Fubag COLD START 300/12 User Manual

COLD START 3 00 /12
Operator's Manual
Инструкция по эксплуатации
Charger & Starter
Пуско-зарядное устройство
- Wear complete eye protection and clothing protection, when working with lead-acid batteries.
Make sure someone is within range of your voice or close enough to come to your aid when
you work with or near a lead-acid battery.
Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby for use if battery acid contacts skin, clothing,
or eyes. If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water.
Avoid touching your eyes while working with a battery. Acid particles (corrosion) may get
into your eyes! If acid enters your eye, immediately flood eye with running cold water for at least 10 minutes. Get medical attention immediately.
Remove all personal metal items such as rings, bracelets, neck laces, and watches when working with a lead-acid battery. A lead-acid battery can produce a short-circuit current high enough to weld a ring (or the
Take care not to drop a metal tool or other metal onto the battery. Metal may cause
sparking or short circuit the battery or another electrical devise. Sparking may cause an explosion.
Always operate battery charger in an open well ventilated area. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Working in vicinity of a lead-acid battery is dangerous. batteries generate explosive gases
during normal battery operation. For this reason, it is of utmost important that each time before using your charger, you read this manual and follow the instruction exactly.
To reduce risk of battery explosion , follow these instructions and those published by the
battery manufacturer and manufacturer of any equipment you intend to use in vicinity of battery. Review cautionary markings on these products and on engine
Use the charger in door only , do not expose it to rain. NEVER smoke or allow a spark or flame in the vicinity of the battery or engine. Batteries
generate explosive gases!
like) to metal, causing a severe burn.
Safety perationo
The detailed description, safety rules and all required information necessary for proper operation and maintenance of FUBAG charger are provided below. Keep this instruction manual by charger and refer to it by any doubts concerning safety operation, maintenance storage and handling of FUBAG charger.
2. Technical pecificationss
The manufacturer reserves the right to.change the manual's content or function without preliminary notification of the users
Do not use batterychargerfor other types of batteries,thesemay burst and cause injurytopersons
and damage to property.
Use only attachments recommended or sold by manufacturer. Use of non-recommended
attachments may result in fire,electricshock, or injury.
When disconnecting the battery charger, pull by the plug not by the cord. Pulling on the cord may
cause damage to cord orplug.
Do not operate charger withdamagedcord or plug. Have cord replacedimmediately. Do not operatechargerif it has receiveda sharp blow,been dropped , orotherwise damaged in any
way.Take it to a qualifiedprofessional for inspectionand repair.
Do not disassemble charger. Take it to a qualified professional when service or repair is required.
Incorrect reassembly may result inelectric shock orfire.
To reduce risk of electric shock, unplug charger from outlet before attempting any maintenance or
Always charge battery in a well ventilated area. NEVER operate in a closed-in or restricted area
without ad-equate ventilation. WARNING: Risk of explosivegas.
Locate charger as far awayfrom battery asDC charger cable'spermit. Do not expose charger torain or snow. NEVER charge a frozenbattery. If batteryfluid (electrolyte)is frozen,bring intoa warmarea tothaw
before charging.
NEVER allow battery acid todrip on chargerwhen reading specificgravity or fillingbattery. NEVER set a battery ontop of charger.
NEVER place charger directly above battery being charged. Gases from battery will corrode and
damage charger.
NEVER touch the battery clipstogether when thecharger is energized. NEVER crank engine with chargerattached to battery.
Rated input voltage, V 220 Power, W 300 Voltage of a charge, V 12 Maximum output current, A 15
Min/Max battery capacity, Ah 6/300 Пусковой ток номинальный, А 50
Weight, kg 1,3 The environment temperature range, °С -10…+40 Relative humidity,
by 40°С by 20°С
50% 90%
3. Preparing to charge
Determine voltage of battery byreferring to carowner s manual.
f it is necessary to remove battery from vehicle to charge, or to clean terminals, always remove grounded terminal from battery first. Make sure all accessories in the vehicle are off, so as not to cause an arc.
Clean battery terminals. Be carefulto keep corrosionfrom coming incontact with eyes.
