This manual contains important information for using this product. Read thoroughly before using
the product. Use this product only after thoroughly reading and understanding especially the
section "Important Alert Items" in this manual. Keep this manual handy, and keep it carefully.
FUJITSU makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from suffering
damage to their property. Us e th e product according t o t hi s m anual .
This product is designed and manufactured for use in standard applications such as office work,
personal devices and household appliances. This product is not intended for special uses (atomic
controls , aeronautic o r s p ace s y s t em s , mass tran s p or t v ehicle operatin g co n t ro l s , medical dev i ces
for life support, or weapons firing controls) where particularly high reliability requirements exist,
where the pertinent levels of safety are not guaranteed, or where a failure or operational error could
threaten a life or cause a physical injury (hereafter referred to as "mission-critical" use). Customers
considering the use of these products for mission-critical applications must have safety-assurance
measures in p l ace b efo rehan d . Moreover, they are request ed to consul t o ur s ales representat i v e
before embarkin g o n s uch s p eci al ized use.
First Edition March 2005
The contents of this manual may be revised without prior notice.
The contents of this manual shall not be disclosed in any way or reproduced in any media without
All Rights Reserved, Copyright FUJITSU LIMITED 2005
the express written permission of Fujitsu Limited.
Revision History
Edition Date
01 2005.02.20 — —
Revised section (*1)
*1 Section(s) with asterisk (*) refer to the previous edition when those were deleted.
This page is intentionally left blank.
This manual explains concerning the 3.5 inch hard disk drives with internal Serial
Attached SCSI (SAS) controller.
The purpose of this manual is to provide the specifications and functions of SAS
for use of these magnetic disk drives incorporated into user systems, and to present
the information necessary for creating host system software. This manual is
written for users who have a basic knowledge of hard disk drives and their use in
computer systems.
The composition of manuals related to these disk drives and the range of subjects
covered in this manual are shown in “Manual Organization,” provided on a
subsequent page. Please use these other manuals along with this manual as
The organization of this manual, related reference manual and conventions for
alert messages follow.
Overview of Manual
This manual consists of the following six chapters, glossary, abbreviation, and
Chapter 1 SAS Interface
This chapter describes the topology, physical and electrical requirements, interface
protocol, and other operations of the interface.
Chapter 2 Command Processing
This chapter describes the basic logical specifications related to command
Chapter 3 Data Buffer Management
This chapter describes the data buffer configuration, data transfer processing
functions and cache operations.
Chapter 4 Command Specifications
This chapter describes detailed command specifications and how to use them.
C141-C009 i
Chapter 5 Sense Data and Error Recovery Methods
This chapter describes the configuration and contents of sense data which report to
the host s y s t em wh en an erro r o ccurs , etc., k ey i nfo rm at ion necessary for erro r
recovery, recommended procedures for error recovery to be executed through host
system software and retry processing.
Chapter 6 Disk Media Management
This chapter describes the procedure for initializing the disk media, methods of
treating media defects and data recovery methods.
The gloss ary exp l ai n s t ech n i cal t erm s wh i ch are n eces s ary t o t h e read er’s
understanding when reading this manual.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
This list shows the full spelling of abbreviations used in this manual.
ii C141-C009
The model names of the disk drives covered by this manual differ depending
on their device types and capacity (*1). In addition, these disk drives are called
Intelligent Disk Drive (IDD), "drive" or "device" in this manual.
Type AU: 3.5 inch height, 15,000rpm
AT: 3.5 inch height, 10,025rpm
AV: 2.5 inch height, 10,025rpm
Decimal numbers are represented normally.
Hexadecimal numbers are represented as shown in the following examples:
X’17B9’, 17B9h, 17B9H, or 17B9H.
Binary number is represented as "010", 010b.
An X is used to represent mode parameters that are ignored by the MODE
SELECT and MODE SELECT EXTENDED commands. An X is also used
to represent mode parameters reported by the MODE SELECT and MODE
SELECT EXTENDED commands and that vary depending on conditions at
the time.
C141-C009 iii
Conventions for Alert Messages
This manual uses the following conventions to show the alert messages. An alert
message con s i s t s o f an al ert signal and al ert s tatements . The alert si g n al co n s i s t s o f
an alert symbol and a signal word or just a signal word.
The followi n g are t h e al ert s i g n al s an d t h ei r meanings:
This indicates a hazardous s i tu at ion likely to result in
serious personal injury if the user does not perform
the procedur e correctly.
This indicates a hazardous s i tu at ion could result in
serious personal injury if the user does not perform
the procedur e correctly.
