Fresenius Vial PILOT A2, CE2 RS232 Events log User manual

PILOT A2, CE2 RS232 Events log
From serial n° 17730124 till ...
Revision table
TM Pilot A2 CE2 RS 232 Events Log_en : ref NT 1734
03/04/03 0 All index "a" Creation
08/01/07 1 index "b" New EMC standard, spare parts up date
1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 7
1.1 General....................................................................................................7
1.2 Overview diagram ................................................................................. 8
1.3 Precautions to be taken before use...................................................... 9
1.4 Internal safety features.......................................................................... 9
1.5 Technical characteristics ......................................................................9
1.5.1 Electrical specifications .............................................................................................. 9
1.5.2 Electronic specifications............................................................................................. 9
1.5.3 Mechanical specifications .......................................................................................... 9
1.5.4 Conformity and norms.............................................................................................. 10
2 Description and operation............................................................................. 11
2.1 Physical description ............................................................................ 11
2.1.1 The display board and the front panel...................................................................... 12
2.1.2 CPU board ............................................................................................................... 14
2.1.3 The power supply board and the battery.................................................................. 17
2.1.4 Mechanical gear box unit ......................................................................................... 20
2.1.5 Mechanical plunger unit ........................................................................................... 20
2.2 Functional description.........................................................................21
2.2.1 Syringe control and maintenance assembly ............................................................ 21
2.2.2 Motorisation assembly ............................................................................................. 21
2.2.3 External connection sub-assembly .......................................................................... 21
3 Description of the menus .............................................................................. 23
3.1 Configuration menu of the current operation parameters ............... 23
3.1.1 Menu access............................................................................................................ 24
3.1.17 Typical syringe/details correspondence table .......................................................... 33
PAr1, configuration of the memorisation type ...................................................... 25
PAr2, configuration of the syringe selection type................................................. 25
configuration of the maximum flow rate that may be selected on the keyboard ...... 26
PAr4, configuration of the list of syringes that may be selected........................... 26
PAr5, configuration of the compulsory priming .................................................... 27
PAr7, configuration of the KVO flow rate ............................................................. 27
PAr9, configuration of the RS232 communication speed..................................... 28
PArA, configuration of the empty syringe mode ................................................... 28
PArb, configuration of the frequency of preventive checks .................................. 29
PArC, configuration of the drug display mode ...................................................... 29
PArd, configuration of the Flanges detection mode ............................................. 30
PArF, configuration of the bolus flow memorisation mode................................... 30
PArG, configuration of the drugs list ..................................................................... 31
PArJ, configuration of the mains disconnection signal......................................... 32
PAr0, configuration of the date and time.............................................................. 32
PiloteCE2_A2_RS232horodaté 3
3.2 Calibration menu.................................................................................. 35
3.3 Service test menu ................................................................................ 37
4 Preventive maintenance.................................................................................39
4.1 Recommendations............................................................................... 39
4.2 Maintenance schedule......................................................................... 39
4.2.1 Preventive maintenance........................................................................................... 39
4.2.2 Quality control .......................................................................................................... 39
4.3 Checks .................................................................................................. 41
4.3.1 Test access.............................................................................................................. 41
4.3.2 Visual check ............................................................................................................. 41
4.3.3 Running time and last servicing inspection date ...................................................... 42
4.3.4 Indicator lights check................................................................................................ 42
4.3.5 Keyboard check ....................................................................................................... 43
4.3.6 Checking the battery voltage.................................................................................... 44
4.3.7 Display of the last 10 alarms .................................................................................... 44
4.3.8 Total operation time check ....................................................................................... 46
4.3.9 TTL serial link test .................................................................................................... 46
4.3.10 RS 232 serial link check ........................................................................................... 47
4.3.11 Checking the software version. ................................................................................ 47
4.3.12 Checking the ADC.................................................................................................... 48
4.3.13 Checking the position sensor ................................................................................... 48
4.3.14 Buzzer test ...............................................................................................................49
4.3.15 Display of the calibration values............................................................................... 49
4.3.16 Checking the syringe clamp ..................................................................................... 49
4.3.17 Checking the syringe group number ........................................................................ 50
4.3.18 Checking the list of syringes .................................................................................... 50
4.3.19 Checking the disengagement................................................................................... 50
4.3.20 Checking the flanges detection system.................................................................... 50
4.3.21 Checking the syringe head detection system........................................................... 51
4.3.22 Checking backpressure............................................................................................ 52
4.3.23 Checking the pre-alarm and end of infusion alarm .................................................. 52
4.3.24 Checking the linearity............................................................................................... 53
4.3.25 Checking mains/battery operation............................................................................ 53
4.3.26 Battery autonomy test .............................................................................................. 54
4.3.27 Continuity test .......................................................................................................... 54
4.3.28 Quality Control Certificate ........................................................................................ 55
4.4 Flow rate control.................................................................................. 57
4.4.1 Measurement with a computer ................................................................................. 57
4.4.2 Measurement with scales......................................................................................... 59
4.4.3 Measurement using a test tube ................................................................................ 61
4.5 Cleaning and disinfecting ................................................................... 63
4.6 Storage.................................................................................................. 64
44 PiloteCE2_A2_RS232horodaté
5 Diagnostic ....................................................................................................... 65
5.1 Troubleshooting guide ....................................................................... 65
5.2 Error messages ....................................................................................67
6 Operation sheets ............................................................................................ 71
N°1, Procedure: Display and central unit boards .................................... 73
N°2, Procedure: Syringe clamp ................................................................. 75
N°3, Procedure: Syringe detection system .............................................. 77
N°4, Procedure: Motor + Opto + Disk........................................................ 83
N°5, Procedure: Dynamometer sensor ..................................................... 85
N°6, Procedure: Plunger advance control potentiometer ....................... 91
N°7, Procedure:
Plunger cover and/or disengagement lever + anti-siphon arm......93
N°8, Procedure: Power supply board........................................................ 95
N°9, Procedure: Battery door and battery ................................................97
N°10, Procedure: Plug holder wired.......................................................... 99
N°11, Procedure: Ribbon cable winding kit............................................ 101
N°12, Procedure: Syringe head detection plunger kit ...........................105
N°13, Procedure: Centering ring kit ........................................................ 109
N°14, Procedure: Flex circuit and tube kit .............................................. 113
N°15, Procedure: Upper and lower cases ............................................... 119
7 Calibration..................................................................................................... 123
7.1 Calibration procedure........................................................................ 123
7.1.1 Calibration access.................................................................................................. 123
EtA.4 Calibration of the 3 battery voltage levels................................................ 124
EtA.6 Calibration of the position sensor. ........................................................... 124
8 Spare parts catalogue.................................................................................. 125
8.1 Upper case..........................................................................................125
8.2 Lower case.......................................................................................... 127
8.3 Plunger unit ........................................................................................ 129
8.4 Mechanical Gear box .........................................................................133
8.5 Labels..................................................................................................135
PiloteCE2_A2_RS232horodaté 5
66 PiloteCE2_A2_RS232horodaté

