Fujitsu MAG3182FC SERIES, MAG3091FC Series, MAF3364FC Series Product Manual

Edition Da te p ubli shed Revised contents
01 July, 1999 02 March, 2000
Specification No.: C141-E078-**EN
The contents of this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2000 FUJITSU LIMITED
C141-E078-02EN i
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Handling of This manual
This manual contains important information for using this product. Read thoroughly before using the product. Use this product only after thoroughly reading an d understanding especially the section “Important Alert Items” in this manual. Keep this manual handy, and keep it carefully.
FUJITSU makes every effort to prevent users and bystanders from being injured or from suffering damage to their property. Use the product according to this manual.
Functional Limitations
There may be certain functional limitations concerning the specifications and functions of the products covered by this manual depending on the equipment version, especially concerning the following functions.
Versions in which there functions can be used will be communicated through “ENGINEERING CHANGE REQUEST/NOTICE ” , issued by Fujitsu.
Function Equipment Version Which Supports These Functions
Version No.
READ RAM Command
These commands cannot be used in the current version.
Version No.
Standard INQUIRY Data Product Revision (ASCII)
(Proceed t o the Cop yrigh t P age)
C141-E078-02EN iii
Related St a ndards
Specifications and functions of products covered by this manual comply with the following standards.
Standard (Text) No. Name Enacting Organization
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
All Right Reserved, Copyright © 2000 Fujitsu Limited
iv C141-E078-02EN
This ma nual describes th e MAF3364FC, MAG3182FC and MAG3091FC (her eafter, MAG seri es) series
3.5-inch fixed disk drives with an embedded fibre-channel controller.
This manual details the specifications and functions of the above d isk dr ive, and gives t he r equir emen ts and procedures for installing it into a host computer system.
This manual is written for users who have a basic understanding of fixed disk drives and their use in computer systems. The MANUAL ORGANIZATION section describes organization and scope of this manual.
This chapter introduces the MAF3364FC and MAG series disk drives and discusses their standard features, hardware, and system configuration.
This chapter gives detailed specifications of the MAF3364FC and MAG series disk drives and their installation environment.
This chapter describes the data structure of the disk, the address method, and what to do about media defects.
This chapter describes the basic physical and electrical requirements for installing MAF3364FC and MAG series disk d rives.
This chapter explains how to install MAF3364FC and MAG series disk drives. It in cludes t he n otice an d procedures for setting device number and operation modes, mounting the disk drive, and confirming drive operation.
This chapter describes the automatic diagnosis, and maintenance of the MAF3364FC and MAG series disk drives.
The appendixes give supplementary information, including the locations of mounting connectors, a list of setting items, the signal assignments of interface connectors, lists of model names and product numbers, and SCSI interface functions.
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This manual uses the following conventions for alerts to prevent physical or property damages to users or by standards.
DANGER indi ca t es t hat personal i njury will occur if th e user d oes not perform the p rocedure correctly.
WARNING indicates that personal injury could occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.
CAUTION indicates that either minor or moderate personal injury may occur if the user does not
perfor m th e procedu re correctly.
NOTICE indicates that inconvenience to the user such as damages to the product, equipment, data, and/or other property may occur if the user does not pay attention or perform the procedure correctly.
IMPORTANT in d i ca t es i nformation that the helps the user use the product more effectively.
This manual indicates;
Decimal number: Indicates as it is.
Hexadecimal number: Indicates as X’17B9’, 17B9h, or 17B9H
Binary number: Indicates as “010” or 010b
vi C141-E078-02EN
Failure of the MAF3364FC and MAG series intelligent disk drive is defined as a failure requiring adjustments, repairs, or replacement. Fujitsu is not responsible for drive failures caused by misuse by the user, poor environmental conditions, power trouble, host problems, cable failures, or any failure not caused by the drive itself.
The suffix of the model name of this disk drive varies depending on the two device types and storage capacity (Note 1). However, in this manual, the typical model names (Note 2) are used unless otherwise noted. These disk drives may be called intelligent disk drives (IDD), drives, or devices in this manual.
