCUR) ............................................... 441 16-bit MPG Input Control Register (Lower) (IPCLR) ............................................... 443
21.6.6 16-bit MPG Compare Clear Register (Upper/Lower) (CPCUR/CPCLR) .................... 445
21.6.7 16-bit MPG Timer Buffer Register (Upper/Lower) (TMBUR/TMBLR) ......................... 446
21.6.8 16-bit MPG Timer Control Status Register (TCSR) .................................................... 447
21.6.9 16-bit MPG Noise Cancellation Control Register (NCCR) .......................................... 449
21.7 Notes on Using Multi-pulse Generator ............................................................................ 450
21.8 Sample Program for Multi-pulse Generator ..................................................................... 452
CHAPTER 22 UART/SIO ..................................................................................... 455
22.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 456
22.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 457
22.3 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 459
22.4 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 460
22.5 Interrupts ......................................................................................................................... 461
22.6 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 462
22.6.1 Operations in Operation Mode 0 ................................................................................ 463
22.6.2 Operations in Operation Mode 1 ................................................................................ 470
22.7 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 476
22.7.1 UART/SIO Serial Mode Control Register 1 (SMC1n) ................................................. 477
22.7.2 UART/SIO Serial Mode Control Register 2 (SMC2n) ................................................. 479
22.7.3 UART/SIO Serial Status and Data Register (SSRn) .................................................. 481
22.7.4 UART/SIO Serial Input Data Register (RDRn) ........................................................... 483
22.7.5 UART/SIO Serial Output Data Register (TDRn) ......................................................... 484
23.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 486
23.2 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 487
23.3 Operations ....................................................................................................................... 488
23.4 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 489
23.4.1 UART/SIO Dedicated Baud Rate Generator Prescaler Select Register (PSSRn) ..... 490
23.4.2 UART/SIO Dedicated Baud Rate Generator Baud Rate Setting Register (BRSRn) .. 491
CHAPTER 24 I2C BUS INTERFACE .................................................................. 493
24.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 494
24.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 495
24.3 Channel ........................................................................................................................... 498
24.4 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 499
24.5 Interrupts ......................................................................................................................... 500
24.6 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 502
24.6.1 l
24.6.2 Function to Wake up the MCU from Standby Mode ................................................... 511
24.7 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 513
24.7.1 I
24.7.2 I
24.7.3 I
24.7.4 I
24.7.5 I
24.7.6 I
24.8 Notes on Using I
C Bus Interface ........................................................................................................ 503
C Bus Control Register 0 (IBCR0n) ......................................................................... 514
C Bus Control Register 1 (IBCR1n) ......................................................................... 517
C Bus Status Register (IBSRn) ................................................................................ 521
C Data Register (IDDRn) ......................................................................................... 524
C Address Register (IAARn) .................................................................................... 525
C Clock Control Register (ICCRn) ........................................................................... 526
C Bus Interface .................................................................................... 528
CHAPTER 25 DUAL OPERATION FLASH MEMORY ....................................... 531
25.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 532
25.2 Sector/Bank Configuration ............................................................................................... 534
25.3 Invoking Flash Memory Automatic Algorithm .................................................................. 535
25.4 Checking Automatic Algorithm Execution Status ............................................................ 537
25.4.1 Data Polling Flag (DQ7) ............................................................................................. 539
25.4.2 Toggle Bit Flag (DQ6) ................................................................................................. 541
25.4.3 Execution Timeout Flag (DQ5) ................................................................................... 542
25.4.4 Sector Erase Timer Flag (DQ3) .................................................................................. 543
