Fresenius Vial Optima PT, Optima ST, Optima VS User manual

From Serial N° 18180100 till ...
Revision table
TM Optima PT-VS-ST_en : ref NT1741
Date Revision Chapter Description
20/08/07 1 Index "b" New EMC standard, spare parts up date
1 Presentation...................................................................................................... 7
1.1 General presentation ............................................................................. 7
1.2 Operation diagram ................................................................................. 8
1.3 Precautions for use................................................................................ 9
1.4 Operation safety..................................................................................... 9
1.5 Technical characteristics ...................................................................... 9
1.5.1 Electrical details .........................................................................................................9
1.5.2 Electronic details ........................................................................................................ 9
1.5.3 Mechanical details...................................................................................................... 9
1.5.4 Conformity and norms .............................................................................................. 10
2 Description and operation ............................................................................. 11
2.1 Physical description ............................................................................ 11
2.1.1 Display board and front panel .................................................................................. 12
2.1.2 The CPU board ........................................................................................................ 14
2.1.3 The power supply board and battery........................................................................ 17
2.2 Operational description ....................................................................... 19
2.2.1 Tube check and maintenance sub-assembly ........................................................... 19
2.2.2 Pumping sub-assembly ............................................................................................ 19
2.2.3 External connection sub-assembly .......................................................................... 19
3 Description of the menus .............................................................................. 21
3.1 Parameter configuration menu ........................................................... 21
3.1.1 Access to the menu.................................................................................................. 23
SAV1, preventive maintenance configuration ....................................................... 24
SAV2, tube selection configuration ....................................................................... 24
SAV3, "Beep" ........................................................................................................ 25
3.2 Calibration menu.................................................................................. 27
3.3 After-Sales Service test menu............................................................. 29
4 Preventive maintenance ................................................................................ 31
4.1 Recommendations ............................................................................... 31
4.2 Maintenance schedule......................................................................... 31
4.2.1 Preventive maintenance........................................................................................... 31
4.2.2 Quality control .......................................................................................................... 31
4.3 Checks................................................................................................... 33
4.3.1 Accessing the tests .................................................................................................. 33
4.3.2 Visual check ............................................................................................................. 33
4.3.3 Operating period and maintenance date.................................................................. 34
4.3.4 Indicator lights test ................................................................................................... 34
4.3.5 Keyboard check ....................................................................................................... 35
4.3.6 Battery voltage check ............................................................................................... 35
4.3.7 Checking the last 10 alarms..................................................................................... 35 3
4.3.8 Checking the total operating period ......................................................................... 37
4.3.9 Checking the analogue sensor input........................................................................ 37
4.3.10 Checking the software version ................................................................................. 38
4.3.11 Checking the motor clamp (only Optima VS) .......................................................... 38
4.3.12 Checking the calibration values ............................................................................... 39
4.3.13 Checking the infusion motor..................................................................................... 39
4.3.14 Checking the last 10 events before a locking alarm or error .................................... 40
4.3.15 Checking the pressure alarm limit............................................................................ 40
4.3.16 Flow rate check ........................................................................................................ 41
4.3.17 Air detector check .................................................................................................... 41
4.3.18 Battery autonomy check........................................................................................... 41
4.3.19 Continuity test .......................................................................................................... 42
4.3.20 Contrast check ......................................................................................................... 42
4.3.21 Timestamp check ..................................................................................................... 42
4.3.22 Quality Control Certificate ........................................................................................ 43
4.4 Cleaning and disinfecting ................................................................... 45
4.5 Storage.................................................................................................. 46
5 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................47
5.1 Breakdown guide ................................................................................. 47
5.2 Error messages ................................................................................... 51
6 Intervention procedures................................................................................. 55
N∞1, Procedure: CPU board ....................................................................... 57
N∞2, Procedure: Display board .................................................................. 61
N∞3, Procedure: Pumping system ............................................................. 65
N∞4, Procedure: LCD display .................................................................... 69
N∞5, Procedure: Air detector board........................................................... 73
N∞6, Procedure: Pressure sensor.............................................................. 77
N∞7, Procedure: OCS clamp motor (if OCS is present) ........................... 81
N∞8, Procedure: Power supply board ....................................................... 85
N∞9, Procedure: Battery ............................................................................. 87
N∞10, Procedure: Front cover, base and angle bracket .......................... 89
7 Calibration .......................................................................................................93
7.1 Calibration procedure.......................................................................... 93
7.1.1 Access to the calibrations ........................................................................................ 93
EtAL.1 Door calibration....................................................................................... 94
EtAL.2 Calibration of the flow rate corrective coefficient .................................... 95
EtAL.9 Calibrating the upstream and downstream pressure sensors ................ 96
8 Spare parts catalogue.................................................................................... 99
8.1 Upper cover .......................................................................................... 99
8.2 Base..................................................................................................... 101
8.3 Optima pump angle bracket.............................................................. 103 5