Note 1: Model names
M AF 3 182 FC
Int erface t ypes FC: Fibre-channel
Formatted capacity (100 MB units)
Disk size 3: 3 inch
Type AF: Full height (10,025 rpm)
AG: 1-inch heigh t (10, 025 rpm)
Note 2: Type model name
Type model name Model name MAF3364 MAF3364FC MAG3182 MAG3182FC MAG3091 MAG3091FC
C141-E078-02EN vii
List of Important Precautions
This manual includes the following important precautions:
CAUTION Indicates that either minor or moderate personal injury may occur or may cause
damages to this product itself or property of other users if the user does not perform the p rocedure correctly.
Work division Preca u tion Page
Damage to drive A hole or screw portion as shown in Figure 4.8 is used for adjusting air pressure balance between inside and outside the DE. Do not fill with a seal or label. Seals on the DE prevent the DE inside from the dust. Do not damage or peel off label s .
1. When dismounting the drive which is mounted on the system while power is supplied to it.
The drive to be dismounted must be separated from the loop. Dismounting the drive which is not separated from the loop may cause a n un expected err or.
If the drive is not separated from the loop, issue an LPB to the drive from the initiator in a primitive sequence of the order set.
It is recommended to stop the spindle motor prior to this loop separation operation. The spindle motor can be stopped by a START/STOP command. It takes about 30 seconds for the spindle motor to stop completely.
Then, dismount the drive using the drive mounting/dismounting mechanism, etc. of the system. If the drive is dismounted while the spindle motor is running, special care is required to avoid excessive vibration or shock to the drive. It is recommended to stop the operation once the SCA connector breaks off contact and wait until the spindle motor stops (about 30 seconds) before dismount the drive.
When storing or transporting the drive, put it in an antistatic bag. (Shown in Section 5.1).
2. When dismounting the drive which is mounted on the system while power is not supplied to it
Do not move the drive until the drive stops completely (about 30 seconds if the spindle motor was stopped by a START/STOP UNIT command, and about 30 seconds after powering-off when the power was simply turned off).
Then, dismount the drive using the drive mounting/dismounting mechani s m, etc. of the system.
When storing or transporting the drive, put it in an antistatic bag. (Shown in Section 5.1).
viii C141-E078-02EN
Work division Preca u tion Page
Data loss When the SEND DIAGNOSTI C command terminates with the CHECK CONDITION status, the INIT must collect the error information using the REQUEST SENSE command. The RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command cannot read out the error information detected in the self-diagnostics.
Damage Do not open the DE in the field because it is completely sealed.
Data loss Save data stored on the disk drive before requesting repair. Fujitsu does not assume responsibility if data is destroyed during servicing or repair.
C141-E078-02EN ix
(This manual)
1. Gener al Descrip t i on
2. Specifications
3. Data Format
4. Installation Requirements
5. Installation
6. Diagnostics and Maintenance
1. Fibre Channel Interface
2. Command Processing
3. Data Buffer Management
4. Command Specification
5. Sense Data and Error Recovery Procedure
6. Disk Medi um Mana g ement
1. Specifications and Equipment Configuration
2. Maintenance and Diagnostic
3. Error Analysis
4. Removal and Replacement Procedures
5. Principle of Operation
x C141-E078-02EN
CHAPTER 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION.............................................................................1-1
1.1 Standard Features.............................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Hardware Structure..........................................................................................................1-5
1.3 System Configuration.......................................................................................................1-8
CHAPTER 2 SPECIFICATIONS...........................................................................................2-1
2.1 Hardware Specifications...................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Model name and part number...........................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Function specifications.....................................................................................................2-2
2.1.3 Environmental specifications ...........................................................................................2-4
2.1.4 Error rate .........................................................................................................................2-5
2.1.5 Reliability........................................................................................................................2-5
CHAPTER 3 DATA FORMAT..............................................................................................3-1
3.1 Data Space.......................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Cylinder configuration .....................................................................................................3-1
3.1.2 Alternate spare area .........................................................................................................3-4
3.1.3 Track format....................................................................................................................3-5
3.1.4 Sector format ...................................................................................................................3-7
3.1.5 Format capacity................................................................................................................3-9
3.2 Logical Data Block Addressing ........................................................................................3-10
3.3 Defect Management.........................................................................................................3-11
3.3.1 Defect list.........................................................................................................................3-11
3.3.2 Alternate block allocation.................................................................................................3-11
CHAPTER 4 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................4-1
4.1 Mounting Requirements ...................................................................................................4-1
4.1.1 External dimensions.........................................................................................................4-1
4.1.2 Mounting.........................................................................................................................4-4
4.1.3 Notes on mounting...........................................................................................................4-4
4.2 Power Supply Requirements.............................................................................................4-10
4.3 Connection Requirements................................................................................................4-11
4.3.1 Connector ........................................................................................................................4-11
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4.3.2 Interface connector...........................................................................................................4-12
4.3.3 Recommended components for connection ....................................................................... 4-12
CHAPTER 5 INSTALLATION..............................................................................................5-1
5.1 Notes on Handling Drives................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Setting.............................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.1 Loop ID setting................................................................................................................5-3
