Fujitsu P3AM-5382-03ENZ0, ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up And Maintaining

Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
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This manual briefly explains the operations that need to be performed by the user in order to use the
ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library.
Target Groups
This manual is written primarily for users with access to the entire range of the ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO library functions, for system administrators and field engineering staff. Basic hardware knowledge is required.
Notational Conventions
The following notational conventions are used in this manual.
italics Denote names of commands, system calls, functions, files, procedures,
fixed-pitch font Indicates system output, such as error messages, messages, notes, file
fixed-pitch semi-bold font Denotes user input in examples.
1., 2., 3. ... Activities of the user.


Third Edition
April 2014
programs etc. as well as menu options and input/output fields from figures in the main body of text.
excerpts and program examples.
Highlights additional information that should be noted to assist understanding of the surrounding text passages.
Calls attention to a situation that can cause data loss.
Calls attention to a situation that is potentially lethal or hazardous to people.
A discharge of static electricity can damage static-sensitive devices or micro circuitry. Proper packaging and grounding techniques are necessary precautions to prevent damage.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
The product should be situated so that its location or position does not interfere with proper ventilation.
The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, furnaces, or other heat producing appliances.
Power sources
The product should be connected to a power source only of the type directed in the operating instructions or as marked on the product.
Power cord protection
The AC line cord should be routed so that it is not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against it, paying particular attention to the cord at the wall receptacle, and the point where the cord exits from the product.
Object and liquid entry
Care should be taken to insure that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into the product’s enclosure through openings.
Do not expose the unit to moisture. The operating temperature for this unit is between 10 °C (50 °F) and
35 °C (95 °F).
Use the unit on a firm level surface free from vibration.
Do not place anything on top of the unit.
Product Warranty Caution
The warranty for the tape library shall not apply to failures of any unit when:
The tape library is physically abused or used in a manner that is inconsistent with the operating
instructions or product specification defined by the manufacturer.
The tape library fails because of accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration,
faulty installation, modification, or service by anyone other than the factory service center or its approved agent.
The tape library is repaired by anyone, including an approved agent, in a manner that is contrary to the
maintenance or installation instructions supplied by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer's serial number tag is removed.
The tape library is damaged because of improper packaging on return.
Unauthorized modifications to the unit configuration by the customer may result in loss of guarantee by the vendor.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Rack Stability
To reduce the risk of personal injury or damage to equipment:
Extend levelling jacks to the floor.
Ensure that the full weight of the rack rests on the levelling jacks.
Install stabilizing feet on the rack.
In multiple-rack installations, secure racks together.
Extend only one rack component at a time. Racks may become unstable if more
than one component is extended.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Product Description 12
1.1 Front Panel ....................................................................................................................... 14
1.2 Rear Panel ........................................................................................................................ 15
1.3 Internal Components ........................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library 17
2.1 Location Requirements ..................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Unpacking the LTO Library ................................................................................................ 18
2.3 Identifying Product Components ....................................................................................... 20
2.4 Remove the Shipping Lock ................................................................................................ 21
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library ....................................................................................... 22
2.5.1 Preparing .......................................................................................................................................................22
2.5.2 Installing the Library in a Rack ......................................................................................................................23
2.6 Connecting ........................................................................................................................ 29
2.6.1 Connection Recommendations and Additional Remarks ............................................................................... 29
2.6.2 Power and Signal Cable .................................................................................................................................30
2.6.3 Verifying the Detection of the Library Under Windows .................................................................................. 31
Chapter 3 Operating the LTO Library 32
3.1 Operator Control Panel (OCP) ............................................................................................ 32
3.1.1 Operating Modes ........................................................................................................................................... 32
3.1.2 OCP Philosophy .............................................................................................................................................. 32
3.1.3 Power-Up Display ..........................................................................................................................................33
3.1.4 Note about the LEDs ......................................................................................................................................33
3.1.5 Input Modes ..................................................................................................................................................34
3.1.6 Power ON/OFF ................................................................................................................................................ 34
3.1.7 OCP Menu Tree ..............................................................................................................................................35
3.2 Tape Cartridges ................................................................................................................. 36
3.2.1 ETERNUS LT20 S2 Tape Library Cartridge Type ............................................................................................... 36
3.2.2 Using and Maintaining Tape Cartridges ......................................................................................................... 36
3.2.3 Labeling Tape Cartridges ............................................................................................................................... 37
3.2.4 Write-protecting Tape Cartridges ...................................................................................................................38
3.2.5 Backward Read Compatibility ........................................................................................................................ 38
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Table of Contents
3.2.6 Barcode Reader .............................................................................................................................................38
3.2.7 Activating the Autoclean Function .................................................................................................................39
