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21.2Ext e r n a l Si g n a l D escripti o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 -3
21.2.1Detail ed Si g n a l D escripti o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-4
22.3Ext e r n a l Si g n a l D escripti o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 -4
The Symphony™ DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors Reference Manual describes the
features and operation of the SymphonyTM DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors,
including, for example, their main features, architecture, function blocks, operation modes, pin signals,
clocks, interrupts, DMA operations, and memory maps.
The DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors are devices of the DSP5672x family of
programmable CMOS DSPs, designed using dual DSP56300 24-bit cores. The DSP56724/DSP56725 are
intended for automotive, consumer, and professional audio applications that require high performance for
audio processing. Potential applications include A/V receivers, car audio/amplifiers, and professional
audio equipment.
Revision History
The following table summarizes revisions to this document.
Table 1. Revision History
0Initial release
The Symphony DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors Reference Manual provides to the
design engineer the necessary data to success fully integrate t he proces sor s into a wide variety of
The intended audience for this document includes system architects, system modeling teams, IC designers,
software architects/designers, and the platform integration and testing teams. The level of detail in this
document is intended to provide the reader with sufficient information to validate the capabilities of the
processes in the targeted applications.
This reference manual is organized into chapters that describe the operation and programming of the
processors. It includes brief summaries of the major components, as well as listings of the memory maps
for the processors and shared memories.
This manual also contains chapters that describe the operations and configuration of the peripherals,
including the modules that provide bootmodes, memory, and connectivity.
Suggested Reading
The DSP56300 Family Manual (DSP56300FM) is suggested for a complete description of the Symphony
DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors, and is necessary to design with the devices. This
document is helpful when used in conjunction with this reference manual.
This reference manual uses the following conventions:
•OVERBAR is used to indicate a signal that is active when pulled low: for example, RESET.
•Logic level one is a voltage that corresponds to Boolean true (1) state.
•Logic level zero is a voltage that corresponds to Boolean false (0) state.
•To set a bit or bits means to establish logic level one.
•To clear a bit or bits means to establish logic level zero.
•A signal is an electronic construct whose state conveys or changes in state convey information.
•A pin is an external physical connection. The s ame pin can be used to connect a number of signals.
•Asserted means that a discrete signal is in active logic state.
— Active low signals change from logic level one to logic level zero.
— Active high signals change from logic level zero to logic level one.
•Negated means that an asserted discrete signal changes logic state.
— Active low signals change from logic level zero to logic level one.
— Active high signals change from logic level one to logic level zero.
•LSB means least significant bit or bits, and MSB means most significant bit or bits. R eferences to
low and high bytes or words are spelled out.
•Numbers preceded by a percent sign (%) are binary. Numbers preceded by a 0x are hexadecimal.
•Courier monospaced type indicate commands, command parameters, code examples, expressions,
data types, and directives.
•Italic type indicates replaceable command parameters.
The SymphonyTM DSP56724 and DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors are devices of the DSP5672x
family of programmable CMOS DSPs, designed using multiple DSP56300 24-bit cores. The DSP56724
and DSP56725 are intended for automotive, consumer, and professional audio applications that require
high performance for audio processing. These processors also support professional audio applications,
including audio recording, signal processing and digital audio synthesis. Potential applications include
A/V receivers, car audio/amplifiers, and professional audio equipment. Additional device features include
support for digital audio compression/decompression, sound field processing, acoustic equalization and
other digital audio algorithms. With two DSP56300 cores, the DSP56724 (or DSP56725) device can
replace two DSP devices in designs, providing high MIPs and lower cost.
DSP56724/DSP56725 features include:
•Two DSP56300 enhanced cores: 400 MIPs (200 MIPs/core) with a 200 MHz clock; each core
— Highly parallel instruction set
— Hardware debugging support (JTAG TAP, OnCETM module)
— Eight-channel DMA controller
— Wait and Stop low-power standby modes
•Configurable and flexible arbitration method for the shared peripherals and shared memory blocks
•Powerful audio data communication ability:
— Four Enhanced Serial Audio Interface (ESAI) modules to transmit and receive audio data. Two
ESAI modules are provided for each core. For each ESAI, up to 4 receivers and up to 6
transmitters, master or slave. Protocols include I
AC97, network and other programmable protocols.
