Fujitsu Eternus2000, 100, 200 User Manual

P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Fujitsu would like to thank you for purchasing our ETERNUS2000 disk storage system. The ETERNUS2000 disk storage system is designed to be connected by a Fibre Channel interface, iSCSI interface, or SAS interface to a Fujitsu (PRIMEQUEST, PRIMERGY, SPARC Enterprise, or PRIME­POWER) or other server. This guide introduces the user to the ETERNUS2000 disk storage system (referred to as just "ETERNUS2000" in the remainder of this manual), and explains the regular checks and maintenance required. Please carefully review the information outlined in this manual.
Third Edition January 2009
Applicable Environment
The ETERNUS2000 was designed and manufactured with user safety in mind. When using the ETERNUS2000, follow the handling instructions, placement and cautionary notes listed in this guide. If used beyond the limits described, the users may be at risk of personal injury and/or material damage.
Using this Manual
The manuals provided with the ETERNUS2000 contain important information regarding safe usage. Please read these manuals carefully before using the ETERNUS2000. Pay special attention to "ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Safety Precautions", and understand the con­tents thoroughly before connecting. Keep these manuals in a safe place for future reference. Fujitsu pays careful attention to the safe use of its products to prevent user injury and/or material damage. To use the ETERNUS2000 properly, please follow the instructions in this manual.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun Logo, Solaris and all Solaris based marks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries, and are used under license. All SPARC marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries, and are used under license. Products with a SPARC mark are based on the architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard in the U.S. and other countries. Linux is a trademark or registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. AIX is a trademark of IBM Corp. VMware, VMware logos, Virtual SMP, and VMotion are either registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Java and all Java based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. The company names, product names and service names mentioned in this document are registered trade­marks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
The ETERNUS2000 is designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, general office use, personal use, household use, and ordinary industrial use, but is not designed, developed and manufactured for use in situations with accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (hereinafter "High Safety Required Use"), including without limitation, nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, and missile launch control in weapon systems. Do not use the ETERNUS2000 for High Safety Required Use without securing the sufficient safety level required. If you wish to use the ETERNUS2000 for High Safety Required Use, please consult with our sales representative before such use.
Electromagnetic compatibility Emissions: FCC Class A, EN55022 Class A and CNS 13438 Class A Immunity: EN55024
Safety CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950, UL60950 and EN60950
Class 1 laser product
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
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P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
About this Manual
This guide introduces the ETERNUS2000 to the user and explains how to check and maintain the ETERNUS2000 on a regular basis. Refer to the manuals for each peripheral concerning details not included in this manual.
This manual is organized as follows:
• Chapter 1 Overview
This chapter provides an external view of the ETERNUS2000, and explains the special features, data configurations of RAID groups, and specifications of the ETERNUS2000.
• Chapter 2 Hardware
This chapter describes the hardware components of the ETERNUS2000 and details of the basic operation methods of the ETERNUS2000, such as how to turn the power on and off.
• Chapter 3 Installation
This chapter describes the ETERNUS2000 installation.
• Chapter 4 Setup
This chapter describes how to connect and setup the ETERNUS2000 for operation.
• Chapter 5 Installing Optional Products
This chapter describes how to attach optional products.
• Chapter 6 Operation and Troubleshooting
This chapter describes points to note when operating and performing maintenance for the ETERNUS2000. Also, this chapter describes how to respond to any problems which may occur. Read this chapter when operating or performing maintenance on the ETERNUS2000, or if an error
"Specifications" and "Events detected by ServerView" are described as appendixes.
Refer to the manuals for each peripheral concerning details not included in this manual.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
About this Manual
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
Warning Notations
Warning signs are shown throughout this manual in order to prevent injury to the user and/or material damage. These signs are composed of a symbol and a message describing the recommended level of cau­tion. The following explains the symbols, their levels of caution, and their meanings as used in this man­ual.
The following symbols are used to indicate the type of warnings or cautions being described.
This symbol indicates the possibility of serious or fatal injury if the ETERNUS2000 is not used properly.
This symbol indicates the possibility of minor or moderate personal injury, as well as damage to the ETERNUS2000 and/or to other users and their property, if the ETERNUS2000 is not used properly.