5.2.2 Mode settings...................................................................................................................5-3
5.3 Mounting Drives..............................................................................................................5-4
5.3.1 Mounting procedures.......................................................................................................5-4
5.4 Confirming Operations after Installation and Preparation for Use ....................................5-5
5.4.1 Confirming initial operations...........................................................................................5-5
5.4.2 Checking connection........................................................................................................5-6
5.4.3 Formatting.......................................................................................................................5-9
5.4.4 Setting parameters ...........................................................................................................5-10
5.5 Dismounting Drive...........................................................................................................5-15
CHAPTER 6 DIAGNOSTICS AND MAINTE NANCE.........................................................6-1
6.1 Diagnostics......................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 Self-diagnostics................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.2 Test programs..................................................................................................................6-4
6.2 Maintenance Information.................................................................................................6-5
6.2.1 Maintenance requirements...............................................................................................6-5
6.2.2 Revision numbers.............................................................................................................6-7
APPENDIX A LOCATIO NS O F CO NNECT O RS..................................................................A-1
A.1 Locations of Connectors...................................................................................................A-2
APPENDIX B CONNECTOR SIGNAL AL LOCATION .......................................................B-1
B.1 Interface (FC-SCA) Connector Signal Allocation.............................................................B-2
APPENDIX C MODEL NAM E S AND PRODUCT NUMBERS ............................................C-1
C.1 Model Names and Product Numbers.................................................................................C-2
APPENDIX D FIBRE CH ANNEL INT ERFACE FUNCTIONS ............................................D-1
D.1 Fibre Channel Interface Function Specifications...............................................................D-2
xii C141-E0782EN
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1.1 MAF3364FC outer view...................................................................................................1-5
1.2 MAG series outer view.....................................................................................................1-5
1.3 Disk/head configuration...................................................................................................1-6
1.4 FC-AL system configuration ............................................................................................1-8
3.1 Cylinder configuration.....................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Spare area in cylinders.....................................................................................................3-5
3.3 Alternate cylinder ............................................................................................................3-5
3.4 Track format....................................................................................................................3-6
3.5 Track skew/cylinder skew................................................................................................3-7
3.6 Sector format ...................................................................................................................3-7
3.7 Alternate block allocation by FORMAT UNIT command.................................................3-13
3.8 Alternate block allocation by REASSIGN BLOCKS command.........................................3-14
4.1 External dimensions (MAF3364FC).................................................................................4-2
4.2 E x t ernal dimen si ons (MAG series)...................................................................................4-3
4.3 IDD orientation................................................................................................................4-4
4.4 Mounting frame structure.................................................................................................4-5
4.5 Limitation of side-mounting.............................................................................................4-6
4.6 Surface temperature measurement points..........................................................................4-7
4.7 Service clearance area......................................................................................................4-8
4.8 Air pressure adjustment hole............................................................................................4-9
4.9 Current waveform (+12 VDC)..........................................................................................4-10
4.10 AC noise filter (recommended)........................................................................................4-11
4.11 Connector location of SCA2 type interface model.............................................................4-11
4.12 SCA2 type interface connector.........................................................................................4-12
5.1 Checking the IDD connection (A)....................................................................................5-7
5.2 Checking the IDD connection (B)....................................................................................5-8
6.1 Revision label...................................................................................................................6-7
6.2 Indicating revision numbers.............................................................................................6-8
A.1 Locations of connectors................................................................................................................A-2
xiv C141-E078-02EN
2.1 Function specifications .....................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Environmental/power requirements..................................................................................2-4
3.1 Zone layout and track capacity (MAF3364FC).................................................................3-3
3.2 Zon e layout and track capaci t y (MAG seri es) ...................................................................3-3
3.3 Format capacity................................................................................................................3-9
4.1 Surface temperature check point.......................................................................................4-7
5.1 Motor start mode..............................................................................................................5-3
6.1 Self-diagnostic functions..................................................................................................6-1
B.1 FC-SCA connector: CN1.................................................................................................B-2
C.1 MAF and MAG series model n a m es a nd pr oduct numbers ...............................................C-2
D.1 Fibre channel interface function specifications .................................................................D-2
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1.1 Standard Features
1.2 Hardware Structure
1.3 System Configuration
This chapter describes the feature and configuration of the intelligent disk drives (IDD).