1 Presentation

1.1 General presentation

The Optima pump is a new pump based on the same pumping mechanism as the MVP pump. It is used for infusion of intravenous agents.
There are three types of the Optima pump:
PT: for standard PVC tubes with a drop detector. VS: for standard PVC tubes. The drop detector is optional. The pump is equipped with an
automatic occlusion checking system (OCS). ST: for silicon tubes equipped with a drop detector. The Optima pump has its own control keyboard and distinct displays. It has an internal
battery which ensures a minimum autonomy of 4 hours for a flow rate of 125 ml/h. A choice of easily accessible configurations enables optimal use of the functions according to
the needs of each department. 7

1.2 Operation diagram


1.3 Precautions for use

The symbol which appears on the device’s condensed user instructions recommends a complete reading of the user instructions, in accordance with norm EN 60 601-1.
Fresenius Vial cannot, in any circumstances, be held responsible for any medical or other problem due to incorrect use of the device.
Kindly consult the user manual for more details.

1.4 Operation safety

As soon as it is in operation, the device ensures permanent surveillance of its functions. Any internal fault or any procedural anomaly is immediately detected. Nevertheless, abnormal functioning of the device, without a defined cause, must always be brought to the attention of the qualified staff in your establishment or our After-sales Service.
The Optima pump contains an internal battery which ensures normal functioning during a mains power cut. In addition, two fuses protect the affected mains area.

1.5 Technical characteristics

1.5.1 Electrical details

! External power supply: 100 - 240 Vac. ! Max. consumption: 50 VA. ! Battery: 6 V - 2.7/ 3 Ah - NIMH. ! Fuse: 2 x 630 mA T IEC 127.

1.5.2 Electronic details

The Optima volumetric pump has 4 electronic boards:
! CPU board ! Display board ! Power supply board ! Air detector board

1.5.3 Mechanical details

! Dimensions: H x L x W: 135 x 175 x 145 mm. ! Weight: approx. 2.9 kg 9

1.5.4 Conformity and norms

Safety of Electro Medical Equipements
EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility)
Direct Courant Equipotentiality Fonctionnal earth.
Conform to the 93/42/EEC Medical Directive. IP31 Protection against
splashing liquid.
Conform to EN/IEC 60601-1 and EN/IEC 60601-2-24. Protection against
leakage current: CF
Conform to EN/IEC 60601-1-2 (second index)
and EN/IEC 60601-2-24.
Detailed information concerning electromagnetic compatibility is available in the chapter "Guidance and manufactureris declaration on EMC" of the User Manual.
Protection against electric shocks: class I.

2 Description and operation

2.1 Physical description

Angle bracket
Control panel
Air bubble
Front cover
The Optima pump is made out of a front cover, a base and an angle bracket.
! The front cover contains:
" a display board linked to the control panel, " a CPU board, " an air detector board, " the OCS system if OCS is present.
! The base supports the door and contains:
" the pump body unit.
! The angle bracket contains:
" a power supply board, " the battery. 11
Description and operation