This symbol indicates IMPORTANT information for the user to note when using the ETERNUS2000.
Electrical Shock
The triangle emphasizes the urgency of the WARNING and CAU-
TION contents. Inside the triangle and above it are details concerning the symbol (e.g. Electrical Shock).
o Disassemb
The barred "Do Not..." circle warns against certain actions. The
action which should be avoided is both illustrated inside the barred circle and written above it (e.g. No Disassembly).
The black "Must Do..." disk indicates actions that must be taken. The
required action is both illustrated inside the black disk and written above it (e.g. Unplug).
About this Manual
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
How Warnings are Presented in this Manual
A message is written beside the symbol indicating the caution level. This message is marked with a vertical ribbon in the left margin, to distinguish this warning from ordinary descriptions. An example is shown here.
Warning Level Indicator
Warning Type Indicator
Warning Details
To avoid damaging the ETERNUS2000, pay attention to the following points when cleaning the ETERNUS2000:
- Make sure to disconnect the power when cleaning.
- Be careful that no liquid seeps into the ETERNUS2000 when using cleaners, etc.
- Do not use alcohol or other solvents to clean the ETERNUS2000.
Warning Layout Ribbon
xample Warning
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
About this Manual
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
Additional Information
Expressions and abbreviations
The following are expressions and abbreviations used throughout this manual:
This notation indicates there is supplementary information in addition to the explanation already provided.
Product names and abbreviations
• "Windows®" represents the following products.
- Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating system
- Microsoft® Windows Server® 2003 operating system
- Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 operating system
• "Solaris OS" represents a Solaris™ Operating System.
- "Solaris 8 OS" represents a Solaris™ 8 Operating System
- "Solaris 9 OS" represents a Solaris™ 9 Operating System
- "Solaris 10 OS" represents a Solaris™ 10 Operating System
Latest Information
The information in this document is subject to change without notice for functionality expansion of
ETERNUS2000 and improvement. The latest version of this document and the latest information about the
ETERNUS2000 is released in the following web-site. Access the following address if needed.
Functions and know how which can be useful when setting up or operat­ing the ETERNUS2000.
This notation indicates related reference manuals.
About this Manual
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Related Manuals
Refer to the following related manuals in addition to this manual.
Manuals Code Description
ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Setup Guide (Fibre Channel type)
This manual describes how to ready Fibre Chan­nel type devices for opera­tion.
ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Setup Guide (iSCSI type)
This manual describes how to ready iSCSI type devices for operation.
ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Setup Guide (SAS type)
This manual describes how to ready SAS type devices for operation.
ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Safety Precautions
This manual describes the points to note when install­ing and operating the device.
ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Package Contents
This is the list of package contents for the device and optional products.
ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 disk storage system Using Optional Products
This manual describes the points to note when using optional products.
ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS2000 disk storage system
Server Connection Guide (Fibre Channel)
This manual describes how to connect the ETERNUS2000 (Fibre Channel type) to a server.
For Solaris Operating System P3AM-1532
For HP-UX P3AM-1542
For AIX P3AM-1552
For Windows® P3AM-1562
For Linux P3AM-1572
For Fibre Channel Switch Settings P3AM-1582
For VMware® ESX P3AM-1592
ETERNUS8000, ETERNUS4000, ETERNUS2000 disk storage system
Server Connection Guide (iSCSI)
This manual describes how to connect the ETERNUS2000 (iSCSI type) to a server.
ETERNUS disk storage systems ETERNUSmgr Install Guide
This manual describes how to install the ETERNUSmgr.
For Solaris™ Operating System P2S0-0081
For Windows® P2WW-1631
For Linux P2U3-0021
For HP-UX P2S0-0092
For AIX P2S0-0102
ETERNUS disk storage systems ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction-
This manual describes the outlines of basic opera­tions for the ETERNUSmgr.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
About this Manual
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
*1: Manuals are supplied in the product CD. *2: Manuals are supplied in the ETERNUSmgr product CD. *3: Online Help is also available.
ETERNUS2000 ETERNUSmgr User Guide
This manual describes how to monitor and set the ETERNUS2000 with the ETERNUSmgr.
ETERNUS Multipath Driver V2.0 User's Guide
This manual describes how to use the optional ETERNUS Multipath Driver.