1 Overview

1.1 General

The Pilot A2 RS 232 Events log is a syringe pump intended for the infusion of intravenous agents at a accurate, low flow rate. The wide choice of syringes, the use of the universally recognised control symbols and the synoptic display of the alarms contribute to making the Pilot A2 RS 232 Events log easy to use. The adjustable occlusion detection, the correct positioning detection and the overall syringe protection system guarantee optimum safety.
Its technical characteristics, the flow range from 0.1 to 400 ml/hr (configured at 200 ml/hr) and its excellent accuracy (+ Pilot A2 RS 232 Events log, the ideal instrument for medical services.
The Pilot A2 RS 232 Events log is equipped with a 16ko-EEPROM enabling the memorization of 896 events. These events are available for consultation through the ISCTRL maintenance software, 4.1 and upper version.
1% on the device) contribute to making the 7
Ext 12/15 V 15 W

1.2 Overview diagram

230 V
EPROM 128K x 8
RAM 8K x8
Interface bus
Power supply
DC-DC converter
Watch dog
Opto interface
Motor driver
Step by step motor
Motor speed sensor
Syringue body sensor
Antisiphon sensor
Displacement transducer
Nurse call (option)
Occlusion switch
Disengagement switch
LCD display
Flanges switch
LED display
RS 232
LCD driver
LED driver

1.3 Precautions to be taken before use

The symbol in the concise instrument instructions guide of the device recommends that the operator’s guide should be read complelety in accordance with standard EN 60601-1.
Fresenius Vial may in no case be held responsible for medical problems or any other problems resulting from inadequate use of the equipment.
Refer to the User’s instructions for further details.