25.4.5 Toggle Bit2 Flag (DQ2) ............................................................................................... 544
25.5 Programming/Erasing Flash Memory .............................................................................. 545
25.5.1 Placing Flash Memory in Read/Reset State ............................................................... 546
25.5.2 Programming Data to Flash Memory .......................................................................... 547
25.5.3 Erasing All Data from Flash Memory (Chip Erase) ..................................................... 549
25.5.4 Erasing Specific Data from Flash Memory (Sector Erase) ......................................... 550
25.5.5 Suspending Sector Erase from Flash Memory ........................................................... 552
25.5.6 Resuming Sector Erase of Flash Memory .................................................................. 553
25.5.7 Unlock Bypass Program ............................................................................................. 554
25.6 Operations ....................................................................................................................... 555
25.7 Flash Security .................................................................................................................. 557
25.8 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 558
25.8.1 Flash Memory Status Register 2 (FSR2) .................................................................... 559
25.8.2 Flash Memory Status Register (FSR) ......................................................................... 562
25.8.3 Flash Memory Sector Write Control Register 0 (SWRE0) .......................................... 565
25.8.4 Flash Memory Status Register 3 (FSR3) .................................................................... 567
25.8.5 Flash Memory Status Register 4 (FSR4) .................................................................... 568
25.9 Notes on Using Dual Operation Flash Memory ............................................................... 576
CHAPTER 26 NON-VOLATILE REGISTER (NVR) INTERFACE ....................... 577
26.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 578
26.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 579
26.3 Registers ......................................................................................................................... 580
26.3.1 Main CR Clock Trimming Register (Upper) (CRTH) ................................................... 581
26.3.2 Main CR Clock Trimming Register (Lower) (CRTL) ................................................... 582
26.3.3 Main CR Clock Temperature Dependent Adjustment Register (CRTDA) .................. 583
26.3.4 Watchdog Timer Selection ID Register (Upper/Lower) (WDTH/WDTL) ..................... 584
26.4 Notes on Main CR Clock Trimming ................................................................................. 585
26.5 Notes on Using NVR Interface ........................................................................................ 587
CHAPTER 27 COMPARATOR ............................................................................ 589
27.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 590
27.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................... 591
27.3 Pins .................................................................................................................................. 593
27.4 Interrupt ........................................................................................................................... 594
27.5 Operations and Setting Procedure Example ................................................................... 595
27.6 Register ........................................................................................................................... 596
27.6.1 Comparator Control Register (CMR0C) ..................................................................... 597
CHAPTER 28 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION CONTROLLER .............................. 599
28.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 600
28.2 Register ........................................................................................................................... 601
28.2.1 System Configuration Register (SYSC) ...................................................................... 602
28.3 Notes on Using Controller ............................................................................................... 604
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................. 605
APPENDIX A Instruction Overview ............................................................................................. 606
A.1 Addressing ...................................................................................................................... 609
A.2 Special Instruction ........................................................................................................... 613
A.3 Bit Manipulation Instructions (SETB, CLRB) ................................................................... 617
A.4 F
A.5 Instruction Map ................................................................................................................ 621
MC-8FX Instructions .................................................................................................... 618