— One S/PDIF module is shared by the two cores to transmit and receive audio data in IEC958
•Powerful host communication port: Two Serial Host Interface (SHI, SHI_1) modules, with one
module for each core. SHIs support SPI and I2C protocols, multi-master capability in I2C mode,
10-word receive FIFO, and support for 8, 16 and 24-bit words.
•Two triple-timer modules (TEC, TEC_1), with one timer module for each core.
•T wo watchdog timer modules (WDT, WDT_1), with one watchdog timer module for each core, to
prevent code runaway problems.
•An External Memory Controller (EMC) that can be accessed by both DSP cores, which supports
SDRAM, SRAM, EPROM, flash EPROM, burstable RAM, regular DRAM devices, and extended
data output DRAM devices. Note that the EMC is only available on DSP56724 devices, and is not
available on DSP56725 devices. The EMC includes:
— High performance SDRAM machine
— A general-purpose chip-select machine (GPCM)
— Up to three user-programmable machines (UPMs)
•A seamless hardware Asynchronous Sampling Rate Converter (ASRC) that is accessible to both
cores, to support different sample rate audio data transmission reception. Three data sampling rate
convert pairs can be supported at the same time. Different pairs can be used by different cores at
the same time.
•Inter-Core Communication (ICC) module:
— 32K shared memory between the two DSP56300 cores
— Supports a flexible arbitration system which allows multiple methods of arbitration
— Non-maskable and maskable interrupts between the two cores
— Poll data registers for simple data transfers
•Includes as many as 79 GP IO pins, s hared with other peripherals function pins; the actual number
is different for different device packages.
In addition to high MIPS, the DSP56724/DSP56725 provides powerful and flexible audio data
communications and supports a wide variety of audio applications. This section provides a brief
description of the DSP56724/DSP56725 processor features.
The DSP56724/DSP56725 has two DSP56300 DSP cores. The high throughput of the DSP56300 family
of processors makes them well-suited for high-speed control, efficient signal processing, numeric
processing, and audio applications. Benefits of using DSP56300 cores include:
•Speed: The DSP56300 family supports most high-performance DSP applications.
•Precision: The data paths are 24 bits wide, providing 144 dB of dynamic range. Intermediate
results held in the 56-bit accumulators can range over 336 dB.
•Parallelism: Each on-chip execution unit, memory, and peripheral operates independently and in
parallel with the other units through a sophisticated bus system. The Data ALU, AGU, and program
controller operate in parallel so that the following operations can execute in a single instruction:
— An instruction pre-fetch
— A 24-bit × 24-bit multiplication
— A 54-bit addition
— Two data moves
— Two address-pointer updates using either linear or modulo arithmetic
•Flexibility: While many other DSPs require external communication devices to interface with
peripheral circuits (such as A/D converters, D/A converters, or processors), the DSP56300 family
provides on-chip serial and parallel interfaces that support various configurations of memory and
peripheral modules. The peripherals are interfaced to the DSP56300 family core through a
peripheral interface bus that provides a common interface to many different peripherals.
•Sophisticated Debugging: Freescale’s On-Chip Emulation (OnCE) technology allows simple,
inexpensive, and speed-independent access to the internal registers for debugging. With the OnCE
module, you can easily determine the exact status of the registers and memory locations, plus
identify which instructions were executed last.
•Phase Locked Loop (PLL)-Based Clocking: The PLL allows the chip to use almost any availa ble
external system clock for full-speed operation, while also supplying an output clock synchronized
to a synthesized internal core clock. It improves the synchronous timing of the external memory
port, eliminating the timing skew common on other processors.
•Invisible Pipeline: The seven-stage instruction pipeline is essentially invisible to the programmer ,
allowing straightforward program development in either assembly language or high-level
languages such as C or C++.
•Similar Instruction Set: The instruction mnemonics are similar to those used for microcontroller
units, making an easy transition from programming microprocessors to programming the device.
New microcontroller ins tructions, addressing modes, and bit field instructions allow for significant
decreases in program code size. The orthogonal syntax controls the parallel execution units. The
hardware DO loop and the repeat (REP) instructions make writing straight-line code obsolete.