1.4 Internal safety features

As soon as it is switched ON, the device activates a continuous function inspection system. Any internal failure or any problem related to the operating procedure in progress is detected immediately. Nevertheless, abnormal operation of the equipment with no obvious cause must always be reported to the qualified technicians in your establishment or our After Sales service.
In case of single fault condition, an alarm is activated for any flow rate deviation of ± 5% in comparison with the normal flow rate.
A second check activates an alarm in the event of deviation of 1 ml in comparison with the anticipated infused volume, or if a flow rate deviation of ± 20% is identified. The alarm is triggered by the most rapidly detected deviation.
The Pilot A2 Events log is fitted with an internal battery to continue operation in the event of a power cut. Furthermore, a safety fuse protects the mains from further disturbance.

1.5 Technical characteristics

1.5.1 Electrical specifications

! Power supply: 230 V - 50-60 Hz. ! Max. consumption : 23 VAC. ! Fuse F2: 100 mAT 250 V IEC 127. ! Battery: 6 V - 1,1 / 1,3 Ah. ! External power supply: 12 - 15 V DC -15 W.

1.5.2 Electronic specifications

The Pilot syringe pump is fitted with 3 circuit boards:
! Motor power supply and control board. ! CPU board. ! Keyboard display board.

1.5.3 Mechanical specifications

! Overall dimensions H x W x D: 120 x 330 x 155 mm. ! Weight: approximately 2,2 kg. 9

1.5.4 Conformity and norms

Safety of Electro Medical Equipements
EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility)
Conform to the 93/42/CE Medical Directive. IP34 Protection against
splashing liquid.
Conform to EN/IEC 60601-1 and EN/IEC 60601-2-24 Protection against
leakage current: CF type.
Conform to EN/IEC 60601-1-2 (first edition) and EN/IEC 60601-2-24
Since 2001,electromagnetic compatibility standards have evolued. Pilot A2 RS 232 Events log that serial number is higher than 18908961 with EN/IEC 60601-1-2 (second édition) and EN/IEC 60601-2-24 complies standards. Detailed information concerning electromagnetic compatibility is available in the chapter "Guidance and manufactureris declaration on EMC" of the User Manual.
Protection against electric shocks: class II.

2 Description and operation

2.1 Physical description

Syringe clamp
Upper case
Lower case
Flanges switch
Flanges positioning groove
Plunger disengagement
Anti-siphon arm
Front control panel
The Pilot A2 Events log is fitted with an upper case and a lower case.
! The upper case holds the syringe clamp and contains:
" A display board associated with the front control panel. " A CPU board.
! The lower case contains:
" A power supply board and a battery. " A mechanical base unit. " A plunger unit.
Description and operation 11

2.1.1 The display board and the front panel

The display board is mounted under the front control panel and is fitted with all the organs required for man-machine interaction.
! Keyboard interface. ! Control lamps and overview diagrams. ! 7-segment display units.
Solder side display board.
Component side display board.
This board is connected to the different parts of equipment by means of connectors.
J1 connector to CPU board
Pin Description
1 SEG1 display matrix Line 1 2 SEG2 display matrix Line 2 3 SEG3 display matrix Line 3 4 SEG4 display matrix Line 4 5 SEG5 display matrix Line 5 6 SEG6 display matrix Line 6 7 SEG7 display matrix Line 7 8 SEG8 display matrix Line 8 9 COL1 display matrix Column 1 10 COL2 display matrix Column 2 11 COL3 display matrix Column 3 12 FAIL LED control Fail 13 COL/DIG 9 LED type control " 14 LIG1 keyboard interface Line 1 15 LIG2 keyboard interface Line 2 16 LIG3 keyboard interface Line 3 17 LDSECT lighting control Mains LED 18 +5V power supply 19 VBAT power supply 20 GND power supply
Description and operation
J2 connector to keyboard
Pin Description
1 Column 1 2 Column 2 3 Column 3 4 Column 4 5 Column 5 6 Column 6 7 Line 1 8 Line 2 9 Line 3 10 To n 11 Toff 12 Gnd power supply
J3 connector to CPU board
Pin Description
1Ton ON key 2 Tof f O F F k ey 3 SI SPI bus 4 Clk SPI bus 5 CSLCD SPI bus 6 Buzz BUZZER control 7 Vbat power supply 8 Gnd power supply 13
Description and operation

