By Franklin Electronic Publishers
Spelling Ace

Congratulations. You now own a powerful and
portable electronic reference that you can use at
home, work, or school. Using y our Next Century
Spelling Ace, you can. . .
• correct and check spellings
• find missing letters in words
• find prefixes, suffix es, and parts of words
• find words that sound similar
• build words from letters, and
• play exciting and educational word games,
with scoring
You can follo w the steps in this User’s Guide using the examples shown or using words that interest you. Also look f or chec k-marked tips lik e the
one below that help you get the most from your
Spelling Ace.
✓ Auto-Shutoff and Auto-Resume
If you forget to turn off the Spelling Ace, it
will automatically shut off in two minutes.
And if the demonstration is disabled, when
you turn on Spelling Ace again, it resumes
at the screen you last viewed.

Key Guide
Backs up (e.g., erases a letter).
Builds words from letters.
Clears to
Ready for word
Shows Confusables
Enters a word or selects an item.
Shows the games menu.
Shows help messages.
Shows the game skill lev els .
Erases typed letters.
Scrolls up; types an apostrophe.
Scrolls down; types a full stop.
Types a space.
Stands for a letter in a word.
In games, rev eals a word.
Stands for a series of letters.
In games, gives a hint.

Getting Started
The Spelling Ace comes with the battery already installed, so all you have to do is turn it
on to start.
1. Press ON/OFF.
A brief demonstration appears.
2. Press CLEAR to stop the demonstration.
3. Press
screen contrast.
NOTE: You can adjust the screen contrast
only when
✓ Disabling the Demonstration
You probably do not want to view the
demonstration every time you turn on
your Spelling Ace. To disable the demonstration, type
ENTER. To enable it again, do the same.
✓ Help is Always at Hand
While using Spelling Ace, you can view a
help message at virtually any screen by
pressing HELP. To exit help, press BACK.
or repeatedly to adjust the
Ready for word
and then press
is in view.

Correcting Misspellings
When you enter a misspelled word, a list of
corrections appears. When you enter a correctly spelled word,
a list of similar words. When you enter a word
not in Spelling Ace,
1. Type a word.
To erase a letter, press . You cannot type
capital letters, but Spelling Ace displays
capitals in corrections.
2. Press ENTER.
3. Press repeatedly to view more words.
4. Press CLEAR when done.
Correct Word
Sorry Can’t Help
✓ Finding More Corrections
If you do not find the word that you want
in a correction list, select a correction and
press ENTER twice. A list of more corrections appears.
appears with