For Solaris™ Operating System P2S0-0061
(For Windows®) P2WW-1451
(For Linux) P2U3-0031
ETERNUS Multipath Driver V3.0 User's Guide
For Solaris™ Operating System P2S0-0062
ETERNUS MPIO for IBM AIX V2.0.1 Installation & Configuration Guide for AIX
Manuals Code Description
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Warning labels and manufacturer's labels are found in various places of the ETERNUS2000, as shown in the example below. Do not remove these labels.
Controller Enclosure
Manufacturer’s label The label with the model, serial #, etc. is located here.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
Drive Enclosure
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
AC Outlet Box
For 1U
For 4U
Manufacturer’s label The label with the model, serial #, etc. is located here.
Manufacturer’s label
The label with the model, serial #, etc. is located here.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
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P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................1
1.1 System Features ...........................................................................1
1.2 Configuration .................................................................................4
1.2.1 RAID Level ........................................................................................................................4
1.2.2 RAID Groups and Volumes ...............................................................................................8
1.2.3 System Disks ..................................................................................................................10
1.2.4 Hot Spare Disks ..............................................................................................................11
1.2.5 Disk Drives ......................................................................................................................11
1.2.6 Host Interface ..................................................................................................................12
1.3 Functions .....................................................................................13
1.3.1 Rebuild/Copyback ...........................................................................................................13
1.3.2 Redundant Copy .............................................................................................................15
1.3.3 Advanced Copy ...............................................................................................................16
1.3.4 RAID Migration ................................................................................................................17
1.3.5 Logical Device Expansion (LDE) .....................................................................................19
1.3.6 LUN Concatenation .........................................................................................................20
1.3.7 Security Functions ...........................................................................................................21
1.3.8 ECO mode ......................................................................................................................23
Chapter 2 Hardware...............................................................25
2.1 Components ................................................................................25
2.1.1 Controller Enclosure ........................................................................................................25
2.1.2 Drive Enclosure ...............................................................................................................32
2.1.3 AC outlet box ...................................................................................................................36
2.2 Standard Operations ...................................................................37
2.2.1 Power ON Control ...........................................................................................................37
2.2.2 Power OFF Control .........................................................................................................39
2.2.3 Attaching and Removing the Front Cover .......................................................................40
2.3 Flow from Installation to Operation ..............................................42
Chapter 3 Installation ............................................................45
3.1 Preparation ..................................................................................45
3.1.1 Placement Area ...............................................................................................................45
3.1.2 Check the number of wall outlets ....................................................................................46
3.2 Rack Installation ..........................................................................48
3.2.1 Installing Controller Enclosure ........................................................................................49
3.2.2 Installing Drive Enclosure ................................................................................................52
3.2.3 Installing AC Outlet Box ..................................................................................................55
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
Chapter 4 Setup .....................................................................59
4.1 Prior Preparation .........................................................................59
4.2 Cable Connection ........................................................................62
4.2.1 LAN Cable Connection (Twist Pair Cable Compatible with Category 5)
(for Operation Management) ..........................................................................................62
4.2.2 Fibre Channel Cable Connection (Fibre Channel Type) .................................................65
4.2.3 LAN Cable Connection (Twisted Pair Cable Compatible with Enhanced Category 5)
(iSCSI Type) ....................................................................................................................67
4.2.4 MiniSAS Cable Connection (SAS Type) .........................................................................69
4.2.5 MiniSAS Cable Connection (For Drive Enclosures) ........................................................71
4.2.6 Power Cord Connection ..................................................................................................76
4.3 ETERNUS2000 Setup .................................................................87
4.3.1 Basic setup ......................................................................................................................89
4.3.2 Advanced Copy Setup ..................................................................................................103
