Yo ur ESPRIMO Mobile
Your ESPRIMO Mobile
…offers innovative technology and ergono mic design. This makes your notebook
a reliable, convenient mobile PC.
Your notebook is available in several different versions. Most of the sections in this manual
apply to all mo dels – any differences are indicated separately. Some of the illustrations and
features in this manual may differ from your model and are for guidance only.
Your Windows operating syst em is already pre-installed and optimally configured. This means
you’re ready to start when you switch on your notebook fo r the first time.
Your notebook features the very latest technology so that you get the best perfo rmance from your
computing experience. Depending on the model, the following components m ay be included:
• upto4GBofmainmemory(RAM)
• a Multi-format DVD drive with
double layer support to watch DVD
movies a nd reco rd your own d
• an S-Video Out socket for connecting your notebook to your television (depending on model)
• a FireWire port for fast data
exchange with multimedia devices
• an integral camera for snapshots and video chat (depending on model)
• several USB ports which provi
de easy expansion with webca m s, game pads, printers and more
• an eSATA/USB combination connection in order to connect an external SATA hard
disk or another USB device (depending on model)
• an internal modem for connec
ting to the Internet (depending on model)
• an ExpressCard slot for operating an ExpressCard/34 or ExpressCard/54
• a 4-in-1 card reader (SD/MS/M
S Pro/MMC) for rapid transfer of digital photos,
music and video clips onto you
r notebook
• an onboard sound card and stereo speakers for your audio enjoyment.
With the user-friendly BIOS-S
etup you can control the hardware of your notebook and better protect
your syst em against unauthori
sed access by using the powerful password features.
This Operating Manual tells y
ou how to get your notebook up and running
and how to operate it in daily
Further information on this n
otebook can be found in the following documentation:
• in the "Professional Noteboo
k" Operating Manual
• in the "Safety" and "Warranty" manuals
• in the do cume ntation for the op
erating system
• in information files (e.g. *.TXT, *.DOC, *.WRI, *.HLP, *.PDF)
Information on accessories for this notebook can be found at
A26391-K248-Z220-1-7619, edition 1 1