Model name
Number of ef fective pixels
Image sen sor
Sensor Cleaning System
Storage me dia
File format
Number of
recorded pixels
Lens Mount
Standard Output
Extended Output
Exposure control
Exposure mode
Exposure compensation
Image Stabilizer
Shutter type
Electronic Front
Curtain Shutter*
Mechani cal +
Electronic Shutter
Electronic Front
Curtain Shutter*
Electronic Shutter
Synchronized shutter
speed for flash
Continuous shooting
Auto bracketing
White balance
Interva l timer Shooting
Flash modes
*When EF-X500 i s set
Hot shoe
*1 Please se e the Fujifilm websi te to check memory c ard compatibili ty. *2 Exif 2.3 is a digita l camera file for mat that contains a va riety of shooting i nformation for opt imal printing. *3 Th e Electronic Shu tter may not be suita ble for fast-moving o bjects. Flash ca n not be used. *4 When using th e
electro nic front curtai n shutter, the continu ous shooting spee d drops and using hi gh speed shutte r, the shutte r switches to mecha nical shutter. (1/640sec. to 1/400 0sec.) *5 Approximate nu mber of frames or m ovie recording ti me that can be taken wi th a fully-charge d based on CIPA Standa rd.
Typ e
AF frame
51.4 million pixels
43.8mm×32.9mm Bayer a rray with primar y color filter
Ultra Sonic Vibration
SD Card (-2GB) / SDH C Card (-32GB) / SDXC Card (-256GB) UHS -I / UHS-II*
JPEG (E xif Ver.2.3)*2, RAW : 14bit RAW (RAF o riginal format),
Still Image
RAW+JPEG, 8-b it TIFF (In-camer a Raw Conversion On ly)
MOV (MPEG-4 AVC / H.26 4
Audio : Lin ear PCM / Stereo soun d 48KHz sampling)
[L] <4:3> 8256×6192 <3:2> 8256×5504 <16:9> 8256×4640 <1:1> 6192×6192
<65:24> 8256×3048 <5:4> 7744×6192 <7:6> 7232×6192
[S] <4:3> 4000×3000 <3:2> 4000×2664 <16:9> 4000×2248 <1:1> 2992×2992
<65:24> 4000×1480 <5:4> 3744×3000 <7:6> 3504×3000
AUTO1/AUTO2/AUTO3 (up to ISO12800) / ISO100~12800 (1/3 step)
ISO50 / 25600 / 51200 / 102400
TTL 256-zone m etering, Multi / Spo t / Average / Center Weigh ted
P (Program A E) / A (Apertur e Priority AE ) / S (Shutter Spee d Priority AE ) / M (Manual Expo sure)
-5.0EV - +5.0E V 1/3EV step
(Movie: -2.0EV - +2.0E V)
Supported with OIS type lenses
Focal Plan e Shutter
4sec. - 1/4000se c. (P mode), 60min. - 1/4000sec. (All modes)
Bulb mode (u p to 60min.), TIME: 60min. - 1/4000sec.
4sec - 1/16000se c. (P mode), 60min. - 1/16000sec. (All modes)
Bulb mode (u p to 60min.), TIME: 60min. - 1/16000sec.
4sec. - 1/4000se c. (P mode), 60min. - 1/4000sec. (All modes)
Bulb mode (u p to 60min.), TIME: 60min. - 1/4000sec.
4sec. - 1/16000se c. (P mode), 60min. - 1/16000sec. (All modes)
Bulb mode (u p to 60min.), TIME: 60min. - 1/16000sec.
4sec. - 1/16000se c. (P mode), 60min. - 1/16000sec. (All modes)
Bulb mode (u p to 60min.), TIME: 60min. - 1/16000sec.
1/125sec. or slower
Approx. 3.0f ps (JPEG: Endless Lossless compression RAW: 13 Frames Uncompressed RAW: 8 Frames)
*When Using the Electronic Front Curtain Shutter
Approx. 1.8fps (JPEG: Endless Lossless Compression RAW: Endless Uncompressed RAW: 8 Frames)
*Recordable frame depends on recording media.
*Speed of continuous shooting depends on shooting environment and shooting frames.
