Franklin Planner User Manual

Franklin Planner
for Microsoft® Outlook™ 98 and 2000
User’s Guide

License Agreement and Copyright Information

Important! You must exit Microsoft® Outlook™ before installing
Franklin Planner™ software.
Franklin Planner™ for Microsoft® Outlook™ License Agreement
By breaking the seal on the Software diskettes or CD-ROM, or installing, copying, or otherwise using this software product, you agree to be bound by the terms of this software license agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this license agreement, you are not authorized to use the software product and must promptly return the package to the place where you obtained it.
Purchaser's License
Franklin Planner software is protected by copyright law and international copyright treaty. The Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook computer program (“Software”) is licensed, not sold, to you. You own the diskettes or CD-ROM, but (“Franklin Covey”) retains ownership of all copies of the software. You may copy this software onto a computer for personal use and you may make an archive copy for the sole purpose of protecting your investment from loss. As an express condition of this license, you must reproduce on each copy the copyright notice as it appears on the original software supplied by Franklin Covey. Franklin Planner software may not be made available for use by more than one person. Making this software available for use by more than one person is illegal and will terminate this license. Each person using the software must purchase a separate software package, just as they would purchase their own copy of the Franklin Planner.
Transferring the Software License
You may legally transfer all of your rights to use this software to another person provided you also transfer all copies of the software, diskettes, and documentation (including this license agreement). Remember, by transferring your right to another person, you no longer have any right to use it. The person to whom this software is transferred may legally use it in accordance with copyright law, international tre aty, and this license agreement. Upgrades and the orig­inal version of the software constitute a single product.
The original version and upgraded software may not be available for use by two different people at the same time and may not be transferred separately. You may not decompose, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the software to a human perceivable form. Except as provided in this license, you may not transfer, rent, lease, lend, copy, modify, translate, sublicense, time-share, or electronically transmit or receive this software, media, or documentation. You agree that neither the software nor any direct product thereof will be transferred or re-exported, directly or indi­rectly, into any country prohibited by the U.S. Export Administration Act and its regulations, nor will it be used for any purpose prohibited by the Act.
Limited Warranty
This software and accom panying physical media are warran ted to be free of defects in materials a nd workmanship for 30 days from the purchase date. If Franklin Covey receives written notification within the warranty period of defects in materials or workmanship, Franklin Covey will replace the defective media or documentation. If Franklin Covey does not receive notice within 30 days of purchase, it will be assumed that the program is operating in a satisfactory manner and that you wish to keep the program and be bound by the terms and conditions of this license. Specifically, Franklin Covey makes no representation or warranty that the software or documentation are error-free or meet any user-particular standards, requirements, or needs. Other than the above mentioned guarantee and support, this pro­gram and accompanying media and documentation are provided as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of performance, merchantability, and fitness for a par­ticular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is assumed by you.
Should the program prove defective after the trial period, you (and not Franklin Covey) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. In no event will Franklin Covey be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this pro­gram.
Termination of This License
This license will terminate immediately, without notice from Frankli n Covey, if you fail to comply with any of its pr o­visions. Upon termination of this license, you must destroy all copies of the software. You may terminate this license by doing so at any time.
Franklin Covey reserves all rights not specifically granted to the user in this statement.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
Franklin Covey assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this product. Franklin Cov­ey also assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the use of the Palm OS, Windows CE OS, or any third party software or hardware. Franklin Covey assumes no responsibility for the deletion of data as a result of mal­function, repairs, or hardware battery replacement. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data on other me­dia to protect against data loss.
Entire Agreement
This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding and agreement between the parties and may be amended only in writing signed by both parties. No vendor, distributor, dealer, retailer, salesperson, or other person is authorized by Franklin Covey to modify this Agreement or to make any warranty, representation, or promise that is different than, or in addition to, the warranties, representations, or promises of this Agreement.
Restricted Rights
The Software is provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restric­tions as set forth in DFARS 252.227-701© (1) for the Department of Defense of FAR 52.227-19© (2) for other U.S. Government entities. Contractor/manufacturer is Franklin Covey, 2200 West Parkway Boulevard, Salt Lake City, UT, 84119-2099.
© 2000 Franklin Covey Co. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this document is prohibited without prior written permission of Franklin Covey.
Franklin Planner software is a registered trademark of Franklin Covey. Palm Computing, Graffiti and HotSync are registered Trademarks, and Palm VII, Palm V, Palm III, PalmPilot, Palm OS, Palm, the Palm Computing platform logo, the Palm VII logo, the Palm V logo, the Palm III logo, and the PalmPilot logo are trademarks of Palm Computing Inc. or its subsidiaries. Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows 98 are registered trademarks and Outlook and Windows CE are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brand and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks of their respective companies.