2.1.2 CPU board

The CPU board holds an 80C32 microprocessor. It is mounted and connected to the display board through J4 and J5 connectors.
A ribbon cable connects this to a power supply board by means of a connector J3.
CPU board
J2 connector: to flanges detection switch and syringe detection opto-electronic sensor
Pin Description
1 Ground 2 Flanges contact 3 Opto anode diode +5V 4 Common points between cathode LED , opto 1 and opto 2 transistor emitters. 5 Opto 1 transistor collector 6 Opto 2 transistor collector
J3 connector to power supply board
Pin Description
1+5V 2 Gnd 3+Vbat 4 Gnd 5 Phase A Motor control 6 Phase B Motor control 7 Phase C Motor control 8 Phase D Motor control 9 I signal Motor control 10 Boost signal Motor control 11 Sopt1 Opto rotation motor output 12 Sopt2 Opto anti-siphon 13 Apinf Nurse call independent of the buzzer
signal 14 Cdopt1 Opto rotation motor control output 15 Cdopt2 Opto anti-siphon module control 16 Off Signal off key pressed 17 Sect Mains power supply on signal 18 Cdalim Power cut signal
Description and operation
J3 connector to power supply board
Pin Description
19 Ldsect Mains LED control 20 Cts Clear to send 21 Deb/off Disengagement signal 22 Rts request to send Request to send 23 Occ/off Occlusion signal 24 Buz Nurse call relay control 25 Eoc End Of adc conversion 26 Csadc Selection spi adc bus 27 Clk Clock spi adc bus 28 Si Data in spi adc bus 29 So Data out spi adc bus 30 Cdana Analogue sensor power supply control 31 Rx2 Receive data TTL 32 Tx2 Transmit data TTL 33 Txd1 Transmit data TTL 34 Rxd1 Receive data TTL 35 Ton ON key 36 Tof f OFF key 37 +Vbat Power supply 38 Gnd 39 +5V 40 Gnd
J4 connector to display board
Pin Description
1 Seg1 display matrix Line 1 2 Seg2 display matrix Line 2 3 Seg3 display matrix Line 3 4 Seg4 display matrix Line 4 5 Seg5 display matrix Line 5 6 Seg6 display matrix Line 6 7 Seg7 display matrix Line 7 8 Seg8 display matrix Line 8 9 Col1 display matrix and keyboard Column 1 10 Col2 display matrix and keyboard Column 2 11 Col3 display matrix and keyboard Column 3 12 Fail diode fail control 13 Rdcrt current reduction control 14 Lig1 keyboard interface Line 1 15 Lig2 keyboard interface Line 2 16 Lig3 keyboard interface Line 3 17 Ldsect mains LED control 18 +5V power supply 19 Vbat power supply 20 Gnd power supply 15
Description and operation
J5 connector to display board
Pin Description
1Ton ON key 2 Tof f OF F key 3Si spi bus 4 Clk spi bus 5 Cslcd spi bus 6 Buzz buzzer control 7 Vbat power supply 8 Gnd power supply
Description and operation

