PX series
digital temperature
PXG4 is a compact size temperature controller of front panel
size 48 × 48 mm. To cope with any of versatile uses as a
temperature controller, it has many input/output points and
sophisticated control functions.
1. Wide variety and number of input / output
1. Digital input: Up to 2 points (Up to 3 points for motorized valve control)
2. Digital output: Up to 3 points
3. Control output: 4 types
Relay contact, SSR drive, voltage linear, current linear
4. Universal inputs: Thermocouple, resistance bulb, current, voltage, mV linear
5. Remote SV input function
6. Analog re-transmission output function (for current or
7. Motorized valve control output
2. User interface of easy-to-see indication and easy-to-use
operation method
1. Easy-to-see, large display section
2. Parameters grouped by functions
3. User key to which you can assign a function
4. Password function provided for avoiding wrong operation and protecting settings
5. Front water-proof structure (IP66 in corformity)
3. Advanced control functions to meet various applications
1. Sampling cycle 200 ms
2. Input indication accuracy ± 0.3%FS
3. Manual control function
4. Control method selectable out of 8 different types:
ON/OFF control, PID control, fuzzy PID control, selftuning control, PID2 control, motorized valve control
(without PFB input)
5. Heating/cooling control selectable
6. Auto tuning function
4. A variety of functions extending the possibility of temperature controller
1. Guarantee soak function provided, 16 step ramp/soak
2. 8 PID setting pallets, 8 SV pallets capable of frequent
change of control
3. Soft start function that limits MV output when starting up
4. Ramp SV function enables graduate change of SV
5. Loop burnout alarm, heater burnout alarm and various
event outputs are available in digital output (option)
6. Control standby function
7. Loader interface (RS-232C) standard provided
8. RS485 communication (option)
1. General Specifications
(1) Power supply :
100 V ( - 15%) to 240 V (+ 10%) AC,
50/60 Hz
24 V (± 10%) DC. 24 V (± 10%) AC,
50/60 Hz.
(2) Power consumption:
12 VA MAX.
(3) Insulation resistance:
20 MΩ MIN. (at 500 V DC)
(4) Withstand voltage:
Power source ⇔ all terminals
1500 V AC for 1 min
Relay contact output ⇔ all terminals
1500 V AC for 1 min
Between others 500 V AC for 1 min
(5) Approvals and certification:
UL(UL873), C-UL(CSA C22.2 No.24-93 or
equivalent), CE mark(LVD : EN61010-1,
EMC : EN61326-1)
2. Input section
2.1 Process value input
(1) Number of inputs :
1 point
(2) Input setting: Programmable scale
(3) Input signal: See Table 1 (thermocouple, resistance
bulb, mV, voltage, current (With external
250Ω resistance) universal input)
(4) Standard measurement range and input type:
See Table 1
1, 2011

(5) Indication accuracy (at Ta = 23˚C) :
• Thermocouple input: ± 0.3%FS ± 1 digit
± 1˚C or ± 2˚C, whichever greater
Thermocouple B, 0 to 400˚C
± 5%FS ± 1 digit ± 1˚C
Thermocouple R, 0 to 500˚C
±1%FS ± 1 digit ± 1˚C
Thermocouple T, -200 to 0˚C
±0.5%FS± 1 digit ± 1˚C
• Resistance bulb input: ± 0.3%FS ± 1
digit or ± 0.5˚C, whichever greater
• mV input, voltage input, current input:
± 0.3%FS ± 1 digit
(6) Indication accuracy by change of temperature:
± 0.3%FS/10˚C
(7) Indication resolution:
See Table 1
(8) Input sampling cycle:
200 ms
(9) Input impedance:
• Thermocouple, mV input: 1 MΩ MIN.
• Current input: 250 Ω
• Voltage input: About 1 MΩ
(10) Variation by signal source resistance:
• Thermocouple, mV input: ± 0.3%FS ±
1 digit per 100 Ω
• Voltage input: ± 0.3%FS ± 1 digit per
500 Ω
(11) Allowable wiring resistance:
• Resistance bulb: 10 Ω MAX. (per wire)
(12) Allowable input voltage:
• DC voltage input: Between +35 and
- 10 V
• Current input: Within ± 25 mA
• Thermocouple, resistance bulb, mV in-
put: Within ± 5 V
(13) Noise rejection ratio:
• Normal mode: 40 dB (50/60 Hz)
• Common mode: 120 dB (50/60 Hz)
From ground, at 220 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Between input and output, at 220 V AC,
50/60 Hz
(14) Input correction:
(a) User adjustment: Zero point, span
± 50%FS for each
(b) Process value shift: ± 10%FS
(c) Input filter: 0.0 to 120.0 sec (filter OFF
if set at 0.0)
(15) Overrange, underrange:
Beyond range of -5 to 105% (accuracy
not guaranteed between -5 and 0, and between 100 and 105%FS)
2.2 Auxiliary analog input (remote SV input)
(1) Number of inputs:
Up to 1 point
(2) Input signal: Voltage, 0 to 5 V DC /1 to 5 V DC
(3) Input impedance:
About 1 MΩ
(4) Sampling rate:
2.3 Heater current detector (CT) input
(1) Input type: Single phase CT Up to 1 point
For 1 to 30 A: CTL-6-S-H
For 20 to 50 A: CTL-12-S36-8F
(2) Range of detected current:
1 to 50A
(3) Detected current accuracy:
Setting ± 10%FS
(4) Detected current resolution:
0.1 A
(5) ON time necessary for detection:
800 ms MIN.