•Low Power: Designed in CMOS, the DSP56300 family consumes very little power . T wo additional
low-power modes, Stop and Wait, further reduce power requirements. Wait is a low-power mode
in which the DSP56300 core shuts down, but the peripherals and interrupt controller continue to
operate, so that an interrupt can bring the chip out of Wait mode. In Stop mode, even more of
circuitry is shut down for the lowest power consumption. Several different methods are available
to bring the chip out of Stop mode: hardware RESET, IRQA, and DE.
1.4Overview of Peripherals
The peripherals include the following:
•Shared memory
•Shared bus arbiters
•Chip configuration module
•JTAG controller
1.4.1Direct Memory Access Controller (DMA, DMA_1)
The DMA controller enables data transfers without any interactions with the DSP cores. During DMA
accesses, it supports any combination of source and destination between internal memory, internal
peripheral I/O, and external memory. DMA features include:
•Eight DMA channels supporting internal and external accesses
•One-, two-, and three-dimensional transfers (including circular buffering)
•End-of-block-transfer interrupts
•Triggering from interrupt lines and all peripherals
1.4.2Program Interrupt Controller (PIC, PIC_1)
The Program Interrupt Controller arbitrates among all interrupt requests (internal interrupts and the five
external re q ue sts IRQA, IRQB, IRQC, IRQD, and NMI), and generates the appropriate interrupt vector
The Program Interrupt Controller supports the following:
•Both non-maskable and maskable interrupts
•Up to 18 DMA interrupts and 24 Peripheral interrupts
•Up to 9 non-maskable interrupts
1.4.3Enhanced Serial Audio Interfaces (ESAI, ESAI_1, ESAI_2, ESAI_3)
The enhanced serial audio interfaces provide full-duplex serial GPIO pins or serial communications with
a variety of serial devices, including one or more industry-standard codecs, other DSPs, microprocessors
and other peripherals that implement the serial peripheral interface (SPI) serial protocol. Each ESAI
consists of independent transmitter and receiver sections, each with its own clock generator, and is a
superset of the DSP56300 family ESSI peripherals and the DSP56000 family SAI peripherals.
1.4.4Serial Host Interfaces (SHI, SHI_1)
Each serial host interface provides a path for communications and program/coefficient data transfers
between the DSP core and an external host processor. The SHI can interface direc tly to either of two
well-known and widely used synchronous serial buses: the SPI bus and t he Phillips inter -integrated-circuit
control (I2C) bus. The SHI supports either the SPI or I2C bus protocol, as required, from a slave or a
single-master device. To minimize DSP overhead, the SHI supports single-, double- and triple-byte data
transfers. The SHI has a 10-word receive FIFO that permits receiving up to 30 bytes before generating a
receive interrupt, reducing the overhead for data reception.
1.4.5Triple Timers (TEC, TEC_1)
Each Triple T imer is composed of a common 21-bit prescaler and three independent and identical general
purpose 24-bit timer event counters, with each timer having its own register set. Each timer can use internal
or external clocking, and can also interrupt the DSP after a specified number of events (clocks). Each of
the three timers can signal an external device after counting internal events. Each timer can also be used
to trigger DMA transfers after a specified number of events (clocks) have occurred.
Each of the three timers connects to the external world through bidirectional pins (TIO0, TIO1 and TIO2).
When a TIO pin is configured as input, the timer functions as an external event counter or can measure
external pulse width/signal period. When a TIO pin is used as output, the timer is functioning as either a
timer, a watchdog or a P ulse Width Modulator. When a TIO pin is not used by the timer, it can be used as
a General Purpose Input/Output Pin. Not all timer pins are available on all packages.
1.4.6Watch Dog Timers (WDT, WDT_1)
Each watchdog timer is a 16-bit timer used to help software recover from runaway code. The timer is a
free-running down-counter used to generate a reset on underflow. Software must periodically service the
watchdog timer to restart the count down
Each DSP core has a Core Integration Module. Each core integration module includes a chip ID register,
DMA stall monitor function, and OnCE global data bus (GDB) register.