This indicates a hazardous s i tu at ion could result in
minor or moderate personal injury if the user does
not perform t h e p ro ced ur e correct ly. This al ert signal
also indicates that damages to the product or other
property, may occur if the user does not perform the
product correctly.
This indicates information that could help the user
use the product more efficiently.
In the text, the alert signal is centered, followed below by the indented message. A
wider line s p ace preced es an d fol lows the alert m es s ag e t o s ho w wh ere t h e al ert
message begins and ends. The following is an example:
It is possible to use bit 7 and bit 6 of the control byte as an inherent
control field in future product specifications. It is recommended that
the INIT specify zero i n this field .
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this manual.
To make this manual easier for users to understand, opinions from readers are
needed. Please write your opinions or requests on the Comment at the back of this
manual and forward it to the address described in the sheet.
iv C141-C009
Product Manual
1. Outline
2. Specifications
3. Data Format
4. Installation Conditions
5. Installation Procedure
6. Diagnosis and Maintenance
Interface Specifications
(This Manual)
1. Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Interface
2. Command Processing
3. Data Buffer Management
4. Command Specifications
5. Sense Data and Error Recovery Methods
6. Disk Media Management
Maintenance Manual 1. Specifications and Equipment Configuration
2. Maintenance and Diagnosis
3. Troubleshooting
4. Removal and Replacement Procedures
5. Operating Theory
C141-C009 v
The product specifications and functions described in this manual conform to the
following standards:
(document) number
Revision 05
Revision 07
Revision 20
Revision 8C
Revision 24
Revision 13
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) American national
Serial Attached SCSI-1.1 (SAS-1.1) American national
Information technology SCSI Primary
Commands-2 (SPC-2)
Information Technology SCSI-3 Block
Commands (SBC)
Information technology SCSI-3 Architecture
Model (SAM-2)
Information technology SCSI-3 Architecture
Model (SAM-3)
Standards Institute
Standards Institute
American national
Standards Institute
American national
Standards Institute
American national
Standards Institute
American national
Standards Institute
vi C141-C009
CHAPTER 1 SAS Interface............................................................................1-1
1.1 Topologies in SAS Interface ....................................................................1-2
Table 5.7 Disk drive errors and number of retries.............................................. 5-29
xviii C141-C009
CHAPTER 1 SAS Interface
1.1 Topologies in SAS Interface
1.2 Names and identifiers
1.3 Phy layer
1.4 Link layer
1.5 Address frames
1.6 Transport layer
This chapter describes the topology, interface protocol, and operation of the SAS
C141-C009 1-1
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Interface
1.1 Topologies in SAS Interface
As shown in Figure 1.1, SAS drives have two connection patterns: point-topoint connection and expander connection.
SSP (Serial SCSI Protocol)
SAS Expander (s)
Figure 1.1 SAS drive connection patterns
SAS supports the three protocols listed below. Among these protocols, SAS
drives support only SSP.
• Serial SCSI Protocol (SSP)
• Serial ATA Tunneling Protocol (STP)
• Serial Management Protocol (SMP)
1-2 C141-C009
1.1 Topologies in SAS Interface
1.1.1 SAS Layering
As shown in Figure 1.2, for SAS, the following six control layers are defined:
• Physical layer: Electric properties related to cables, connectors,
and signals
• Phy (transceiver) layer: 8B/10B code, OOB, and speed negotiation
• Link layer: Primitives, address frames, and connection control
• Port layer: Wide port control
• Transport layer: Frame control
• Application layer: SCSI commands, mode pages, and log pages
Application layer
Transport layer
Port layer
Link layer
Phy layer
Physical layer
Figure 1.2 SAS control layers
C141-C009 1-3
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Interface
1.1.2 Physical links and phys
A physical link is a set of four wires used as two differential signal pairs. One
differential signal transmits in one direction while the other differential signal
transmits in the opposite direction. Data may be transmitted in both directions
A physical phy contains a transceiver which electrically interfaces to a physical
link, which attaches to another physical phy.
Phys are contained in ports. Phys interface to the service delivery subsystem.
Figure 1.3 shows two phys attached with a physical link.
An attached phy is the phy to which a phy is attached over a physical link. A
device may contain one or more phys. Each phy has a phy identifier which is
unique within the device.