MAF3364FC and MAG series in telligent disk drives (IDDs) are h igh per forma n ce lar ge cap acit y 3.5-in ch fixed disk drives with an embedded fibre-channel controller.
The in terface between the MAF3364FC/MAG series intelligent disk drives and host system conforms to the fibre channel PLDA stan dard [NCITS TR-19 FIBRE CHANNEL PRIVATE LOOP SCSI DIRECT ATTACH (FC-PLDA] which covers from the fibre channel physical layer to SCSI command protocol.
A combination of the high transfer speed and long-distance transfer of the fibre channel and high function command set of the MAF3364FC and MAG seri es intelligent disk drives will facilitate construction of a high performance and highly reliable disk subsystem with large storage capacity.
With respect to data formatting, it is possible to change it to a format different from the one at the time of shipment by performing reinitialization on the installed system.
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1.1 Standard Features
(1) Compactness
The IDD has the FC-AL controller which supports the Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) of the fibre chan nel modes defined by the ANSI standa rd, embedded in t he 3.5-inch fixed disk drive form fact or.
(2) FC-AL standard
The IDD provides not only FC-AL basic functions but also the following features:
Data frame CRC function
Command set which meets the logical specification of the SCSI CCS (Common Command
Set for Direct Access Device) requ i rement s (Rev. 4. B)
The SCSI commands can manipulate data through logical block addressing regardless of the physical characteristics of the disk drive. This allows software to accommodate future expansion of system fun ct i on s.
(3) Dual port support
In order to support dual ports, the IDD is equipped with two pairs of fibre channel driver/receiver.
(4) High speed data transfer
The data transfer rate on the fibre channel loop is 106.25 MB/s maximum. In addition, the large capacity data buffer of the IDD allows the user to make full use of the high speed data transfer capability of the fibre channel loop.
(5) High speed spindle motor
The IDD increases the number of revolutions of the spindle motor from conventional 7,200 rpm to 10,025 rpm. Increasing the number of revolutions of the spindle motor will make it possible to improve the data transfer rate and reduce the rotation wait time.
(6) Continuous block processing
The addressing method of data blocks is logical block address. The initiator can access data by specifying block number in a logically continuous data space without concerning the physical structure of the track or cylinder boundaries.
The continuous processing up to [64K-1] blocks in a command can be achieved, and IDD can perform continuous read/write operation when processing data blocks on several tracks or cylinder.
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(7) 4MB programmable multi-segment data buffer
Data is transferred between fibre-channel loop and disk media through the embedded 4MB data buffer in the IDD. This buffer can be divided into maximum 32 areas. This feature provides the suitable usage environment for users.
Since the initiator can control the disconnect/reconnect timing on the fibre-channel loop by specifying the condition of stored data to the data buffer or empty condition of the data buffer, the initiator can perform the effective input/output operations with utilizing high data transfer capability of the fibre-channel regardless of actual data transfer rate of the disk drive.
(8) Read-ahead cache feature
After executing the READ command, the IDD reads automatically and stores (prefetches) the subsequent data blocks into the data buffer (Read-ahead caching).
The high speed sequential data access can be achieved by transferring the data from the data buffer without reaccessing the disk in case the subsequent command requests the prefetched data blocks .
