Model Number 52902-c
Electronic Fuel Pressure Regulator
Operating and Installation Instructions
This Product is protected under one or more of the following patents: US 7,810,470
This product is to be instal led only by persons knowledgeable in t he repair and modification of vehicle fuel systems
and genera l veh i cle syste ms modifi cation . Only a qua l ifi e d te chn ici a n o r mech a nic wh o is aware of a pp l icab le
safet y procedures should perfor m the installation of this product.
Perform the installation in a well ventilated location only to minimize the build up of fuel vapors. NO op en flames,
smok ing or other sources of ignition are to be present during installat ion, to prevent fire or explosion that can cause
serious injury or death. Grinding, cutting, and dril ling must be performed with care to prevent igni t ion. Drai ni ng and
removal of all fuel and ventilation of vapors in vehicle and fuel system is recommended when performing such
procedures. Proper eye and personal protection is required at all times durin g installat ion.
The Vehi cl e’ s fuel system may be und er pressur e! Do not loosen any fuel con nections until relieving al l fuel system
pr essure. Consult an applicable servic e manual for i nst ruct i on s to relieve f uel system pressur e safely.
This product is intended for racing, off-r oad, or marine use only. This fuel system component may not be legal for
sale or use on emission cont roll ed motor vehicles; consult local, st ate and national l aws.
Pr oduct C ont ent s :
Check the diagram and list of com ponents
( ri ght) to ensure that no componen ts are
missing from box. Contact your Fuelab
distributor immediately for replacement.
52902-c Features and Perfor mance Ratings:
Fittin g Sizes -8AN Male Fitt in g
Seat Size Standard
Operating Voltage 8-18 Volts DC
Maximum Flow
Adjustment Range
6.3 GPM at 35 PSID
(1440 LPH at 2.4 Bar)
Pressure Range “E”
25-90 PSID
(1 .75-6.2 Bar)
Adjustment Screw
Jam Nut
Flat Washer
(3X) Bracket Lock Washers
Electronic Regulator
Barbed Fitting
(3X) Bracket Screws
Electrical Plug and Wire
WARNING! Exceeding maximum flow capaci ty may result in an over-pressure o per ating condition.
Before Installation, Plan Entire Fuel System:
These instr uctions are li m i ted to general topics of regul ator componen t installatio n and may not include specifi c
inf orm ation pertain ing to your application. These instruct ions are written assuming the use of a Fuelab Prodigy
Electronic Fuel Pump. Thi s regul ator is ONLY compati ble with Prodigy Fuel Pumps (Prodigy Model s 41401-c,
41402-c , 41403-c, 42401- c and 42402-c, not compatible with Prodigy Models 41404-c, 40401-c an d 40402-c). T hi s
r egulato r has an int ernal spri ng that can be changed for other pressure ranges, includ ing “G” range, for 90-125
PSID if required by the specific application. Lower, carbureted pressure range s are recommended for a different
model of regulator only. Visit our company website for specific details pertaining to example fuel systems and other
solution ideas. Addit ional information including advanced tr oubleshooting, any special alerts and F AQ’s pertaining
to this and other products is also available.
General Regulator Performan ce Notes:
The notat ion “PSIG” m eans pressure i n Pounds per Square Inch (PSI) relative t o the prevailing atm ospheric
condition or outside air. This is referr ed to as Gauge P ressur e. T he notation “ PSID” means pressure in PSI relative
to another pressure source or called the Diffe rential Pressure. The intake manifold pressure, when plumbed to the
reg ulator, changes the fuel pressure in a 1:1 ratio. When the engine idles (for example 12 Inches of Mercury or 6
PSIG of vacuum) fuel rail pressure will lower 6 P SI , when compared to the set ting with the eng ine off. F or bo ost ed
appli cat ions, incl uding turbo or superchargers, fuel rail pressur e increases at a 1:1 ratio. An engi ne at 10 PSIG of
boost as measured in the intake manifold, will increase th e fuel pressure by 10 PS IG.
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Plumbing Planning Notes:
Minimize plumbing restrictions between fuel rail(s) and regulator for peak performance, use –6AN (3/8”) to –8AN
(1/2”) line as required per flow rate requirements of the vehicle’s engine and fuel pump. EFI applications can use a
“Y” block or “T” fitting to split the output of the fuel pump into one end of each fuel rail (for dual fuel rail application)
then plumbed into the single inlet port. Use of a –8AN (3/8”) return line is typically recommended for this model of
regulator. See diagram on next page as well as diagram below, to identify the ports used on the regulator. The fuel
line used must handle high pressure. The use of fuel line such as stainless steel braided line and “AN” style fitting
connections is recommended. The fuel ports (one –8AN Inlet Port and one –8AN Return Port) use “AN” or “military
style fittings. This plumbing standard is commonly used with racing and high performance applications. See step 6
on next page for additional information on this port standard. A fuel filter with a 60 micron or lower particle rating is
required to be used upstream of regulator and downstream from fuel pump to protect it and the fuel injectors from
foreign object damage. Reference the Schematic Diagram below for filter locations. Use of a liquid filled gauge
exposed to engine compartment heat is not recommended as the liquid inside the gauge may exert measurement
errors. DO NOT plumb gauge port to any gauge mounted inside the vehicle or in passenger compartment. A line
burst can spill fuel inside passenger compartment and on occupants, possibly causing serious injury or death. An
electric gauge or pressure transducer system is recommended for readings in a passenger compartment.
Typical EFI Fuel System Schematic Diagram:
Fuel Gauge Shown in
Gauge Port, Liquid Fille d
Gauge may have Error Due
to Temperature Variations.
52902-c Regulator
To Engine Intake Manifold
Follow Fuel Cell Manufacturer's
Recommendations for Proper
Cell Vent Plumbing
Inlet Fitting
on Left Side
Vented Fuel Cell or Fuel Tank.
Tank must be Plumbed According
to Maximum Pump Flow Rate.
Consult Pump Manufacturer's
Specifications and Recommendations.
Fuel Rail
with Injectors
Return Fitting
on Right Side,
Multiple Rails can be plumbed
using "T" Fitting or "Y" Block.
Dual Inlet Regulator is Not
Required, as Changes in
Flow Rate through
Regulator are Very
Small when Compared
to other Bypass Style
Fuel Straining Filter Required, Typical
Micron Rating: 75-150, Fuelab
75 Micron Filter Recommended.
Fuelab Prodigy Series
(Regulator Accepts Up
to Two Prodigy Pumps)
Fuel Filter with 60 Micron or
Lower Particle Rating is Required.
Fuelab Filter with 6, 10 or 40
Micron Rating is Recommended.
Check Valve Required for Reduced
Vehicle Emissions and Improved
Engine Starting. Fuelab 848xx
and 858xx Series Filter has Check
Valve Assembly Built in.
Installation Steps:
1. Disconnect the ground terminal from battery and allow the vehicle’s engine and exhaust system to cool.
Relieve fuel system per applicable service manual. Follow all Warnings and Cautions written on previous page
of these instructions.
2. Modify, remove or replace other fuel system components as required per established build plan (reference
notes on previous page and above).
3. Use the supplied bracket as a drilling template to mark holes for mounting bracket. Choose a location that
minimizes exposure to excessive heat, near fuel rails. Mounting bracket can be modified as required. Use
clear or colored enamel
aint to protect bracket surface after any modification.
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