Franklin Reader Version 1.5.1 Manual

Franklin Reader for Windows CE 2.1 1, 3.0
User’s Guide
Franklin Reader, Version 1.5.1
All rights reserved.
License Agreement ............................................................2
Usage Hints .............................................................................................3
Using the Booklist .............................................................4
Icons, Special Markers, and Quick Commands ..............5
Special Markers ......................................................................................5
Quick Commands ....................................................................................6
Using the Menus ................................................................7
Move Menu .............................................................................................7
Edit Menu ................................................................................................8
Options Menu ..........................................................................................8
Go To Menu .............................................................................................9
Setting Preferences .........................................................10
In List View ............................................................................................12
In Text View ...........................................................................................13
In Sub-Text View ...................................................................................13
In Bookmark List View ..........................................................................13
Searching a Book ............................................................14
Using the Search Screen ......................................................................14
Search Abbreviations ......................................................21
Bible Book Abbreviations ......................................................................21
Translator Language Abbreviations ......................................................22
Using Bookmarks ............................................................23
Adding Bookmarks ................................................................................23
Viewing and Editing an Entered Bookmark ..........................................23
Using Help ........................................................................25
Exiting Franklin Reader ...................................................26
Franklin Reader for Windows CE 2.11, 3.0 page 1

License Agreement

YOUR USE OF THIS PRODUCT DEEMS THAT YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. The PRODUCT means the software prod­uct, any related hardware, and documentation found in this package and FRANKLIN means Franklin Electronic Publishers, Inc.
All rights in the product remain the property of FRANKLIN. Through your purchase, FRANKLIN grants you a personal and nonexclusive license to use the PRODUCT. You may not make or distribute to others any copies of the PRODUCT or of the preprogrammed data stored therein, whether in electronic or print format. Such copying would be in violation of applicable copyright laws. Further, you may not modify, adapt, disassemble, decompile, translate, create derivative works of, or in any way reverse engineer the PRODUCT. You may not export or reexport, directly or indirectly, the PRODUCT without compliance with appropriate governmental regulations. The PRODUCT contains Franklin’s confidential and proprietary information which you agree to take adequate steps to protect from unauthorized disclosure or use. This license is effective until terminated. This license terminates imme­diately without notice from FRANKLIN if you fail to comply with any pro­vision of this license.
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Franklin Reader for Windows CE 2.11, 3.0 page 3


Franklin Reader is the Windows CE program that lets you read, search, and bookmark reference material, Bibles, and books published by Franklin and its partners. This Guide describes how to:
• Use the Booklist
• Recognize icons and menus
• Set preferences
• Navigate within books
• Search within books
• Place bookmarks
• Get help

Usage Hints

1. Before using Franklin Reader on the Windows CE 2.11 platform make sure that the applications are allowed to change the input panel state. Select Start > Settings > Input Panel and check the box to the left of the “Allow applications to change the input panel state” inscription.
2. You can highlight only the text that is currently displayed on the screen. The Select All option on the menu is therefore shown grayed-out.
3. If you wish to immediately restart Franklin Reader after exiting, it is recommended that you wait a few seconds. Otherwise, the book that is opened upon restart may be the next to last one you were read­ing, not the last one.
4. Opening a book may take some time. Do not tap the display while the book is opening.
Note: The screen illustrations you see in this User's Guide may differ from what you see on the screen. The screens you see may vary depending on the device you are using or the database file that you download.
Franklin Reader for Windows CE 2.11, 3.0 page 4

Using the Booklist

Tap on the Menu bar to open the Application Menu. To open Franklin Reader, select Franklin Reader. If you did not
open a book previously, you will see the Booklist.
The Booklist is the standard Windows CE File Open dialog. It allows you to browse through the file system and open a title. The Booklist contains a list of Franklin titles that are currently installed. To open a book, tap the book title you want to read.
The first screen you see is the default Home screen for the open book. To exit the Booklist, tap for Windows CE 2.11 or Cancel for Windows CE 3.0. If you did not open a book previously, you return to the Launcher screen. If you did open a book previously, you return to the last screen viewed.
You can return to the Booklist from anywhere in the book by tap­ping on the toolbar.
Long names are abbreviated in the Booklist. To see the full name of a book, tap it. Then tap the name in the Title bar in the upper part of the screen. The full name is displayed in a dialog box.
Windows CE 2. 11
Windows CE 3. 0
Icons, Special Markers, and Quick Commands
Franklin Reader uses Icons, Special Markers, and Quick Commands to help you quickly navigate through titles and the program.
Several icons appear in Franklin Reader. Tapping an icon enables you to quickly access another location. Most icons appear in the toolbar.
(Booklist) Goes to the Booklist. (Home) Goes to the Home screen for the selected book. (Forward) Moves forward to the previously visited location. (Back) Moves back to the previously visited location. (Next) Goes to the next match when viewing text after a search. (Previous) Goes to the previous match when viewing text after a
search. (Outline) Goes to the top level of the Outline. (Search) Goes to the Search screen. After a search, goes to the
Search Results screen. From the Search Results screen, returns to the Search screen with the previous query word or words dis­played. At the Search screen, clears the query word or words.
(Exit) Exits Franklin Reader and goes to the Launcher.
Icons appearing on the toolbar vary by location within the program and by available features within a book.
Inactive icons appear grayed-out on the toolbar.

Special Markers

Special markers may sometimes appear in text, indicating that more information is available. These include markers for cross-references, footnotes, figures and so on. Tap on the marker to view its information. The markers you see vary by book. The following are some examples of special markers you may encounter in your books:
A-Z, N Indicates a footnote. B I B Indicates a bibliographic entry.
Franklin Reader for Windows CE 2.11, 3.0 page 5
NA Indicates that a section of text is not available. NF Indicates that a graphic illustration is not available. TABLE Indicates a table reference. XREF Indicates a cross-reference.
Indicates a user bookmark. Tap it to go to the Bookmark Edit screen.

Quick Commands

Quick Commands are buttons you can use in the text of a book to quickly go to the related section. They appear in a row at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on a letter at the bottom of the screen to go directly to the corre­sponding section of text.
When using Quick Commands, please note the following:
• Quick Commands only work while reading text.
• Most books do not have Quick Commands.
Franklin Reader for Windows CE 2.11, 3.0 page 6

Using the Menus

Windows CE 3.0: The Menu is available at the bottom of the screen. Windows CE 2.11: To invoke the Menu, tap on the toolbar. Select a
menu and then select the desired item.
The available menus and menu options vary from book to book and from view to view within a book.
Franklin Reader includes four menus: Move, Edit, Options and Go To.

Move Menu

Use the Move menu to move between different locations in a book.
Back Moves back to the previously visited location. Forward Moves forward to the previously visited loca-
Scroll to Top Moves to the top of the current list or section. Scroll to End Moves to the bottom of the current list or sec-
Exit Closes Franklin Reader.
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Edit Menu

Use the Edit menu to cut, copy and paste text, to access the on-screen keyboard, and to add bookmarks.
Cut Removes selected text. The text is stored on
the clipboard to be pasted to another location.
Copy Copies selected text to the clipboard. Paste Pastes copied or cut text from the clipboard. Select All Highlights all available text at the current location. Add Bookmark Enables you to add a bookmark at the current
location in text.
Before using the Cut and Copy functions, you must select text. Drag the stylus over the text you are selecting.

Options Menu

Use the Options menu to set your preferences, learn more about the program and the book you are reading, and get help with the program.
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