2.1.3 The power supply board and the battery

The power supply board is mounted on the lower case. It allows to supply the electronic parts using the network 230 V AC or the external 12 / 15 DC. It also charges the 1.1 or 1.3 Ah battery.
J4 J1
J2 F1
Power supply board.
This board is connected to the different parts of equipment by means of connectors.
J1 connector to mains
Pin Description
1 Neutral 2 Phase
J2 connector to CPU board
Pin Description
1 +5V controlled power supply 2 Gnd power supply 3 +Vbat power supply 4 Gnd power supply 5 Phase A Motor control 6 Phase B Motor control 7 Phase C Motor control 8 Phase D Motor control 9 I signal Motor control 10 BOOST signal 11 Sopt1 Opto rotation module output 12 Sopt2 Opto anti-siphon module output 13 N.U 14 Cdopt1 Opto rotation module control 15 Cdopt2 Opto anti-siphon module control 16 Off Off key pressed on the ON/OFF button 17 SECT Mains supply presence signal 18 CDALIM Power cut signal 19 LDSECT Mains LED control 20 CTS Clear to send 21 DEB/OFF Disengagement signal active at 0
Description and operation 17
J2 connector to CPU board
Pin Description
22 RTS Request to send 23 OCC/OFF Occlusion signal active at 0 24 BUZ Nurse call relay control 25 EOC End of ADC conversion 26 CSADC Selection bus SPI ADC 27 CLK Clock bus SPI ADC 28 SI Data IN bus SPI ADC 29 SO Data out bus SPI ADC 30 CDANA Analogue sensor power supply control 31 RX2 receive data TTL 32 TX2 transmit data TTL 33 TXD1 transmit data TTL 34 RXD1 receive data TTL 35 Toff OFF key 36 Ton ON key 37 +Vbat Power supply 38 Gnd 39 +5V 40 Gnd
J3 connector to potentiometer
Pin Description
1Vref 2 Centre point 3Gnd
J4 connector to internal battery
Pin Description
1 + battery 2 - battery
J5 connector to motor
Pin Description
1+Vbay 2 +Vbat 3 Phase D 4 Phase C 5 Phase B 6 Phase A 7 Opto rotation anode diode /+5V 8 Opto rotation cathode diode 9 Opto rotation transistor collector 10 GND/ opto rotation transistor emitter
Description and operation
J6 connector to RS232 and Master plugs
Pin Description
1TX1 2 +5V 3RX1 4 Gnd 5 Interface validation 6 Nurse call relay common point 7 Nurse call relay normally open 8 Nurse call relay normally closed 9 CD ON external on 10 CD OFF external off 11 I-OPTON Motor control output 12 I-SECT Mains led 13 +Vbat External power supply plug 14 RX2 15 TX2 16 Gnd 17 CTS 18 RTS 19 BUZ 20 NC
J7 connector to external DC power supply
Pin Description
1 ± external power supply 2 ± external power supply
J8 connector to disengagement micro-switch, force sensor and anti-siphon switch
Pin Description
1 Not used 2 Micro-switch input/output 3 Micro-switch input/output 4 Not used 5 Opto anti-siphon cathode diode 6 Opto anti-siphon anode diode/+5V 7 Opto anti-siphon transistor collector 8 Disengagement micro-switch on 9 Disengagement micro-switch off 10 Gnd
Do not forget to dismount the ribbon cable holder on the power supply board before extracting the mechanical assembly from the housing (risk of breaking the ribbon cable). 19
Description and operation
J9 connector, test points
Pin Description
1GND 2 Position sensor output 3 Battery discharge control output 4 Amplified force sensor output 5 Cd coupler power supply 0-5V 6 Motor control opto output 7 Force and position sensor reference voltage 8 Piston head detection opto output 9 Control/APIN F 10 Control/APIN F

2.1.4 Mechanical gear box unit

The mechanical base unit is composed of a motor-reducer block driving a screw-and-nut unit. At the shaft end, the motor receives a control panel associated with an opto-electronic switch.
The mechanical base unit also accommodates a potentiometer fitted with a rack pinion system.

2.1.5 Mechanical plunger unit

The mechanical plunger unit is mounted onto the mechanical gear box. The gear box ensures the displacement movement of the plunger through a screw / nut system.
The plunger is fitted with a disengagement control allowing to separate this from the screw­and-nut system.
Description and operation

2.2 Functional description

From a functional point of view, the Pilot A2 Events Log is composed of three sub­assemblies:
! A syringe position control and maintenance assembly. ! A motorisation assembly. ! An external connection assembly.

2.2.1 Syringe control and maintenance assembly

The syringe if fitted into the upper case and held in position by means of a syringe clamp. Detection of the syringe size (60 cc or 20 cc) is carried out by two opto-electronic sensors
mounted onto the syringe clamp. The flanges switch ensures the syringe flanges are correctly positioned in the groove. Associated with an opto-electronic sensor, the anti-siphon arm controls the piston position. Composed of a micro-switch fitted to the plunger, an anti-occlusion system triggers an alarm
whenever force on the piston is excessive.