4.3.3 AC Automatic Linkage Mode Setup ..............................................................................106
4.4 Installing and Setting up ETERNUSmgr ....................................107
4.5 Maintenance Setup ....................................................................108
4.5.1 Setting up the ETERNUS2000 monitoring ....................................................................108
4.5.2 Remote Support Setup ..................................................................................................112
4.6 Setting up the Server Connection ..............................................115
4.7 System Status Check ................................................................116
Chapter 5 Installing Optional Products .............................119
5.1 Disk Drive Installation ................................................................119
5.1.1 Disk Drive Handling Instructions ...................................................................................119
5.1.2 Installable Disk Drives ...................................................................................................120
5.1.3 Disk Drive Installation Positions ....................................................................................121
5.1.4 Additional Disk Drive Installation Procedure .................................................................121
5.2 Drive Enclosure Installation .......................................................127
5.2.1 Drive Enclosure Handling Instructions ..........................................................................127
5.2.2 Installable Drive Enclosures ..........................................................................................128
5.2.3 Drive Enclosure Rack Mounting Procedure ..................................................................128
5.2.4 Additional Drive Enclosure Installation ..........................................................................131
5.3 Battery Unit Installation ..............................................................139
5.3.1 Battery Unit Handling Instructions .................................................................................139
5.3.2 Installable Battery Unit ..................................................................................................140
5.3.3 Battery Unit Installation Position ...................................................................................140
5.3.4 Additional Battery Unit Installation Procedure ...............................................................140
Chapter 6 Operation and Troubleshooting .......................147
6.1 Checking the ETERNUS2000 Status ........................................147
6.2 Backing up Data ........................................................................147
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
6.3 Maintenance Service .................................................................148
6.3.1 Maintenance Support Period .........................................................................................148
6.3.2 Periodical Component Replacement .............................................................................148
6.4 Post Start-of-Operation Changes to the Configuration ..............150
6.4.1 When Replacing the Fibre Channel Card .....................................................................150
6.4.2 When Replacing the LAN Card / iSCSI HBA ................................................................151
6.4.3 When Replacing the SAS Card .....................................................................................151
6.5 Troubleshooting .........................................................................153
6.5.1 Check List .....................................................................................................................153
6.5.2 Trouble Record .............................................................................................................158
Appendix A Specifications.....................................................161
A.1 Base Device Specifications ........................................................161
A.1.1 ETERNUS2000 model 100 specification ...................................................................... 161
A.1.2 ETERNUS2000 model 200 specification ...................................................................... 165
A.2 Optional Products Specification..................................................168
A.2.1 Disk Drive...................................................................................................................... 168
A.2.2 Drive Enclosure............................................................................................................. 171
A.2.3 Additional Battery Unit Option....................................................................................... 171
A.2.4 AC Outlet Box ............................................................................................................... 172
Appendix B Events detected by ServerView........................173
Index ....................................................................................175
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P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Figure of Contents
Figure 1.1 RAID0 Concept ................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 1.2 RAID1 Concept ................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 1.3 RAID1+0 Concept ............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 1.4 RAID5 Concept ................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 1.5 RAID6 Concept ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 1.6 Example of a RAID group ................................................................................................. 8
Figure 1.7 RAID group concept.......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 1.8 System disk and user disk .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 1.9 Hot Spare Disks .............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 1.10 Rebuild/Copyback function ............................................................................................. 13
Figure 1.11 Redundant Copy Function .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 1.12 Example for use Advanced Copy function ...................................................................... 16
Figure 1.13 Example for use RAID Migration 1.................................................................................. 18
Figure 1.14 Example for use RAID Migration 2.................................................................................. 18
