Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts
Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts
11063828Upright Assembly, Left1
21063829Upright Assembly, Right1
32001651Support, Cross Cabinet1
42001659Divider, Cabinet1
52002293-FRYBrace, Lower Front1
62003774Brace, Double Station Lower1
72007036Brace, Front Horizontal, Single-Station Fryer1
7a2200624Brace, Front Horizontal, Single-Station Lower Brace1[1]
7b2007037Brace, Front Horizontal, Two-Station Fryer1
7c2007038Brace, Front Horizontal, Three-Station Fryer1
7d2007039Brace, Front Horizontal, Four-Station Fryer1
7e2007040Brace, Front Horizontal, Five-Station Fryer1
82005356Brace, Rear Horizontal, Single-Station Fryer1
8a2002284Brace, Rear Horizontal, Two-Station Fryer1
8b2002295Brace, Rear Horizontal, Three-Station Fryer1
8c2002725Brace, Rear Horizontal, Four-Station Fryer1
8d2003592Brace, Rear Horizontal, Five-Station Fryer1
92310323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Left SS1
9a2210323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Left SS - Enameled Steel1[2]
102320323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Right SS1
10a2220323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Right SS (for Enameled Steel)1[2]
112201100Corner Column Left - M,MS,MST1
122201095Support, Rear Contactor Box1
132201093Support, Front Contactor Box1
13a2201294Brace, Contactor Box Single-Station Fryer Front1
142220610Bracket, Right Hand Mounting1
152210610Bracket, Left Hand Mounting1
162006498Support, Contactor Box (Singles)1
172004424Post, Door1
188102346Door Magnet - Horizontal1
192004786Support, Oil Return Manifold1
202106862Hinge, Door1
218241393Bracket, Rear Support1
228244557Channel, Base Side1
22a2220621Channel, Base Right Side Single-Station Fryer1
22b2210621Channel, Base Left Side Single-Station Fryer1
238090131Screw, 0.25-20 x 0.75-inch Hex Head ZP1[3]
248100326Caster, Adjustable Front (Before 6 Nov 2000)1
258100327Caster 4” without Brake1
268261376Nut - #10-32 Keps Hex10
278261374Screw - #10 x 0.5" Hex Head25[4]
288261368Nut - 0.25-20 Serrated Flange1
298090429Bolt - 0.25"– 20 x 2.00" Hex Head ZP Tap1
302005417Brace, Rear Channel Corner1
318235589Channel, Base Rear, Single-Station Fryer1
31a8234558Channel, Base Rear, Two-Station Fryer1
Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts
31b8234560Channel, Base Rear, Three-Station Fryer1
31c8234561Channel, Base Rear, Four-Station Fryer1
31d8234562Channel, Base Rear, Five-Station Fryer1
328103010Leg, Single Fryer Single-Station Fryer1
338241705Bridge Filter Motor Single Station Fryer Only1
348090495Nut, 0.25-inch - 20 Press1
[1]-for Single-Station Lower Brace
[2]-for CRS
[3]-also used w/Screw to mount filter rails
[4]-primary cabinet screw
Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Cabinetry - Cabinets, Bases, Braces, and Associated Parts.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Cabinetry and Panels
Cabinetry and Panels
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Cabinetry and Panels.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Cabinetry and Panels
12200421Back Panel, Upper, Single Station Fryer CRS1
1a2200419Back Panel, Upper, Two Station Fryer CRS1
1b2200423Back Panel, Upper, Three Station Fryer CRS1
1c2200425Back Panel, Upper, Four Station Fryer CRS1
1d2200611Back Panel, Upper, Five Station Fryer CRS1
22200501Back Panel, Center Single Station Fryer CRS1
2a2200487Back Panel, Center Two Station Fryer CRS1
2b2200491Back Panel, Center Three Station Fryer CRS1
