Listed are the most commonly asked questions by our customers. Please take a moment to read this
important notice; it will provide you with additional information on how to operate and care for your new
appliance. We also urge you to read the Use and Care Guide. THANK YOU
Before using your oven (if equipped) for the first time, provide good ventilation of the room by opening a
window(s) or exterior door. Use a range vent hood if available. Turn the oven to ON at 400°F and allow oven to
heat for 30 minutes. This will allow for an initial burn-in period. During this time some emissions including
odors andlor a small amount of smoke may be generated from the binding agent which holds together the
fiberglass insulation around the oven.
Read the Cautions and Warnings throughout the Use and Care Guide. Consult your Use and Care Guide
for proper pan size and oven vent location.
Q. The cooktop surface seems too hot to touch while using
the surface burners, elements, warmer zone and/or the
oven; is this normal?
A. During operation, the cooktop surface will increase in tem-
perature. It's normal for heat to reflect from your cookware
and the surface burner or elements that heat the surround-
ing area. There is additional heat when the oven is in opera-
tion (if equipped).
Q. The right or left rear surface element gets warm when
operating the oven, although the element is not being
A. The oven vent islocated under the right or left rear surface
element. During oven operation warm air rises through the
vent for proper air circulation in the oven and good baking
result. Do not line the burner drip bowl with aluminum foil,
doing sowill block oven venting. Also, it's not recommended
leaving empty pans or utensils on the right or left rear burner
during oven operation, they will get hot to touch. If your range
has a "Smooth Top" glass cooking surface, the oven vent is
located at the rear/right or left of the top. Do not place any
plastic utensils in front of the vent or on the cooking surface.
They can become hot to touch, or melt.
Q. The element, on my ceramic glass smoothtop, goes on
and off all the time, is it normal?
A. Yes. The radiant element is working differently than the coil
element. The radiant element cycles on and off to maintain
the selected heat setting. To have better result, you may start
most of your cooking operation to high setting and low down
the setting after. For more information concerning element
setting refer to your Use and Care Guide.
Q. The glass of the cooktop surface (if equipped) turns to
green above the elements; is it normal? (White glass
cooktops only)
A. Due to the high intensity of heat generated by the surface
elements, the glass surface will turn green when the element
will be turned off. This phenomenon isnormal and the glass
will come back to its original white color after it has com-
pletely cooled down.
I have uneven cooking result (surface element), is it nor-
One of reason why you don't have good result, it is because
you don't use flat bottom utensils. It is really important to
use the right utensil. For utensil selection, refer to your lit-
erature pack.
Q. The indicator lights for the cooktop elements stay red
even when knobs are at the off position, is it normal?
A. It is normal. As long as sensor will fell heat, light will stay on.
When the surface will have cooled down, the indicator light
will go off.
The Electronic Oven Controller gives out sound signals
and displays a code between FI and FIO; is the EOC
Even though the Electronic Oven Controller is extremely re-
liable, avoltage drop or any other electric event may tempo-
rarily mislead the EOC and cause a functioning fault. Press
the CANCEL button to erase the message and to stop the
sound signals; reprogram the oven. If the same fault code
appears again in the display, note it, press the CANCEL but-
ton and contact an authorized service center.
My oven temperature seems too hot for some of my
recipes and not enough for some others; do I need a
new thermostat?
For peace of mind, your oven thermostat has been factory
calibrated and tested to ensure an accurate baking tempera-
ture. For the first few uses, follow your recipe times and tem-
perature recommendations carefully, and be sure to read the
Use and Care Guide for: baking, roasting and broiling sug-
gestions; proper utensils and their use; causes and cures of
common baking problems; safety measures and cleaning;
what to check before calling for service, as well as all the
other valuable information prepared to help you. If you feel
your oven is too hot or too cool from your baking experi-
ence, the oven temperature can be adjusted to your liking.
Refer to your Use and Care Guide for instructions on how
to adjust the temperature control.
318202315 (0009) Rev.A

Q. My appliance makes a noise when I use the oven. Is this Q.
A. Yes. Changes in temperature can cause metal to expand and A.
Q. My oven door has a soft spongy feel when closed; is
there something wrong with the door seal?
A. There is nothing wrong with the seal. The soft feel is normal
and the seal will "give" slightly as the door is pushed inward
against the oven's front frame. The spongy feel is due to the
door gasket design that ensures proper sealing.
Q. My range was just installed and only the surface burners
are heating, the oven does not; is this normal?
A. During installation the installer accidentally turned the gas
off to the oven burner. On ranges with electric ignition, there
is a shut off "lever" located on the pressure regulator. This
lever must be pointing to the "side", not downward for the
oven to operate. The regulator is located where the gasflex
line isattached to the range; consult your Installation Instruc-
tions for an illustration and location.
For Models with Gas Cooking Surface
Q. When I turn on one of the surface burner valves, I notice
that each of the surface electrodes sparks at the same
time. Is this normal?
A. It's normal for all the surface electrodes to spark at the same
time, but only the burner being turned ON will light.
My range is equipped with "Cast Iron" burner grates, I
have noticed rust is starting to form on the bottom.
The bottom surfaces on "Cast Iron" grate are deliberately
unfinished to allow the "high carbon" gases that are present
in iron to escape during the manufacturing process. If the
gases were trapped, it would cause surface blemishes in the
enamel finish and increase chipping. To eliminate or mini-
mize rust from forming, don't allow grates to stand in wa-
ter for long periods of time. After washing, dry them thor-
oughly to prevent rust oxidation from forming. You may also
coat the bottom surfaces with a "Vegetable Oil", or a "Non
Stick" cooking spray, but remember to wipe off excessive oil
before placing on range. There maybe a slight amount of
smoke from any extra vegetable oil residue left on the grate
when the burner is first used again.
Q. The pilot light (for models without electric ignition) is
out or is too strong, it seems that it needs to be ad-
A. It is possible for you to adjust the pilot light by lifting the top
and screw or unscrew the pilot screw on the manifold. For
more details refer to your Use and Care Guide.
Q. The porcelain enamel is hot even when I don't use it. Is
it normal?
A. Yes. The pilot light flame is always on, but if it is too strong,
you can adjust it. See your Use and Care Guide for more
Q. I have a problem of ignition with one burner; what can I
A. Problem of burner ignition can be caused by a bad installa-
tion of the two main pieces; the burner and the burner cap
must be positioned adequately by the customer or the tech-
nician (Sealed burners only). (see installation instructions)
Q. The burner flame is out, bad or strong. Can I adjust it?
A. The flame height can be adjusted by removing the control
knob and screw slightly the adjustable screw of the valve to
the desired setting. For more information refer to your in-
stallation instructions.
For Wall Ovens Models:
Q. What can I do if myself-clean side swing oven door istoo
tight to open or if it doesn't close well?
A. For a self-clean oven with a side swing door, there is an ad-
justable bracket on the front frame under the door on the
handle side. If the door is too loose, lift up the bracket and if
it's too tight, push on it.
Q. There is a nylon or plastic spacer (some models) located
on the side or at the back of my oven; can I remove it to
help me to put my oven in place?
A. No. These spacers are requested to insure proper working,
good air circulation and to prevent possible damage to your
cabinet. If there is no spacer on your built-in oven, it is be-
cause your model does not need one.
Q. What phone number can I call to ask other questions I
may have about my appliance?
A. See your Use and Care Guide for a complete list of phone
numbers if you have questions, comments or if you need to
schedule service or purchase parts.
318202315 (0009) Rev. A