Major revisions in this edition

A change on a page is indicated by a vertical line drawn on the left of that page.
Page Revisions (For details, see their respective pages.)
ii How to Use This Manual
Finding a Function
3.1 Overview
Standby Mode
22 3.1 Overview
Combinations of Clock Mode
and Standby Mode
Table 3.1-3
23 3.1 Overview
Combinations of Clock Mode
and Standby Mode
Table 3.1-4
33 3.3.4 Standby Control Register
Register Functions
Added the following section.
Searching from registers
Deleted the entire chapter from the hardware manual. For details of device handling, refer to "■ PRECAUTIONS FOR DEVICE HANDLING", "NOTES ON DEVICE HANDLING" and " PIN CONNECTION" in the device data sheet.
Added the following statement. In every standby mode, two further operating mode options, normal standby mode and deep standby mode, can be selected by the deep standby mode control bit in the standby control register 2 (STBC2:DSTBYX).
Revised the internal operating states of the Flash memory and RAM.
Added note *6.
Revised the internal operating states of the Flash memory and RAM.
Added note *6.
Corrected the following heading in the bit function table of the TMD bit. In main clock mode or main CR clock mode
In main clock mode, main CR clock mode or main CR PLL clock mode
53 3.5.5 Watch Mode
Operations in Watch Mode
Release from Watch Mode
6.1 Overview
Overview Table 6.1-1
83 6.2 Configuration and Operations of
I/O Port
Configuration of I/O Port
84 6.2 Configuration and Operations of
I/O Port
Operations of I/O Port
Operation as an input port
Added the following statement at the end of the section. However, if a program is being executed on the RAM, no Flash recovery wait time occurs.
Added details of the A/D input disable register (upper).
Added the following note for the A/D input disable register (upper) and the A/D input disable register (lower). Refer to " I/O MAP" in the device data sheet for the availability of the A/D input disable register (upper) and A/D input disable register (lower).
Added A/D input disable register (upper) (AIDRH).
Revised the following statement. When using an analog input shared pin as an input port, set the corresponding bit in the A/D input disable register (lower) (AIDRL) to "1".
When using an analog input shared pin as an input port, set the corresponding bit in the A/D input disable register (upper/lower) (AIDRH/AIDRL) to "1".
Page Revisions (For details, see their respective pages.)
85 6.2 Configuration and Operations of
I/O Port
Operations of I/O Port
Operation as an analog input pin
8.4.1 Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDTC)
Register Functions
152 CHAPTER 11 8/16-BIT
11.10 Operation of PWM Timer Function (Variable-cycle Mode)
Operation of PWM Timer Func-
tion (Variable-cycle Mode)
Figure 11.10-1
162 11.14.1 8/16-bit Composite Timer
Status Control Register 0 (Tn0CR0/Tn1CR0)
Register Functions
Revised the following statement. Set the bit in the DDRx register corresponding to the analog input pin to "0" and the bit corresponding to that pin in the AIDRL register to "0".
Set the bit in the DDRx register corresponding to the analog input pin to "0" and the bit corresponding to that pin in the AIDRH/AIDRL register to "0".
Revised details of "Writing "0101"" of the WTE[3:0] bits in the bit function table.
Corrected the following register names. T00DR Tn0DR T01DR Tn1DR
Corrected the bit number in the title of details of the F[3:0] bits. [bit3] [bit3:0]
17.4.1 Clock Monitoring Data Reg­ister (CMDR)
Register Functions
323 CHAPTER 18 8/16-BIT PPG
18.7.2 8/16-bit PPG Timer n0 Con­trol Register (PCn0)
Register Functions
19.7.1 16-bit PPG Downcounter Register (Upper/Lower) (PDCRHn/PDCRLn)
Register Functions
20.6 Operations and Setting Pro­cedure Example
Setting Procedure Example
21.6.8 16-bit MPG Timer Control Status Register (TCSR)
Register Functions
Corrected the name of the CMDR[7:0] bits. Analog input pin select bits Clock monitoring data bits
Added the following statement to details of the PIE0 bit. In 16-bit PPG mode, use this bit to control the interrupt request of the 8/16-bit PPG.
Revised the initial value of the DC06 bit. 1 0
Corrected the following register abbreviation. TMR1 TMRHn/TMRLn
Corrected the abbreviation of the compare clear interrupt request flag bit. PDIF ICLR
Page Revisions (For details, see their respective pages.)
22.7 UART/SIO Serial Status and Data Register (SSRn)
Register Functions
24.7.1 I
C Bus Control Register 0
24.7.2 I
C Bus Control Register 1
27.6.1 Comparator Control Regis­ter (CMR0C)
Register Functions
Corrected the following register abbreviation in the respective details of the PER bit, the OVE bit and the FER bit. SMR2n SMC2n
Revised the summary of this section.
Revised the summary of this section.
Revised the initial value of the IF bit. X 0
This chapter describes the memory access mode.
1.1 Memory Access Mode
Other than 0x00 Reserved. Do not set mode data to any value other than 0x00.
Selects single-chip mode.
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3bit2 bit1 bit0