(9) Command queuing feature
The IDD can queue maximum 63 commands, and optimizes the issuing order of queued commands by the reordering function. This feature realizes the high speed processing.
(10) Reserve and release functions
The IDD can be accessed exclusively in the multi-host or multi-initiator environment by using the reserve and release functions.
(11) Enclosure service function
The IDD supports an enclosure service interface (ESI) compliant with the SFF-8067. This interface provides the function of setting/readin enclosure service information using the SCSI-3 enclosure service command set (SES).
(12) Error recovery
The IDD can try to recover from errors in fibre-channel loop or the disk drive using its powerful retry processing. If a recoverable data check occurs, error-free data can be transferred to the initiator after being corrected in the data buffer. The initiator software is released from the complicated error recover processing by these error recovery functions of the IDD.
(13) Automatic alternate block reassignment
If a defective data block is detected during read, the IDD can automatically reassign its alternate data block.
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(14) Programmable data block length
Data can be accessed in fixed-block l ength unit s. Th e data block length is programmable, and can at initializing with a multiple of four for the 512 to 528 bytes.
(15) Defective block slipping
A logical data block can be reallocated in a physical sequence by slipping the defective data block at formatting. This results in high speed contiguous data block processing without a revolution delay due to defective data block.
(16) High speed positioning
A rotary voice coil motor achieves fast positioning.
(17) Large capacity
A large capacity can be obtained from 3-inch disk drives by dividing all cylinders into several partitions and changing the recording density on each partition (constant density recording). The disk subsystem with large capacity can be constructed in the good space efficiency.
(18) Start/Stop of spindle motor
Using the SCSI command, the host system can start and stop the spindle motor.
(19) Diagnosis
The IDD has a diagnostic capability which checks internal controller functions and drive operations to facilitate testing and repair.
(20) Low power consumption
By using highly integrated LSI components, the power consumption of the IDD is very low, and this enables the unit to be used in wide range of environmental conditions.
(21) Low noise and low vibration
The noise level is low: Approx. 4. 2 bels for th e MAF3364FC and 4.0 bels for the MAG series. This makes it ideal for office use. The IDD has rubber vibration isolators, which minimize the transfer of vibration.
(22) Microcode downloading
The IDD implements the microcode download feature. This feature achieves easy maintain ability of the IDD and function enhancing.
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1.2 Hardware Structure
An outer view of the IDD is given in Figures 1.1 and 1.2. T he IDD is composed of the disk, head, spindle motor, hermetically sealed disk enclosure (DE) with actuator and air circulation filter, as well as read/write pre-amp with the print card unit (PCA) of the controller.
Figure 1.1 M AF3364FC outer view
Figure 1.2 MAG series outer view
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(1) Disks
The disks have an outer diameter of 84 mm (3.31 inch) and inner diameter of 25 mm (0.98 inch). The disks are good for at least 15,000 contact starts and stops. Each model contains following number of disks.
MAF3364:10 MAG3182:5 MAG3091:3
(2) Heads
The MR (Magnet - Resistive) of the CSS (contact start/stop) type heads are in contact with the disks when the disks are not rotating, and automatically float when the rotation is started. Figure
1.5 shows the configuration of disks and heads.
0 1
2 3 4
5 6 7
12 13
14 15
16 17 18
Head No.
0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 1.3 Disk/head configuration
0 1
2 3
(3) Spindle motor
The disks are rotated by a direct-drive hall-less DC motor. The motor speed is controlled by a feedback circuit using the counter electromotive current to precisely maintain the speed at ±0.5% of the sp eci fied speed.
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(4) Actuator
The actuator, which uses a rotary voice coil motor (VCM), consumes little power and generates little heat. The head assembly at the end of the actuator arm is controlled and positioned via feedback of servo information in the data. The actuator positions heads on the CCS zone over the disk and is locked by the mechanical lock when the power is off or the spindle motor is stopped.