2.1.1 Display board and front panel

The display board is situated under the control panel and contains all the essential parts for the man-machine interaction:
! keyboard, ! synoptic and control indicators, ! 7-segment displays, ! LCD screen.
Pin n°1
Display board LCD screen side.
Pin n°1
Pin n°1
Display board component side
This board is connected to the various equipment by means of connectors:
J1 connector to CPU board
Pin Signal Description
1 5V Power supply 2 VBAT Battery voltage 3GND 4 MOSI-AFF Serial output 5GND 6 MISO-AFF Serial input 7GND 8 CLK-AFF Serial clock 9GND 10 CSLCD LCD selection 11 GND 12 CSAFCL Display selected 13 GND 14 A0AFF LCD address 15 GND 16 RESET/ 17 GND
Description and operation
J1 connector to CPU board
Pin Signal Description
18 TON/OFF ON/OFF Signal 19 VBAT Battery voltage 20 5V Power supply
J2 connector to LCD
Pin Signal Description
1 + led VBAT + back light 2 - led - back light 3+5V 4 /RESET /RESET 5VSS Gnd 6 LD7 Data’s writing 7 R/W Gnd - Writing selection 8 LD6 Data’s writing 9 A0AFF LCD address 10 LD5 Data’s writing 11 LD4 Data’s writing 12 LD3 Data’s writing 13 LD2 Data’s writing 14 LD1 Data’s writing 15 LD0 Data’s writing 16 Enable 17 LCDCS2 Chip select 18 /LCDCS1 Chip select
J3 connector to keyboard
Pin Signal Description
1 COL2 Keyboard interface column 2 COL1 Keyboard interface column 3 COL0 Keyboard interface column 4 Line 3 Keyboard interface 5 Line 2 Keyboard interface 6 Line1 Keyboard interface 7 Line 0 Keyboard interface 8 TON/OFF On/Off 9 CONTRÔLE 10 GND 13
Description and operation

2.1.2 The CPU board

The CPU board contains a 80C32 micro-processor. It is connected to the display board by means of the J1 connector.
J1 J2
Pin n°1
CPU board
Info: Pin 1 of connector J1 is opposite to that indicated by the CPU board screen printing.
J1 display board connector
Pin Signal Description
1 5V Power supply 2 VBAT Battery voltage 3GND 4 MOSI-AFFl Serial output 5GND 6 MISO-AFF Serial input 7GND 8 CLK-AFF Serial clock 9GND 10 CSLCD LCD selection 11 GND 12 CSAFCL Display selected 13 GND 14 A0AFF Address LCD 15 GND 16 RESET/ 17 GND 18 GNDTON/OFF Signal ON/OFF 19 VBAT Battery voltage 20 5V Power supply
Description and operation
J12 drip detector connector
Pin Signal Description
1 Pulse-drip Low signal yield 2 GND 3GND 4 CDLED-drip Control LED 5V/ 40 mA
J4 motor
Pin Description
1 +Reel A 2 - Reel A 3 +Reel B 4 - Reel B
J6 power supply
Pin Signal Description
1 ALIM SECT Power supply 2 GND 3 ALIM EXT Not used
J8 battery
Pin Signal Description
1 VBATNC + Battery 2 ANA-CTN Temperature sensor Output 3GND 4 VBATNP + Battery before thermal fuse
J11 RS232 connector / Nurse call
Pin Signal Description
1 TxD-PC Data reception from PC 2 RTS-PC Request to send from PC 3 DTR-PC PC terminal ready 4 RXD-PC Transmission of data to PC 5GND 6 Nurse Call Normally open contact 7 Nurse Call Common contact 8 Nurse Call Normally closed contact
J10 D.C. motor
Pin Description
1 + DC motor 2 - DC motor
Description and operation 15
J2 sensors connector
Pin Signal Description
1GND 2 /PRES_CLAMP CLAMP presence 3 CD_CLAMP/ CLAMP detector power supply 4 +AMPLI_AM Input + ampli sensor upstream pressure 5 - ALIM_AM Upstream pressure sensor power supply return 6 - AMPLI_AM Input - ampli upstream pressure sensor 7 + ALIM_AM Upstream pressure sensor power supply 8 GND 9 - Hall effect sensor power supply 10 GND 11 ANA_HALL Hall effect sensor output 12 + AMPLI_AV Input + ampli downstream pressure sensor 13 - ALIM_AV Downstream pressure sensor power supply
return 14 - AMPLI_AV Input - ampli downstream pressure sensor 15 + ALIM_AV Downstream pressure sensor power supply 16 GND 17 ET OPTO State of sensor 18 GND 19 +5 V 5 V power supply 20 - Power supply sensor return
J9 air detector
Pin Description Description
1 /TST Sensor test 2 5V 3GND 4 /DETECT Air bubble detection
Description and operation