1.1 Memory Access Mode

MB95630H Series
1.1 Memory Access Mode
The MB95630H Series supports only one memory access mode: single-chip mode.
Single-chip Mode
In single-chip mode, only the internal RAM and the Flash memory are used, and no external
bus access is executed.
Mode data
Mode data is the data used to determine the memory access mode of the CPU.
The mode data address is fixed at "0xFFFD". Always set the mode data of the Flash memory to
"0x00" to select the single-chip mode.
Figure 1.1-1 Mode Data Settings
After a reset is released, the CPU fetches mode data first.
The CPU then fetches the reset vector after the mode data. It starts executing instructions from
the address set in the reset vector.
This chapter describes the functions and operations of the CPU.
2.1 Dedicated Registers
2.2 General-purpose Register
2.3 Placement of 16-bit Data in Memory
Initial value
Program counter
Indicates the address of the current instruction.
0x0000 Accumulator (A)
Temporary storage register for arithmetic operation and transfer
Te mp or ary accumulator (T)
Performs arithmetic operations with the accumulator.
Index register
Indicates an index address.
0x0000 Extra pointer
Indicates a memory address.
0x0000 Stack pointer
Indicates the current stack location.
0x0030Program status
Stores a register bank pointer, a direct bank pointer, and a condition code.
16 bits

2.1 Dedicated Registers

MB95630H Series
2.1 Dedicated Registers
The CPU has dedicated registers: a program counter (PC), two registers for arithmetic operations (A and T), three address pointers (IX, EP, and SP), and the program status (PS) register. Each of the registers is 16 bits long. The PS register consists of the register bank pointer (RP), direct bank pointer (DP), and condition code register (CCR).
Configuration of Dedicated Registers
The dedicated registers in the CPU consist of seven 16-bit registers. As for the accumulator (A) and the temporary accumulator (T), using only the lower eight bits of the respective registers is also supported.
Figure 2.1-1 shows the configuration of the dedicated registers.
Figure 2.1-1 Configuration of Dedicated Registers
Functions of Dedicated Registers
Program counter (PC)
Accumulator (A)
The program counter is a 16-bit counter which contains the memory address of the instruction currently executed by the CPU. The program counter is updated whenever an instruction is executed or an interrupt or a reset occurs. The initial value set immediately after a reset is the mode data read address (0xFFFD).
The accumulator is a 16-bit register for arithmetic operation. It is used for a variety of arithmetic and transfer operations of data in memory or data in other registers such as the temporary accumulator (T). The data in the accumulator can be handled either as word (16-bit) data or byte (8-bit) data. For byte-length arithmetic and transfer operations, only the lower eight bits (AL) of the accumulator are used with the upper eight bits (AH) left unchanged. The initial value set immediately after a reset is "0x0000".
MB95630H Series
Temporary accumulator (T)
The temporary accumulator is an auxiliary 16-bit register for arithmetic operation. It is used to
perform arithmetic operations with the data in the accumulator (A). The data in the temporary
accumulator is handled as word data for word-length (16-bit) operations with the accumulator
(A) and as byte data for byte-length (8-bit) operations. For byte-length operations, only the
lower eight bits (TL) of the temporary accumulator are used and the upper eight bits (TH) are
not used.
When a MOV instruction is used to transfer data to the accumulator (A), the previous contents
of the accumulator are automatically transferred to the temporary accumulator. When
transferring byte-length data, the upper eight bits (TH) of the temporary accumulator remain
unchanged. The initial value after a reset is "0x0000".
Index register (IX)
The index register is a 16-bit register used to hold the index address. The index register is used
with a single-byte offset (-128 to +127). The offset value is added to the index address to
generate the memory address for data access. The initial value after a reset is "0x0000".
Extra pointer (EP)
2.1 Dedicated Registers
The extra pointer is a 16-bit register which contains the value indicating the memory address
for data access. The initial value after a reset is "0x0000".
Stack pointer (SP)
The stack pointer is a 16-bit register which holds the address referenced when an interrupt or a
sub-routine call occurs and by the stack push and pop instructions. During program execution,
the value of the stack pointer indicates the address of the most recent data pushed onto the
stack. The initial value after a reset is "0x0000".
Program status (PS)
The program status is a 16-bit control register. The upper eight bits consists of the register bank
pointer (RP) and direct bank pointer (DP); the lower eight bits consists of the condition code
register (CCR).
In the upper eight bits, the upper five bits consists of the register bank pointer used to contain
the address of the general-purpose register bank. The lower three bits consists of the direct
bank pointer which locates the area to be accessed at high-speed by direct addressing.
The lower eight bits consists of the condition code register (CCR) which consists of flags that
represent the state of the CPU.
The instructions that can access the program status are "MOVW A,PS" and "MOVW PS,A".
The register bank pointer (RP) and direct bank pointer (DP) in the program status register can
also be read from and written to by accessing the mirror address (0x0078).
Note that the condition code register (CCR) is a part of the program status register and cannot
be accessed independently.
Refer to the "F
MC-8FX Programming Manual" for details on using the dedicated registers.
PS 0b00000
initial value
R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 DP2 DP1 DP0 H I IL1 IL0 N Z V C
bit15 bit14 bit13bit12 bit11 bit10 bit9 bit8bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3bit2 bit1 bit0
2.1 Dedicated Registers
MB95630H Series