License Agreement and Copyright Information .....................................ii
Franklin Planner™ for Microsoft® Outlook™ 98 and 2000.................7
Discover What Matters Most........................................................................ 7
System Requirements.................................................................................... 7
What You Install with Franklin Planner...................................................... 8
Special Instructions for Current Users of Palm Organizers.....................9
Before Installing Franklin Planner........................................................10
Preparing to Install Franklin Planner.........................................................10
To Install Expression Service from the Outlook CD .......................... 10
Back Up Your Palm Organizer Data .......................................................... 11
Special Information for Palm Organizer Users .....................................13
First Method .........................................................................................13
Second Method.....................................................................................13
Install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.....................................15
Install Franklin Planner ..............................................................................15
Installation Options ............................................................................. 16
A Note on Franklin Planner Software/
ASCEND 97 Data Conversion .............................................................17
Continue the Installation .....................................................................17
Register Franklin Planner ........................................................................... 18
Starting Outlook After Franklin Planner Installation ............................... 20
Uninstall Franklin Planner .........................................................................20
Installing Special Components ............................................................22
Converting Franklin Planner Software/ASCEND 97 Data ................22
Install Palm Components ...........................................................................23
Install PPC (Pocket PC) Components ....................................................... 23
Franklin Planner Software Data Conversion............................................. 24
Install Multimedia Files ..............................................................................25
Start Using the Franklin Planner ..........................................................26
The Franklin Planner Menu ....................................................................... 26
The Franklin Planner Toolbar....................................................................26
What Matters Most Today versus Outlook Today.................................... 27
Adding the Franklin Planner Icon to your Windows Taskbar .................28
Getting Help ........................................................................................29
The What Matters Most Compass Map..................................................... 29
The Multimedia Companion Volume ....................................................... 31
Online Help ................................................................................................. 31
Outlook Help........................................................................................ 31
Franklin Covey Help ............................................................................31
Technical Support .......................................................................................32
Using the Wizards to Discover What Matters Most.............................33
Identify your Governing Values ................................................................. 33
Identify your Roles ......................................................................................35
Develop your Mission Statement ...............................................................36
Set Long-Range Goals ................................................................................. 38
Create a Weekly Compass........................................................................... 39
Using Franklin Planner to Manage your Time......................................40
Remember to Plan....................................................................................... 40
Plan Your Week....................................................................................40
Plan Your Day.......................................................................................41
Create a Prioritized Daily Task List............................................................42
Schedule Appointments .............................................................................. 43
Create a Master Task List............................................................................ 44
Use Your Weekly Compass......................................................................... 45
Use Outlook’s Journal as a Daily Record of Events................................... 46
Print to Franklin Covey Custom Forms .................................................... 47
Additional Information ........................................................................49
Running the Conversion Utility as a Standalone Application .................. 49
Index ...................................................................................................51
Franklin Planner
for Microsoft® Outlook™ 98 and 2000
You know Microsoft Outlook as an innovative and integrated productivity tool that combines electronic mail, calendaring, group scheduling, and contact and task management into a single, easy-to­use system. Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook extends these capabilities to include the tools and concepts taught in the What Matters Most to time and life management.
Important: Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook is designed to be
Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook gives you new capabilities that complement the already powerful features of Microsoft Outlook.

