Fujitsu D1170 Technical Manual

Mainboard D1170
Technisches Handbuch / Technical Manual
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Mainboard D1170
Technisches Handbuch
Technical Manual
Ausgabe Juni 2002 June 2002 edition
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Notational conventions ..............................................................................................................1
Important notes.................................................................................................................................. 1
Information about boards...........................................................................................................2
Interfaces and connectors..........................................................................................................5
Hard disk connection.................................................................................................................6
PCI bus interrupts......................................................................................................................7
Screen resolution.......................................................................................................................7
Settings with switches .......................................................................................................................8
Recovering System BIOS - switch 2..........................................................................................9
Write protection for floppy disks - switch 3.................................................................................9
Add-on modules ..............................................................................................................................10
Installing and removing processors..........................................................................................11
Upgrading main memory..........................................................................................................12
Installing network board with WOL...........................................................................................13
Replacing the lithium battery.................................................................................................... 13
+ 15 hidden pages