2.1.3 The power supply board and battery

The power supply board is positioned on the angle bracket. It supplies power to the electronic unit from the 230 VAC network. It also ensures a battery charge of 2.7/3 Ah.
U1 U2
Bars code
Power supply board
This board is connected to the various parts by means of connectors. F2 is time-delayed fuses of 630 mAT.
J1 functional Earth connector
J2 Mains connector
Pin Description
1 PH Phase (100 - 240 Vac) 2 N Neutral (100 - 240 Vac)
J3 power supply output connector
Pin Description
1 9V Sect 9V output convertor AC/DC 2 GND 3 9V Ext 9V external power supply not used
J4 battery output connector to the CPU board
Pin Description
1+Vbat 2 +Thermal sensor 3GND 4 VBAT NP 17
Description and operation
J6 battery input connector
Pin Description
1+ VBAT 2 VBAT NP 3 + Thermal sensor 4 - Thermal sensor 5GND
Description and operation

2.2 Operational description

From an operational point of view, the Optima pump is made up of 3 sub-assemblies:
! a sub-assembly to maintain to check the correct positioning of the tube, ! a motorisation sub-assembly, ! an external connection sub-assembly.

2.2.1 Tube check and maintenance sub-assembly

The tube is positioned along the front part and held in place by the door. The front part is equipped with four detection systems:
! a detector to check the closed /open position of the door, ! an ultra-sound detector to detect the presence of air bubbles in the tube. ! The pressure detection is ensured by two piezo-resistant sensors.

2.2.2 Pumping sub-assembly

The pumping sub-assembly contains the peristaltic pumping mechanism. The mechanism is made up of a camshaft that creates a wave-like movement in a bank of 14
’fingers’. The displacement of these ’fingers’ is controlled by the CPU board, while turning it displaces the liquid at the programmed flow rate.
The cam shaft is driven by a stepper-motor and a reduction gearbox assembly via a toothed belt. An optical disc attached to the end of the cam shaft controls its rotation.

2.2.3 External connection sub-assembly

The Optima contains two connectors located at the rear of the lower case:
! an RS 232 connector/Nurse call, ! a connector dedicated to the drip detector. 19
Description and operation
Description and operation

3 Description of the menus

3.1 Parameter configuration menu

The configuration menu adapts the Optima to the particular needs of each department. It accesses the menus that customise the infusion parameters.
Fresenius Vial recommends the presence of its qualified staff, or a member of your Technical Department, who will assist you in implementing the configuration procedures you wish to select.
The configuration mode is activated by holding down the "MODE" key when the device is switched on.
The following menus are displayed:
! User setting, ! Wards setting, ! Maintenance.
Each menu consists of sub-menus. The sub-menus can be accessed by using the "START" key.
To access some of the sub-menus, you need to type in an access code. This code can be defined and/or de-activated in the Service configuration mode. As long as the device is kept
switched on, the code does not need to be keyed in again.
Main Menu Key in code Sub-menu Sub-menu
User setting Code XXXX
User setting menu
Wards setting Code 0200
Wards setting menu
Maintenance This code will be communicated at the end of the maintenance
technician training.
Te st
Maintenance tests menu
After-sales configuration
Maintenance configuration menu
Calibration menu 21
Description of the menus
Te st
operating period and maintenance date
TEst.2 TEst.3 TEst.4 TEst.5 TEst.6 TEst.9 TEst.A TEst.C TEst.E TEst.F TEst.J SAV.1 SAV.2 SAV.3 EtaL.1
LED, LCD screen, 7-segment display and buzzer test
keyboard test
display’s the battery voltage
display’s the last 10 alarms codes
display’s the total running time
display’s the analogue sensor values
display’s the software version
clamping motor test
display’s the calibration values
infusion motor test
display’s the code last 10 alarm codes before error
preventive maintenance
tube selection
door calibration
EtaL.2 EtaL.9
The maintenance menu is reserved for qualified staff only.
corrective infusion coefficient
upstream and downstream pressure sensors calibration
Description of the menus