(5) Air circulation (recirculation filter, breather filter)
The heads, disks, and actuator are hermetically sealed inside a disk enclosure (DE) to keep out dust and other pollutants. The DE has a closed-loop air recirculation system. Using the movement of the rotating disks, air is continuously cycled through a filter. This filter will trap any dust generated inside the enclosure and keep the air inside the DE contaminant free. To prevent negative pressure in the vicinity of the spindle when the disks begin rotating, a breather filter is attached. The breather filter also equalizes the internal air pressure with the atmospheric pressure due to surrounding temperature changes.
(6) Read/write circuit
The read/write circuit uses head LSI chips and extended partial response class 4 maximum likelihood (EPR4ML) modulator and demodulator circuit to prevent errors caused by external noise, thus improving data reliability.
(7) Controller circuit
The controller circuit uses LSIs to increase the reliability and uses a high speed microprocessing unit (MPU) to increase the performance of the SCSI controller.
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1.3 System Configuration
As the fibre ch a nn el mode, t h e ANSI sta n da r d defin es th r ee modes: Ar bit r at ed Loop, Fabr ic an d Point-to-Point. This dr ive supports Arbitr ated Loop (FC-AL). Figure 1.4 shows an example of the system configuration.
Port B
Port A
Port B
Port A
Port B
Port B
Port A
BCPort A
Figure 1.4 FC-AL syst e m confi g uration
The mode of connection of all devices to the fibre channel is called “node.” The drive and initiator correspond to the node shown in Figure 1.4. Each node has at least one port called “N­port.” In the FC-AL, a port is particularly called “node loop (NL) port.” The MAF3364FC and MAG series have two ports; one is connected to one FC-AL and a ma xim um of 126 NL ports can be connected to on e loop.
(1) Loop configuration
One port incorporates a transmit circuit and receive ci rcuit . In formation is transmitted/received by differential signals via electric signal lines. This pair of signal lines is called a link. Since signals on a link are transmitted in one direction, wiring must be conducted so that it may form a loop connection on t he system.
In the case of the FC-AL interface, information is transmitted/received via ea ch n ode conn ected on a loop. Accordingl y, if the power supply is off at a node connected to the loop or if inter face signals cannot be transmitted/received nor mally, the loop will no longer function. To avoid such a nonconformity, a circuit called “port bypass circuit” is generally provided on the back plane of the system. BC in Figur e 1 . 4 shows this por t bypass cir cui t .
(2) Node addressing
Each node on the fibre channel loop is assigned its specific model number (SEL ID). The SEL ID of the drive is set at the signal level on the back plane through 7 signals from SEL_0 to SEL_6 of the SCA interface connector (CN1). In signal bit weighting, SEL_6 is the MSB indicating 2
and SEL_0 is the LSB indicating 20.
The SEL ID setting of the drive ranges from #0(x‘00’) to #125(x‘7D’).
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2.1 H ardware Specifications
This chapter describes specifications of the IDD.
2.1 Hardware Specifications
2.1.1 M odel name and part number
The IDD is provided with various models according to the device type, device capacity, etc.
For the model name (type) and product number, refer to the model name/product number list Appendix D. With respect to data formatting, it is possible to change it to a format different from the one set at the time of shipment by performing reinitialization on the installed system.
2 - 1
2.1.2 Function specifications
Table 2.1 shows the function specifications of the IDD.
Table 2.1 Function specifications
MAF3364 MAG3182 MAG3091 Formatted capacity/device (*1) 36.4 GB 18.2 GB 9.1 GB Unformatted capacity/device 45.6 GB 23.0 GB 11.5 GB Number of disks 10 5 3 Number of heads 19 10 5 Number of cylinders (*2) 10,200 9,866 Formatted capacity/track 143,872 to 215,040 139,776 to 215,040 Number of rotations (rpm) 10,025±0.5% Average latency time 2.99 ms
Seek time (*3) (Read/Write)
Start/stop time (*4)
Star t time Stop time
0.7 ms (Read)/
0.9 ms (Write)
5.7 ms (Read)/
6.2 ms (Write)
12.0 ms (Read)/
13.0 ms (Write)
0.7 ms (Read)/
1.1 ms (Write)
5.2 ms (Read)/
5.8 ms (Write)
11.0 ms (Read)/
12.0 ms (Write)
30 s typ. (60 s max.)