1.4.8Sony/Philips Digital Interface (S/PDIF)
The Sony/Philips Digital Interface (S/PDIF) audio module is a transceiver that allows the DSP to r eceive
and transmit digital audio via this module. There is one S/PDIF in each DSP56724/DSP56725 device,
shared by the two DSP cores. The DSP provides a single S/PDIF receiver with four multiplexed inputs,
and one S/PDIF transmitter with two outputs. The S/PDIF module can also transmit and receive the
S/PDIF channel status (CS) and user (U) data. Not all S/PDIF pins are available on all packages.
1.4.9Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC)
Incoming audio data to the DSP can be received from various sources at different sampling rates. Outgoing
audio data from the DSP can have different sampling rates, and additionally, it can be associated with
output clocks that are asynchronous to the input clocks. The Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter
(ASRC) converts the sampling rate of a signal associated to an input clock into a signal associated to a
different output clock.
The ASRC supports concurrent sample rate conversion of up to 10 channels of about 120 dB THD+N. The
sample rate conversion of each channel is associated to a pair of incoming and outgoing sampling rates.
The ASRC supports up to three sampling rate pairs. Although there is only one ASRC in the
DSP56724/DSP56725 device (shared by the two DSP cores), the three sample rate pairs can be used by
both DSP cores at the same time. The ASRC is hard-c ode d and imple mente d a s a c o-proce s sor, requiring
minimal CPU or DSP controller intervention.
1.4.10External Memory Controller (EMC)
There is one EMC in each DSP56724 device, shared by the two DSP cores. Both cores can access external
memory using the EMC. (DSP56725 devices do not have an EMC.) The EMC provides a seamless
interface to many types of memory devices and peripherals over a shared address and data bus and
dedicated control signals. The memory controller in the EMC controls a parameteriz ed number of memory
banks shared by a high performance SDRAM machine, a general-purpose chip- select machi ne (GPCM),
and up to three user-programmable machines (UPMs).
With external latching, it supports connections to synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), SRAM, EPROM, flash
EPROM, burstable RAM, regular DRAM devices, extended data output DRAM devices, and other
peripherals. Support signals for external address latch (LALE) allows multiplexing of address with data
lines in devices with strict pin count limitations.
1.4.11Clock Generation Module (CGM)
The Clock Generation Module generates all clocks in the DSP56724/DSP56725 device; the output is a
series of gated clocks. The CGM uses a low jitter phase-locked loop (PLL). The PLL has a wide range of
frequency multiplications (1 to 256), predivider factors (1 to 32) and output divider (1 to 8). The CGM also
has a power saving clock divider (2i: i = 0 to 7).
In functional mode, the PLL control register (P CTL) sits on the Shared Peripheral bus; both DSP cores can
read and write these registers to change the chip’s working frequency. Additionally, each core can
independently enter stop or wait mode to save power. The shared peripherals enter power-saving mode
only when both DSP cores enter the stop mode.
1.4.12Shared Memory
The shared memory is a shared memory space accessible by either DSP Core-0 or DSP Core-1. The
DSP56724/DSP56725 shared memory has four 8K x 24 words memory blocks for a total of 32K shared
words and is located starting from $030000. It can be accessed as X or Y memory (with zero wait states)
or as P memory (with 1 wait state).
The 8K x 24 words blocks are single port SRAMs; the Shared Bus Arbiter perform arbitration when the
two DSP cores try to access the same 8K x 24 SRAM block at the same time. No bus contentions occur
when the two DSP cores access different 8K x 24 SRAM blocks simultaneously.
1.4.13Inter-Core Communication (ICC)
Using the inter-core communication module, each DSP core can issue a maskable interrupt or
non-maskable interrupt to the other core, and each core has its own write data register (which passes data
to the other core when the interrupt is generated). There are also poll data registers for inter-core data
exchange in the ICC. The ICC module interfaces with both cores’ dedicated peripheral buses.