3.3 Magazines ........................................................................................................................ 40
3.3.1 Inserting Tape Cartridges into a Magazine .....................................................................................................40
3.3.2 Removing and Replacing a Magazine Using the OCP .....................................................................................41
3.3.3 Removing and Replacing a Magazine Using the RMU .................................................................................... 42
3.3.4 Slot Numbering .............................................................................................................................................43
3.3.5 Mailslot ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
3.4 Remote Management Unit (RMU) ....................................................................................45
3.4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................45
3.4.2 Library Status Icons ........................................................................................................................................ 45
3.4.3 Login .............................................................................................................................................................46
3.4.4 Identity .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
3.4.5 Status ............................................................................................................................................................49
3.4.6 Configuration .................................................................................................................................................51
3.4.7 Operations .....................................................................................................................................................62
3.4.8 Service ...........................................................................................................................................................64
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting 68
4.1 Installation Problems ........................................................................................................ 68
4.1.1 LUN Scanning ................................................................................................................................................68
4.1.2 Backup Application Installation ..................................................................................................................... 68
4.1.3 Device Driver Installation ............................................................................................................................... 68
4.2 Troubleshooting Table ...................................................................................................... 69
4.3 Removing Stuck Tapes from Slots ...................................................................................... 72
4.4 Magazine Does not Unlock via OCP or RMU ....................................................................... 73
4.5 Media Removal Prevented ................................................................................................ 75
4.6 Tape Library Error Codes ................................................................................................... 76
4.6.1 Example Error Code .......................................................................................................................................76
4.6.2 Error Code Table ............................................................................................................................................ 76
Chapter 5 Servicing 80
5.1 Possible Tools Needed ......................................................................................................80
5.2 Electrostatic Discharge ...................................................................................................... 80
5.3 Removing and Replacing a Tape Drive .............................................................................. 81
5.4 Removing and Replacing the Base Chassis ....................................................................... 83
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 Packaging before Transportation 85
Chapter 7 Technical Specifications 88
Chapter 8 Recycling and Disposal 89
Chapter 9 Regulatory Information 90
9.1 Device Standards ..............................................................................................................90
9.2 FCC (United States) ........................................................................................................... 90
9.3 Canadian Certification ....................................................................................................... 91
Index 92
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 ETERNUS LT20 S2 front and rear view .......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 1.2 Front panel.................................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 1.3 Rear panel with a SAS tape drive................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 1.4 Rear panel with a Fibre Channel tape drive................................................................................................. 15
Figure 1.5 Internal components ................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2.1 Unpacking the library.................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2.2 Removing shipping lock and label............................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.3 Storing shipping lock and label ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2.4 3 different rackmount rails .......................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2.5 Mounted support bracket ............................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2.6 Mounting cage nuts at the front of the rack (PRIMECENTER rack) ............................................................... 24
Figure 2.7 Setting in the right rail at the front ............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 2.8 Screwing on the right rail at the front ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.9 Mounted right sliding rail (rear side) .......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2.10 Mounted left sliding rail (rear side)............................................................................................................. 27
Figure 2.11 Remove flange cover ................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.12 Screwing on ETERNUS LT20 S2..................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.13 Attaching the power cord ............................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 3.1 POST when drive empty............................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3.2 OCP menu tree ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 3.3 Ultrium tape cartridge and proper barcode label placement ....................................................................... 37
Figure 3.4 Ultrium data cartridge................................................................................................................................. 38
Figure 3.5 Insert magazines......................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 3.6 RMU Login page.......................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.7 Operations, Magazine page......................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.8 Slot numbering left magazine with mailslot ............................................................................................... 43
Figure 3.9 Handling mail slot....................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.10 Slot numbering right magazine................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 3.11 RMU Login page .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3.12 Identity, Library page .................................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 3.13 Identity, Drive page (SAS) ........................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 3.14 Identity, Drive page (FC) ............................................................................................................................. 48
Figure 3.15 Identity, Network page................................................................................................................................ 48