2.2.2 Motorisation assembly

This sub-assembly moves the piston in the syringe. It is put into motion by means of a motor-reducer unit associated with a screw-and-nut
system. A motor rotation disk mounted on the shaft end of the motor and associated with an opto-
electronic sensor controls the rotation. A potentiometer controls the plunger movement by means of a rack pinion system. A micro-switch allows for control of the disengagement device.

2.2.3 External connection sub-assembly

The Pilot A2 Events log has three connectors located at the rear end of the lower case:
! A 12-15 V DC, 15 W type external power supply connector. ! An RS 232 connector. 21
Description and operation
Description and operation

3 Description of the menus

3.1 Configuration menu of the current operation parameters

The configuration menu enables users to adapt the Pilot to the specific needs of each department. It provides access to the menus allowing for customisation of the parameters associated with current operation modes.
Fresenius Vial recommends users to implement the selected configuration procedures in the presence of a member of its qualified personnel or a member of the technical department.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the
This menu enables users to:
PAr1: select the type of flow rate memorisation.
PAr2: select the syringe selection mode.
PAr3: modify the maximum flow rates which can be selected using the keyboard.
PAr4: configure the list of syringes that can be selected.
PAr5: select the compulsory priming.
PAr7: select the KVO flow rate. PAr9: select the RS232 communication speed.
PArA: select the empty syringe mode.
PArb: select the frequency of preventive checks.
PArC: select the drug display mode.
PArd: choose whether or not to activate the flanges detection mode.
PArF: select the Bolus memorisation mode.
PArG: enter the list of drugs.
PArJ: choose whether or not to activate the mains disconnection signal.
PAr0: enter the current date and time.
OFF key. 23
Description of the menus

3.1.1 Menu access

Useful keys
Key Function
ON, is used to switch the machine ON. OFF, is used to switch the machine off when pressed for over three
seconds. SILENCE ALARM, is used to access the configuration mode of the
current operation parameters.
The selection keys allow to scroll the figures and letters on the tenths, units, tens segments etc.
CONFIRM, is used to validate a choice.
STOP, is used to cancel the current configuration.
Switch to configuration mode.
! Press "SILENCE ALARM" and "TENS" simultaneously. ! Maintain this position while pressing "ON".
! When
PAr is shown on the display unit, release the
selection of "SILENCE ALARM" and "TENS" then validate within three seconds by pressing "CONFIRM".
PAr1 is shown by default.
! Switching from
PAr1 to PArO is carried out
using the "tenths" keys.
Description of the menus

3.1.2 PAr1, configuration of the memorisation type

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not to memorise the infusion flow rate when the Pilot is shut down.
PAr1, press "CONFIRM"
" If MEM, the flow rate is memorised when the Pilot is
shut down, this value will be displayed by default when the machine is next switched on.
" If noME, the flow rate is not memorised, the default
value is
00.0 each time the machine is switched on.
# Select the memorisation type using the selection
" By validating once again, the type is memorised and it is
possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.3 PAr2, configuration of the syringe selection type

This configuration enables users to choose the type of syringe selection.
PAr2, press "CONFIRM"
" If SEL3, automatic validation of the only syringe that
may be selected.
" If SEL4, when the Pilot is switched on, the user should
select the type of syringe installed.
# Choose the selection type using the selection keys.
" By validating once again, the type is memorised and it is
possible to select another configuration .
When mode
SEL3 is selected, and if there is a choice of more than one syringe, the
Pilot automatically moves onto the configuration of the list of syringes that may be selected
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
PAr4 when the machine is next switched on.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.
Description of the menus 25
3.1.4 PAr3, configuration of the maximum flow rate that may be selec-
ted on the keyboard
This configuration enables users to choose the maximum flow rate that may be selected using the keyboard for each type of syringe.
Syringe type Min. flow rate (ml/hr) Max. flow rate (ml/hr)
50/60 cc 0,1 400 20 cc 0,1 275
Par3, press "CONFIRM"
" Select the syringe type using the keys.
20c, 20 ml.
50c, 50 ml.
" Press "CONFIRM"
# Select the maximum flow rate using the keys.
" By validating once again, the maximum flow rate is
memorised and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.5 PAr4, configuration of the list of syringes that may be selected