Add distilled water in each cell until battery acid reaches level specified by battery manufacturer. This helps purge excessive gas from cells. Do not overfill. For a battery without cell caps, carefully follow manufacturers recharging instructions.
Study all battery manufacturers specific precautions such as removing or not removing cell caps while charging and recommended ratesof charge.
Be sure area aroundbattery iswell ventilatedwhile batteryis beingcharged. Gascan beforce fully blown away by using apiece of cardboardor other nonmetallicmaterial such asa fan.
Make sure the initial chargingrate is notover battery manufacturerssuggestion.
4. Description
This charger can easilybe configuredto chargemany different types of12V lead-acidbatteries; wet
batteries, MF,AGM andmost GEL-batteries.
The following recommendations should, however, only be seen as guidelines. When in doubt,
always consult the battery manufacturerfor further instructions
This charger have engine boostfunction, press
This batterycharger has also a 12V DC output socketwhich provides working current up to 12Amp
for any 12V DC operatedappliance
- 2А, attery capacity 6 20Ah
- 6А, attery capacity 20 40Ah
- 10А, attery capacity 40 100Ah
- 15А, attery capacity 50 300Ah
ate setting
for b ­for b -
for b ­for b -
1. / .Press andkeep 3second , the charger is powered on, thedisplayer shows blink
of “000”(standby mode).
2. battery type. Select battery type, then charger will give optimized charge process
3. . Switch the charge rate among 2A , 6A ,10А,15А and standby mode. The display changes after each press and charger will start to work with the set rate 1 second after the last press.
4. battery voltage. Press this button in standby mode or during charging , the display shows the battery voltage and keep3 second .
5. 12 . Press this button during standby mode (blink of “000”), the 12V output socket on back of the charger is powered on. Press this button again, the socket stops power supply and the charger is switched tostandby mode.
6. . Press this button in standby mode, the charger will give 30 second quick charge to battery and thengive an beepalarm , thenstart vehicle engine.
7. . ight is on while charging and 12V output working. ight is on while battery voltage is selectedduring charging andstandby mode.
8. .
- This light ison whenany of theoperating fault occur. This light is on whilethe charger ischarging a battery.
- . Thislight is onwhile the battery isfull.
9. .
Button ON OFF
Button AMP select
Button V output
Engine boost button
Digital display
Digital dispaly:
Standby status.
Check battery status before charge.
Battery voltage, shows the real-time voltage of the battery during charging or standby mode.
C. W
harging current during charge mode
orking current in 12V DC output mode.
No connection to battery terminal Short circuit in connection Reverse polarity connection. Reconnect the clamp to battery terminal.
witch off and unplug the charger. Connect again.
The battery's voltage is too low to accept charge. Internal open cell 6V battery is applied. witch off and unplug the charger then replace the battery.
The battery's voltage is too high to accept charge. witch off and unplug the charger then replace the batteryS.
The clamp is loosen during charging The charger stops output and give a beep alarm in 25 seconds. Check connection and select charging rage.
The battery is fully charged. The charger keep a constant voltage to keep the battery in full charged condition until the charger is powered off.
In few case , chargefinish very soonbut the batteryis not ableto deliver expectedpower. The battery may has lostcapacity to holdpower and hasto be replaced.
1. The displayed chargingcurrent is lowerthan theselected chargingrate whenthe batteryis nearly
2. If the battery beingcharged has internalshort cell, theFAULT LED willlight.
Using avoltmeter, determine the voltage of the battery and if it is under 12 , the battery is probably beyond repair or recharging, and will need to be replaced. If the voltage is over 12 , made sure there is no loading onthe battery, resume theprocess again.
If battery don't accepting a charge , make sure that the charger is plugged into a “live” 220 AC outlet. Unplug charger and check battery connections - ensure that there is a good connection with the battery terminal and/or vehiclechassis. Check tobe sure thatthe battery isnot sulfated.
If the battery to be charged is extremely cold it can not accept a high rate of charge, so the initial charge rate will be slow.The rateof chargewill increase asthe battery warms.
3. V
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