Figure 3.16 Status, Library page..................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 3.17 Status, Drive page (FC)................................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 3.18 Status, Inventory page ................................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 3.19 Status, Inventory page expanded................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 3.20 Configuration, System page ........................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 3.21 Configuration, Drive page (SAS) .................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 3.22 Configuration, Drive page (FC) .................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 3.23 Configuration, Network page....................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 3.24 Certificate generation.................................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 3.25 Certificate information ................................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 3.26 Certificate import wizard: Welcome ............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 3.27 Certificate import wizard: Storage ............................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3.28 Certificate import wizard: Finishing (1) ....................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3.29 Certificate import wizard: Finishing (2) ....................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3.30 Termination of certificate installation ......................................................................................................... 57
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
List of Figures
Figure 3.31 Unchecking the warnings box ..................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3.32 Configuration, SNMP page........................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 3.33 Configuration, User page............................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 3.34 Configuration, Date/Time page.................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 3.35 Configuration, Log page.............................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 3.36 Configuration, Event Notification page........................................................................................................ 61
Figure 3.37 Configuration, Restore Defaults page.......................................................................................................... 61
Figure 3.38 Operations, Move Media page..................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 3.39 Operations, Inventory page ......................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 3.40 Operations, Magazine page......................................................................................................................... 63
Figure 3.41 Service, General Diagnostic page ................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 3.42 Service, Drive Diagnostic page..................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 3.43 Service, Firmware page ............................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 3.44 Service, Reboot page................................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 3.45 Service, Library Log page............................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 3.46 Service, Clean Drive Page ............................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 3.47 Service, Cartridge Memory page .................................................................................................................. 67
Figure 4.1 Removing stuck tapes from slot .................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 4.2 Access holes for the left and right magazine ............................................................................................... 73
Figure 4.3 Remove the left magazine .......................................................................................................................... 74
Figure 4.4 Media Removal information in the Library Status page (example: Allowed)............................................... 75
Figure 4.5 Media Removal information in the Drive Status page (example: Allowed) ................................................. 75
Figure 5.1 Drive sled components of rear pane ............................................................................................................ 81
Figure 5.2 Tape drive removal...................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 5.3 Installing a tape drive ................................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 6.1 Replacing Shipping lock before transportation............................................................................................ 85
Figure 6.2 Product Label .............................................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 6.3 Re-packing the library ................................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 8.1 WEEE Symbol .............................................................................................................................................. 89
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Location criteria .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 3.1 Status icons ................................................................................................................................................. 45
Table 4.1 Error code table........................................................................................................................................... 76
Table 9.1 IEC 60297 Rack Standards ........................................................................................................................... 90
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 1
Product Description
The ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO library provides a compact, high-capacity, low-cost solution for simple, unattended data backup.
The ETERNUS LT20 S2 houses up to 8 tape cartridges in a compact 1U form factor with easy access to tape cartridges via two removable magazines and a mailslot for importing and exporting cartridges. The library can support one LTO3, LTO4, LTO5, or LTO6 half height tape drive.
Each magazine can hold up to four cartridges.
The library does not occupy an own signal interface but is controlled via a separate LUN of the tape drive.
The library can be operated via Operator Control Panel (OCP) or Remote Management Unit (RMU).
The ETERNUS LT20 S2 tape library is compatible with most operating systems and environments that support the SAS or Fibre Channel interface. However, the library requires either direct support from the operating system or a compatible backup application to take full advantage of its many features.
Figure 1.1 ETERNUS LT20 S2 front and rear view
Particular emphasis of the ETERNUS LT family includes:
Platform of tape libraries
Independent of LTO technology
Broad level of connectivity
- Fibre Channel
Technology upgrade
Customer can upgrade tape drive technologies (e. g. LTO4 to LTO5) in the field
Service friendly design
Drive, power supply and library controller are accessible from the back of the unit allowing for quick replacement
Best in class cartridge and drive density
Packing in as many or more cartridges in the standard rack height 1U as most other Libraries on the market
Maximum up time
Through advanced error handling and recovery capability
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 1 Product Description
The ETERNUS LT20 S2 includes the following features:
USB interface to improve serviceability and to store customer specific settings
User friendly Operator Control Panel with simple character set
Support of further LTO generations
Integral Remote Management Unit
Supports industry standard management software tools such as SNMP and SMI-S (future developments)
Robotic with barcode reader
The ETERNUS LT20 S2 has 1U rack format functionality. It provides cost-effective, easy to install, automated data protection for the small to medium sized business.
Not all features will be available at initial product launch and will be added upon technology availability, anticipated market requirements, and/or customer needs.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 1 Product Description