Physical link
Differential signal pair
Differential signal pair
Figure 1.3 Physical links and phys
1.1.3 Ports (narrow ports and wide ports)
A port contains one or more phys. Ports in a device are associated with physical
phys based on the identification sequence. A port is created from a set of physical
phys if one or more physical phys contained within a device:
a) transmit the same SAS address during the identification sequence; and
b) receive the same SAS address during the identification sequence (i.e., the
corresponding attached phy or phys transmit the same SAS address).
1-4 C141-C009
1.1 Topologies in SAS Interface
A wide port is created if there is more than one phy in the port. A narrow port is a
port with only one phy.
A wide link is the set of physical links that attach a wide port to another wide
port. A narrow link is the physical link that attaches a narrow port to another
narrow port.
Figure 1.4 shows examples of narrow ports and wide ports, with a representation
of the SAS address transmitted during the identification sequence. Although
several phys on the left transmit SAS addresses of B, only phys attached to the
same SAS addresses become part of the same ports. The set of phys with SAS
address B attached to the set of phys with SAS address D become one port, while
the set of phys with SAS address B attached to the set of phys with SAS address E
become another port.
Narrow port
SAS address A
Physical link
SAS address B
Wide port
Physical link
SAS address B
Physical link
SAS address B
Wide port
Narrow link
SAS address C
Wide link
SAS address D
SAS address D
Wide link
Narrow port
Wide port
Wide port
Figure 1.4 Ports (narrow ports and wide ports)
C141-C009 1-5
Physical link
SAS address B
Physical link
SAS address E
SAS address E
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Interface
1.1.4 SAS devices
A SAS device contains one or more SAS ports, each containing one or more phys
(i.e., a SAS port may be a narrow port or a wide port).
Each single HDD unit is a separate SAS device. Usually, it is a single port or
dual port device, but does not use a wide port.
Figure 1.5 shows examples of SAS devices with different port and phy
SAS DeviceSAS Device
Wide port
Wide port
Wide port
SAS Device
Narrow port
Narrow port
1-6 C141-C009
Figure 1.5 SAS devices
1.1 Topologies in SAS Interface
1.1.5 Pathways
A potential pathway is a set of physical links between a SAS INIT phy and a SAS
TARG phy. When a SAS INIT phy is directly attached to a SAS TARG phy,
there is one potential pathway. When there are expander devices between a SAS
INIT phy and a SAS TARG phy, there are multiple potential pathways, each
consisting of a set of physical links between the SAS INIT phy and the SAS
TARG phy. The physical links may or may not be using the same physical link
A pathway is a set of physical links between a SAS INIT phy and a SAS TARG
phy being used by a connection.
Figure 1.6 shows examples of potential pathways.
Expander device
Physical linkPotential
Figure 1.6 Example of potential pathw ays
A partial pathway is the set of physical links participating in a connection request
that has not reached the destination phy (e.g., the OPEN address frame has been
transmitted by the source phy but the OPEN address frame has not yet reached the
destination phy).
A partial pathway is blocked when path resources it requires are held by another
partial pathway.
C141-C009 1-7
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) Interface
1.1.6 Connections
A connection is a temporary association between a SAS INIT port and a SAS
TARG port. During a connection all dwords from the SAS INIT port are
forwarded to the SAS TARG port, and all dwords from the SAS TARG port are
forwarded to the SAS INIT port.
A connection is pending when an OPEN address frame has been delivered along a
completed pathway to the destination phy but the destination phy has not yet
responded to the connection request. A connection is established when an
OPEN_ACCEPT is returned to the source phy.
A connection enables communication for one protocol: SSP, STP, or SMP. For
SSP and STP, connections may be opened and closed multiple times during the
processing of a command.
The connection rate is the effective rate of dwords through the pathway between a
SAS INIT phy and a SAS TARG phy, established through the connection request.
Every phy shall support a 1,5 Gbps connection rate regardless of its physical link
One connection may be active on a physical link at a time. If the connection is an
SSP or SMP connection and there are no dwords to transmit associated with that
connection, idle dwords are transmitted.
The number of connections established by a SAS port shall not exceed the
number of SAS phys within the SAS port (i.e., only one connection per SAS phy
is allowed). There shall be a separate connection on each physical link.
If multiple potential pathways exist between the SAS INIT port(s) and the SAS
TARG port(s), multiple connections may be established by a SAS port between
the following:
a) one SAS INIT port to multiple SAS TARG ports;
b) one SAS TARG port to multiple SAS INIT ports; or
c) one SAS INIT port to one SAS TARG port.
Once a connection is established, the pathway used for that connection shall not
be changed (i.e., all the physical links that make up the pathway remain dedicated
to the connection until it is closed).
1-8 C141-C009
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