3.1.1 Access to the menu

Key Function
ON switches on the device. OFF switches off the device and exits the configuration mode when
pressed for more than three seconds.
MODE accesses the configuration mode.
The selection keys scroll through the numbers and letters, the tenths, units and tens values. Activate or de-activate choices.
ENTER moves the cursor.
START validates a selection.
STOP cancels the current configuration.
Activate the After-Sales Service test menu. ! Keep the "MODE" button pressed, during the device
switch on.
" The various menus are displayed.
! Select the "Maintenance" menu and confirm. ! Type in the access code and confirm. ! Select "Sav" and confirm.
! Use the selection keys to scroll through the various tests on
the LCD display. 23
Description of the menus

3.1.2 SAV1, preventive maintenance configuration

! SAV1, press "START".
" The running time since the last maintenance in hours and
the date are displayed on the LCD screen.
" To move the cursor use the enter key.
" Use the selection keys to modify a field.
" By validating once again, the new running time and date
are memorised and you may return to the After-sales Service menu.
By pressing "STOP" you can cancel the modification and return to the After­sales Service configuration menu.
You can exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.3 SAV2, tube selection configuration

! SAV2, press "START".
" The list of available tubes is displayed on the LCD screen.
The tubes which have already been calibrated for pressure are marked with a "v".
" Select the tube using the keys.
" Press "START" to save the tube selection.
" When the device is switched on, the selected tube will
appear on the display unit.
By pressing "STOP", the modification is cancelled and you can return to the After-sales Service configuration menu.
You can exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.
Description of the menus

3.1.4 SAV3, "Beep"

This option is available on Optima pump equipped with software version 1.8e minimum.
SAV3, press "START".
! + 10 s. (not activated)
! + 0 s. (activated)
" Select your choice using the key.
# 10 s: the audible alarm "Beep" is triggered every 10
# 0 s: the audible alarm "Beep" is triggered every 0
" Press "START" to record your selection.
By pressing "STOP", the modification is cancelled and you can return to the After-sales Service configuration menu.
You can exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key. 25
Description of the menus
Description of the menus
Description of the menus

3.2 Calibration menu

The calibration menu is reserved for qualified staff only. Its access is protected by a secret code. To find out about the operating mode for the various calibrations, refer to the "Calibrations" chapter.
This menu enables manual calibration of:
ETAL.1: the door,
ETAL.2: the corrective coefficient for the infusion flow rate by tube type,
ETAL.9: the upstream and downstream pressure sensors. 27
Description of the menus
Description of the menus
Description of the menus

3.3 After-Sales Service test menu

The After-Sales Service test menu is reserved for qualified personnel. It enables a series of checks that can be carried out on the Optima pump to confirm it is operating correctly. (See chapter "Checks"). These must be carried out each time parts are replaced.
The After-Sales Service tests can also be carried out more quickly and simply from a PC using our maintenance software. (Contact our After-Sales Service department.)
The Service test menu contains a series of 17 tests or checks:
tESt.1: operation period and maintenance date display
tESt.2: indicator lights test
tESt.3: keyboard test
tESt.4: battery voltage test
tESt.5: display’s the last 10 alarms codes
tESt.6: display’s the total operating period
tESt.9: display’s the analogue sensor values
tESt.A: display’s the software version
tESt.C: clamping motor test (only Optima VS)
tESt.E: display’s the calibration values
tESt.f: infusion motor test
tESt.J: display’s the last 10 alarm codes before error
A log of more than 760 time-stamped events can be consulted using our maintenance software "VP Control". (Contact our After-Sales Service department.) 29
Description of the menus
Description of the menus
+ 76 hidden pages