1.1 Front Panel

1.1 Front Panel
The front of the ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO library is used to access the power button, operator control panel (OCP) with four push button switches and LCD display, the LEDs, the left and right magazines and the mailslot.
Figure 1.2 Front panel
No. Description
1 Left magazine with mailslot.
Power button.
Pressing the button will initiate a controlled Power Down of the unit (soft power down).
LED "READY" (Green).
Illuminated when power is on. Blinking when there is tape or library robots activity.
LED "CLEAN" (Amber).
Illuminated when the tape drive has determined that a cleaning cartridge should be used. Cleaning is only necessary when the library directs you to do so. Additional cleaning is not necessary.
Illuminated if the library has detected a condition that requires attention by the operator.
LED "ERROR" (Amber).
Illuminated if an unrecoverable tape drive or library error occurs. A corresponding error message displays on the LCD screen (see for more information).
Control key "UP" button [▲]
The UP button is used to navigate through menu items.
Control key "CANCEL" button.
The CANCEL button is used to cancel a user action and return to the last menu item.
9Right magazine.
10 Air vents.
Control key "ENTER" button.
The ENTER button is used to go to a sub menu or execute an action.
Control key "DOWN" button [▼]
The DOWN button is used to navigate through menu items.
Front panel "OCP" display, consisting of 2x16 characters.
The OCP screen displays actions and status information, menu items or error messages equivalent to the operation mode.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 1 Product Description

1.2 Rear Panel

1.2 Rear Panel
The rear of the tape library provides access to signal connectors, tape drive bay, the power connector, Ethernet, serial and the USB port. Figure 1.3 LTO drive each.
Figure 1.3 Rear panel with a SAS tape drive
Figure 1.4 Rear panel with a Fibre Channel tape drive
to Figure 1.4 show the rear panel of a library with a half height
No. Description
Power connector
The library requires a 110/220 volt AC power connection
2 Shipping lock (storage location)
3Fan vent
4 Tape drive sled
6Product label foil (see "Chapter 6
7Tape Drive LED
8 Ethernet port
9Serial port
10 Controller LED
11 USB port (Host)
12 SAS connector
13 Fibre Channel connector
Packaging before Transportation" (page 85))
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 1 Product Description

1.3 Internal Components

1.3 Internal Components
Figure 1.5 Internal components
No. Description
1Left magazine
2 Robot with barcode reader
3 Controller
4Drive sled
5Power supply
7Right magazine
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2
Installing the Tape Library

2.1 Location Requirements

Choose a location that meets the following criteria:
Table 2.1 Location criteria
Criteria Definition
Rack requirements Standard 19-inch rack with 1U of clearance
Room temperature 10-35 °C (50-95 °F)
Power source AC power voltage 100-127 VAC
Line frequency 50-60 Hz
Place the library near an AC outlet. The AC power cord is the product's main AC disconnect device and must be easily accessible at all times.
Weight without media 14 kg
Weight with media (8 LTO cartridges)
Air quality
16.5 kg
The library should be placed in an area with minimal sources of particulate contamination.
200-240 VAC
Avoid areas near frequently used doors and walkways, stacks of supplies that collect dust, printers, and smoke-filled rooms.
Excessive dust and debris can damage tapes and tape drive.
Humidity 20-80 percent RH non-condensing
Clearance Back Minimum of 15.4 cm (6 inches)
Front Minimum of 30.8 cm (12 inches)-for mailslot
Minimum of 60 cm to remove magazines (24 inches)
Sides Minimum of 5.08 cm (2 inches)
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
End of procedure