2.4 Digital input (DI)
(1) Number of points:
Up to 2 points (up to 3 points for motorized valve control output)
(2) Specifications:No-voltage contact or transistor input
(3) Contact capacity:
30 V DC, about 3 mA (per point)
(4) Input judgment:
ON assumed at 1 kΩ or lower (contact) or
5 V DC or lower (transistor)
OFF assumed at 100 kΩ or higher (con-
tact) or 18 V DC or higher (transistor)
(5) Sampling pulse width:
200 ms MIN.
(6) Functions: Remote mode selection, SV changeover,
control standby, AT startup, timer startup,
alarm unlatch, Program selection, start /
stop / reset, PID switching (normal/reverse), etc.
3. Output section
3.1 Control output
(1) Number of points:
Up to 2 points (2 points: Heating/cooling
(2) Type: selected out of [1] to [5] below
[1] Relay contact output
• Proportional cycle: 1 to 150 sec
• Contact structure: 1 NO (SPST) contact
• Contact capacity:
220 V AC/30 V DC, 3 A (resistive
220 V AC/30 V DC, 1 A (inductive
• Minimum ON/OFF current: 100 mA
(24 V DC)
• Mechanical life: 20 million operations
MIN. (100 operations/min)
•Electrical life: 100,000 operations
MIN. (rated load)
[2] SSR/SSC drive output
• Proportional cycle: 1 to 150 sec
• ON voltage: 20 V DC (18 to 24 V DC)
• OFF voltage: 0.5 V DC or lower
• Maximum current: 20 mA DC (for
each of outputs 1 and 2)
• Load resistance: 850 Ω MIN.
[3] Current output (0 to 20 mA DC/4 to
20 mA DC)
• Accuracy: ± 5%FS
• Linearity: ± 5%FS
• Load resistance: 600 Ω MAX.
[4] Voltage output (0 to 5 V DC/1 to 5 V
DC/0 to 10 V DC/2 to 10 V DC)
• Accuracy: ± 5%FS
• Linearity: ± 5%FS
• Load resistance: 10 kΩ MIN.

[5] Motorized valve control output
• Contact structure: 2 NO (SPST) contacts
• Contact capacity: 220 V AC/30 V DC,
1 A
• Minimum ON/OFF current: 100 mA
(24 V DC)
• Mechanical life: 20 million operations
MIN. (100 operations/min)
• Electrical life: 100,000 operations
MIN. (rated load)
• Output interlock: Unavailable
3.2 Digital output (DO)
(1) Number of outputs:
Relay contact output
Up to 3 points (shared common)
Up to 2 points (independent common)
(2) Output specifications:
Relay contact output
Contact structure: 1 NO (SPST) contact
Contact capacity: 220 V AC/30 V DC, 1
Minimum Open/Close current: 100 mA
(24 V DC)
Mechanical life: 20 million operations MIN.
(100 operations/min)
Electrical life: 100,000 operations MIN.
(rated load)
(3) Output functions:
Alarm output (see "Alarm function")
Main unit control mode output, program
status output, etc.
(4) Output cycle: 200ms
3.3 Auxiliary analog output (re-transmission output)
(1) Number of points: Up to 1 point
(2) Type: Current/voltage output (0 to 20 mA DC/4
to 20 mA DC/0 to 5 V DC/1 to 5 V DC/
0 to 10 V DC/2 to 10 V DC)
• Guaranteed output range: 0 to 20.6 mA
DC/0 to 10.3 V DC
• Accuracy: ± 0.2%FS (± 5%FS at 1 mA
or smaller)
•Linearity: ± 0.2%FS (± 5%FS at 1 mA
or smaller)
• Resolution: 5000 MIN.
