Assembly Instructions
Pezzaro ETU
Before you begin to assemble your new piece of furniture, please check to ensure that all parts have been supplied.
Follow instructions closely as deviation from them may void your warranty and present a possible safety risk.
It is recommended that assembly is done on a soft surface like carpet to avoid any damage.
If you experience any problems with your new purchase please phone Freedom Customer Service (FCS) on 1300 135 588
(Customers outside Australia should contact their closest Freedom store.)
Care Information:
Periodically check and re-tighten all fasteners. Wipe down surfaces using a clean cloth weekly. Avoid direct sunlight.
Alrea dy g lued
to glass
Part A x 4
Shelf rods
Part B x 4
Pla stic
Part C x 8
Toug he ned
gla ss she lf
Part D x 1
Me tal disc s
for bottom
Part E x 4
For easiest assembly, turn ETU on its on carpeted floor, leaving the white edge-protection rubber on.
Part A (Discs) are already attached to the ETU.
Four of these disc s c ome glued to
the bottom of the ta ble.
Step 1.
Sc rew a rod into ea ch of the four
disc s on the bottom of the ETU.
Step 2.
Tighten firm ly by ha nd.
Pla c e a pla stic washer onto the
threa d e d ends of ea ch of the
Step 2.
four rods.
Pla c e a gla ss shelf over the
threa d e d ends of the four
Step 3.
Page 1
Pla c e another pla stic wa she r onto
the threa ded e nds of the four rods,
on the other side of the gla ss.
Sc rew e ac h of the four disc s onto
the threa ded e nds of the rods.
Tighten firm ly by ha nd.
Step 4.
Step 5.