Figure 1.15 Example for use Logical Device Expansion .................................................................... 19
Figure 1.16 Example for use LUN Concatenation.............................................................................. 20
Figure 1.17 LUN Mapping function..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 1.18 Host Affinity function ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 1.19 Setting example for ECO mode schedule ....................................................................... 23
Figure 2.1 Front view of controller enclosure (with front cover) ....................................................... 25
Figure 2.2 Front view of controller enclosure (without front cover) .................................................. 26
Figure 2.3 Disk drive slot numbers (controller enclosure)................................................................ 26
Figure 2.4 Rear view of controller enclosure.................................................................................... 27
Figure 2.5 Fibre Channel type controller (rear view closeup)........................................................... 27
Figure 2.6 iSCSI type controller (rear view closeup)........................................................................ 28
Figure 2.7 SAS type controller (rear view closeup).......................................................................... 29
Figure 2.8 Other controller LEDs (rear view closeup) ...................................................................... 30
Figure 2.9 Front view of drive enclosure (with front cover) .............................................................. 32
Figure 2.10 Front view of drive enclosure (without front cover) ......................................................... 33
Figure 2.11 Slot number of disk drives (drive enclosure)................................................................... 33
Figure 2.12 Rear view of drive enclosure........................................................................................... 34
Figure 2.13 Expander (Closeup) ........................................................................................................ 34
Figure 2.14 LEDs in the rear side of the controller enclosure ............................................................ 35
Figure 2.15 AC outlet box (1U)........................................................................................................... 36
Figure 2.16 AC outlet box (4U)........................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.1 MiniSAS cable connection
(between the Controller Enclosure and Drive Enclosure) ............................................... 74
Figure 4.2 MiniSAS cable connection
(When two or more Drive Enclosures are added) ........................................................... 75
Figure 4.3 Connection of AC output cables (1U).............................................................................. 80
Figure 4.4 Connection of AC output cables (4U).............................................................................. 84
Figure 4.5 Network Settings label .................................................................................................... 87
Figure 4.6 Tutorial wizard [GUIDE] screen....................................................................................... 89
Figure 4.7 Network environment setting screen............................................................................... 90
Figure 4.8 Date and time setting screen .......................................................................................... 91
Figure 4.9 Port settings (topology settings) screen (for Fibre Channel)........................................... 92
Figure 4.10 Port settings screen (for iSCSI type)............................................................................... 93
Figure 4.11 Port settings screen (for SAS)......................................................................................... 94
Figure 4.12 Hot Spare disk registration screen.................................................................................. 96
Figure 4.13 RAID group registration screen....................................................................................... 98
Figure 4.14 Volume creation screen ................................................................................................ 100
Figure 4.15 Volume creation confirmation screen............................................................................ 100
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Figure of Contents
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
Figure 4.16 Assignment of volumes to the Host Affinity group screen............................................. 101
Figure 4.17 Host LUN number setting screen.................................................................................. 102
Figure 4.18 Host Affinity group setting confirmation screen............................................................. 103
Figure 4.19 License registration screen ........................................................................................... 104
Figure 4.20 Network environment settings screen (when the ServerView is used) ......................... 109
Figure 4.21 SNMP agent screen (Trap Destination screen) ............................................................ 109
Figure 4.22 MIB definition extraction for ServerView monitoring screen.......................................... 110
Figure 4.23 SNMP Trap test screen example .................................................................................. 111
Figure 4.24 General status lamp...................................................................................................... 116
Figure 4.25 RAID group list screen .................................................................................................. 117
Figure 4.26 Volume list screen......................................................................................................... 117
Figure 5.1 Position of disk drive slots............................................................................................. 121
Figure 5.2 Position of Battery Unit.................................................................................................. 140
Figure 6.1 Battery unit status display window ................................................................................ 149
Figure 6.2 Battery unit expansion failure screen............................................................................ 155
Figure 6.3 ETERNUS Multipath Manager Window ........................................................................ 156
Figure 6.4 Trouble record (1/2) ...................................................................................................... 158