AE Bracketi ng (2/3/5/7/9 frames) ±1/3EV - ±3EV, 1/3EV step
Film Simul ation Bracketing ( Any 3 types of film si mulation selec table)
Dynamic R ange Bracketing (100%, 20 0%, 400%)
ISO sensit ivity Bracketin g (±1/3EV, ±2/3EV, ±1EV)
White Bala nce Bracketing (±1, ±2, ±3)
Single AF / C ontinuous AF / MF
TTL Contrast AF
Single Poi nt AF: EVF / LCD: 13×9 / 25×17 (Changeable Size of A F Frame Among 6 Types)
Zone AF: 3×3 / 5×5 / 7×7 from 117 Areas on 13×9 Grid
Wide/Trac king AF: (Up to 9 Area) *AF-S: Wid e *AF-C: Tracking
Automatic scene recognition / Custom / Color temperature selection (K) / Preset : Daylight, Shade,
Fluores cent light (Daylig ht), Fluorescent li ght (Warm White), Flu orescent light (Co ol White),
Incandescent light, Underwater
10sec. / 2sec.
YES Settin g : Interval, Numbe r of shots, Startin g time
Yes (Dedicate d TTL Flash compa tible)
0.5 inch App rox. 3.69 millions dots O LED Color Viewf inder
Coverage of V iewing Area vs. Ca pturing Area: App rox. 100%
Eyepoint: A pprox. 23mm (from the Re ar End of the Camera's Eyep iece)
Diopter Adj ustment: -4 - +2m
Magnification: 0.85× with 50mm Lens (35mm Eq uivalent) at infi nity and Diopte r set to -1.0m
Diagona l Angle of View: Appr ox. 40° (Horizontal A ngle of View: Approx . 33°)
Built-In Eye Sensor
LCD monitor
Sub LCD monitor
Movie recording
Photography functions
Touch Screen
Film Simulation mode
Grain Eff ect
Color Chrome Effect
Dynamic range setting
Playback functions
Wireless function
Other functions
Power supply
Operating Temperature
Operating Humidity
Starti ng up period
Accessories included
Shooting Mode
Playback Mode
Access mode
Digital interface
HDMI output
Battery life for still images*
Continua nce battery lif e
of movie captu re
Actual bat tery life
of movie captu re
3.2 inch, Asp ect Ratio 4:3, Approx. 2,360 K-dot Tilt-Type,
Touch Screen C olor LCD Monitor (App rox. 100% Coverage)
1.28 inch, Aspec t Ratio 1:1, 128×128-dot Monochrome LCD Monitor
[Full HD (1920×1080)] 29.97p / 25p / 24p / 23.98p 36 Mbps up to Approx. 30m in.
[HD (1280×720 )] 29.97p / 25p / 24p / 23.98p 18Mbps up to Approx. 3 0min.
Color, Sharpness, Highlight tone, Shadow tone, Noise reduction, Long exposure NR,
Lens Modulation Optimizer, Color space, Pixel mapping, Select custom setting,
Edit/Save c ustom setting, Stor e AF mode by orientati on, Rapid AF, AF point disp lay, Pre-AF,
Face/Eye de tection AF, AF+MF, Focus peak highl ight, Focus check, I nterlock spot AE & foc us area,
Instant AF s etting (AF-S/AF-C), Dep th-of-field scal e, Rlease/Focus p riority, Touch screen mo de,
Mount adap ter setting, Red eye re moval, Movie AF mode, R GB Histogram, High light alert,
Electron ic level, Preview dep th of field, AE lock, A F lock, AF-ON, Multi ple exposure
Touch AF, Focus Area, OF F
Swipe, Zoom , Pinch-in / Pinch-o ut, Double-tap, Dra g
15 modes ( PROVIA / S tandard, Velvia / Vi vid, ASTIA / Soft, Cla ssic Chrome,
PRO Neg.Hi, PRO N eg.Std, Black&White, B lack&White+Ye Filter,
Black&Whi te+R Filter, Black&White+ Gfilter, Sepia, ACROS, ACR OS+Ye Filter,
ACROS+R Filter, ACROS+G Fil ter )
AUTO, 100%, 200%, 400%
Switch slot, R AW conversion, Era se, Erase selected f rames, Crop, Resiz e, Protect,
Image rotate, R ed eye removal, Voice me mo setting, Copy, Photobo ok assist,