• Load resistance: 600 Ω MAX. (current)
10 kΩ MIN. (voltage)
(3) Output cycle: 200 ms
(4) Output contents:
(5) Additional function:
Scaling function
(6) Limitation: Not selectable when using control output 2
4. Indication/setting section
4.1 Display unit
(1) Type: LED
(2) Indication contents:
Process value indication: 7 segments, 4
digits [red]
Setpoint indication: 7 segments, 4 digits
Indication status: 6 indicator lamps
4.2 Setting section
(1) Type: Sheet type keys (with emboss)
(2) Number of keys: 4 keys.
plus user function
5. Control functions
5.1 Control types
(1) 2-position control (set parameter P to 0%)
(2) PID control (fuzzy PID included)
• PID parameters determination: Auto tuning,
(3) PID dual (heating, cooling) function (fuzzy PID included)
• PID parameters determination: Auto tuning
(4) Motorized valve control (servo) without position feed-
• Full stroke time: 30 sec MIN.
5.2 Control parameters
• Proportional band (P):
0.0 to 999.9%. 2-position control when
P = 0.
• Integral time (I): 0 to 3200 sec. Integral time control in-
validated when I = 0.
• Differential time (D):
0.0 to 999.9 sec. Differential time con-
trol invalidated when D = 0.
• Control cycle: 200 ms
• Anti-reset windup:
0 to 100% of measurement range
• Hysteresis band:
50% of measurement range (at 2-position control only)
• Number of SV and PID combinations:
8 combinations.
Changed by any of parameter setting,
digital input, communication and user
function keying
5.3 Control mode
(1) Mode type: Auto, Manual, Remote
(2) Mode changeover:
Auto↔Manual: Balanceless · bumpless
Auto/Manual→Remote: Balance ·
Auto/Manual←Remote: Balance ·

6. Alarm function
6.1 Number of alarm setting points
• Up to 3 points (depends on number of DO)
6.2 Alarm type
• Process value (upper limit/lower limit, absolute/deviation, range), main unit error, etc.
(non-excitation, delay, latch, timer function option provided)
6.3 Heater burnout alarm function
(1) Detectable range:
1 to 50 A
(2) Detected current resolution:
0.1 A
(3) Setting resolution:
0.1 A
(4) Hysteresis: 0.0 to 50.0 A
7. Communication function
7.1 RS-485 interface
(1) Number of points: 1 point
(2) Physical specifications: EIA RS485
(3) Protocol: Modbus-RTU
(4) Communication method:
Half duplex bit serial, Asynchronous communication
(5) Code type: Data length 8 data bits. Parity ... Odd,
even, none.
(6) Communication rate:
9600 bps, 19200 bps
(7) Connection status:
Up to 32 units connectable including multidrop master function
(8) Communication distance:
Up to 500 m (total connect extension)
8. Processing at power failure
• Memory protection:
Protect by non-volatile memory
9. Self-diagnosis
• Method: Program error supervision by watchdog
10. Operation and storage conditions
(1) Operating ambient temperature:
-10 to 50˚C
(2) Storage temperature:
-20 to 60˚C
(3) Operating/storage ambient humidity:
90%RH MAX. (no condensing)
(4) Warm-up time:
30 min MIN
(5) Vibration: 10 to 70 Hz, 9.8 m/s
(6) Impact: 49 m/s
(5 G) MAX.
(1 G) MAX.
11. Structure
(1) Mounting method:
Mounted with panel
(2) External terminals:
Screw terminals, M3
(3) Case: • Material: ABS, and degeneration PPO
• Non-combustibility grade: UL94V-0
• Color: Black
(4) Protection structure:
• Panel front side: IP66, NEMA-4X equivalent (if panel is mounted using our
genuine packing. Not water-proof if
mounted closely together.)
• Body: IP20 equivalent (slits on top and
• Terminals: IP00 equivalent. Terminal
cover can be mounted optionally.
(5) Dimensions: 48 (W) × 48 (H) × 80 (D) mm
(6) Mass: About 200 g
12. Scope of delivery
• Controller: 1 unit
• Instruction manual: 1 copy
• Panel mounting frame: 1 pc
• Water-proof packing: 1 pc
• Shunt resistor: 1 pc
• Unit nameplate: 1 pc
13. User customize function
13.1 Program (ramp/soak) function
(1) Number of program steps:
16 steps × 1 pattern,
8 steps × 2 patterns, or
4 steps × 4 patterns
(1 step = 2 segments)
(2) Control option:
Control by digital input
Status output by digital output
(3) Basic function:
[1] Segment time can be set in "Hour,
Minutes" or "Minutes, Seconds"
[2] Guarantee soak
[3] Repeat action
[4] PV start
[5] Delay start
Power failure restoring function
(4) Memory backup:
13.2 User functions
• Pressing the user key can perform Auto/Manual change,
Standby ON/OFF change, remote SV change, ramp/soak
change or other function as assigned
13.3 Password function
•3 level password function