Figure 6.5 Trouble record (2/2) ...................................................................................................... 159
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Table of Contents
Table 1.1 User Capacity for each RAID Level .................................................................................. 7
Table 1.2 User Capacity for each RAID Level .................................................................................. 8
Table 1.3 Recommended number of disk drives per RAID group..................................................... 9
Table 1.4 The maximum number of volumes that can be set ........................................................... 9
Table 1.5 Volume formatting time ................................................................................................... 10
Table 1.6 Rebuild process times (for 100GB volumes)................................................................... 14
Table 1.7 Copyback process times (for 100GB volumes) ............................................................... 14
Table 3.1 Wall outlets and cable lengths ........................................................................................ 46
Table 3.2 Required number of Power Outlets (ETERNUS2000 model 100) .................................. 46
Table 3.3 Required number of power outlets
(ETERNUS2000 model 200 when AC outlet boxes are not connected) ......................... 47
Table 3.4 Required number of power outlets
(ETERNUS2000 model 200 when AC outlet boxes are connected) ............................... 47
Table 4.1 Connection path of a power cord (AC output cable) (AC outlet box (1U)) ...................... 79
Table 4.2 Connection path of a power cord (AC output cable) (AC outlet box (4U)) ...................... 83
Table 4.3 Network Settings label fields........................................................................................... 87
Table A.1 Specification (ETERNUS2000 model 100 Fibre Channel type) .................................... 161
Table A.2 Specification (ETERNUS2000 model 100 iSCSI type) ................................................. 162
Table A.3 Specification (ETERNUS2000 model 100 SAS type) ................................................... 163
Table A.4 Specification (ETERNUS2000 model 200 Fibre Channel type) .................................... 165
Table A.5 Specification (ETERNUS2000 model 200 iSCSI type) ................................................. 166
Table A.6 Specification (ETERNUS2000 model 200 SAS type) ................................................... 167
Table A.7 Disk drive specification (146GB/15krpm SAS disk drive).............................................. 168
Table A.8 Disk drive specification (300GB/15krpm SAS disk drive).............................................. 168
Table A.9 Disk drive specification (450GB/15krpm SAS disk drive).............................................. 169
Table A.10 Disk drive specification (400GB/10krpm SAS disk drive).............................................. 169
Table A.11 Disk drive specification (500GB/7.2krpm Nearline SAS disk drive) .............................. 169
Table A.12 Disk drive specification (750GB/7.2krpm Nearline SAS disk drive) .............................. 170
Table A.13 Disk drive specification (1TB/7.2krpm Nearline SAS disk drive)................................... 170
Table A.14 Drive Enclosure specification ........................................................................................ 171
Table A.15 AC outlet box (1U) specification.................................................................................... 172
Table A.16 AC outlet box (4U) specification.................................................................................... 172
Table B.1 ServerView event list..................................................................................................... 173
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Table of Contents
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P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
Chapter 1
This chapter provides an overview of the ETERNUS2000 features, and specifications.
1.1 System Features
Special features of the ETERNUS2000 are shown below:
Space and Energy Savings
Compact design to make effective use of rack space
• There are two models available; ETERNUS2000 model 100 and ETERNUS2000 model
200. Both models are designed to be 2U size at the minimum
. Up to 12 disk drives and
up to 12TB disk capacity
can be installed.
of drive enclosure can be expanded in the ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200.
ETERNUS2000 model 200 allows up to 120 disk drives and 120TB as the disk capacity
*1: 2U indicates the device height that can be installed in two units of 19-inch rack (88mm). *2: Physical capacity is calculated based on the assumption 1,000GB = 1TB (including Hot Spare Disks).
Energy savings by the latest technology
Using the latest 1-chip RAID controller that is configured by multiple chips and reducing number of components allows energy savings.
ECO mode to reduce environmental load
Using the ECO mode function to start and stop the spindle rotation in the disk drive for each RAID group during the specified hour. Stop the spindle rotation when there is no access to the disk drive to reduce power consumption and decreases environmental load.
Easy Installation
Easy setup
The ETERNUS2000 can be configured easily using a web browser. When installing the ETERNUS2000, follow the setup wizard and just input parameters for displayed setting items to create RAID groups and volumes, and assign to the server.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
1.1 System Features
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
High scalability and versatile connectivity
Utilizes the latest disk technology
ETERNUS2000 utilizes the SAS disk drives
(450GB/300GB/146GB (15,000rpm), 400GB
Also, ETERNUS2000 supports large capacity / cost effective Nearline SAS disk drives
750GB/500GB (7,200rpm)) for data backup and archiving.
*1: SAS: Serial Attached SCSI
Supports capacity expansion during system operation
• Disk drives and drive enclosures can be added during the system operation.
• RAID group capacity can be expanded by adding disk drive from the unit of one.
• Volume can be expanded during the system operation. Even when the work load increased rapidly, ETERNUS2000 flexibly expand the volume capacity with no interrup­tion of the operation.
High connectivity supports the multi-platform environment
• ETERNUS2000 supports FC-SAN, IP-SAN, or DAS environment by utilizing the Fibre Channel interface (maximum transfer speed: 4Gbps), iSCSI interface (maximum transfer speed: 1Gbps), or SAS interface (maximum transfer speed: 3Gbps) as the host interface.