2.2 Unpacking the LTO Library

2.2 Unpacking the LTO Library
Before you begin, clear a work surface to unpack the library. Select an open 1U rack location allowing easy access to the host server and an easily accessible power outlet.
If the temperature in the room where the library will be installed varies by 15 °C (30 °F) from the room where the library was stored, allow the library to acclimate to the surrounding environment for at least 12 hours before unpacking it from the shipping container.
Unpacking the library:
1 Before opening and removing the library from the box, inspect the container for shipping
damage. If you notice any damage, report it to the shipping company immediately.
2 Open the box.
3 Remove the accessory package (if present) and set aside. Carefully remove the shipping
materials from the top of the library (see Figure 2.1
4 Remove the two rack rails (if included) and set aside.
5 Lift the library out of the carton and remove the bag from the library. Save the packaging
materials for future use.
Do not place the library on either end or sides as this may damage the library.
After unpacking the library, save all the original packing materials in case you need to ship or move the library later.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
2.2 Unpacking the LTO Library
Figure 2.1 Unpacking the library
No. Description
1 Accessories and top shell parts
2Sliding rails
3ETERNUS LT20 S2 unit
4Bottom shell
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library

2.3 Identifying Product Components

2.3 Identifying Product Components
Confirm that you have received the following:
Power cord
Manual CD-ROM
Rack mount kit
- 2 rack mount rails
- 1 bag of eight round hole rack screws
- 1 bag of eight Square hole rack screws
Cover eject bar
1 cleaning cartridge
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
Figure 7: Instructions for shipping lock

2.4 Remove the Shipping Lock

2.4 Remove the Shipping Lock
The shipping lock, which prevents the robot transport mechanism from moving during shipment, must be removed before the library is powered on.
A yellow label with instructions regarding the shipping lock covers the power button, as shown in the following picture:
The shipping lock is held in place with a label and is located in the top center of the library. After the shipping lock is removed, it should be stored on the rear panel right side (next to power connector) of the library for future use.
To remove and store the shipping lock:
1 Remove the yellow label that is securing the lock to the top of the library, and then remove
the lock (see Figure 2.2
Figure 2.2 Removing shipping lock and label
Figure 7: Removing shipping lock and label
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
End of procedure

2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library

2 Replace the label on top of the library and store the shipping lock next to power supply (see
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.3 Storing shipping lock and label
If you need to transport the library, it is recommended that the shipping lock and label is replaced on the top cover (see "Chapter 6
Packaging before Transportation" (page 85)).
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library
Weight! Risk of personal injury or damage to the loader.
Always remove all tapes to reduce the overall weight of the loader.
Observe local health and safety requirements and guidelines for manual
material handling.

2.5.1 Preparing

Before installing the library:
Make sure that the host bus adapter card installed in the host computer, any necessary device drivers, and
your backup software are compatible with the library. Make certain that an any necessary drivers installed in the host computer are compatible with the tape drive in a library.
You can install the software on the host computer before or after library installation. However, if you install
the software first, you may need to reconfigure it for use with the library after library installation is complete.
The library must be operated in the horizontal position. Do not place the library on its side, and do not
place objects on top of the library.
Before performing any installation or maintenance procedures, be sure that the library power switch is in the off position and that the power cord is disconnected from the library and the outlet.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library