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not it may be selected for each type of active syringe.
PAr4, press "CONFIRM"
" The LED of the syringe to be configured flashes.
SEL, this type of syringe may be selected when
# If
the Pilot is switched on.
# If
noSE, this type of syringe may not be selected
when the Pilot is switched on.
" Make your choice using the keys.
! Press "CONFIRM" to memorise the modification.
" The LED of the configured syringe is:
# Lit up is it may be selected. # Off if it may not be selected.
Description of the menus
Details of the syringe are displayed
when the "tenths" keys are pressed (see chapter 3.1.17 "Typical syringe/details correspondence table").
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.6 PAr5, configuration of the compulsory priming

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not priming is compulsory after selection of a syringe.
PAr5 is displayed.
" Press "CONFIRM"
PurG, compulsory priming, pressing "BOLUS"
# If
during start-up is compulsory to switch to selection of the flow rate.
noPu, priming is not compulsory, the flow rate
# If
may be selected upon start-up straight after validation of the syringe.
" Make your choice using the keys.
" By validating once again, the configuration is memorised
and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.7 PAr7, configuration of the KVO flow rate

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not to activate the switching to KVO flow rate.
PAr7, press "CONFIRM"
" If KVO, KVO flow activated, the infusion continues at
1,0 ml/hr (or at the same flow rate if this is under 1,0 ml/hr) when the volume infused reaches the limit volume.
" If noKV, no KVO flow, infusion stops with a limit volume
alarm when the infused volume reaches the limit volume.
" Make your choice using the keys.
Description of the menus 27
" By validating once again, the configuration is memorised
and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.8 PAr9, configuration of the RS232 communication speed

This configuration enables the user to select the communication speed of the RS232 link.
PAr9, press "CONFIRM"
" If 19K2, speed at 19200 Bauds. " If 19K2, speed at 9600 Bauds. " If 4800, speed at 4800 Bauds.
" Make your choice using the keys.
" By validating once again, the configuration is memorised
and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.9 PArA, configuration of the empty syringe mode

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not to activate using the empty syringe mode.
PArA, press "CONFIRM"
" If SVId, empty syringe mode activated. " If SVId, empty syringe mode deactivated.
" Make your choice using the keys.
" By validating once again, the configuration is memorised
and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.
Description of the menus

3.1.10 PArb, configuration of the frequency of preventive checks

This configuration enables users to select the maintenance frequency which lies between 1 and 9999 hours.
PArb, press "CONFIRM"
" The current value is displayed.
" Display the new frequency value using the keys.
" By validating once again, the new frequency is
memorised and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.11 PArC, configuration of the drug display mode

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not to display the first four letters of the name of the drug used.
PArC, press "CONFIRM"
" If drUG, display activated, after validation of the
syringe type, the operator should select the name of the drug used out of the choice of 15 names.
" If nodr, display deactivated, the Pilot does not offer a
choice of drug names.
" Make your choice using the keys.
" By validating once again, the configuration is memorised
and it is possible to select another configuration .
If The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.
Description of the menus 29

3.1.12 PArd, configuration of the Flanges detection mode

This configuration enables users to choose whether or not to activate the syringe flanges position check.
PArd, press "CONFIRM"
" If AiLE, detection activated, inappropriate positioning
of the flanges is signalled by means of an alarm.
" If noAL, no detection, the inappropriate positioning of
the flanges is not checked.
" Make your choice using the keys.
" By validating once again, the configuration is memorised
and it is possible to select another configuration .
The modification may be cancelled by pressing the "STOP" key.
It is possible to exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the "OFF" key.

3.1.13 PArF, configuration of the bolus flow memorisation mode

This configuration enables users to select the bolus flow memorisation mode.
PArF, press "CONFIRM"
" If MEM, bolus memorised, upon start-up of the Pilot, the
bolus flow given corresponds to the last selected.
" Si noME, bolus not memorised, upon start-up of the
Pilot, the bolus flow given is that defined by default.
" Make your choice using the keys.
If the "not memorised" mode is selected, the bolus default value must be defined.
" If the noMEis selected, the 50 cc LED lights up and the
bolus flow is displayed.
# Using the keys, enter the bolus value to be defined by
default for a 50 cc syringe.
# Press "CONFIRM" to memorise it
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