2c2200499Back Panel, Center Four Station Fryer CRS1
2d2200616Back Panel, Center Five Station Fryer CRS1
31065016Frame, Control Panel - Single1
3a1065221Frame, Control Panel - Two Station Fryer1
3b1065018Frame, Control Panel - Three Station Fryer1
3c1065019Frame, Control Panel, Four Station Fryer1
3d1065020Frame, Control Panel, Five Station Fryer1
48235402Tilt Housing, Single Station, S/S1
4a8235564Tilt Housing, Single Station, S/S1[1]
4b8235360Tilt Housing, Two Station, S/S1
4c8235570Tilt Housing, Two Station, S/S1[1]
4d8235492Tilt Housing, Three Station, S/S1
4e8235573Tilt Housing, Three Station, S/S1[1]
4f8235576Tilt Housing, Four Station, S/S1
4g8235577Tilt Housing, Four Station, S/S1[1]
4h8235578Tilt Housing, Five Station, S/S1
4i8235579Tilt Housing, Five Station, S/S1[1]
52601230SPTop Cap - Single1[2]
5a1065196Top Cap - Two Station Fryer1[2]
5b1065197Top Cap - Three Station Fryer1[3]
5c1065198Top Cap, Four Station1[4]
5d1065199Top Cap, Five Station1[5]
5e809007810-32 Nutserts1
62009614Heat Shield - Single1
72009610Heat Shield - Two/Four Station Fryer1[6]
82009611Heat Shield - Three Station Fryer1[7]
98235715Cap-N-Splash, Single Station1
9a8235708Cap-N-Splash, Two Station1
9b8235706Cap-N-Splash, Three Station1
9c8235710Cap-N-Splash, Four Station1
9d8235713Cap-N-Splash, Five Station1
102310323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Left SS1
10a2210323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Left SS - Enameled Steel1[8]
112320323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Right SS1
11a2220323SPSide, Standard Cabinet Right SS (for Enameled Steel)1[8]
128101105Door Magnet - Vertical1
131064397Door - Left/Right1[9]
148090266Screw, 10 x 0.5-inch Phillips Head ZP1
Cabinetry and Panels
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Cabinetry and Panels.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Cabinetry and Panels
152109739Handle, Eurolook Door1
161064067SPDoor Pin Assembly1
178261343Spring - Door Pin Hinge1
188090970Retaining Ring1
198235440Cove, Element Tilt Housing1
202105046Bezel - One-Controller1
212105623Bezel, Insert for Remote Single-Controller1
222105819Bezel - Two-Controller1
232106698Bezel, Three-Controller1
[1]-for Aluminized Steel
[2]-Also requires four 10-32 Nutserts
[3]-Also requires six 10-32 Nutserts
[4]-Also requires eight 10-32 Nutserts
[5]-Also requires ten 10-32 Nutserts
[6]-Two are used on Four StationOne used on Five station
[7]-One used on Five Station
[8]-for Enameled Steel
[9]-Left shown – move handle to bottom for right
Cabinetry and Panels
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Cabinetry and Panels.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Component Box and Filter Pump Wiring Harnesses
Component Box and Filter Pump Wiring Harnesses
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Component Box and Filter Pump Wiring Harnesses.pdf
BIRE14-MRE14 Series Electric Fryers
Component Box and Filter Pump Wiring Harnesses
11065750Harness, Full Vat Assembly1[1]
1a1066639SPHarness Assembly, FV Control1[2]
21065751Harness Assembly, RE DV Control1[1]
2a1066644SPDual Vat Control Harness J4 to J1 and J2 (EPRI)1[2]
31065935Filter Pump C2 to Component Box Wiring Harness1
48062071SPStandard Controller to Interface Board1
58074199Cable, 20-pin Controller to 15-pin Interface Board – SMT for
fryer’s with CM 3.5 controller.
Component Box and Filter Pump Wiring Harnesses
FRY_P_0029_2_15_Component Box and Filter Pump Wiring Harnesses.pdf