2.5.2 Installing the Library in a Rack

Different Rackmount Kits
Note that there are 3 different rackmount rails:
Figure 2.4 3 different rackmount rails
No. Rackmount rail Description
PRIMECENTER rackmount rail for ETERNUS LT20 S2/ LT40 S2/LT60 S2
Standard rackmount rail for ETERNUS LT20 S2 The counternuts are already integrated, the screws are
Standard rackmount rail for ETERNUS LT40 S2/LT60 S2 The counternuts are already integrated, the screws are
The library easily installs into a standard 19" rack system taking up 1U of space.
A Torx screwdriver is requested. A counternut is entered in the 2. hole in the rack of ETERNUS LT20 S2 or in the 4. hole in the rack of ETERNUS LT40 S2/LT60 S2.
fixed with the help of a Phillips screwdriver.
fixed with the help of a Phillips screwdriver in the 4. hole.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
Height unit no. 26
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library
1 If you use a Fujitsu Technology Solutions PRIMECENTER rack you first have to mount the
support bracket in the appropriate height to the - seen from the front of the rack - left rear rack post as shown below.
Figure 2.5 Mounted support bracket
2 Mount a cage nut at the appropriate height to the right and left rack post each. Mount them
in the middle square hole of the height unit in which you mounted the support bracket. (The middle of a height unit is the hole between two wide and neighboring division bars.)
Figure 2.6 Mounting cage nuts at the front of the rack (PRIMECENTER rack)
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library
3 Place the right rail (support angle down) from the front into the rack, putting the
positioning tappet into the appropriate hole of the right rear rack post.
4 Compress the spring mounted rail to its length, putting the preloaded screw head in the
lower front lug of the rail from behind into the appropriate hole of the right front rack post as shown below. The rail now is positioned between the two rack posts by its spring pressure. Support the rail with one hand.
Figure 2.7 Setting in the right rail at the front
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library
5 Screw on the upper lug of the front rail end to the right front rack post using one screw with
centering washer as shown below.
Figure 2.8 Screwing on the right rail at the front
6 Then fasten the rail on the rear side with two screws with centering washers as shown
Figure 2.9 Mounted right sliding rail (rear side)
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library
7 Mount the left rail in the same way:
In PRIMECENTER racks, put the positioning tappet of the left rail into the appropriate hole of the
support bracket which you have mounted on the left rear rack post.
Compress the spring mounted rail to its length, putting the preloaded screw head in the lower front
lug of the rail from behind into the appropriate hole of the left front rack post.
Screw on the upper lug of the front rail end to the left front rack post with one screw with centering
Screw on the rear rail end to support bracket with two screws with centering washers as shown
Figure 2.10 Mounted left sliding rail (rear side)
The library weighs 14 kg (without media). Most of the weight is toward the back of the library.
8 Put the ETERNUS LT20 S2 from the front of the rack on the support angles of the sliding rails
and push it into the rack to the back stop.
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library
End of procedure
2.5 Rack Mounting the Tape Library
9 Remove the flange cover on the left hand side.
Figure 2.11 Remove flange cover
10 Screw on the ETERNUS LT20 S2 at the front to the inserted cage nuts as shown below.
Figure 2.12 Screwing on ETERNUS LT20 S2
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
Chapter 2 Installing the Tape Library

2.6 Connecting

2.6 Connecting

2.6.1 Connection Recommendations and Additional Remarks

The effectively achievable data throughput of tape drives depends on a multiplicity of factors. These primarily are:
Specified data throughput on the system bus (e.g. the PCI bus)
Number of host bus adapters (controllers) on the system bus
Origin of data to be stored (e.g. RAID system, single hard disk drives)
Transmission type and speed of the data to be stored (e.g. Ethernet)
Number of devices at the host bus adapter (controller)
Sequential or parallel operation of the tape drives
Compressed or uncompressed operation of the tape drives Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel allows for an active intelligent interconnection scheme, called a Fabric, to connect devices. Everything between the ports on Fibre Channel is called the Fabric. The Fabric is most often a switch or series of switches that takes the responsibility for routing. SAS
SAS features
Serial data transfer to and from storage devices as disk and tape drives
4 SAS channels per SAS HBA port (typical, not mandatory) for a maximum of 4 storage devices per HBA
Unique identifying of a SAS drive by its WWN (World Wide Name) or WWID (World Wide Identifier)
Host Bus Adapter
The HBA has to meet following requirements:
External SAS connector
Multiple LUN support (most SAS RAID controllers do not support multiple LUNs). Consult your sales
representative or a certified service engineer for compatibility of HBA, library and your server.
Fujitsu recommends a maximum SAS cable length of 4 meters from HBA to one tape drive. Do not use any adapter or converter between HBA and tape drive(s).
FUJITSU Storage ETERNUS LT20 S2 LTO Library Installing, Starting Up and Maintaining
Copyright 2014 FUJITSU LIMITED P3AM-5382-03ENZ0
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