2.1.1 Register Bank Pointer (RP)

The register bank pointer (RP) in bit15 to bit11 of the program status (PS) register contains the address of the general-purpose register bank that is currently in use and is translated into a real address when general-purpose register addressing is used.
Configuration of Register Bank Pointer (RP)
Figure 2.1-2 shows the configuration of the register bank pointer.
Figure 2.1-2 Configuration of Register Bank Pointer
The register bank pointer contains the address of the register bank currently in use. The content
of the register bank pointer is translated into a real address according to the rule shown in
Figure 2.1-3.
Figure 2.1-3 Rule for Translation into Real Addresses in General-purpose Register Area
Fixed value RP: Upper Op-code: Lower
“0” “0”
A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
“0” “0” “0” “0” “0” “1” R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 b2 b1 b0
The register bank pointer specifies the register bank used as general-purpose registers in the
RAM area. There are a total of 32 register banks, which are specified by setting a value
between 0 and 31 in the upper five bits of the register bank pointer. Each register bank has
eight 8-bit general-purpose registers which are selected by the lower three bits of the op-code.
The register bank pointer allows the space from "0x0100" to "0x01FF"(max) to be used as a
general-purpose register area. However, certain products have restrictions on the size of the
area available for the general-purpose register area. The initial value of the register bank
pointer after a reset is "0x0000".
Mirror Address for Register Bank and Direct Bank Pointer
Values can be written to the register bank pointer (RP) and the direct bank pointer (DP) by
accessing the program status (PS) register with the "MOVW PS,A" instruction; the two
pointers can be read by accessing PS with the "MOVW A,PS" instruction. Values can also be
directly written to and read from the two pointers by accessing "0x0078", the mirror address of
the register bank pointer.
PS 0b000
initial value
R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 DP2 DP1 DP0 H I IL1 IL0 N Z V C
bit15 bit14 bit13bit12 bit11 bit10 bit9 bit8bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3bit2 bit1 bit0
MB95630H Series
2.1 Dedicated Registers

2.1.2 Direct Bank Pointer (DP)

The direct bank pointer (DP) in bit10 to bit8 of the program status (PS) register specifies the area to be accessed by direct addressing.
Configuration of Direct Bank Pointer (DP)
Figure 2.1-4 shows the configuration of the direct bank pointer.
Figure 2.1-4 Configuration of Direct Bank Pointer
The area of "0x0000 to 0x007F" and that of "0x0090 to 0x047F" can be accessed by direct
addressing. Access to 0x0000 to 0x007F is specified by an operand regardless of the value in
the direct bank pointer. Access to 0x0090 to 0x047F is specified by the value of the direct bank
pointer and the operand.
Table 2.1-1 shows the relationship between the direct bank pointer (DP) and the access area;
Table 2.1-2 lists the direct addressing instructions.
Table 2.1-1 Direct Bank Pointer and Access Area
Direct bank pointer (DP[2:0]) Operand-specified dir Access area*
0bXXX (It does not affect mapping.) 0x0000 to 0x007F 0x0000 to 0x007F
0b000 (Initial value) 0x0090 to 0x00FF 0x0090 to 0x00FF
0b010 0x0180 to 0x01FF
0b011 0x0200 to 0x027F
0b100 0x0280 to 0x02FF
0b101 0x0300 to 0x037F
0b110 0x0380 to 0x03FF
0b111 0x0400 to 0x047F
*: The available access area varies among products. For details, refer to the device data sheet.
0x0080 to 0x00FF
0x0100 to 0x017F
2.1 Dedicated Registers
Table 2.1-2 Direct Address Instruction List
MB95630H Series
Applicable instructions
CLRB dir:bit
SETB dir:bit
BBC dir:bit,rel
BBS dir:bit,rel
MOV A,dir
CMP A,dir
ADDC A,dir
SUBC A,dir
MOV dir,A
XOR A,dir
AND A,dir
OR A,dir
MOV dir,#imm
CMP dir,#imm
MOVW A,dir
MOVW dir,A
MB95630H Series
2.1 Dedicated Registers