Discover What Matters Most

Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook integrates the Franklin Covey approach to time and life management, helping you identify your Governing Values, your key Roles, your Personal Mission, and Long­Range Goals. Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook also helps you use your Governing Values, Roles, Personal Mission, and Goals to organize your daily tasks and appointment schedules and to create a Weekly Compass. This helps you align your daily activities with what matters most ... to you.
seminar, Franklin Covey’s principle-based approach
used with Microsoft Outlook 98, 2000 or later. It does not work with earlier versions of Microsoft Outlook.

System Requirements

Because Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook runs in conjunction with Outlook, it supports the same basic system requirements.
To use Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook, you need the following:
ΠA 486/66 or higher (Pentium 90 or higher to view multime-
dia movies)
ΠMinimum hard drive space for a Pentium processor ΠWindows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0 (Windows NT users
must install Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 4.0 before install­ing Outlook)
ΠMicrosoft Outlook 98, 2000 or newer (Microsoft Outlook 98
must have Expression Service installed)
Page 7
Π8 MB Ram for Windows 95/98; 16 MB Ram for Windows NT
ΠA printer supported by Windows (required for printing Fran-
klin Covey forms)

What You Install with Franklin Planner

When you install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook, you’ll add the following components to your Outlook 98, 2000 or later environment:
1. Five Wizards that help you identify your Governing Values (page 33), Roles (page 35), Personal Mission (page 36), Long­range Goals (page 38), and create a Weekly Compass (page 39).
2. A Prioritized Daily Task List (page 42).
3. A Master Task List (page 44).
4. A multimedia presentation introducing the What Matters Most process (page 29).
5. Additional printing capabilities, enabling you to print your What Matters Most information to a variety of forms or plain paper (page 47).
6. A way to turn Outlook Today into What Matters Most Today (page 27).
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Special Instructions for Current Users of Palm Organizers

The installation program for Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook includes an option to convert data from Franklin Planner Software for Windows or ASCEND 97 into a format useable by Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.
Œ If you are currently using a Palm™ organizer with Franklin
Planner Software for Windows or ASCEND 97, refer to “Special Information for Palm Organizer Users” on page 13 before converting any data. This will prevent potentially
severe duplication of task, appointment, and contact infor­mation. Read the section carefully before you install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.
ΠIf you wish to install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Out-
look, but wish to wait until a future time to convert Frank­lin Planner Software/ASCEND 97 data, you can do this by
choosing No at the point in the installation process where you are prompted to convert Franklin Planner Software/ ASCEND 97 data.
ΠYou can run the Data Conversion Utility as a standalone
application, separate from the Franklin Planner for Microsoft
Outlook installation process. See “Running the Conversion Utility as a Standalone Application” on page 49 for instruc­tions.
ΠIf you are not currently using a Palm connected organizer
with Franklin Planner Software for Windows or ASCEND 97, simply ensure that your Palm data is backed up onto your
desktop computer program before installing Franklin Plan­ner for Microsoft Outlook. If you choose to install Franklin Planner for Palm, your Palm information will be synchro­nized with Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook on the second HotSync operation after installation (the first one installs the Franklin Planner for Palm applications, while the second one actually synchronizes the data).
Page 9

Before Installing Franklin Planner

Note: You must exit Microsoft Outlook before installing Franklin
Planner for Microsoft Outlook.

Preparing to Install Franklin Planner

Before you can install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook, you must complete a full installation of Outlook 98, 2000 or later. A full installation includes Outlook, Internet Explorer, Outlook Help, NetMeeting, Office Assistants, PIM converters, system tools, and additional Outlook enhancements.
If you are using Microsoft Outlook 98, one such enhancement – Expression Service – is required for the Franklin Planner extension.
If you don’t have Expression Service installed (if you didn’t complete a full install of Outlook 98, for example), you can install the service manually. You can also use the following steps to make sure the service is installed:

To Install Expression Service from the Outlook CD

Note: The following instructions are only for users of Microsoft
Outlook 98.
1. Make sure Outlook 98 is already installed on your hard drive. Then, insert your Outlook 98 CD into your CD-ROM drive. The Maintenance Wizard dialog appears:
2. Click Add New Components. This opens the Add New Components window.
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3. You can install new components from the Outlook 98 CD or from Microsoft’s web site. For this example, select Install from CD. The Microsoft Outlook Component Install window opens. If Expression Service is already installed on your machine, the box next to Expression Service is checked and Already Installed appears in the right column under Status. If this is the case, you can simply exit the Component Install program.
4. If Expression Service has not been installed, check the Expression Service option and click Next. This installs Expression Service to your hard drive.

Back Up Your Palm Organizer Data

If you have previously installed Palm Desktop software or Franklin Planner Software for Windows and are using HotSync technology to synchronize with your Palm organizer, we recommend you back up your data by conducting a HotSync operation before installing Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.
If you are currently using Palm Desktop or Franklin Planner Software for Windows, during installation of Franklin Planner for Microsoft
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Outlook you will be asked if you want to reinstall Palm interface files.
This is necessary if you want to synchronize your Palm organizer with Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook. Backing up your data by
conducting a HotSync operation with your Palm organizer prior to reinstallation of Palm interface files will prevent possible data loss when performing this reinstall.
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Special Information for Palm Organizer Users

If you are currently using a Palm handheld organizer, you have two choices of how to convert your Franklin Planner Software for Windows or ASCEND 97 data to Microsoft Outlook format. Read these methods carefully before you install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.

First Method

The simplest method is to install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook (page 15). If the installation program detects that you have Franklin Planner Software for Windows installed on your computer, you will be prompted to choose whether to export your Franklin Planner Software for Windows/ASCEND 97 data to Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook (page 24).
You can then perform a hard reset on your Palm organizer, and finally synchronize your organizer with Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook. This eliminates the possibility for duplicate records; however, you will lose all add-on applications that you have on your Palm organizer as a result of the hard reset. Do not use this option unless you are not using add-on Palm organizer applications, or unless you don't mind reinstalling your add-on applications.