30 s typ. Recording mode 16/17 EPR4ML Recording density 283,000 bpi 275,000 bpi Track density 13,500 TPI Externa l
Height Width Depth
41.3 mm
101.6 mm
146.0 mm
25.4 mm
101.6 mm
146.0 mm Weight 1.1 kg 0.7 kg Power consumption (*5) 17 W 13 W Interface Cable length: 30 m max. Data tr ansfer
Disk drive 29.5 to 45.0 MB/s
FC-AL 106.25 MB/s max. Logical data block length 512 to 528 byte SCSI command specification SCSI-2 (ANSI X3T9.2/86-109 Rev 10h) command support
SCSI-3 command partial support Fujitsu-specific command
Data buffer
4 MB FIFO ring buffer, multi-segment buffer: Segment count 1 to 32, Read-ahead cache
(*1) The formatted capacity can be changed by changing the logical block length and using spare sector
space. S ee Chapter 3 for the furth er in formation.
(*2) The number of user cylinders indicates the max., and includes the alternate cylinder. The number
of user cylinders and alternate cylinders can be specified at format of the IDD.
(*3) The seek time is as follows:
2 - 2
MAG3364FC Seek Time
MAG series Seek Time
(*4) The start time is the time from power on or start command to when the IDD is ready, and stop time
is the time for disks to completely stop from power off or stop command.
(*5) This value indicates at ready mode.
2 - 3
2.1.3 Environmental specifications
Table 2.2 lists environmental and power requirements.
Table 2.2 Environmental/power requirements
Temperat ur e (*1) Operating 5 to 50°C
Non-ope rating – 40 to 60°C DE surface temperat ure at operating 5 to 55°C Gradient 15°C/h or less
Relative humidity Operating 20 to 80%R H
Non oper a ting 20 to 80%RH
Maximum wet bulb temperature 29°C (no condensation)
Vibrat ion (*2) Operating (*3) 0.3 mm (5 to 20Hz)/0.5G ( 20 to 250 Hz) or less
Non-ope rating (*4)
Shock (*2) Operating 20G (2 ms)
Non-ope rating 175G (2 m s) Altitute Operating – 60 m to 3,000 m (above sea level) (above se a level) Non-operating – 60 m to 12,000 m (above sea level)
Power requirements Input power (*5)
+12 VDC
+5 VDC
Ripple (* 6) +5 V 250 mVp-p , +12 V 250 mVp-p
Ready (Average) Spin -up, Seek Peak within 100 µs at spin-up
Ready 1.4 A 1.3 A Random W/R
(about 80 IOPS)
Packaged (ins ide of a week) 5 to 90%RH
3.1 mm (5 to 20Hz)/5G (20 to 250Hz) or less
Packaged 3.1 mm (5 to 20Hz)/5G (20 to 250Hz) or less
0.95 A
2.5 A (Max)
3.2 A
1.7 A 1.6 A
0.65 A
2.5 A (Max)
3.0 A
(*1) For detail condition, see Section 4.1.
(*2) Vibration applied to the drive is measured at near the mounting screw hole on the DE base as
much as po ssible.
(*3) At random seek write/read and default on retry setting with log sweep vibration.
(*4) At power-off state after installation
(*5) Input voltages are specified at the connector.
(*6) High frequency noise is less than 250 mVp-p.
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2.1.4 Error rate
Errors detected during initialization and replaced by alternate block assignments are not included in the error rate. Data blocks t o be accessed s hould be distributed over the disk med ium equall y.
(1) Unrecoverable error rate
Error s which cannot be r ecover ed with in 63 r etries and E CC corr ecti on shoul d n ot exceed 10 per
(2) Positioning error rate
Positioning errors which can be recovered by one retry should be 10 or less per 10
2.1.5 Reliability
(1) Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
MTBF of the IDD during its life time is 1,000,000 hours (operating: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week avera ge DE surface temper ature: 40 ° C or less).
The MTBF is defined as:
Operating time (hours) at all field sites
The number of equipment failures (*1) from all field sites
*1 Failure of the equipment means failure that requires repair, adjustments, or replacement.
Mishandling by the operator, failures due to bad en vironmen tal conditions, power trouble, host system trouble, cable failures, or other failures not caused by the equipment are not considered.
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