2.1.3 Condition Code Register (CCR)

The condition code register (CCR) in the lower eight bits of the program status (PS) register consists of the bits (H, N, Z, V, and C) containing information about the arithmetic result or transfer data and the bits (I, IL1, and IL0) used to control the acceptance of interrupt requests.
Configuration of Condition Code Register (CCR)
Figure 2.1-5 Configuration of Condition Code Register (CCR)
bit15 bit14 bit13bit12 bit11 bit10 bit9 bit8bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3bit2 bit1 bit0
R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 DP2 DP1 DP0 H I IL1 IL0 N Z V C
PS 0b00110000
Half carry flag Interrupt enable flag Interrupt level bits Negative flag Zero flag OVerflow flag Carry flag
initial value
The condition code register is a part of the program status (PS) register and therefore cannot be
accessed independently.
Bits Showing Operation Results
Half carry flag (H)
This flag is set to "1" when a carry from bit3 to bit4 or a borrow from bit4 to bit3 occurs due to
the result of an operation. Otherwise, the flag is set to "0". Do not use this flag for any
operation other than addition and subtraction as the flag is intended for decimal-adjusted
Negative flag (N)
This flag is set to "1" when the value of the most significant bit is "1" due to the result of an
operation, and is set to "0" when the value of the most significant bit is "0".
Zero flag (Z)
This flag is set to "1" when the result of an operation is "0", and is set to "0" when the result of
an operation is a value other than "0".
Overflow flag (V)
This flag indicates whether the result of an operation has caused an overflow, with the operand
used in the operation being regarded as an integer expressed as a complement of two. If an
overflow occurs, the overflow flag is set to "1"; otherwise, it is set to "0".
Right-shift (RORC)Left-shift (ROLC)
2.1 Dedicated Registers
Carry flag (C)
This flag is set to "1" when a carry from bit7 or a borrow to bit7 occurs due to the result of an
operation. Otherwise, the flag is set to "0". When a shift instruction is executed, the flag is set
to the shift-out value.
Figure 2.1-6 shows how the carry flag is updated by a shift instruction.
Figure 2.1-6 Carry Flag Updated by Shift Instruction
Interrupt Acceptance Control Bits
Interrupt enable flag (I)
When this flag is set to "1", interrupts are enabled and accepted by the CPU. When this flag is
set to "0", interrupts are disabled and rejected by the CPU.
The initial value after a reset is "0".
The SETI and CLRI instructions set and clear the flag to "1" and "0", respectively.
MB95630H Series
Interrupt level bits (IL[1:0])
These bits indicate the level of the interrupt currently accepted by the CPU.
The interrupt level is compared with the value of the interrupt level setting register (ILR0 to
ILR5) that corresponds to the interrupt request (IRQ00 to IRQ23) of each peripheral function.
The CPU services an interrupt request only when its interrupt level is smaller than the value of
these bits with the interrupt enable flag set (CCR:I = 1). Table 2.1-3 lists interrupt level
priorities. The initial value after a reset is "0b11".
Table 2.1-3 Interrupt Levels
IL1 IL0 Interrupt level Priority
00 0 High
01 1
10 2
1 1 3 Low (No interrupt)
The interrupt level bits (IL[1:0]) are usually "0b11" when the CPU does not service an interrupt
(with the main program running).
For details of interrupts, see "5.1 Interrupts".
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