1.4.14Shared Bus Arbiters
The Shared Bus Arbiter provides arbitration between the two DSP cores for the shared peripherals, shared
memory and shared external memory interface (if available). It is a configurable arbiter, so users can
choose the arbitration method via the appropriate chip configuration registers. The Shared Bus Arbiter
supports using one of three arbitration schemes:
•Always round-robin method
•DSP Core-0 always has high priority
•DSP Core-1 always has high priority
1.4.15Chip Configuration Module
The Chip Configuration module contains several registers which establish the mode of operation for
various internal blocks, modules, and some of the peripherals. These registers include:
•Control bits of Shared Bus Arbiters
•EMC Burst Mode control bits
•Pin mux/switch control of ESAI, S/PDIF, S/PDIF Rx Clock output mux on ESAI HCKR pins
•Shared peripherals Soft Reset triggering and auto-release
In the DSP56724/DSP56725 devices, two separate DSP cores are supported, each with their own OnCE
and JTAG TAP controller. The two JTAG TAPs are daisy-chained, and appear to be two separate single
core devices to the outside world.
Each product (DSP56724, DSP56725) is available in a variety of packages, which affects whether some
modules use dedicated or shared external pins. See Table 2-1.
The voltage (3.3 V) should be well-regulated and the input should be provided with an extremely low impedance
path to the 3.3 V
PLL Power
The voltage (1.0 V) should be well-regulated and the input should be provided with an extremely low impedance
path to the 1.0 V
The voltage (1.0 V) should be well-regulated and the input should be provided with an extremely low impedance
path to the 1.0 V
The voltage (3.3 V) should be well-regulated and the input should be provided with an extremely low impedance
path to the 3.3 V
Timer I/O, and other IO signals. The user must provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.
power rail. The user must provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.
power rail. The user must provide adequate external decoupling capacitors.
power rail. The user must provide adequate decoupling capacitors.
power rail. This is an isolated power for the SHI, SHI_1, ESAI, ESAI_1, ESAI_2, ESAI_3,
Table 2-4. Ground Pins
Ground NameDescription
PLL Ground
The PLL ground should be provided with an extremely low-impedance path to ground. The user must provide
adequate external decoupling capacitors.
CORE_GNDCore Ground
IO_GNDI/O Ground
Freescale Semiconductor2-5
PLL Ground
The PLL ground should be provided with an extremely low-impedance path to ground. The user must provide
adequate external decoupling capacitors.
The Core ground should be provided with an extremely low-impedance path to ground. This connection must
be tied externally to all other chip ground connections. The user must provide adequate external decoupling
IO_GND is an isolated ground for the SHIs, ESAIs, Timer I/O and LIBU IO. This connection must be tied
externally to all other chip ground connections. The user must provide adequate external decoupling
This connection must be tied externally to all other chip ground connections. The user must provide adequate
external decoupling capacitors.
Manufacturing test pin. This pin should be pulled low.
Uses internal pull-down resistor.
2.2.4Clock and PLL
Table 2-6. Clock and PLL Signals
EXTALInputInputExternal Clock / Crystal Input
XTALOutputChip Driven Crystal Output
State During
An external clock source must be connected to EXTAL to supply the clock to the
internal clock generator and PLL.
Connects the internal Crystal Oscillator output to an external crystal. If an external
clock is used, leave XTAL unconnected.
PLL Lock/GPIO Port G Pin 0
During assertion of RESET
is de-asserted, the state of the PLOCK pin is latched into the Core-0 (MDC
of Core-0’s OMR). After RESET
when the internal PLL is locked.
, the PLOCK pin acts as a mode pin input, and when
is de-asserted, PLOCK is output “0”; and goes high
MODA0, MODB0, MODC0, and MODD0 levels select one of 16 initial chip operating
modes of DSP Core-0, and are latched into the DSP Core-0’s OMR when the
PG0Input, Output,
InputInputPLL Initial/Nonmaskable Interrupt for DSP Core-0
GPIO Port G0
When the PLOCK is configured as GPIO, this pin is individually programmable as
input, output, or internally disconnected.
Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
During assertion of RESET
(PEN) bit of the PLL control register, determining whether the PLL is enabled or
Schmitt-trigger input is a negative-edge-triggered nonmaskable interrupt (NMI)
request for DSP Core-0, internally synchronized to the internal system clock.
Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
signal is de-asserted.