Second Method

The second method is more complex, but prevents duplication of records while preserving your other Palm organizer add-on applications:
1. Conduct a final HotSync operation to synchronize data between your Palm organizer and Franklin Planner Software/ASCEND 97. Now, all your information is safely resident in Franklin Planner Software/ASCEND 97.
2. Remove the Task List, FCLinkDB and other Franklin Covey applications (if any) from your Palm organizer. See your Palm organizer user's guide for information on how to remove add­on applications.
3. Install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook from the installation CD (page 15), insuring that you check the Franklin Planner for Palm option (page 16).
4. During installation of Franklin Planner for Outlook, you will
Page 13
be prompted to choose whether to convert your Franklin Planner Software or ASCEND 97 data to a form useable by Microsoft Outlook. Choose Yes and follow the instructions (page 24). This will export your Franklin Planner Software/ ASCEND 97 data to Franklin Planner for Outlook.
5. After installing Franklin Planner for Outlook (including installing Palm applications and conducting Franklin Planner Software data conversion), conduct a HotSync operation between Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook and your Palm organizer. This installs the Franklin Covey applications to your Palm organizer.
6. Conduct another HotSync operation to synchronize your information with the newly installed Franklin Covey applications.
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Install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook

After completing the preparations in the previous sections, you are now ready to install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.

Install Franklin Planner

1. Exit Microsoft Outlook and any other running applications.
Important! You must exit Microsoft Outlook before installing
Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.
2. Insert the Franklin Planner CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installation screen appears.
3. Choose Install. The Install Shield welcome screen appears.
4. Click Next. The copyright and license agreement screen appears. Click Yes to accept the agreement.
Note: You will not be able to install Franklin Planner for Microsoft
Outlook unless you accept the license agreement.
Page 15
5. If you are prompted to select an Outlook profile, select the desired profile and choose Next.
6. The Select Component Destinations screen now appears.
7. Click the check box to install Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook. You may also elect to install Franklin Planner for Palm, Franklin Planner for PPC (Palm PC), and multimedia files.
8. If you wish to accept the default installation folders, simply click Next. To change a folder, highlight the component, click Browse, and navigate to the desired folder. When you are ready to continue, click Next.

Installation Options

Following is a brief description of the installation options in addition to Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook. Complete instructions on installing these applications is included in a separate section entitled “Installing Special Components” on page 22.
ΠFranklin Planner for Palm. If you will be synchronizing Out-
look and Franklin Planner for Outlook with a Palm handheld organizer, select this option. The files required to conduct HotSync operations will be installed on your computer, as well as Palm versions of Franklin Covey applications. See the
What Matters Most for the Palm Computing Platform Companion Vol um e for information about how to use Franklin Covey
applications for your Palm handheld organizer.
See “Install Palm Components” on page 23 for information on how installing Franklin Planner for Palm changes the installation procedure.
Page 16
ΠFranklin Planner for PPC (Pocket PC). If you will be using a
Pocket PC running the Windows CE operating system, select this option. Pocket PC versions of Franklin Covey applica­tions will be installed. For information about using the Fran­klin Covey applications for the Pocket PC, see the What Matters Most for Windows CE Companion Volume.
See “Install PPC (Pocket PC) Components” on page 23 for information on how installing Franklin Planner for PPC changes the installation procedure.
ΠInstalling Multimedia Files. Installing the multimedia files
means that the files will be copied to your hard drive for faster access. You can still run the multimedia files even if you don’t install them to your hard drive—you will simply need to insert the Franklin Planner CD into your hard drive when accessing the multimedia files from within Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook.
See “Install Multimedia Files” on page 25 for instructions on how to install multimedia files during the installation process.

A Note on Franklin Planner Software/ASCEND 97 Data Conversion

If you have been using Franklin Planner Software for Windows, or ASCEND 97, you will be prompted during the installation process to choose whether to convert the information in your database to a form that can be used by Franklin Planner for Outlook. This will happen automatically.
See “Franklin Planner Software Data Conversion” on page 24 for instructions on how to conduct the conversion during the installation process.
You can also run the data conversion utility as a standalone application after you have installed Franklin Planner for Microsoft Outlook. See “Running the Conversion Utility as a Standalone Application” on page 49.

Continue the Installation

9. After selecting your installation options and choosing your destination paths, click Next.
Note: The installation process will be a little different depending on
whether you have chosen to install Franklin Planner for Palm, Franklin Planner for PPC, or the multimedia files (or some
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