• ETERNUS2000 supports multiple Operating Systems such as UNIX, Linux, and Win­dows®, and can be connected as a storage system for PRIMEQUEST, SPARC Enter­prise, and PRIMERGY servers as well as for UNIX/IA servers of other companies. Also the RAID aggregation using SAN (Storage Area Network) is available.
Data integrity with high-speed backup
Nearline SAS disk drives for data backup and archiving
• Using large capacity / cost effective Nearline SAS disk drives allows low cost D2D (Disk to Disk) backup and high-speed recovery in the case of unexpected failure.
• Storing the less frequently accessed data such as archive data in the Nearline SAS disk drives allows easy reading. Nearline SAS disk drives and SAS disk drives can be installed in the same drive enclosure.
Various backup function
Cooperation between the Advanced Copy function for ETERNUS2000 models 100 and 200 (Optional), and the high-speed backup replication software "ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager" allows OPC (One Point Copy), the high-speed copying of disk volumes at specified times.
Chapter 1 Overview
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
High reliability supports 24/7/365 operation
Duplication of important components
Important components such as controllers, power supply units, and fans are duplicated to continue the operation in the case of unexpected failure. Also this allows the hot swapping of failed components with the device power on. In addition, the latest firmware can be applied during system operation.
RAID6 responds to the double failure of disk drives
ETERNUS2000 supports RAID6, using two parity disks in one RAID group. RAID6 ensures the data safety in the unlikely case of a fatal second malfunction within a single RAID group. Also the ETERNUS2000 supports RAID1, RAID1+0, and RAID5 to realize the flexible RAID configuration.
Redundant copy ensures disk drive redundancy
ETERNUS2000 diagnoses the disk drives to detect the failure prediction. When the disk drive requires preventive maintenance, ETERNUS2000 automatically copies the data in the target disk drive to ensure data redundancy.
Block Guard ensures data integrity
ETERNUS2000 adds check codes and check them at multiple checkpoints on data transfer path to ensure the data integrity.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
1.2 Configuration
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
1.2 Configuration
This chapter describes items to be noted before configuring the ETERNUS2000 systems.
1.2.1 RAID Level
This section describes the supported RAID level and usage (RAID level selection criteria), and RAID group configuration.
Supported RAID levels and mechanism
ETERNUS2000 supports the following RAID levels.
• RAID0 (striping)
• RAID1 (mirroring)
• RAID1+0 (striping of pairs of disks for mirroring)
• RAID5 (striping with distributed parity blocks)
• RAID6 (striping with distributed double parity blocks) (*1)
*1: RAID6 ensures data safety and continues system operation in the case of a second malfunction within a
single RAID group. RAID6 redundancy allows high availability system operation.
Each RAID level description is shown below.
Remember that a RAID0 configuration is not redundant. This means that if a RAID0 disk drive fails, the data will not be recoverable. Therefore, using RAID1, RAID1+0, RAID5, or RAID6 configuration is rec­ommended.
Chapter 1 Overview
P3AM-2512-03EN ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
RAID0 (striping)
Data is split in unit of blocks and stored across multiple disks.
Figure 1.1 RAID0 Concept
RAID1 (mirroring)
RAID1 stores the same data on two duplicated disks at the same time. If one disk drive fails, other disk drive continues operation.
Figure 1.2 RAID1 Concept
Data writing request
Data is stored in multiple disks.
Data writing request
Data is stored on two disks at the same time.
Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED
1.2 Configuration
ETERNUS2000 disk storage system User Guide P3AM-2512-03EN
RAID1+0 (striping of pairs of disks for mirroring)
RAID1+0 combines the performance of RAID0 (striping) with the reliability of RAID1 (mirroring).
Figure 1.3 RAID1+0 Concept
RAID5 (striping with distributed parity)
Data is allocated in units of blocks across multiple disks to duplicate data.
Figure 1.4 RAID5 Concept
Striping (RAID0)
Mirroring (RAID1)
Data writing request
Data writing request
M, N, O, P
I, J, K, L
E, F, G, H
Create Parity Data
A, B, C, D
Paruty for data A to D Paruty for data E to H Paruty for data I to L: Paruty for data M to P
Parity M, N, O, P
Parity I, J, K, L
Parity E, F, G, H
Parity A, B, C, D
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