, the value of PINIT/NMI is written into the PLL Enable
de-assertion and during normal instruction processing, the PINIT/NMI
Assert Reset to low and then high, to force a reset of the DSP cores. Table 2-7 provides the Reset pin
description information.
Table 2-7. Reset Pin
State During
InputInputRESET is an active-low, Schmitt-trigger input. When asserted, the chip is placed in the Reset
state and the internal phase generator is reset. The Schmitt-trigger input allows a slowly rising
input (such as a capacitor charging) to reset the chip reliably. When the RESET
de-asserted, the initial two cores operating modes are latched from the MODA0, MODB0,
MODC0, MODD0, MODA1, MODB1, MODC1, and MODD1 inputs. The RESET
asserted during power up. A stable EXTAL signal must be supplied while RESET
asserted. Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
signal is
signal must be
is being
2.2.6Interrupt and Mode Control
The interrupt and mode control signals select the operating mode of the DSP cores as the cores come out
of hardware reset. After RESET is de-asserted, these inputs are used as hardware interrupt request lines.
Table 2-8. Interrupt and Mode Control
Signal NameType
State During
Mode Select A0/External Interrupt Request A
the DSP clock. MODA0/IRQA
hardware reset, and becomes a two-core shared, level-sensitive or
negative-edge-triggered, maskable interrupt request input during normal
instruction processing, This pin can also be programmed as GPIO.
MODA0, MODB0, MODC0, and MODD0 levels select one of 16 initial chip
operating modes, and are latched into the DSP Core-0’s OMR when the RESET
signal is de-asserted. If the processor is in the stop standby state and the
is an active-low Schmitt-trigger input, internally synchronized to
selects the initial Core-0 operating mode during
pin is pulled to GND, the processor will exit the stop state.
When the MODA0/IRQA
programmable as input, output, or internally disconnected; and can be controlled
by either of the two cores. Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
Mode Select B0/External Interrupt Request B
the DSP clock. MODB0/IRQB
during hardware reset and becomes a two-core shared, level-sensitive or
negative-edge-triggered, maskable interrupt request input during normal
instruction processing. This pin can also be programmed as GPIO.
MODA0, MODB0, MODC0, and MODD0 levels select one of 16 initial chip
operating modes, and are latched into the DSP Core-0’s OMR when the RESET
signal is de-asserted.
is an active-low Schmitt-trigger input, internally synchronized to
is configured as GPIO, this signal is individually
selects the initial DSP Core-0 operating mode
Signal Descriptions
Table 2-8. Interrupt and Mode Control (Continued)
Signal NameType
PG6In put, Output,
PG7In put, Output,
State During
GPIO Port G6
When the MODB0/IRQB
programmable as input, output, or internally disconnected; and can be controlled
by either of the two cores. Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
Mode Select A1/External Interrupt Request C
the DSP clock. MODA1/IRQC
during hardware reset and becomes a level-sensitive or negative-edge-triggered,
maskable interrupt request input during normal instruction processing. This pin
can also be programmed as GPIO.
MODA1, MODB1, MODC1, and MODD1 levels select one of 16 initial chip
operating modes, and are latched into the DSP Core-1 OMR when the RESET
signal is de-asserted.
GPIO Port G7
When the MODA1/IRQC
programmable as input, output, or internally disconnected; and this signal can be
controlled by either of the two cores. Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
Mode Select B1/External Interrupt Request D
the DSP clock. MODB1/IRQD
during hardware reset and becomes a level-sensitive or negative-edge-triggered,
maskable interrupt request input during normal instruction processing. This pin
can also be programmed as GPIO.
MODA1, MODB1, MODC1, and MODD1 levels select one of 16 initial chip
operating modes, and are latched into the DSP Core-1 OMR when the RESET
signal is de-asserted.
is an active-low Schmitt-trigger input, internally synchronized to
is an active-low Schmitt-trigger input, internally synchronized to
is configured as GPIO, this signal is individually
selects the initial DSP Core-0 operating mode
is configured as GPIO, this signal is individually
When the MODB1/IRQD
programmable as input, output, or internally disconnected; and can be controlled
by either of the two cores. Uses an internal pull-up resistor.
is configured as GPIO, this signal is individually
2-8Freescale Semiconductor
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You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.