Multi-frame playback (with micro thumbnail), Favorites, RGB histogram, Highlight alert
IEEE 802.11b/g/n (standard wirele ss protocol)
WEP / WPA / WPA 2 mixed mode
Geotagging, Wireless communication (Image transfer), View & Obtain Images,
Remote camera shooting, instax printer print
Exif Pri nt, Date/Time, Tim e difference, 35 L anguages, My me nu setting, Senso r cleaning,
Battery age, Sound set-up, EVF brightness, EVF color, LCD brightness, LCD color,
Image disp, A uto rotate displays, Pre view exp./WB in man ual mode, Preview pi c. effect,
Framing gu ideline, Autorotate P B, Focus scale unit s, Disp. custome sett ing,
Sub monitor setting, Focus lever setting, Edit/Save Quick menu, Function(Fn) setting,
Selector b utton setting, Co mmand dial setti ng, Shutter AF, Shutter AE,
Shoot with out lens, Focus rin g, AE/AF-Lock mode, E xpo. Comp. button set ting,
Touch screen se tting, Lock, Auto powe r off, Shooting sta nd by mode, Auto power save,
Frame No., Save org i mage, Edit file nam e, Card slot setting, S witch slot,
Movie fil e destination, Copy right Info
USB3.0 (Hig h-Speed) / micro US B terminal
*connectable with Remote Release RR-90 (sold separately)
HDMI Micro connector (Type D)
ø3.5mm, stereo mini connector (Microphone)
ø3.5mm, stereo mini connector (Headphone)
ø2.5mm, Remote Release Connector
DC IN 15V Connecter *Compatible with AC-15V (Optional) Only
Hot shoe
Syncronized terninal
NP-T125 Li-ion battery ( included)
Approx. 40 0 frames When GF63 mmF2.8 R WR is set. (Auto power s ave ON)
[Full HD] App rox. 145min. *Face detecti on is set to OFF
[Full HD] App rox. 70min. *Face detec tion is set to OFF
147.5mm (W) × 94. 2mm (H) × 91.4mm (D) / 5.81in. (W) × 3.71in. (H) × 3.60in. (D)
(Minimum D epth : 41.6mm / 1.64in.)
Approx. 825g / 29.1oz. (includ ing battery and m emory card)
Approx. 920g / 3 2.5oz. (including EV F)
Approx. 740g / 26.1oz. (excluding ac cessories, bat tery and memor y card)
-10°C - 40°C ( +14°F - +1 04°F)
10% - 80% (no conden sation)
Approx. 0.4sec. *Fujifilm Research
Li-ion bat tery NP-T125, Battery charger B C-T125, Plug adapter, Body ca p,
Shoulde r strap, Metal strap cli p, Metal strap clip loc k, Cable protector,
Interchan geable electro nic viewfinder E VF-GFX1, Hot shoe cover (B ody/EVF), Conne ctor cover (EVF),
Vertical Battery Grip connector cover, Sync terminal cover, Owner's manual
Medium Format Mirrorless Digital Camera
Memory Card Capacity and Image Quality / Size
Still Image
Number of im ages
RAW 66 / RAW (Los sless compres sed) 127 / L (4:3 / SUPER FINE) 254 / L (4:3 / FINE) 381 / L (4:3 / NORMA L) 607
RAW 137 / RAW (Lossle ss compressed ) 265 / L (4:3 / SUPER FINE) 524 / L (4:3 / FINE) 785 / L (4:3 / NORMAL ) 1253
To ensure correct usage, read owner's manual carefully before using your equipment.
Recording time
All photos, illustrations, drawings and other images in this brochure are
SDXC logo is a trademark. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
intended for illustrative purposes only.
is a registered trademark of Ichikawa Soft Laboratory Co., Ltd. in Japan.
Full HD (1920×1080) 26min. / HD (1280×720) 51min.
Full HD (1920×1080) 54min. / HD (1280×720) 105min.
Specifications are subject to change without notice
For more information, please visit our website
©2017 FUJIFILM Corporation